Partners by Chance

By MigaspinCasterwill

4.1K 117 16

After the defeating Miraculous Queen, Marinette Dupain-Cheng finds herself hopeless. Master Fu's memory was e... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1 - The Aftermath
Chapter 2 - Sharing feelings
Chapter 3 - Threats
Chapter 4 - The Justiceer
Chapter 5 - Do you ever plan your future?
Chapter 6 - Vain and False
Chapter 7 - The Two are now One
Chapter 8 - Silencer and Riposter
Chapter 9 - Tikki, spots off
Chapter 10 - The Master and the Apprentice
Chapter 11 - Little Kitty on the Roof
Chapter 12 - We're just friends
Chapter 13 - The ladybug and the moth
Chapter 14 - How did we get here?
Chapter 15 - Sunny Sunday Morning
Chapter 16 - Trapped, like a fox
Chapter 18 - No more secrets, at last
Chapter 19 - The plan
Chapter 20 - Flashback
Chapter 21 - The Library
Chapter 22 - Do you like irony?
Chapter 23 - Wanna play 'Cat n Moth'?
Chapter 24 - The Aftermath (Again)
Chapter 25 - Chrysalis
Final Note
Announcement! Lovers by Choice is out!

Chapter 17 - Dinner at Agreste's? Sure

117 5 1
By MigaspinCasterwill


Alya tried to not freak out during travel to Agreste's Mansion in the limousine sent by Gabriel Agreste, but this was bothering her. Adrien saw Marinette in her normal form and, even if he didn't recognize her under the costume, he would surely recognize at the party. But what could she do? They couldn't simply scrap the costume.

Marinette of course wasn't preoccupied. She couldn't be happier. Maybe the reveal wouldn't be bad after all. They worked for an entire year together, they became friends twice and felt in love for each other the same amount of times. What could possibly go wrong?

Marinette was laughing of something Luka said. That pairing... As much as Alya liked it at first, it wasn't working as she though. It wasn't an escape valve as Alya though it would be, Marinette had replaced Adrien with Luka entirely. Even the pictures in her bedroom... They were gone...

Nino landed his hand in her leg. It was warm and comforting. She leaned to rest her head in his shoulder. No matter what was going to happen in the love square today, Nino and Alya would try to get the best time at the party. They deserved it.


Adrien's heart started speeding up. He was in another limousine with his bodyguard going to pick Kagami. Why was he so nervous? He started thinking of how would the party be like. The presentation, the dinner, the dance... Oh, the dance. He wasn't able to think in anything else but the dance. What was he supposed to do?

Was he able to move on from Ladybug and Marinette to try to become Kagami's boyfriend? Should he invite her do dance? If it was a slow, would she expect him to kiss her? He had already denied her a kiss, should he now try himself? If he doesn't, will she?

Suddenly, he started feeling cold, his body shaking and with he urgent need to pee, pop and throw up at the same time. He felt sick and totally freaked out. He wanted to sleep, hide under a large pile of covers and never see daylight again. What was wrong with him?

He naively though that should be the only teenager to ever feel like that. He shouldn't be being so stupid. He would pick up a friend and her mom at their place and come back home. How hard could it be?

Turns out the answer is a lot. He needed a few minutes to stop shaking before opening the car door. He took a deep breath and walked to Kagami's home. He pressed the doorbell button once. He waited a few moments. Nothing.

He pressed it again, and again, and again, until he heard a somewhat annoyed voice from the other side saying "I'm coming". They haven't even open the door yet and he was already screwing up, a personal record.

"Oh, Adrien." said Tomoe, Kagami's mother "How nice to see you. I'm going to call Kagami. Come on in."

He entered in a completely Chinese vestibule made out of folding screens. Kagami's mother wasn't wearing a costume, which Adrien found weird. In a few minutes, Kagami was ready and she came to Adrien.

She was stunning. Her short dark hair was stretched, making it seem a lot longer than usual. The silver grey mask was revealing her brown intense eyes an her face that was covered by a tinny amount of rice powder, making her skin look slightly whiter. Besides that, she wasn't wearing any more makeup, but she didn't need anything else in Adrien's opinion.

"You are..." tried to say Adrien, but there was a shortage of words in his mouth.

"Ridiculous?" proposed Kagami.

"Marvelous..." completed him.

Tomoe appeared behind her daughter, ruining the moment like a good mother she wasn't, but tried so hard to be.

"So, let's go. Gabriel just be waiting for us." she said.

Sometimes Adrien questioned himself if she understood that there were a lot more people coming. Maybe she didn't.

The three entered the car. Conveniently, Tomoe sat down in the middle seat in the back of the car, separating Kagami and Adrien. She approved the alliance with the Agreste family, but her daughter being too close to Gabriel's son was a stretch.

