𝚂𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚍𝚊𝚢 ||Zombies 2||...

By Sorsha18

86.1K 1.5K 449

sequel to 𝐈𝐦𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 he had leaned in closer to a point where I could feel his breath on my face, eye... More

Separating The Ties
Camp Rocks
What Wolves? Here Wolves? Werewolves.
New Kids In Town
It's Wyatt
Like The Zombies Do
A Leader (who's no longer in the shadows)
I Am Too
I'm A What Now?
Am I Ready To Be One Of Them?
Ready To Defend
This Is A Declaration
When Leadership Is In Need
New Schedule (please read)
When Leadership Is In Need (real chapter)
Will You Go To Prawn With Me?
We're Gonna Be Someday
We Are All Different
Will I be making a Zombies 3 story?
Zombies 3


3.2K 65 22
By Sorsha18

So y'all I am still in the midst of editing my last book which was...a um... A train wreck. So once that's done please check it out because I don't want that book to be remembered as the train wreck it currently is.

Also I was looking at my covers and thought, yuck (lol). So if any of you guys are y'know, better at editing than me (so everyone) please help me with this crisis. I just want a fresh start for both of my books, so yeah. Hope you all are safe and I guess,

Enjoy! (Hopefully)

P.s we finally get some more Wyatt

P.p.s there will not be a month long wait ever again now that school is over, so sorry this took so long (and sorry for any Grammer errors)

Licking off the last bit of melted ice cream on my tiny plastic spoon I tossed the the utensil and cup into the trash bin that stood at the end of my family's driveway, ready for the garbage truck to come take it away in the morning.

Glancing up at my bright blue house, I noticed my brother's room was the only room in the house that had the lights on. He was probably practicing his victory speech for if he wins the election. Or in his mind, when.

The cold night's breeze nipped at my skin, so I brought up my hands to rub against my arms, hoping to create some type of heat that would last me up until I reached my front door.

My white tennis shoes tapped against the recently painted stairs that lead to the front porch, creating the only sound heard in our little cul de sac. On the last step I accidentally stepped on my notebook, which I forgot had been left there, along with a few pencils.

Raising my foot off of the open notebook filled with equations, I winced noticing the undeniable mark of the bottom of my shoe.

I bent down to pick up the materials and fished for my house key I had placed in my back shorts pocket. Once I had found the cold piece of metal I swiftly unlocked the door, carefully so I wouldn't drop my school supplies.

Closing the door behind me I held it shut and twisted my key until I heard the soft click of the door's lock.

Still gripping onto my notebook and pencils, I navigated the coffee table (which was a struggle considering I had to keep the lights off so I wouldn't disturb my family) that was placed in front of the beige couch in the living room before going back to the door and double checking the lock.

I always double check it, just in case. And I expected the same outcome of my paranoia, which would be that the door was closed and locked just like how I left it.

I stuttered our a breath as my heart dropped at the sight before me.

I could've sworn I locked it.

The rationality in my brain lead me to believe that maybe I didn't, maybe since I'm tired I forgot.

Yeah, that's it.

The persuasion in my brain carried on as I stared at the opened front door, which allowed the moonlight to bleed through into the house.

Hesitantly I stepped closer, raising my shaky hands to push the door close, but my hands froze in mid air.

I didn't forget.

I don't think I would've forgotten the scratch marks on the door frame.

Okay Becca, remain calm, it could've been anything, maybe a squirrel.

I mentally rolled my eyes at myself, this wasn't a squirrel.

Letting out a stuttered sigh, I pushed the door close, the cool night's breeze no longer making its way into the house.

Then I felt it.

It all happened so fast.

First a hand on my shoulder, then one over my mouth.

"Don't scream"

Then through my slightly teary eyes I realized whoever had grabbed me, pulled me outside onto the porch.


My brows furrowed as I recognized the name. After that being said the hands holding onto me let go.

"Too much?"

Hearing the feeble voice of the werewolf I had recently befriended I rapidly blinked away the tears forming in my eyes, wanting to know who else was here at the front of my house.

My eyes finally adjusted to the dark atmosphere, and I saw them.

The pack of werewolves that only a few hours ago had danced their hearts out onto the gym floor.

"Too much" Willa confirmed. The teen wolf held her arms firm by her side as she stood in front of her pack, an intense but not scary look on her face.

I averted my eyes to look at the werewolf I am closest to. Wyatt stood next to his sister with his hands in his pockets, shoulders slouched noticeably in an attempt to ease the tension. His stance was the complete opposite of his sister's, who now stood with her arms crossed, shoulders back, and hip jutted out to the side.

Finally feeling my breathing return back to normal I let out a small sigh. "Was there a reason why you had to break into my house?"

The questioned lingered for only a moment. It was my turn to glance sternly at the people in front of me.

The answer I received was just a group glance at Wynter, who cowered a bit behind me.

"Wynter didn't exactly, understand, our order" Wyatt explained, telling me that frightening me and breaking and entering was not the plan of action.

The female wolf leaned closer to my ear, stuttering out a quick "sorry" before hopping off the porch to join her friends on the front lawn.

The bright moonlight and the porch lights (which have movement sensors) made it so that I could clearly see the serious looks on the pack's faces.

