Hi //: n.h (COMPLETED)

By LilacPurple

373K 7.5K 5.6K

"Hi." -It's a short, simple word. But it's how love starts. --- Book 1: Five Dirty Little Secrets --- All cop... More

-Chapter 1- ✔️
-Chapter 2- ✔️
-Chapter 3- ✔️
-Chapter 4- ✔️
-Chapter 5- ✔️
-Chapter 6- ✔️
-Chapter 7- ✔️
-Chapter 8- ✔️
-Chapter 9- ✔️
-Chapter 10- ✔️
-Chapter 11- ✔️
-Chapter 12- ✔️
-Chapter 13- ✔️
-Chapter 14- ✔️
-Chapter 15- ✔️
-Chapter 16- ✔️
-Chapter 17- ✔️
-Chapter 18- ✔️
-Chapter 19- ✔️️
-Chapter 20- ✔️️
-Chapter 21- ✔️
-Chapter 23- ✔️
-Chapter 24- ✔️
-Chapter 25- ✔️
-Chapter 26- ✔️
-Chapter 27- ✔️
-Chapter 28- ✔️
-Chapter 29- ✔️
-Chapter 30- ❌
-Chapter 31-
-Chapter 32-
-Chapter 33-
-Chapter 34-
-Chapter 35-
-Chapter 36-
-Chapter 37-
-Chapter 38-
-Chapter 39-
-Chapter 40-
-Chapter 41-
-Chapter 42-
-Chapter 43-
-Chapter 44-
-Chapter 45-
-Chapter 46-
-Chapter 47-
-Chapter 48-
-Chapter 49-
-Chapter 50-
-Chapter 51-
-Chapter 52-
-Chapter 53-
-Chapter 54-
-Chapter 55-
-Chapter 56-
-Chapter 57-
-Chapter 58-
-Chapter 59-
-Chapter 60 // Epilogue-
For the last time...
The Autobiography //: h.s
Second Love

-Chapter 22- ✔️

5.1K 125 69
By LilacPurple

-Chapter 22-

Niall's POV:

After changing clothes and freshening up, I headed to Liam's house where the boys were finalising up the details for the Steal My Girl music video shoot.

I mentally prepared myself before I knocked on the wooden door and walked in. The boys were sitting at the small table in Liam's kitchen.

"Hi?" I said awkwardly.

Zayn and Louis looked relieved.

Harry had a half annoyed, half relieved vibe coming off him.

Liam looked pissed.

"Hi? Is that all you have to say?" Liam yelled.

"How are you?" I added.

Liam looked like he was about to burst, and it seems like Harry has just turned into a ticking time bomb.

"Let's do this calmly?" Zayn proposed and I nodded. "Okay, so where were you, Niall?"

"I was-" I stopped.

Cora and I both agreed that we had to keep our relationship a secret, and that meant not even telling the boys about it. Truth be told I felt horrible about it, but I understand that it is for the best. We can't take the risk of telling anyone if we want to be together, thus making this the only way. At least for the next four months.

"I was in England." I finished.

"Oh, great! I thought you had gone to China." Harry said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

"Okay... I was in Birmingham... With Cora." I sighed.

"We know that, but why?" Louis sighed, running a hand down his face.

"I can't say..." I trailed off, guilty.

"What the hell, Niall? We tell each other everything! What's so bad that you can't tell us?!" Liam yelled.

"Because it's not my secret... Look, I can tell you this: Cora had an accident and was in the hospital. I went down to see her. I'm sorry I left without saying anything, I know that I'm in the wrong, but I was in such a rush to leave that it completely slipped my mind. Plus, my phone was on silent." I explained, finally caving in.

"Is she okay?" Louis asked, a worried look on his face.

"She is now-" I got cut off when my phone chimed.

"Bare with!" I said lifting my finger, and tugging my phone out of my pocket.

Cora: 'Bradley's here.'

I nearly had a heart attack and dropped my phone on the floor.

"Niall... You okay?" Liam asked, standing up.

"I gotta go." I whispered and turned on my heel.

I knew shouldn't have left her alone. I should have stayed like my gut told me to, but instead I have been persuaded by Cora to leave. I felt sick. I needed to get back to Sutton Coldfield and see Cora. I don't know what happened between Cora and her ex, but all I know is that I'm falling for her and I can't not be with her in a moment of need.

"Wait, what?!" Harry yelled, but it was too late because I was already out of the door and running down the path to my car.


Cora's POV:

He was standing in the centre of the small stage that had definitely seen better days, but somehow he still managed to look like he was at Wembley arena. He always looked magnificent and grand because he was... to me anyway.

As I had walked into the room, the group had just finished their happy birthday speech to Michael, who was standing smugly near the bar, a group of girls standing around him.

"This song is dedicated to someone very special, someone who inspired this song." Bradley announced, his eyes briefly meeting with mine.

"I was walking away, but she's so beautiful it made me stay. I don't know her name, but I'm hoping she might feel the same. So here I go again, she got my heart again!" The song started and of course the dedication had been to me if you hadn't already guessed.

