Bakudeku One-Shots

By Wolftime56

19.8K 437 448

🟢One-shots for the Wonder Duo!🟠 THESE CHARACTERS ARE NOT MINE. Original creator belongs to Horikoshi. ⚠️Con... More

Graduate (F)
Body -(A/F)
Family (A)

Finally (F)

2.9K 89 150
By Wolftime56

Requested by: @Cocothefurry123
Warning(s): Slight explicit detail, fluff, slight angst, profanity
Words: 3,994

Long hero days had fallen beneath him, but still crawled at his back. He could still feel the nails clawing at his back, not wanting to see how red they really were. That villain had some sharp nail mutation. Luckily, he wasn't affected by any quirk, so he was free to go back home.

Izuku dreadfully walked up the steps and started unlocking the door. The kitchen light was on, but everything else was dark. Izuku sighed heavily, letting the steam roll off his sweaty sticky skin as he leaned his back against the door. He instantly regretted it as the claw marks on his back burned with a fury rage.

He pushed his heavy body off the door, feeling like he could just collapse and sleep anywhere at that point, whether it be the kitchen floor or the actual bed. Izuku sluggishly slipped his shoes off, wincing at the soreness of his left foot as he bent it a weird way during the fight that seemed to last hours.

Izuku stumbled towards his bathroom and opened the door slipping off his hero costume along with everything else that was either stained with blood, dirt, or sweat.

He turned the shower on, not caring for the warmth to rise. He stepped in, letting the cold drown out his aching muscles. The chill was relieving and relaxing. He sat down and his head lightly butted against the wall. The water started to get warmer and Izuku couldn't care less. If he didn't force himself to grab the soap at the side, he would have fallen asleep in the shower.

Finally. Finally he was done and ready to plop down into bed. Everything was great at this point. He was off duty tomorrow and his boyfriend, Todoroki might actually have time with him.

     Izuku walked over towards the bed and collapsed, only wearing boxers as her didn't bother covering his body. He fell asleep.


     Izuku woke up to the sound of distant talking. He squinted as the sunlight blinded him, and stood up. He opened his bedroom door and saw Todoroki dressed up in his hero costume. He turned around and gave Izuku a small smile and walked up towards him. "Morning sleepy head,"

     Izuku felt two hands cup his face and a longing kiss on his forehead. He smiled slightly and swayed a bit. As he did Todoroki's hand shifted onto Izuku's hip. "Mornin'" Izuku mumbled as he leaning into Todoroki's touch.

     "How did you sleep?" Todoroki asked gently as he hugged Izuku. His hugs were always nice and cozy. Protective and firm.

     "Fine..." Izuku says still very sleepy. "When did you come home?" Izuku asked as Todoroki pulled away.

     "Around two thirty," Todoroki answered slipping on one boot. Izuku rubbed his eye, trying to subside the blurry vision from just waking up.

     As Izuku's eyes adjusted his eyes widened. "Shōto, that was less than six hours ago! How long did you sleep?!" Izuku frantically asked. Todoroki chuckled, and Izuku pouted.

     "A few hours. When I came home you were sprawled out on the bed. It was adorable," Todoroki says with a smirk. Izuku's mouth dropped and he threw an old shirt at him, which he effortlessly dodged.

     Izuku grabbed a pair of soft pants and slipped them on and Todoroki walked over.

     He pecked Izuku's lips and left his hand on his cheek for a bit, staring into his eyes. Izuku couldn't tell what the problem was, but he knew something was off. "I have to work the whole day, so I won't be home for awhile,"

     Izuku's face slightly hurt as disappointment showered him fully. He heard the slight whisper of a 'Sorry' before Todoroki was out the door. Leaving Izuku and the house alone. Izuku had been looking forward to finally having one day alone with his boyfriend without interruptions. Turns out, there was an interruption. Todoroki had to go to work, and it was probably something he couldn't turn down.

     Izuku went on with his day, not really knowing how to feel. He felt off and something was wrong with Todoroki. He wanted to ask but whenever he did as he would receive was an 'I'm fine' and that was it.

