Par billieachess

441K 12.7K 27.3K

"why do you vape? it's bad for you. you know that, right?" she asked quietly after a moment. "i know it is, b... Plus

c a s t
t w o
t h r e e
f o u r
f i v e
s i x
s e v e n
e i g h t
n i n e
t e n
e l e v e n
t w e l v e
t h i r t e e n
f o u r t e e n
f i f t e e n
s i x t e e n
s e v e n t e e n
e i g h t e e n
n i n e t e e n
t w e n t y
t w e n t y - o n e
t w e n t y - t w o
t w e n t y - t h r e e
t w e n t y - f o u r
t w e n t y - f i v e
t w e n t y - s i x
t w e n t y - s e v e n
t w e n t y - e i g h t
t w e n t y - n i n e
t h i r t y
t h i r t y - o n e
t h i r t y - t w o
t h i r t y - t h r e e
t h i r t y - f o u r
t h i r t y - f i v e
t h i r t y - s i x
t h i r t y - s e v e n
t h i r t y - e i g h t
t h i r t y - n i n e
f o r t y
f o r t y - o n e
f o r t y - t w o
f o r t y - t h r e e
f o r t y - f o u r
f o r t y - f i v e
f o r t y - s i x
f o r t y - s e v e n
f o r t y - e i g h t
f o r t y - n i n e
f i f t y
s e q u e l

o n e

24.9K 502 3.1K
Par billieachess

j e s s i e

i sighed as i looked at paramount high. i took a hit from my novo, slowly exhaling the smoke. i put it in my glove compartment before getting out of my car and heading into the school for my last year.

i smiled as i saw my bestfriend, matthew, walking. i came up and rested my arm on his backpack as i walked beside him, laughing when he jumped a little. "holy shit, jj! you scared the shit out of me!"

"not my fault you scare easily." i smirked.

"i do not!" he defended.

"whatever helps you sleep at night, buddy. anyways, who you got first block?"

"mrs. stringer. you?"


we continued walking until we reached mrs. stringer's room, walking inside. we quickly found our seats in the back of the classroom.

"so how are you and that girl... what was her name... paris, right?" matt asked as he set his book bag to the side of his desk.

"she was a summer fling and that's all. hell, i'd hardly call it that. honestly, i just needed someone to fuck." i shrugged.

"right. speaking of," he said, subtly gesturing towards the door. "there she is."

i looked towards the door, suppressing a groan as i confirmed that paris was in fact standing there. she smiled, walking over and sitting in the desk to my right. "hi."

"hey." i replied, but turned back to face matthew. "wasn't you talking to some girl?"

"jessie? i wanna talk to you." paris said.

i rolled my eyes and turned to face her again. "i don't, though. incase you couldn't tell, i'm trying to have a conversation here."

"that's no way to talk to your girlfriend."

i narrowed my eyes at her. "i don't have a girlfriend, and if i did, it certainly wouldn't be you. annoying ass."

"i thought we had something, jessie."

"you was just a quick fuck, dude." i've always been the type to say what i wanted to. there's no use in holding shit back. "i told you before we even started that it was a no feelings involved typa thing."

i watched as her eyes watered. all she said as she got up from her seat and grabbed her backpack was "asshole."

i sighed before turning back to matthew once again. "anyways, wasn't you talking to a girl or something?"

he nodded. "i was, but she found out that she was moving, so we decided to go ahead and stop what was happening before we got too invested." he explained as he ran a hand through his hair, a small pout on his face. "i really liked her, jj."

i frowned. "aw, bubs. you'll find someone. i promise."

"i hope so." he mumbled.

"alright class, let's start with the basics."


it was now third block. once again, me and matthew sat in the back of the classroom. i looked up from my phone when i heard the door open.


the girl that walked in seemed to be about my height at 5'4. she was wearing a baggy, white t-shirt with a pair of black shorts that had "vuitton" across the front of them, which were also a bit baggy. it didn't look bad, though; she made it work. she had several chains adorning her neck.

my eyes traveled up from her outfit to meet her eyes. they were an electrifying blue that contrasted perfectly with her charcoal hair. she was probably one of the most beautiful people i had ever seen.

she sat down at the desk next to someone in the middle of the classroom. i think her name is ivy. i turned to matthew, only to see him already looking at her.

"dude... she's so hot." he mumbled, turning to look at me when i caught his attention.

"right?! who is she anyway?"

"i'm pretty sure she's new." he said as he glanced back at her. "do you think i have a chance with her?"

"yeah... if she was straight." i chuckled.

his eyes widened. "how do you know she's not straight?"

i gave him a really? look. "so you're really gonna look at her and tell me that she's not gay?"

he looked at her before shrugging. "i guess."

