Taga Long

By TwilaJames

169K 5.5K 563

Tabitha Long has always been shy. Past experiences in her childhood left her this way. There was only one per... More

Through the years
Welcome back
The Park
Taga Long
All for fun, not fun for all
Sleep Over
Our Place
Day Out
First Day
Who would have thought
Starry eyed
Suprise suprise
Road Trip
Morning After
Not meant to be
Things we did, and probably shouldn't have
Because I'm a girl
Three can play
Hannah and Caleb
Quick Stop
Date night.
To the moon and back.
Picture Perfect
Too perfect
On the clock
Josh Returns
Day out with Daddy
Turning tables
One big mistake
Six Months Later


4.6K 156 24
By TwilaJames

I'd just given Andrew his breakfast when Caleb walked through the front door. His hair was semi-wet and kind of sticking up in random places. For some strange reason, I got this weird little feeling in my stomach when I saw him.

"Hi Cabe! Hi Cabe!" Andrew bounced up and down in his highchair, trying to do everything in his power to get to him.

Caleb came over and ruffled his hair, brushing past me in the process. "What's up little man!"

The look in Andrew's eyes was of pure admiration. Even a three year old could see how perfect he was.

I sighed and rested my chin in my palm. Why couldn't I be like that? I mean, I didn't want to be some prosthetic Barbie or something, but, I sometimes wanted to be noticed like other girls were. Never had I cared what others thought, but I did sometimes wonder what my life may have been like had I been...less weird.

"Hey Tab, Rachel is gonna take Andrew and I out for the day. You and Caleb can come if you'd like."

"Thanks dad, but I think I'll pass on the play-date."

He shrugged. "You and Caleb did it all the time."

"Yeah, when we were like...three." Caleb interjected. The smile on his face made me tingly in the inside.

My father's eyes crinkled as he shook his head. "You kids are too funny. Whatever you guys decide to do today, try to spare the neighborhood at least a little."

Caleb smirked. "Sorry, but we can't make any promises daddy-o."

With a roll of his eyes, dad left out of the front door with Andrew in his arms.

"So, what do you want to do today?" He rested his chin in his palm as he watched me from across the island.

"Nothing really." A fun day to me was staying inside under a warm blanket on the couch, and few good books and sappy romance movies.

He cut his eyes. "You are the biggest bore that ever was." He caught me by my wrist and dragged me in the direction of the hallway.

"Hey! What...let me go! What are you doing?!"

"You, are going to get dressed, and then, I'm taking you out."

"Taking me out? We're not like...a couple or...something." My voice trailed off as my cheeks grew warm.

"No, but we are best friends. And, it's been a while since you were last here. Wouldn't you like to see how things changed?"

You mean besides us? "No, not really." I hugged my arms around my waist. The last thing I wanted was to be reminded of what this place use to be like. Besides Caleb, I was too fond of the memories I had here.

"Aw, come on, why the long face?" He draped an arm around my shoulder. I could smell that same scent that I had woken up to. "Just let me show you, you can have fun in the outside world too." His smirk told me he was taunting me.

"Fine. Whatever." I sighed, it was just way to easy to give in to him. "Now can you get out so I can get dressed?"

"My pleasure." He side bumped me on his way out.

I felt so strange around him, almost like I wasn't myself. He made me feel...weird and on the edge. I couldn't begin to tell you what it was that I felt when I was around him. It was completely foreign to me.

I took my time getting dressed, actually worrying about what to wear, which was so unlike me. Giving up, I settled for a pair of jeans and an over-sized college sweatshirt.

How weird was this? Me, actually worrying about what to do with my hair. I sighed as I looked in the mirrior at the big mess of waves. They went everywhere, not a single one agreeing with the other.

Saving us all a hassle, I settled with leaving it all piled on top of my head. When I left the bathroom, I found Caleb sitting on my bed starring at the ceiling. I had clearly caught in the middle of a deep thought.

"Oh, I didn't see you there." He stood to his feet, a puzzled look etching his face. "Is that what you're wearing?"

I looked down at myself, trying to see my outfit through his eyes. "Um, yes? Why is it that bad?" I couldn't believe myself, what I put on, was what I liked, but now? Now I just felt foolish.

"No, no, it's fine. You look perfect." He smiled as I self consciously held my elbows. "Come on, lets go do something less boring then reading books all day." He said with a grin.

"Books aren't boring." I said as we made our way out to his jeep.

The drive to where ever we were going was short. Caleb had came around and opened my door.

"If you don't get out, I'll drag you out." His smile was confident.

With a grumble, I gave in and got out of the car. So far, so good. With me, it was only a matter of seconds before things started to go wrong.

"Are you hungry?" He asked as we entered the entrance.

I shook my head. In reality, I was. I just didn't want him to buy me something to eat. In no way did I want him spending his money on me. It just didn't seem right when he had a girlfriend of who knows how long. The fact that we were here together right now was a bit weird to me. Best friends or not.

"Well I am."

"Aren't you always?"

"Touche."He headed towards the food-court, pulling me along. "I think I want Chinese."