     When Izuku decided to clean the house, he saw something that he wouldn't have thought twice about if it didn't look recently used. A condom wrapper that was carefully hidden behind piles of trash in the bedroom trash can.

     Izuku overlooked it as he started to pick up clothes until he abruptly stopped. He dropped the clothes and grabbed the opened wrapper. It was a normal crinkled purple wrapper. He read the front, and his brows furrowed. This wasn't the regular brand him and Shōto bought, and they ran out last week. The two had been so busy with hero work they hadn't had time for each other.

     They hadn't had anytime to themselves. Izuku's teeth clenched and he threw the wrapper back inside the bin. He didn't know what to think. He felt like he just found a Christmas present he knows was his but wasn't supposed to see because it wasn't wrapped yet.

     Unfortunately, this gift was already unwrapped and used. He hadn't actually seen the used latex, he only found the casing for it. The wrapper that he knows he didn't use. Izuku bit back a whine as he brought his phone out and hovered over 'messages.'

     It's not like he could just accuse his boyfriend, he could deny it and Izuku would look guilty. Izuku groaned and sent a text.

Deku: Hey Kacchan, you busy?

     Izuku hated this. For a few months Todoroki had been off in some sorts. Either taking really long missions or coming home super late. Always saying he didn't have time and that he was sorry. The worst part was that he was sorry!

     Izuku knew when Todoroki was sorry, and he genuinely looked sorry. Izuku could practically feel the guilt radiating off of his skin, but he didn't expect for the guilt to come from something so disdain. Or at least, it felt like Izuku was a failure in some concept.

Kacchan: Not really, unless you count being stuck with a bunch of idiots.

     Izuku smiled and chuckled softly.

Kacchan: What's up?

     Izuku took a moment, debating on what to send next and if he really wanted to send anything at all.

Deku: Want to grab lunch?

     Izuku sighed heavily, his cheeks puffed out as he plopped on the recently made bed.

Kacchan: Sure. Where?

     Here's the thing, this was somewhat normal. Katsuki and Izuku would sometimes grab lunch together, especially on missions. But there was that small occurrence where one of them would reach out, usually to get something off their chest.

     The two would probably never admit it, but they listened to each other's problems, even if they denied it or were extremely annoyed with it. They held strong. They still listen because no one else understands like he did.

     No one understood him like Katsuki always would.

    Deku: Ramen Palace?

     Kacchan: Fine. Meet you there?

     Deku: Yes!!

     With that, Izuku got dressed in jeans, a white t-shirt, and a hoodie. Izuku had tucked his wallet in his back pocket and slipped his phone in the other one. He rode the bus, not wanting to take his car. For some reason, he just didn't want to take it.

     If he did, he wouldn't be able to spend as much time with Katsuki. As weird as it sounded, it was true. Whenever he brought the car, it seemed the two would just be there to eat and then leave. The few times the two didn't bring a car were the times they walked around town trying to keep a low profile and still hangout.

     Izuku thrives for those moments alone with him.

     Izuku made it to the Ramen Palace place and Katsuki was already there. He must have taken his car. Izuku just hopped that he and Katsuki would be able to spend time together. Izuku needed a distraction.

     "Took your ass long enough! You have a car don't you? Why not use it?" Katsuki asked as he held open the door to the ramen place.

     Izuku didn't use it because he knew it meant spending more time with Katsuki. Katsuki knew that he wanted to spend more time with him. So the question was a blank in gunshot that rang in the air for a few seconds.

     As the two sat down, the tension they both felt eased. They both let out signs and Izuku laughs. Katsuki smirks as he relaxed in the cushioned seat. "How have you been?" Izuku asked as the waiter gave them their menus.

     "Good. Shitty hairs gettin' on my nerves though. Keeps talking about how he just got into a relationship with raccoon eyes. It's pissing me off because he won't shut up about it," Katsuki complained first.

     This is how it usually went: The two bicker slightly, rant to each other, talk shit about anything and then go back to ranting. After, all that's left is the usual truthful chats. The ones where they are interested in their well being. Only the two didn't know they would be skipping more than half the steps to their regular hangout session.

     "What about you? You look like shit," Katsuki says as the waiter came over. The two gratefully order, and would be able to get their drinks soon. Izuku wish he had his drink now so he could avoid the question.

