Work it Out - KiriKami

By denkitopia

404 34 8

Denki loves his boyfriend more than anything in the world but he can't get himself to say it. He can't even g... More

✩ ~ Tags
1 ~ I Love You
2 ~ It's Wrong
3 ~ The Next Day
5 ~ I Love You (Pt 2)
6 ~ The Scrapbook
7 ~ Okay
8 ~ Real Help
9 ~ Private Talk
10 ~ Something Bad
11 ~ Shit Show
12 ~ Shattered
13 ~ Hope
♡ ~ Thanks!

4 ~ Go Hard

25 3 2
By denkitopia

Aizawa knew something was going on merely by the look on the boys' faces the moment they showed up to homeroom that morning, so Denki requesting to return to the dorms wasn't too much of a surprise but it still filled him with worry. Especially when he sees his friends later.

The entire bakusquad seemed weighed down by something when they showed up for training, especially Eijirou. He was very zoned out. He did manage to train but his training was basically just keeping up Unbreakable while Izuku beat the shit out of him.

The fact that his training didn't require much thought was the only reason he was able to do it. All he had to do was stand there and focus on keeping his hardened state.

Aizawa watched the beating continue for five minutes before calling Eijirou over to talk.

Eijirou sighed and walked over, "What is it, sensei?"

"It seems like you're having a rough day. I just wanted to check-in and make sure everything is okay."

Eijirou looked down, "It's fine." he couldn't tell Aizawa the source of his bad mood.

Aizawa was nowhere near convinced, "Are you sure? You and all your close friends are acting weird today. Kaminari didn't seem okay when he asked to leave-"

"Duh! He obviously isn't okay if he's asking to leave!" Eijirou snapped, drawing the attention of everyone in the room.

This was a very unexpected response for Eijirou, so Aizawa was patient with him, "If something happened you need to let a teacher know-"

"I don't need to tell anyone shit!" Eijirou then saw everyone was staring at him, "I-I'm sorry."

In the back, Shoto spoke quietly, "Bakugou is rubbing off on him." Everyone still heard him.

Izuku quickly shushed him, "Don't say that."

Aizawa kept his cool, "Kirishima, I think you need to take a break."

"No, I want to keep training. I need a distraction."

Aizawa thought for a moment, trying to decide if that was a wise decision, "Fine. But I'm going to keep an eye on you."

Eijirou nodded, "Thank you," He walked back to where Izuku was standing with Shoto.

Izuku smiled, "I'm ready when you are!"

Eijirou smiled back, "Well, I'm ready."

He and Izuku went back to where they had been training before. Eijirou quickly hardened to Unbreakable.

Izuku hesitated, still a bit shaken by Eijirou's snap, but he cleared his mind and started attacking at 8%.

After a few minutes, Eijirou called him out, "Come on, Midoriya! I've seen you kick harder than this. Attack me like I'm a villain."

"I am!" Yes, Izuku could go harder. But it was really difficult for him and he preferred to train at that level with just All Might.

"Bullshit. Stop holding back and just come at me."

Izuku frowned, "I can kick harder, it's just not a good idea."

"Why? Are you afraid you'll hurt me?"

"Well, yeah. But it's not just th-"

"I can take it! Just kick me as hard as you can."

"No! I could hurt myself too."

Eijirou rolled his eyes, "You'll never get better with that attitude. You gotta push yourself. Holding back is doing a disservice to both of us."

Izuku shook his head, "You don't get it. I have to hold back. I literally cannot handle-"

"Goddamn it, Midoriya! Just fucking kick me!"

"Why are you so insistent!?"

At this point, Aizawa was walking over, "Hey! What's with all the shouting?"

"Midoriya won't stop holding back. I'm encouraging him."

"No you're not, you're just pressuring me!"

Aizawa sighed, "Kirishima, I get your frustration. But you have to remember that Midoriya doesn't have the best control over his quirk. He has to hold back until he gains more control. Or would you rather he start breaking his legs too?"

"He doesn't hold back against villains!"

Izuku frowned, "That's different and you know it. That's life or death."

"Pretend this is life or death too. We need to push ourselves!"

"Kirishima," Aizawa said, "I really think you need to take a break and calm down."

"I'm calm!!"

Everyone was staring again. No one was expecting such behavior from him.

"Is it so wrong for me to want to go hard while training?!"

"No, it's not wrong," Aizawa answered, "But it is wrong to push Midoriya further than he's comfortable with. You have every right to train however you'd like, but Midoriya has that right too. If he wants to hold back then let him. Find someone else to train with or find a third party that can compensate. Just back off and stop with the yelling." Aizawa was trying his hardest to be patient.