"Come with us"

My eyes widened incredulously at this statement. My reaction differing from Willa's, who was the one who spoke those words.

"Why?" I asked.

"It's important" Willa snipped back.

"And so are you"

I wanted to laugh at Wyatt's statement, hoping this was some type of friendly joke, hoping to see some smiles and relaxed expressions in the crowd. But no, this was serious.

And so I weighed the two options.

One, going with them. Maybe they'll be lenient with me for whatever this is. But then, if I don't come back at a reasonable time, surely someone would notice. And not only would I be in trouble, but the wolves as well.

Two, refusing to go with them. This option could end two ways. Either they actually respect my decision, with an exchange of 'goodbye's and 'goodnight's. Or they don't and I will be forced to go with them. Rendering my option weighing useless.

I trust them.

Well actually I trust Wyatt.

But the consequences of the first option is what sticks in my brain. I wouldn't want them to get into trouble for something I could've controlled, especially since now I consider some of them to be my friends.

So the second option is what I choose.


The feisty leader of the pack scowled at my one word answers.

"No?" She asked, her jaw prominently clenched. "You think you have a choice here?" The girl's eyes glowed like the moon above while her teeth gritted together, her fangs now showing as her anger grew.

I'd be lying if I said this didn't frighten me.

"No" I confirmed in a small voice, swallowing the intense amount of saliva that just built up in my mouth.

The scoff that came from the angered teen was menacing, causing me to cower slightly.


Wyatt leaned closer to his sister as he silently scolded her for letting her emotions get the best of her.

Although this helped her calm down, it did not change the outcome of the situation.

While exchanging no words, only a quick head nod, the boy I've come to care for and trust approached me.

"I'm sorry" were the only words spoken from his lips before the world turned upside down.


My feet were no longer touching the ground and my view of the pack was now a view of Wyatt's lower back.

And despite my frustrated cries to be put down, and small hits of protest, I was not let go from this position.

I watched as the pavement of my driveway soon turned to the dirt and grass of the forest.

"Are you kidnapping me?" I asked after moments of silence.

"Depends on what you consider kidnapping" the boy carrying my weight responded.

"Taking a person somewhere unknown against their will" I answered in monotone. If not for the cold air of night biting at my skin I probably wouldn't mind as much being taken through the forest.

Wyatt hummed at my answer, choosing not to say another word, which for me was a hint that we were almost to wherever they planned to take me.

"We're here" Willa's naturally commanding voice alerted. At her words Wyatt lifted me up off his should and placed me on the ground, firmly grasping my arms as I swayed a bit due to the sudden rush of blood to my head.

He slowly turned my body around, so now instead of facing his clothed chest I was staring into an opening to a cave.

The jumpy wolf, Wynter, took it upon herself to bounce in front of me. She opened her arms out towards the cave with an excited grin. "Welcome to the wolf den!"

I felt Wyatt's body vibrate with a chuckle as I let out a giggle at the teen wolf's antics. Willa (not so surprisingly) seemed unimpressed.

The gleeful wolf saw this brought her arms close to herself before turning to me. "But not too welcome" she said quickly and let a growl rumble from deep within her chest.

I did not take offense to this, and I knew Wynter did not want me to either.

And before any of us could make our way into the cave the girl erupted into a coughing fit, and not the dainty little coughs one would let out to clear their throat. No, these were the kind that people with a sickness like the flu would let out.

Tearing away from Wyatt's arms and comforting body heat, I made my way over to my friend, patting her back soothingly as she finished up the last of her fit, observing how her necklace glowed in unison to her loud coughs.

I looked up at the wolf twins who worriedly looked at their pack member.

"Is she okay? Is there something wrong?" I now was extremely worried for my friend, for this was not the first time I have seen her in this state.

Wynter, after finding balance on her own, placed a manicured hand on my shoulder.

"My necklace, it's losing its charge"

My eyebrows furrowed at this, trying to decipher the meaning behind her explanation.

Wyatt must've seen my confusion, so he took it upon himself to add onto her sentence.

"Everyday more and more of our pack become sick because their moonstones lose their power. All of our elders are too sick to travel which leaves-"

"Which leaves taking care of the pack to us, to me" Willa cut in.

I closed my eyes for a brief moment, trying my best to let all this new information about my friends and their family sink in.

"You'll be fine Wynter, I promise" Willa comforted to poor girl before turning to her brother, staring at him harshly.

"You better be right about this, we need to find the moonstone soon"

The two girls walked hand in hand into the dark cave.

I watched as they trudged further into the darkness of the cave.

I didn't know why, but I hesitated. My feet feeling as though they were glued to the ground. A shaky breath breath making its way out of my mouth, visible in the cool air.

I became more aware of the temperature which only added onto my nerves.

But then I was warm.

And at first I assumed it was my body telling me I was at risk of hypothermia.

But it wasn't.

I tilted my head to see a familiar furry jacket. A jacket that belonged to Wyatt. He had draped his jacket over my shivering body.

"Thank you" I whispered to the boy who stood right behind me. Feeling the warmth radiating from him comforted me in a new but very welcomed way.

His large calloused hand wrapped around my smaller dainty one.

He gave me a reassuring smile, revealing his fangs to me, and tugged me forward to follow him into the cave.

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