     "Thanks," is all Izuku muttered before his drink was actually placed in front of him. He had ordered water, not wanting anything else but the cold icy drink to wash away his sorrows. As Izuku took a sip, Katsuki watched carefully.

     The way Izuku's eyes avoided him and how tense Izuku's shoulders were. To the slightly flushed cheeks and the dull eyes, Katsuki knew something was eating at him.

     "What's wrong?" Katsuki asked, sounding more domesticated than he intended. Izuku looked up surprised and cleared his throat.

     "Nothing, I'm fine. Sorry, I realized I hadn't answered your question..." Izuku trailed off. The food finally arrived and their eyes glittered with joy. Finally their food was here. They dug in and Katsuki studied Izuku distantly.

     "How's that damn half n' half?" Katsuki asked. He saw Izuku tense which was already sending off warning bells in Katsuki's head. Katsuki decided to mark this as a red flag in his little investigation.

     "Not sure," Izuku says absentmindedly. Katsuki was a little shocked and Izuku seemed to as well before he elaborated. "We haven't been spending as much time together but that's because of work..."

     Katsuki hummed and are a bit more. Izuku didn't seem to want to talk much about it, and Katsuki wasn't going to push him.

     "Do you have a love life?" Izuku suddenly asked and Katsuki stopped eating and looked at Izuku like he was crazy. Izuku laughed and threw a noddle at Katsuki. It hit him square in the face and Katsuki fumed.

     "That's it you little shit!" he playfully cheered as he took a few spicy noddles and threw them at Izuku. Izuku ducked and missed the first two noodle strings but was hit on the nose as one peacefully rested in the middle of his face. The two laugh and Izuku takes the noodle, eating it and smiling. "Now are you going to tell me what's wrong or be in denial about it?"

     Izuku's smile dropped and he seemed to slump down a bit. His posture dreadful and tired and Katsuki finally got a good look at the boy with green locks. His eyes were drained and their light had dimmed. The bags under his eyes weren't heavy but visible. His hair less fluffy and his constant 'looking off' look.

     "Can we go?" Izuku suddenly asked. He was slightly timid and tense as his rested his head in his hands.

     "Where?" Katsuki asked, not questioning Izuku. Izuku loved that Katsuki understood him enough to not pry where his tears didn't want to be present.

     "Anywhere," Izuku says and Katsuki beoguht out his wallet.

     "What are you doing?" Izuku asked confused and alert.

     "Umm... paying? The fuck does it look like?"

     "No, I'm paying, I invited you," Izuku says, money already in his hands.



     "I said no. Let me pay this time. If you don't I'll beat your ass,"

     "But you paid last time!" Izuku exclaimed, worry in his eyes.

     "Would you calm the hell down? It's not the end of the world if I pay for the both of us,"

     After some convincing, Izuku backed down and Katsuki paid. The two stood up and walked out, taking a nice walk around town. Izuku seemed to lag a bit, and he was slower and not as upbeat. He looked tired.

     Katsuki and him started heading back to the ramen place, Katsuki had parked there. When the two got in and settled Izuku winced and Katsuki watched and felt his heart spike. Then Izuku rubbed his right eye. Then his temple. "What the hell is going on with you?" Katsuki asked, not realizing the slight urgency in his voice.

     "Nothing," Izuku groaned out.

     "Yeah, because that headache looks like 'nothing'" Katsuki says and Izuku looked at him surprised.

     Katsuki rolled his eyes. "Whenever you have a headache your right eye hurts and you rub you temples. Kinda hard not to tell whenever you aren't feeling well," Katsuki says as he started the car.

     Katsuki drives Izuku back to Izuku's place and Izuku's face contorts into a confused look. "First the sad look, then the headache now confusion. Do you have a concussion?" Katsuki asked and Izuku playfully hit his shoulder.

     "Those aren't the symptoms Kacchan," Izuku says as he unbuckled his seatbelt.

     "Maybe not but you would be weird enough to act that way during head trauma,"

     "Ha ha," Izuku says and the two laugh. "Thank you for driving me back..." Izuku says and Katsuki grunts. Izuku got out and waved to Katsuki as he walked back into the house.