"trust me, matt. my gaydar has never failed me." i smirked.

"whatever." he shook his head, pulling out a binder from his bookbag, beginning to write down what was on the board. "we'll just have to see."

"we'll see." i repeated, also pulling out my binder and copying what was written on the board.


i sighed as i moved forward in the lunch line. matthew had luckily gotten first lunch wave, while i was stuck with third lunch wave.

guess it's better than fourth lunch wave.

i bought my lunch then walked to the main cafeteria area, scanning all of the tables. i didn't see anyone i recognized, or at least that anyone that i cared for. i scanned over them once again, a small smile coming to my face when i noticed the girl from earlier, sitting at a table by herself.

i made my over there, sitting in the seat in front of her. "hey."

"hey." she mumbled, looking up from her phone after a moment. "sheeeeeesh." she whispered. "what it do, baby?"

i smiled. "what's up? so you new here or something?"

"yeah, i just moved here like two weeks ago. why, is it that noticeable?" she chuckled.

"nah, i've just never seen you around." i shrugged.

she nodded. "right. well, i'm billie. and you are?"

"jessie, but i also go by jj."

"cool. your middle name start with a j or something?" she asked.

"yeah. so does my last name. i don't know what the hell my parents were thinking naming me jessie jade jacobs, but it is what it is, i guess."

"dude... that's not even bad." she shook her head. "my full name is billie eilish pirate baird o'connell. shit is a mouth full."

"deadass? that's sick."

"i used to hate it. like... with a fiery fucking passion." she laughed. "but i actually-" she stopped for a second. "dude, that jacket is fucking fire."

i laughed, a smile coming to my face. "thank you. your whole outfit is fire."

"thank you, mama." she grinned. "i'm sorry for getting off topic, i get distracted easily."

"you're good, shorty." 

"so... have you made any friends yet?" i asked.

she nodded. "yeah. her name's ivy standford. you know her?"

"i know of her."

"oh. she's pretty cool, i guess. a little touchy, but other than that... she's cool." she shrugged. "i've got my first three classes with her."

"yeah, i saw you and her sitting next to each other in third block."

"shit, you got that class?"

"sure do."


it was silent for a moment. i moved my tray over, which i'm not sure why i even bought it, considering the fact that i'm not even hungry. i crossed my arms on the top of the table. "you know your way around the city yet?"

she ran her hand through her hair, flipping it a bit. "i do not."

i gestured to her phone. "can i see that?"

she gave me a skeptical look, but still pushed the phone over to me. i smiled and took it. "code?"


"diablo." i mumbled, a smile coming to my face when she laughed.

i don't think i'll ever get over that.

i went to the "phone" app on the hotbar. i went to the contacts section and clicked on the plus sign in the corner. i put in my number and then as my contact name, i put "jj 🥵" and then slid her phone back to her after adding it to her contacts.

"just text me or something if you want a free tour of the area. or if you need anything." i said, my tone switching to a more serious one. "i'm serious. if you need literally anything, i've got you, princess."

i couldn't help but notice the slight pink that came to her cheeks. "got it. thanks."

"no problem."

i sighed as the bell rang. "you know where to go for your next class?"

i watched as she bit her lip, then pulled her schedule out of her pocket. her eyes scanned the paper for a moment before she shook her head. "hell no."

i chuckled before reaching my hand out. "let me see it." she placed it in my hand and i read over it. "well would you look at that, we've got the same class."


i handed her schedule back to her and grabbed my book bag, slinging it over my shoulder. "follow me."

i grabbed my tray and tossed it to the trash, seeing as it was disposable. i exited the cafeteria and started on my way to fifth block with billie following me.


i audibly groaned as i saw paris coming towards me. "look... can you just give me a chance?"


she placed her hand on my arm and looked into my eyes. "i can show you what you're missing."

don't get me wrong; paris is beautiful in her own right, but dear god she's annoying. she talks entirely way too much for her own good and it seems that she has new drama every fucking day.

"the only thing you're gonna do, is catch these hands, bro." i said, shaking her hand off of me, and my fist clenching at my side.

i felt a hand on my waist that pulled me into them gently. "calm down, mama." billie whispered, her mouth so close to my ear that i could feel her breath. "let's get out of here, yeah?"

"yeah." i mumbled, turning back to paris. "look, i really don't have time to deal with you. no means no, alright?"

she sighed and nodded. "yeah. fine. i get it." with that, she turned around and walked away.

billie, who's hand was still against my waist, and her front pressed against my back, turned me around to face her. she was now dangerously close to my face. "you're tense, baby. calm down."

much to my dismay, her hand moved from my waist to my hand. she unclenched my hand, interlacing our fingers. she didn't say anything as she pulled me into a nearby bathroom. she stood in front of me once again, her hand still interlaced with mine. "you good?"

i sighed. "yeah. you didn't have to do that, you know?"

