✔ | At Least We Have Forever

By dreamcoloredgift

14.3K 530 17

【Yu Yu Hakusho fanfiction; mainly Kurama/OC, Hiei/OC】 "I was born to fight a different battle; one that chang... More

Chapter 1 - Beneath The Silent Snow
Chapter 2 - A Fated Meeting
Chapter 3 - To Know Her More
Chapter 4 - Cold Heart's Warning
Chapter 5 - The Search For Answers
Chapter 6 - Being With You
Chapter 7 - I'll Never Leave You
Chapter 8 - A Meeting Amidst The Battle
Chapter 9 - His Battle And The Fifth Weapon
Chapter 10 - Getting Closer And Her Resolve
Chapter 11 - One Chance To Last A Lifetime
Chapter 12 - Surprising Connection And Unsaid Worries
Chapter 13 - A Promise Beneath The Moonlight
Chapter 14 - Hearts' Findings
Chapter 15 - The One To Protect
Chapter 16 - A Spark Of Hope And Love
Chapter 17 - The Enchanting Rose Ball
Chapter 18 - Fateful Night
Chapter 19 - Blazing Hearts
Chapter 20 - Part Of The Truth
Chapter 21 - Her Tragic Fate
Chapter 22 - Leaving
Chapter 23 - It All Begins Here
Chapter 24 - Revelations And The First Trial
Chapter 25 - No Matter What Happens
Chapter 26 - Here's Love
Chapter 27 - The Day Of Succession
Chapter 28 - The Courage To Choose
Chapter 29 - Stepping Up To The Truth
Chapter 30 - Even If It's The End
Chapter 31 - Tears Of The Silver Moon
Chapter 32 - Escaping The Hands Of Death
Chapter 33 - An Irrevocable Choice
Chapter 34 - A Weakened Heart
Chapter 35 - Bearing The Loneliness
Chapter 36 - Smile, Once Again
Chapter 37 - His Heart's Resolve
Chapter 38 - Remnants Of Her True Memories
Chapter 39 - Just The Two Of Us
Chapter 40 - Keeping Hope
Chapter 41 - His Song, Her Song
Chapter 42 - Two Hearts' Duet
Chapter 43 - Happy Birthday
Chapter 44 - Waltz Of Blue & Silver
Chapter 45 - The Final Trial
Chapter 46 - For Duty & Love's Sake (Part 1)
Chapter 47 - For Duty & Love's Sake (Part 2)
Chapter 48 - For Duty & Love's Sake (Part 3)
Chapter 49 - Revival
Chapter 50 - Leader Position
Chapter 51 - We're In This Together
Chapter 52 - Ultimate Battle
Chapter 53 - A Way To Save Her
Chapter 54 - A Kiss Of Life & Promise
Chapter 56 - Family Conference
Chapter 57 - Conclusion
Chapter 58 - Christmas Eve
Final Chapter - As Long As I Have You

Chapter 55 - After The Battle

165 6 2
By dreamcoloredgift

A week and a half after the big battle, everything seemed to have returned to normal. Well... not exactly everything. What appeared to be the end of the storm for Riya and the rest of the wielders seemed to be the start of another predicament for Yumi and Hiei. Riya expected it to happen. Yumi's mother, Saeko Hisakawa, was obviously worried for her daughter's welfare ー especially now that Yumi decided to claim what was rightfully hers. Several secrets about Yumi's past and the true source of her powers were finally revealed to the gang which, of course, Hiei didn't take lightly. But the fire demon decided to follow Yumi to the Demon World in order to be there for her.

Upon arriving, they were surprised to know that a battle between father and daughter had ensued since Yumi was forced to fight her brainwashed father and the leader of a certain fire demon clan ー Hideoki. It was the only way for her to reclaim what she had lost on the day of her "birth" and to discover a mystical flame residing inside of her powerful enough to let her rule over the clan. Hiei finally accepted Yumi's past and destiny upon learning the truth about her. Of course, it made Yumi happy now that she didn't have to choose between her love for Hiei and her duty as a future clan leader. The problem was solved with the help of the gang and the wielders and Yumi was allowed to return to the Human World after that.

As for the wielders, King Yama decided not to take the weapons from them upon learning the reason why the weapons disappeared from their respective shrines from Celeste herself. Not only that, he even ordered the guards stationed at the two remaining shrines where the Rose Daggers and the Lance of Snow resided to guard the two weapons with utmost strength. The guards would report immediately if the shrines emitted a bright glow, causing the weapons to disappear. It was only at that time would they conclude that the weapons had found their masters.

The wielders, including Ren and Sei, decided to become a part of Yusuke's team in guarding the Human World from threats. Of course, their roles expanded in protecting the Demon World and Spirit World from threats, as well. They agreed to that, with Yukari being in charge in guarding the Spirit World along with Ren and Ayako and Yumi in the Demon World with Sei and Soujiro. The rest of Yusuke's team ー including Keiko and Riya ー were to guard the Human World. Of course, their duty would take effect after their duties in the Human World were done.

After all that, Riya concluded that it was over. Now all he had to worry about was the showing of the movie that Class 2-C did as part of their contribution for the Rose Festival. The festival would end two days from that day and that movie was the part of the closing ceremony since it came from their project that had the highest grade. As for Class 2-D (Yusuke's class), they presented their play 2 days prior. The play turned out to be a romantic comedy. This was expected by everyone in the team since Yusuke and Kuwabara were a part of Class 2-D. Those two provided most of the comic relief in the play and it made it even more enjoyable to watch. Keiko was also among those who provided the comic relief in the play and surprisingly, they enjoyed it as they perform. Of course, the play was a huge success. Yumi recorded the entire play to be added in her video collection of memories. That play was one of the most hilarious parts of their lives.