Katsuki started the car and drove off but looked to the side and saw a phone buzzing. "Dammit Deku!" Katsuki cursed loudly, as he had to turn back and give Izuku his phone back. It must have fallen out of his pocket and Katsuki was already tired.

Night had already set and as he drove he heard yelling. He sped up, worrying that this was a situation he would have to diffuse.


Izuku walked into the abnormally bright house. The hallway was too dark but most lights were on. So Shōto came home early?

As Izuku walked towards the bedroom he heard moaning. He stopped and then heard hushed talking. His greatest fear was right behind the door. When he purposely yanked the door opened, he wasn't prepared for the other person. "U-Uraraka?!" Izuku said horrified and heartbroken.



Izuku let out a water laugh as his eyes filled with tears. Uraraka was on top of Todoroki, only wearing a bra and some pants. Todoroki has only been in his boxers laying right in the middle of their bed. "I had a slight suspicion you were cheating, but I didn't think it would be with my best friend!" Izuku shouted as he didn't know what to do.

He wanted to beat Shōto's ass and he wanted to scream at Uraraka until she cried, but she already was and Todoroki was about to get up.

"You know what, fuck you two! Don't you DARE come near me, I don't want to hear your pity excuses and lies. I knew something was off! You didn't really have work today DID YOU?!" Izuku screamed, tears spilling over.

"I did... for like half the day. Izuku—"

"No. NO! You don't get to use my name like that! If you didn't want to be in this relationship you should have broken up with me! That shit would have hurt A LOT LESS than you CHEATING on ME with HER!" Izuku shouted as he stormed out of the room, resisting the urge to slam it the door.

He heard rushed shuffling and Uraraka calling his name. Todoroki ran out to him and grabbed his hand but Izuku yanked it back and whipped around and glared at him.

Izuku's face was red and his eyes were bleeding tears, as the waterworks wouldn't stop falling. His eyes were heartbroken and anyone would be able to tell. "Don't fucking touch me. Don't talk to me, ever."

With that, Izuku walked out of the house and slammed the door. Their neighbors most likely heard, one of them also being a pro hero. Izuku walked out of the house, not caring where he went.

Izuku walked on the pavement as the weather was chilly and he felt a raindrop on his nose. This should be fun.

The rain slammed down and Izuku didn't care. He didn't have the energy. A car pulled up and the window rolled down. Izuku glanced and Katsuki's eyes widened at the broken state Izuku was in. This was not the same Izuku he had left minutes previously.

Katsuki reaches over and opened the door. Izuku shut his eyes trying to take a calm breath before he heard his name being called. He quickly got in and shut the door, and felt the car drive away as he slipped on the seat belt. He kept his eyes forward and suppressed the urge to hiccup and hyperventilate.

Izuku broke out into a sob. "Deku," Katsuki says as he glanced at Izuku who seemed to be hurting in some way. Katsuki doesn't know what happened but he did hear the two call his name, not knowing who the second person was. "Deku," Katsuki tries again but when he glanced at Izuku his chest was rising and falling heavily and the nerd was hyperventilating. He hiccup and it sounded painful. Katsuki quickly pulled over, hearing some car horns honking but he just flipped them off. "Deku," he said more softly, turning towards him.

"S-stop! Why..." Izuku says and he broke into another sob. Katsuki touched Izuku's shoulder and felt Izuku go tense and pull away. Katsuki didn't remove his hand, but he didn't move it either. He just kept it firmly in place.

"Deku, I need you to look at me," Katsuki says firmly. Izuku looked at him and Katsuki almost broke. He hasn't seen this look on Izuku in such a long time, he felt guilty. "You need to breathe. Okay? Breathe with me," Katsuki says and he takes a deep breath. Izuku does too, but it's shaky and weak.

Katsuki slowly exhales and Izuku does too but once again, he couldn't hold it. His crying started again and he explained, "He cheated on me!" Katsuki's eyes widened and he suddenly felt really pissed. "I found an empty condom wrapper in the trash this morning, and I knew it wasn't mine because there weren't any in the house! And I should have known that being gone for so long would have been a sign, but I over looked it! And the funny part isn't that I wasn't 100% sure, but the fact that it was with my fucking best friend!" Izuku shouted and that caught Katsuki's attention. Best friend?