"who would i be to let you get into a fight on the first day of school?"

i didn't say anything as i stared at her. she stepped forward. she was so close now that her feet were between mine. we're about the same height, so her face was exactly level with mine. she placed both of her hands on my hips. i studied her as she met my eyes. "it's not good for you to be so tense, babygirl." she whispered.

"yeah?" i asked, my voice low.


"maybe you could help?" i asked in a suggestive tone.

"maybe." the bell rang and she smirked before patting my cheek. "but i need to get to class."

she pulled back completely, already walking towards the door. my eyes widened as i chased after her. "you can't just do that!" i whined. "that's not fair, dude."

she turned her head back to smile innocently at me. "i don't know what you're talking about."

"like fuck you don't!"

i groaned and stopped walking. "you're going the wrong way, dumbass." she turned around and held her hand out. "lead the way then, wise one."

i walked forward and grabbed her hand, letting our hands drop between us as i lead her to class. "i hate you." i grumbled.

"like fuck you do." she mocked, a shit eating grin on her face.

i threw my head back. "you're so annoying."

"aw come on now, don't be salty."

"you know, i wouldn't be salty if you weren't such a fucking tease."

"you loved it."

"you sure about that?" i raised a brow.

"one billion percent."

truth be told, i did love it, but i would never tell her that.

i stopped as we reached our fifth block. "well here we are. the class that you just had to get to."

she smiled. "thank you."

"whatever, shorty." i sighed, knocking on the door.

a few seconds later, the door opened. "nice of you to join us, miss jacobs. and miss o'connell, is it?" ms. mason said sarcastically.

"eilish actually." billie corrected, staring at her with a resting bitch face.

"my computer says o'connell."

"and i say eilish."

ms. mason sighed before shaking her head, muttering a small "whatever." she looked down and noticed that we were holding hands. "stop with the pda ladies. it's distracting to our learning."

i moved into the classroom, holding mine and billie's hands up. "excuse me, but is this distracting to anybody's learning abilities?"

they all either mumbled no or shook their heads. i turned back to face the teacher. "see? it's not distracting to anybody's learning." i smiled.

"fine." she said, sending me a hard glare as she shut the classroom door. "find a seat."

i led billie to the back of the classroom and sat down in one of the desks. she sat in the one beside me. "sorry about that. me and her... to put it simple, we don't get along very good."

she let out a small laugh. "nah, that shit was funny, don't apologize."

"noted." i smiled.


i opened my car door and got in, shutting the door. i pushed the start button and then reached in my glove compartment, pulling out my novo. i took a few hits before sitting it in the cup holder. i pulled my phone out of my pocket and started facetiming matthew, setting my phone in the holder that i bought.

he answered in a few rings. "hola."

"dude... you're not going to believe what fucking happened today." i grinned, pulling out of the parking lot.

i glanced at the phone, my eyebrows furrowing. "dude, put your phone down while you drive. you know i don't fuck with that shit."

he set it down in what seemed to be his cup holder. "sorry. so what happened?"

"you know billie?"

"i don't."

"the girl from third block!"

"oh." he dragged out. "right. her. what about her?"

"she's like... one hundred percent gay." i said then continued to explain everything that had happened.

"deadass?" he asked after taking all the information in.

"deadass, bro." i smiled as i pulled in to my driveway. i grabbed my phone and my novo, then headed to my front door after locking my car. "i'll talk to you later, matt."

"alright, see you, jj."

i shoved my phone into my shorts pocket, then unlocked my front door, heading inside. "i'm home!" i shouted, though i knew that i was the only one here.

my parents are both surgeons and practically live at the hospital. i basically live by myself at this point. i went downstairs to the basement, which i had claimed as my room, and pulled my phone out when i felt it vibrate. it was a message from an unknown number.



do i know you lmao?

oh shit
it's billie

new contact added: bil!

you're good
dw about it


did you need anything?

you down to get some ice cream tomorrow?

are you asking me on a date eilish?

bold of you to assume that i would want to go on a date with you


but no
not a date

then what would you call it

an outing with a friend
i'd like to get to know you better

only if i get to choose where we get ice cream from tho

i only know of one ice cream place around here anyways

because you're new

shut up


i'll see you tomorrow jj

tomorrow bil


a/n how we feeling rn?

also a block is just a longer class period. for this book, there's five blocks, all lasting about an hour and fifty minutes :)


Continuer la Lecture

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