The trip took some time, but the silence inside the limousine was undisturbed during the entirety of it. There were no place to futile conversations around Tomoe Tsurugi. Compliments should be about hability and not look. No wonder Kagami was Kagami. Perhaps with a less strict mother she could be less social inapt, something closer to Adrien, that lack experience but not hability.

As the limousine approached the gates of the Agreste Mansion, Adrien started understanding how big the party was. Several cars, limousines and other types of vehicles were parked inside or around the mansion. Music, parts of conversations and laughs could be heard from outside. It could be a normal party if it was Gabriel Agreste the host.

The three left the limousine and approached the entrance. Two men in a red ceremonial suit opened the doors so the group could enter. Several people with masks, suits and costumes were in the hall. Several famous models were there, yet almost unrecognisable due to their masks. Some greeted Adrien and Kagami, other pretended to not notice them. As they walked to the dinning hall, they found that the dinner hasn't started yet and most of the guests were still missing. There were maybe half the total confirmed guests.

He found his dad talking with a man with a regular smoking. He was wearing a costume that resembled a normal smoking but totally white with a purple bow tie. But the oddest part was his mask. It covered totally his face except his hair and mouth. Of course Adrien didn't notice, but that mask was heavily inspired in Hawk Moth's one.

"Father." said Adrien respectfully, as he approached Gabriel arm in arm with Kagami.

Gabriel looked at his son. If he was proud, he didn't let it out too much at first. But then, he put his hand over his son's shoulder.

"Your mother would be so proud of you." he said, trying his best to avoid crying.

Adrien looked at him. The mention of his mother touched him deeply. Suddenly, he had the silly fear of losing his father today, as death, or something worse, was flying above Gabriel Agreste's head. He let go of Kagami's arm and hugged his father, who hugged him back too.

Kagami was caught on surprise. She obviously never thought that a parent would do something like that in public.

"Maybe we should let Mister Agreste alone now, don't you think Adrien?" she asked.

Adrien lasted a few more seconds and then let his father go. He returned to Kagami as an obedient husband would return to a possessive wife and both walked away.


No matter the circumstances, Marinette Dupain-Cheng dooms herself and others around her to arrive late to their destination. Somehow, it will happen and nobody can do anything to avoid it.

The traffic from the Dupain-Cheng's bakery to the Agreste's Mansion was chaotic. As result, Marinette and the gang were half an hour late. They were the last to arrive at the mansion and the presentation of the designs was about to start. They ran as fast as they could to the entrance. Natalie was in her regular clothes, she probably wouldn't participate in the party.

"Marinette, you're late." she said in a neutral and almost rude way.

"I know, I know... But I'm here now. What did I miss?" she asked.

"The presentations have just started. Go to the dinning hall and try to not make too much noise. Mister Agreste will call you when the time comes." she replied.

Marinette didn't think for even a second to question the command. She had her orders, she was going to follow them.


Gabriel was giving his speech, thanking everyone for coming, complimenting the creativity of some designs, talking about a new era in fashion... The usual.

As much as Adrien was interested, his concentration quickly escaped, and he looked at Kagami. She was at his left and trying to keep her concentration as well, until she gave up and looked to Adrien. When that happened, both laughed and looked into each other's eyes. Adrien started freaking out. What was he supposed to do? Should he kiss her? Should he save it for later? Should he compliment her again? Say something funny?

But those thoughts were interrupted. Natalie went down the staircase and waited by the front door. The whole scene was happening in the entrance hall, right behind Kagami, so she thought that Adrien was still looking at her. Suddenly, a group entered in the hall. They looked tired. Natalie was clearly not happy with they being late. Who could they be?

The girl in the front, somewhat short, with dark hair and a black costume, was telling something to Natalie. She replied something to the girl and pointed the dinning hall. The group started moving to the dinning hall, and it was when Adrien noticed.

At the girl's side, a tall boy with back and blue hair and a dark blue costume looking a smoking was arm in arm with her. He knew who that one was. He was Luka.

Behind him, Nino and Alya came, both arm on arm too. So the other girl could only be...

Impossible. She couldn't. She couldn't be her...

The girl that was talking with Natalie had dark long loose hair, with deep blue eyes. Her costume was black as the night, and seemed like a dress, but shorter and with a delicate black lace over her arms until her hands. Her mask only covered her eyes and was as black as the rest of the costume, with a shape looking strangely familiar.

That girl could only be Marinette Dupain-Cheng, but that costume was being used by Ladybug earlier that day.

Adrien should have made a totally surprised face, because Kagami turned back, as many of the other presents did. The whole of Paris admired the beauty of that girl that could only be sent from heaven as a God's gift to those that study the art of fashion. A divine example of beauty.

"She sure looks really beautiful in that dress." said Kagami, sincerely complimenting her.

But Adrien didn't listen. He was still processing the new information.

Marinette is Ladybug.

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