Everyone deserves a second ch...

By UniteTogether

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You have been working for enourmous IT corporation. You didn't believe anymore in paranormal things like SCP... More

Part 1 - The legends are true
Part 2 - First days
Part 4 - Global reveal
Part 5 - Winter is coming
Part 6 - Christmas
Part 7 - New Year's confession
Part 8 - Easter
Part 9 - An attempt to escape
Part 10 - Separated
Part 11 - The truth
Part 12 - Plan
Part 13 - Battle for honor
Part 14 - Proposition
Alternate ending 1 - Escape
Alternate ending 2 Part 1 - Found you
Alternate ending 2 part 2 - Hope
Alternate ending 3 - Hesitation
Alternate ending 4 - Sacrifice
Alternate ending 5 - Hide and seek
Alternate ending 6 - Moral dillema

Part 3 - Recovery and work

6K 109 53
By UniteTogether

Your POV:
I woke up at 5 a.m. I was still alive, but who knows for how long? I quickly dressed up and went to the bathroom. I cleaned my face, brushed my teeth and went to the kitchen to make some breakfast. Kyung-Mi was getting better, so I have decided to make some scrambled eggs with bacon. At the same time I have made for us some tea. When everything was ready, I put it on a plate and brought it to her room. Surprisingly, she was awake.

You: Hey, I have brought you some breakfast.

Kyung-Mi: Thanks...

You: Is something wrong?

Kyung-Mi: Tell me, why did you save me? You knew who I am, so why?

You: My mother taught me that everyone deserves a second chance.

Kyung-Mi: ... Have you told anyone that I am here?

You: No, I don't want to risk. If Foundation realised that you survived, we both would die.

Kyung-Mi: So you know that they want me dead?

You: Yes, 049 told me everything. But I still don't understand why.

Kyung-Mi: I think that we will never know. I only know that O5 council sent that order.

You: Are you serious? O5 council did that?

Kyung-Mi: Yes. I wish I knew why they did that.

You: Well, I can promise you that I will do anything to keep you safe.

Kyung-Mi: ... You aren't too cofident about that, are you?

You: What do you mean?

Kyung-Mi: You believe, that I will kill you when I recover, don't you?

You were shocked. You knew that she can read in minds, but you didn't expect that she will read in yours. You didn't say a word. Suddenly, she stood up and put her hand on your arm.

Kyung-Mi: You don't have to worry. I will use that second chance well. And thank you again, for saving me.

You: No problem. Anyway, I have to start working, if you need something, call me.

Kyung-Mi: But... You cannot leave your work.

You: I am a programmer, I work at home. If you want, I can show you how I work.

Kyung-Mi: Sure.

Kyung-Mi's POV:
After he said, that he doesn't need to leave his home, I was surprised. Even the researchers and guards were coming back to their homes after work. I agreed and he brought me upstairs. I thought that he is going to his room, but apparently, he had a small office that I didn't see  last night. He started the computer and showed me something written in English, that looked like many commands. He explained to me, that he uses that to create something on his computer and then sends it to his co-workers. Then, he started typing something in that program and at the same time, he was talking to me.

Your POV:
I have shown her how this works. I also told her, that the worst part of it is punctuation, if I forget one comma, it is not going to work. It looked like she didn't have anything to do, so she was watching me during my work. We talked about few things and after few hours, it was time for lunch. I have saved my work and went to the kitchen. She came with me and together, we were preparing chicken for lunch.

Kyung-Mi's POV:
After few hours we went to kitchen to prepare something to eat. These morons were only giving me livers, because they thought that this is the only thing that I can eat. It was a long time since I have eaten something normal. Y/N told me that we will prepare chicken in wine sauce. Of course, I love wine, so it was a perfect kind of food for me. He asked me, if we should use red, or white wine. I proposed him to use the white wine, because it will taste better with chicken. If that was beef or pork, then we would use the red wine. It looked like Y/N knew how to cook, because the lunch was delicious. However, I felt really tired so I went to sleep and he returned to his work.

Your POV:
She liked my cooking. Maybe because I didn't burn it this time. Anyway, I have returned to my work and she went to sleep. Good for her, she still needs to rest, the wounds haven't healed fully yet. After that conversations during the breakfast, I started believing, that she won't kill me. But I can never be sure. I wanted to take my antidepressants, but I have already used all of them. Damnit, I will have to buy them, but how am I gonna survive without them today? But to be honest, I didn't feel alone anymore. My depression became weaker. Is this because I finally have somebody to talk with? If so, then I guess that I have saved two people that day. Her, and myself.

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