It Started With A Run

By sydxdidly

10.9K 387 118

Cameron Black is the school's nice guy. He has the perfect life. The perfect girlfriend, the perfect family... More

~1~ Quaint Little Town
~2~ Code White
~3~ Extraneous Problems
~4~ Sense of Humor
~5~ Crazy Ex's
~6~ Nacho Day
~7~ Ms. Queen Of The Jungle
~8~ The... Incident
~9~ Mission Impossible Style
~10~ It's 5:10 P.M.
~12~ NO!
~13~ My Best Friend
~14~ Party Size Oreos
~15~ Hot Tears
~16~ Double A
~17~ Oh God...
~18~ Au Revoir!
~19~ Mystery Man
~20~ For Tarah
~21~ Psychotic Bitches
~22~ Sneaky Secret Agent
~23~ Anna, Tyson, and Tarah
~24~ It's a Surprise, Surprise
~25~ Touché
~26~ The Ultimate Mini-Golf Master
~27~ Day 1: Your Humor
~28~ Three Strikes and You're Out
~29~ Now or Never Boo
~30~ Crazy and Content
~31~ Freaking Freaker
~32~ Successful
~33~ Why Does He Even Care?
~34~ Cookies and Strawberries
~35~ Happy Tears
~36~ Tony Take-Down
The Quaranteens: Stuck

~11~ The Lion's Den

311 11 2
By sydxdidly

Cameron POV

The next day, as soon as Anna got in my car she started talking my ears off.

"Hi! How are you? Did you sleep well? Good! Well anyways, I came up with a plan to find out more information about the whole 'scandal' thing and you're the star of the show." She smiled at me mischievously.

"What does that mean?..."

"Well... It means you'll have to take Elizabeth out. Just for coffee or something, nothing big. We need you and her alone to get something out of her."

"No. Definitely not. I'm not doing that. I can't go on a coffee date with my ex-girlfriend. How would I even convince her to go with me?"

No matter what Anna said this wasn't happening.

"She did say she wanted to talk. You could invite her out and say you didn't want to talk at school."

"I still don't think it'll end well Anna, I'm not doing it."

And that was final.


"Alright, how are we doing this?" I asked Anna as I leaned against my locker.

I was confused as to how she even got me to agree to this when I was hell-bent on not doing it in the first place.

"Well..." She smirked at me and continued. "I was thinking you go over there, ask her if you guys could go out for coffee, say... Friday after school?"

"Okay... and what am I supposed to do during this coffee date?"

"Well, you do the whole reconciliation thing and become friends with her again. After you get that out of the way you should try and find some more information about the 'club' that she and Carter are in. You know, see if she accidentally lets something slip."

I thought that over for a second. It really was a great plan, and as much as I didn't want to go on a coffee date with Elizabeth it had to be done to stop them from hurting others. That's why, plus the fact that Anna was giving me puppy dog eyes, I agreed. Even though it will probably make me extremely uncomfortable.

"Yeah ok, fine I'll do it, just-"

"Yay!" Anna screamed in my ear before I could even properly finish my sentence.

She seemed way too happy for a girl trying to take down millionaires who also happen to be selling a weird type of weed that kills everyone within a 10-foot radius of it.

"This is great! Tyson has a bunch of those wires that they use in the movies, except they're way easier to attach. I was thinking you could wear one and I would listen in on the conversation. Then, if I need to talk to you I would just text you."

I nodded my head and took in all this information. This plan could work if it was executed right.

"Speak of the devil..." Anna rolled her eyes and glared right past my shoulder.

"She's at her locker over there. Go talk to her!"

Anna practically shoved me in Lizzy's direction and left me to fend for myself in the lion's den.

'I'll share that joke with her later,' I thought while trying to calm my nerves and think of what to say as I walked over to Elizabeth.

"Hey, Lizzy!" I said casually as I neared her.

She was getting some books out of her locker when I approached her, so she closed it and focused her attention on me. Weird that she focuses on me more now that we've broken up...

"Hey Cam Cam, what's up?" She asked a little too cheerfully for someone who I just broke up with yesterday.

"I was just wondering if you still wanted to talk about everything? Make sure we're both on the same page."

"Yeah, of course!" She said with a wide smile.

It didn't reach her eyes, but it also wasn't a fake like the ones she used to plaster on while we were dating.

She was acting so nice, and she seemed so much happier. It's as though our relationship was what caused her mood to be down...

"When and where did you want to meet?" She asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"We could go out to 'coffee craze' after school on Monday. I could drive us and we could just sit and talk over coffee."

"Right after school? And we wouldn't spend more than an hour there, right?"

I looked at her confused.

As far as I knew she didn't have a club meeting on Friday. Unless they had meetings outside of school...

"I just... have a thing on Friday and don't want to miss or be late to it." She said once she saw the look on my face.

"Ok... well, yeah no more than an hour."

I smiled at her and she returned it.

We said bye to each other and I turned around to walk to where Anna was waiting.

"Done and done, we're going to coffee craze on Friday right after school."

"That's great but..."

She looked down at her shoes.


After a few beats of silence Anna finally said, "She didn't seem at least a little bothered or nervous around you. Usually, girls wouldn't be so... comfortable with the guy who just dumped them the day before without any time to heal."

She finally looked up and her hazel eyes met with my blue ones. A look of sincerity and compassion glazed over her normally playful one.

"I just wanted to make sure you were okay and weren't affected by it. I know she meant a lot to you."

I couldn't help but smile at what Anna was saying. She was always there for me when I needed her and even when I didn't. I know we've only known each other for a month and change, but she's always making sure I'm okay and helping me out.

Honestly, I feel like it should be the other way around, seeing as she's the one who probably has the most problems and things she needs to talk about. One day I'll ask her to talk to me to make up for all that she's done with being there for me.

For now, I just beamed at her and said, "The fact that you even care makes all the pain go away."

That was the truth. I'm not sure why, but it was.

Hi guys!

So I don't really have a set posting schedule but I'm trying to post once a day. I know I haven't been doing that but I have a bunch of chapters they just aren't edited.

I'm going to try and post another chapter today if I can edit it fast enough.

Let me know if there are still some mistakes and I'll go back and fix them.

The next few chapters are gonna reveal a lot of secrets guys so get ready!

Comment and vote if you liked this chapter :)

Bye loves~

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