There were only a few people he could think of but Izuku whispered the dreadful name, "Uraraka..." Katsuki rubbed Izuku's back but Izuku flinched. Katsuki was hurt, not because he understood what Izuku was going through, but because he flinched when he rubbed his back. Katsuki started to drive back to his place.


He pulled up and everything in the car was quiet. Too awkwardly quiet. The dread and sadness in the care was appalling, and Katsuki couldn't do much about it. Izuku was facing the other way, blank stare out the window. Katsuki looked at him and stepped out of the car and shutting the door. He walked over to Izuku's side and waited for Izuku to move.

Izuku didn't move.

"C'mon nerd, let's get you inside. It's raining and I don't want to stay out here forever," Katsuki says but Izuku just looked at him. After a few seconds Izuku quietly complied and got out of the car. He walked with Katsuki and inside the warm house.

As Katsuki locked the door he led Izuku towards the bathroom and gave him a towel. Izuku stripped his shirt and Katsuki's eyes widened in concern again. Then he pinched his nose and flipped Izuku around so the two were facing. "What the hell happened to your back?" He aggressively asked.

"Nothing," Izuku says.

"Did Todoroki do that?!" Katsuki asked and Izuku's eyes widened this time.

"Wha— Kacchan, no! This was a villain from last night!" Izuku says and Katsuki felt slightly at ease, but he was still pissed.

"Take a shower, and after we'll eat and go to bed," Katsuki so much as demanded. Izuku nodded and Katsuki left to go find some clothes Izuku could possibly fit. Thankfully, Katsuki did have a few of Izuku's clothes from where the two stayed with each other for missions.

Purely for the soul purpose of a team up mission.

Izuku took the shower. He sobbed. His heart hurt and his head was fuzzy. He just wanted to sleep his problems away. He want hungry. He wasn't anything. He felt nothing.

Izuku stepped out and looked to the side to see clothes set aside for him. Katsuki must have placed them there. Izuku dried off and dressed in then. He walked out and Katsuki patted a chair for Izuku to sit in. Izuku sat down and Katsuki told him to turn around so he could see his back.

He lifted Izuku's shirt and started treating the scratch marks on Izuku's back. The marks weren't bad, but Katsuki felt the need to take care of Izuku, knowing that he wouldn't do it himself.

Izuku are slowly. Katsuki had make some quick food, but it was still amazing. As Izuku are, he didn't realize the tears slowly trickling down his face. Eat bite made him sadder. He felt more lonely with each bite. He couldn't stop replaying all the good memories him and Todoroki had and then that horrible moment. All the bad memories started to surface, and for some reason there seemed to be more good than bad.

Izuku cried again and Katsuki hugged him and Izuku accepted it. Izuku felt safe in Katsuki's arms. He felt loved, no matter how screwed up their relationship was.

Katsuki had led Izuku into his room. Katsuki had a spare room, but it didn't have a bed. Katsuki was planning on sleeping on the couch but Izuku grabbed his hand. He was sitting on the comfortable bed and hesitant to ask Katsuki to stay. "Can... can you lay with me until I fall asleep?" Izuku asked shyly and hurt.

Katsuki walked to the other side of the bed and laid down with Izuku, both wrapped tightly under the warm sheets.

     Izuku faces Katsuki and Katsuki pulled Izuku closer so their legs were intertwined. Izuku shifted and buried his face in Katsuki's chest and cried. Katsuki carded his fingers through Izuku's hair, still partly damp.

     Katsuki made Izuku finally feel more than Todoroki ever did. Izuku finally understood that Todoroki wasn't the only one with problems in their relationship. He knows that they would have to talk about what he witnessed, but for right now that didn't matter.

     Right now Katsuki mattered. Izuku finally able to fall asleep in the arms of the one he should have had a long time ago. "Finally..." Katsuki whispers in Izuku's hair.

     "Finally..." Izuku mumbled back and Katsuki all but kissed his head, but neither of them would voice it time morning came.


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