It was his absolute favorite. I could tell you what he was going to order before he even ordered it. Chicken Fried Rice with a side of Bourbon chicken and two eggs rolls. It was what he ordered every time.

"What can I get - oh! Hey Caleb!" A middle-aged women looked up with a warm smile plastered on her face.

"Hiy Mrs. Bennett."

She smiled. "Same old same old, yes?"

He nodded with a smile. "You know me too well."

"And who is this pretty new face? Girlfriend perhaps?"

My cheeks set on fire as Caleb laughed. "No, Mrs. Bennett, it's Tabbitha. Remember, Jane's daughter?" My throat tightened at the sound of my mother's name.

The woman studied me closer. "Oh! Is that really you?! My goodness, you look lovely." She said sweetly.

"Thank you." I mumbled quietly.

"Caleb, I'll have that order up for you in no time."

He nodded. "Alright, come on Tab. Let's window shop."

His hand slipped into mine. The motion still continued to surprise me. It was so straight forward, a bit too forward. I was nervous and for some reason, I felt like I was doing something wrong. But, I felt as if it would be rude to simply untwine hands with him.

We walked passed shop after shop, not really looking at anything, just walking.

"So, are you ready for Monday?" Caleb checked out a shop, but didn't see anything he really wanted.

I shrugged. "I guess, I don't know." Truth was, I never really did too well with school. Academically, yes, but socially. No, not even close.

"Trust me. Carter is a lot better then our elementary school. It's a brand new world. Senior year is going to be epic, I can already tell."

School started a little over two weeks ago. It was a good thing I was coming fairly early in the semester.

"Can you believe we'll be graduating Tab?" He squeezed my hand.

I shook my head. "No, not really." I actually couldn't believe it either.

"I feel like we were just having campouts in our backyards."

I smiled at the floor, remembering the good days. "Yeah. Those were pretty cool."

"Oh!" He said suddenly.

"What?" I jumped involuntarily in the inside.

"We should go camping!"

My eyes squinted. "You mean like...in your backyard? Thanks but-"

"No, no. Canping , camping. You know, the whole shabang. It would be fun."

The outdoors and I just didn't mix. I shook my head. "I don't know Cabe, I really don't like outside."

He jouted his bottom lip out. "Oh come on please? It could be just me and you, or we could invite people. And if we do it, we have to do it soon because it'll be getting cold out."

I contemplated on ways that I could possibly get out of this. I could already see it in his eyes. He was determined.

"I really don't know Caleb, but shouldn't your food be ready now?" It was the only change of subject I could think of.

"Oh yeah." He pulled me back in the direction of the food court. "Anyway, we could like, buy tents and sleeping bags, just go all out."

"Do you even know how to camp?" I raised a brow.

He smiled at the lady as he took his food over to a table. We sat down across from each other.

"Well, could it be that much different from camping in our backyard?"

"Uh yeah! There are no bears in our backyard!"

He cut his eyes. "Is that what you're worried about? Bears?" He laughed.

"No." I said defensivlely. That was only part of it.

"Tabitha, I can assure that therer will be no lions and tigers and bears okay?" He took my hand in his, looking directly into my eyes. I did my best to not fidget. "come on, it'll be so much fun.I promise."

"What will our parents say?"

He shrugged. "Of course they'll say yes. To be honest Tab, both of our parents are worried about you."

I narrowed my eyes. "What do you mean?"

He cast his eyes down after stuffing an entire eggroll in his mouth. "They think you might be severly depressed. Don't mind it, they're just doing their job."

"Depressed? I am not depressed!" Where they too insensitive to realize that a young girl had just lost her mother? What did they expect me to skip around whistling showtunes?!

"Calm down Tab, I already told them that."

I crossed my arms. "So you guys have been gossiping about me? Is that what this is about?"

He cut his eyes. "Of course not, they just want you to join the living again."

"Join the living? You guys are asses." I stood up and began to walk away. How rude and inconsiderate could they be! I mean, join the living?! For crying out loud my mother had just died!

"Tab. Come here, where are you going?"

"Home." I snapped.

"Oh really, do you plan on, I don't know, walking there?"

"Yup." I held back the tears as best I could. The wound my mother left was still fresh.

"Tabitha, can you please stop walking away from me." He sound exasperated. He finaly caught my hand and spun me around towards him. I'd forgotten about how strong he was. "Hey. Look at me." He took his thumb and angled my chin more towards his chin. "We all love you Tab. And we mean no harm, and you're hurting, we all are, but you have to be strong okay?" He wiped at a runaway tear. "Believe me, I know it hurts, I really do. But I have to be strong for you, so I need you to be strong for me too okay?" His fingers brushed stray strands of hair frommy face.

Caleb was like my comfort zone. If anyone could keep me sane, it would be him.

I nodded. He was right, i had to toughen up just a little. There would be times to cry, but I had to get on with my life.

I wrapped my arms around his waist as he did the same. It felt good to just breath him in. There was a certain calm that over came me.

"Come on. Let's get out of here. I know just the place to go." Caleb wrapped an arm around my waist as we walked out together.

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