"Cora-" Someone said besides me, but my eyes were too fixed on the stage.

"Tonight we'll dance. I'll be yours and you'll be mine. We won't look back, take my hand and we will shine. Oh, oh, oh. She needs a wild heart, she needs a wild heart."

His eyes meet mine. "I got a wild heart."

"Cora!" Olivia cried in frustration and my eyes moved from Bradley's to hers in a heartbeat.

"Stay here, my dear, feels like I've been standing right here for years. My mind's beat up, tell me that you feel this, and I won't give up."

Olivia was talking to me, and Chloe had joined her, but I couldn't hear what they were saying.

My eyes switched back to the stage and once again I made eye contact with Bradley.

"I won't give up." But I did.

"Tonight we'll dance. I'll be yours and you'll be mine. We won't look back, take my hand and we will shine. Oh, oh, oh. She needs a wild heart, she needs a wild heart. I got a wild heart. Oh, oh, oh. She needs a wild heart, she needs a wild heart. I got a wild heart." Bradley and the rest sang.

"Fuck she's frozen. I'm going to bloody kill Michael." Alex shouted... When did he join us?

I open my mouth, but no words came out.

"And I know it's late, I know it's cold, but come right here, I swear I'll never let you go. The way you move—it's wonderful. Let's do it now, 'cause one day we'll both be old. Oh whoa oh." The crowd lifted their arms, as did The Vamps, and started clapping. Only four people didn't: Alex, Chloe, Olivia, and I.

My eyes were darting back and forth between Bradley and my friends when they shouted in my ear, or pulled on my hands.

"Tonight we'll dance. I'll be yours and you'll be mine. We won't look back, take my hand and we will shine. Oh, oh, oh. She needs a wild heart, she needs a wild heart."

"Cora... I got a wild heart." I heard my name, but did he say it or was it just my imagination once again being controlled by him/

"Tonight we'll dance, I'll be yours and you'll be mine. We won't look back, take my hand and we will shine. Oh, oh, oh--" Oh but Bradley I can't be yours

"She needs-" Chloe started, and before I could stop myself I finished for her.


"I got a wild heart. Oh, oh, oh. She needs a wild heart, she needs--"

"Niall. I need Niall." I murmured, so softly I'm surprised that they managed to hear.

"I've got a wild heart." Bradley finished, his eyes, yet again, on mine. Needless to say that I was in pieces.


Harry's POV*:

Niall had disappeared about half an hour ago, and the atmosphere wasn't good. We were all pissed.

Very pissed.

"Has anyone-" Zayn started but was rudely cut off by a phone ringing.

Why can't people time their phone calls at a better time, this is urgent business. We even had to cancel our meeting --Luckily it was nearly finished-- so we could talk about Niall's disappearing acts.

I patted my pocket, but my phone was on vibrator, and it wasn't vibrating.

The phone kept ringing, but nobody answered.

"Isn't someone going to get that?" I asked, even more annoyed than earlier.

"It's not mine." Liam sighed, putting his phone away for the second time.

"Or mine." Louis added.

"Nope." Zayn shook his head.

Suddenly it hit me. Niall had dropped his phone when he received a text message. I jumped up, slightly bumping my knee in the process and ran over to where Niall had been standing... And sure enough, there it was. His brand new iPhone 6+ lying on the floor.

I picked it up and showed everyone so they understood what was going on.

The phone had stopped ringing, but being the nosy person I am, I was going to get into Niall's phone and call the person back.

"Does anyone know what his pin is?" I asked, swiping the screen and falling on the lock page. Damn, the only time he really ever listened to us about his phone and look where it's got me now

"His birthday?" Zayn suggested, getting up and walking over.


"No luck." I sighed.

"How about 2010?" Louis suggested, him and Liam walking over.


"We've only got one try left... Think carefully about this next one." I sighed, tapping my foot impatiently.

"Ugh, okay. Try 1102." Zayn suggested.

"What?" I asked, is he trying to kill us?! I may be over exaggerating this just a tiny bit.

"1102." Zayn repeated.

"I heard you the first time, but are you insane?! We can't just start putting random numbers in." I yelled, very on edge.

"It's not random." Zayn sighed, snatching the phone out of my hands.

"Hey!" I protested.


"What the..." I trailed off as the phone unlocked.

Zayn chucked the phone back to me, and I, along with Liam and Louis, just looked at him with wide eyes.

"Niall's defiantly got a big crush." Zayn breathed out, looking at us with a serious face.

"What?" I said.

"1102; 11th of February, that's Cora's birthday." Zayn explained slowly.


"Oh no..." Louis breathed out.

"What?" We all asked, directing our attention to him.

"Look." He sighed, pointing towards the screen.

My eyes followed his finger and found that the phone had opened onto Niall's gallery. Which was full of photos of him... and Cora.

We tapped on the first one. It was a nice photo of him and Cora looking of into the sunset on some sort of beach, his arms wrapped around her waist and his chin rested on her shoulder. Someone must have taken this photo, which means someone else saw this scene... This very romantic scene.