Riya arrived at the school earlier than the meeting time. She wasn't surprised to see Kurama already there when she arrived in the classroom. He was talking with the rest of the class who also arrived earlier than the supposed meeting time. And that includes Ayako. She could see it in their faces ㅡ anticipation, fear, excitememt and happiness. She couldn't help but to smile at that.

"It looks like the princess wasn't feeling nervous," Ayako commented as soon as the brunette saw her.

Riya only responded with a soft laugh. "Please. In case you didn't know, I'm already nervous as hell. I couldn't even sleep last night just thinking about it. I don't know about acting, but I guess mine sucks."

"Well, that's not what everyone in this class thinks ㅡ or at least the video editor," Kirika said with a smile. "She said that everyone was definitely amazing when it comes to their performances. But the highlight of the movie was the dramatic past between Riya-chan and Minamino-kun ㅡ especially the separation and reconciliation part."

Riya slightly blushed and peered at Kurama for a while before looking away immediately. But then she stiffened when she recalled Kurama's expression. Though he had a teasing smile on his face, he still looked a little tensed. Was he okay? Did something happen that she didn't know?

But before she could even ask him about it, Miss Ryuuzaki came in.

"Alright, class. You need to get ready. The movie presentation will start in 30 minutes. So you have to head down to the auditorium. Your seats are already reserved so you won't have any problems finding a good spot for watching the movie," the teacher said with a smile and then faced Kurama and Riya. "Both of  you don't have anything to worry about with regards to the movie. It's going to be a big hit, that I'm sure of."

"Ryuuzaki-sensei, don't say something like that. It's making me even more nervous," Riya complained with everyone responding with a laugh.

After the teacher left, the rest of Class 2-C started heading to the auditorium. Riya and Kurama went there with their hands held close to each other. But that alone was enough for her to realize that Kurama was definitely tensed about something.

"Kurama, are you alright?" she asked when she couldn't keep her worries for him any longer. "You're tensed. Did something happen that you're not telling me?"

Kurama shook his head and faced her with a smile ー one that was saying it was okay. "I just remembered something that I need to do after this."

She frowned. "Something that you need to do? What's that?"

"You'll know soon," he said mysteriously that only heightened her worries ー not to mention curiosity ー for Kurama. But she might as well respect that answer.

It must be something extremely important, she thought. Whatever it was, she had to trust Kurama with that.


After the movie presentation at the auditorium...

Class 2-C didn't realize that they would get a standing ovation from the audience who came and watched the movie. A lot of people watched it ー mostly coming from the school and somewhere outside the school who were invited to watch it. Of course, Ritsuko and Haruna were there. Even Kurama's family watched the movie which doubled Riya's nervousness. The movie garnered rave reviews after watching it and Class 2-C felt that their hard work had paid off. In fact, it was more than what they had expected to get from the audience.

The movie was a romantic drama and Kurama and Riya performed the lead roles Kenji Hoshino and Kimiko Nagishima respectively. The gang figured that the drama had several resemblances to Kurama and Riya's lived ー especially the memory loss that Kenji suffered in the story and Kimiko tried her hardest to make him remember her. It was one trial that separated the lovers. But in the end, they reunited after Kimiko met an accident that almost killed her and Kenji heard the song she performed before the accident happened. Although they said that the story had resemblances to Kurama and Riya's lives during the course of the mission, they knew it was impossible that it was based on it. The story was written before Kurama found out Riya's identity ー so they thought it was a coincidence of some sort. However, Riya was one person who didn't believe in coincidences. She stated once that everything ー no matter what it was ー happens for a reason. She firmly believed in that ever since she was a kid. The story of the movie was written for a reason, she was sure of it.

After that, the studentd enjoyed the rest of the day as they went to the different booths that various clubs and classes had put up. Of course, even Kurama and Riya enjoyed it and it was one memory that they would cherish. That day was a peaceful one, after all. Every people that the couple cared about were there, too.

But after the date, though, Kurama said something that surprised and worried Riya at the same time. They were at her apartment when he mentioned it.

"I'm going to Hokkaido tomorrow morning to talk to your grandfather about something."

"What?" Riya exclaimed in surprise. She immediately approached Kurama and crouched in front of him. He was sitting on a single seater sofa. "Talk to my grandfather? Are you sure about that, Kurama?"

He nodded and smiled. "I've already thought about this after you lost your memories. Your mother and your sister-in-law knew about this, too."

"But why?"

"That's one of the ways I know for me to prove myself to you and your family."

"You don't have to do this right now, Kurama. You've already proven yourself to Mama and Haruna-neesan. Even to my nieces, my nephew, and my uncles and some of the clan elders."

But the response she got was a kiss on her forehead before he faced her with a reassuring smile. "Everything's going to be alright, Riya. I promise. Just trust me, okay? I know what I'm doing. Don't worry."

She just looked at his green eyes and she could see determination and truth in them. She couldn't help but to sigh in resignation at that. How was it possible that she couldn't bring herself to doubt Kurama this time?

"I hate it when you're countering my worries with the word 'trust'. Since when did it actually become your magic word to fade my worries away?"

Kurama laughed at that and pulled her close to him. "Not that I'm being confident but we trust each other and I know that. It was one thing that helped us make it this far."

She smiled upon hearing that and soon after, she sat on his lap before embracing him, her face buried on his neck. "I guess you're right. I wouldn't be here right now with you if we never trusted each other from the start."

He returned the gesture of his beloved with a tight hug and a kiss on her hair.


Three more chapters before this story ends.

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