"Oi," Katsuki spoke up, "Come train with me and leave the nerd alone. I'll hit you with all I got." he was hoping that would calm him down.

Eijirou nodded, "Okay," he looked at Izuku, "I'm sorry."

Izuku smiled, understanding Eijirou was having a bad day, "It's okay."

Aizawa sighed, watching as Eijirou walked over to Katsuki. He turned to Izuku, "You okay? He didn't say anything too bad, did he?"

"I'm fine. I think, in his mind, he was encouraging me. But he's in a bad mood so it came out aggressively."

Aizawa nodded, "Okay, just wanted to make sure," from what he had heard of the conversation, he was worried Eijirou may have insulted him in his 'encouragement', unintentionally of course, "Get back to training."

"Yes sir!" Izuku went off to kick big ass rocks instead.

Meanwhile, Eijirou was about to start training with Katsuki.

"I'm not going to hold back but you gotta tell me if I'm going too hard. Got it?"

Eijirou nodded, "Got it, now blow me to hell and back!"

Katsuki smirked, "Will do."

Katsuki proceeded to start blasting Eijirou with AP Shot Auto Canon. He needed to practice using it for longer periods. He chose that attack for a reason. It was one of his weakest moves because it was so new. That meant he could send the blasts as powerfully as he could manage with a lower risk of causing serious harm.

But harm happened anyway. About 10 minutes passed and Eijirou began to feel his hardening start to crack. Even Unbreakable couldn't handle 10 straight minutes of constant blasts. But he didn't say anything. He let Katsuki go as long as he could manage to.

After another 5 minutes, Katsuki stopped, leaning over to pant a bit. He really pushed himself to go that long. When he looked up, he saw Eijirou's arms were bleeding, "What the fuck, Shitty Hair! Why didn't you say anything!" he rushed over to see what damage he had caused.

Eijirou looked down to see where some skin was blasted off, "Well shit..." he knew he was bleeding, but he didn't think it was that bad."

Katsuki carefully grabbed his arms to get a better look, "God, you dumbass! Why didn't you tell me to stop!?"

Aizawa ran over, having seen the blood, "We have to get you to Recovery Girl."

"I couldn't see past my blasts," Katsuki said without looking away from Eijirou's arms, "I would have stopped if I knew."

"I know; you're not in trouble."

Eijirou frowned, "Don't beat yourself up, Bakugou."

"I'm not! It's your fault! I'm just making sure he knows that!" but deep down Katsuki did feel a little bit of guilt. He should have stopped to check if Eijirou was handling it well.

Aizawa sighed, "Come on, Kirishima."

Eijirou nodded, following Aizawa.

Aizawa stopped at the first aid kit by the door, "I need to wrap those to get you by until we get there. You're bleeding pretty bad." The wounds weren't deep at all but they were very large, covering almost the entirety of his forearms.

Eijirou nodded, just standing there as Aizawa carefully bandaged his arms.

Kyoka was nearby and noticed the blood. She quickly rushed over, "What happened?!"

Eijirou smiled at her, "Training accident. Nothing serious."

Aizawa kept his focus on the bandages, "Tell everyone training is over for the day. You all can head back to the dorms."

Kyoka nodded, "Okay." She looked at Eijirou's arms for a moment longer before walking to the others.

Aizawa finished, "Alright, let's go."

Eijirou followed him to Recovery Girl's office and she healed him quickly. He would still have to keep his arms bandaged for a few days but there were no more open wounds. The skin would just be very sensitive and it would be easy to open up again for a couple of days.

Recovery Girl scolded him, "You have to be more careful! If you felt yourself cracking, then you should have stopped right then. This could have been serious. You were losing a lot of blood!"

"I know," Eijirou looked down, "It was reckless of me."

"No more training for the rest of the week."

Eijirou looked back up at her, "What? Why?"

"You lost too much blood and I can't help that. You need to rest and eat iron-heavy foods. You should be fine by Monday but for now, you have to take it easy."

Eijirou frowned, "Fine.." he grumbled unhappily.

"Go to bed early tonight. I know you must be exhausted from all that. That much healing surely drained you, on top of the training and blood loss."

Eijirou nodded, he was exhausted, "Okay. I'll go lay down after dinner."

"Head on back now. I'm done with you." She waved him off.

Eijirou nodded, "Okay, thank you." he left, pulling his phone out as he reached the hall, seeing a new text.

♡Denki♡: kacchan told me what happened. we are talking when you get back and NOT about me

"Well, shit."

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