I know I should probably stop, but my finger glided across the screen revealing another photo. This time a group one of Cora, Niall, two other girls, and boys who I didn't know.

Again, my finger glided, displaying another phone. This one was of Cora and another girl in mid-laughter. I don't have a crush on Cora, but wow, she is really beautiful.

I continued to swipe my finger, exhibiting more photos: A selfie of Cora and Niall, a picture of Cora in the dark blue sea, a picture of Cora and a male friend--actually quite a few, it looks like they photo bombed his phone--, and one of Cora and Niall in bed, cuddling up together and looking very in love.

I suddenly felt really guilty, after all these are Niall's personal photos, and I would hate it if someone went through mine, especially such personal ones.

I was about to say something--I'm not quite sure what, but something needed to be said-- when the phone started to ring again.

The caller ID said Alex Benson, and I didn't hesitate to answer.

"Thank god! Niall, you need to get here right now." The guy, Alex, said in a relieved but tense voice.

"Ugh yeah, Niall isn't here. This is his friend, Harry?" I stated, putting the call on speaker at Louis' request.

"What do you mean Niall isn't here? This is his phone?" The guy sounds panicked.

"Um he forgot his phone. Why are you calling if you don't mind me asking?" I asked at Zayn's request.

"Oh you've got to be fucking kidding me." He cursed.

"What's going on?" I inquired.

"Right... Look can you go round to his house or whatever and tell him to get his arse down here straight away." He ordered.

"I can't, he ran off somewhere after receiving a text." I explained.

"Oh.. What time was this?" He asked.

"About forty-five minutes ago." I stated.

"He should be here in an hour then... God, I hope he is."

"Sorry, what? I don't really understand what's going on." I explained.

"Oh yeah, look I'm taking you know Cora-" He asked and I grunted in response. "And you know about Bradley-" Another grunt. "Well let's just say that they are in the same room together and it's not going very well."

"What has this got to do with Niall?" I interrogated.

"You've got to be joking?!" Alex said, but when I didn't answer he just sighed. "I can't explain. You might want to ask Niall when he gets back."

"Oh, umm ok?-" I didn't quite know what to say, but thank god I was interrupted.

"Look, I have to go, but please if it turns out Niall isn't on his way here, tell him that he needs too." And with that, Alex Benson hung up.

Nobody said anything for a while until Zayn muttered "Nialler's in deep shit."

And I can't say that I don't disagree.


Cora's POV:

"...I talk a lot of shh when I'm drinking baby.. I'm known to go a little too fast. Don't mind all my friends, I know they're all crazy, but they're the only friends that I have. I know I don't know you, but I'd like to skip the small talk and romance, girl. That's all I have to say so, baby, can we dance?" Bradley finished Can We Dance.

I was still frozen to the spot, everyone else was dancing around me and none of them seemed to notice that Bradley's eyes never leave mine.

Alex had gone to phone someone, Chloe had gone to find Michael, and Olivia was hovering next to me sometimes opening her mouth to say something, but then closing it almost straight away.

What was happening? I don't understand anything anymore.

How could this happen? I've been so careful.

Why is this happening?

"This is our second to last song, so make some noise for Last Night!" Connor announced.

The music started and the singing soon followed. Bradley tore his eyes away from mine and forced a smile on to his face.

"Olivia." I suddenly yelled.

Her eyes widened, but she took a step towards me and placed her hand on my shoulder.

"I need to tell you something." I admitted, squeezing my eyes shut in pain.

"You do?" Olivia asked, wide eyed.

I nodded and bit my lip. "I should have told you when it happened, but it couldn't... but now I think I need to tell you why Bradley and I broke-up." I nearly chocked.

If my best friend's eyes got any bigger they would fall out of their sockets.

"Cora... Are you sure? You don't have to if you don't want to." She pointed out.

I nodded and continued biting my lip. I took a deep breath, and cleared my mind. I took a step forward, so that I was right next to her. My lips were millimetres from her ear, and I placed my hand on her arm to steady me as I whispered my dirty little secret.

"Oh, Cora." She gasped, and that was all she said as she pulled me into a bone crushing hug and I hugged her back with all the force that was left in me. I squeezed her tiny frame tightly and felt like a load had been taken off my shoulders.


I have finally gathered up the courage to tell someone about what happened. I can finally talk to someone whenever the memories hit me.

But what was I thinking? A secret is no longer a secret once it has been told.


Hahaha! You'll have to wait a bit longer to find Miss Cora's secret *devil grin*

I don't believe it's new year tomorrow! 

Anyway, I'm rambling.

Love you guys, 



P.s: Wild Heart by the Vamps in the side

P.s.s: Dedicated to @ImagineThePerfection for all her votes. 

btw /!\ Harry's POV is a one time thing. I don't really like it when books constantly switch back and forth between different characters but I felt like it was necessary for this particular situation. 

OP: 30Dec14

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