My Top 4 Chinese Dramas

By ChineseDramaObsessed

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Basically what the title says. It was top 3 before but I just watched CQL... Word of Honor will be joining th... More

Stuff that you can actually skip
The Eternal Love (双世宠妃)
The Eternal Love 2 (双世宠妃2)
Ashes of Love (香蜜沉沉烬如霜)
Journey of Flower (花千骨)


715 8 19
By ChineseDramaObsessed

English Name: The Untamed

Chinese Name: 陈情令

Seasons: 1

Link (YouTube): up dere. but some of the youtube videos have parts where there's just no sound so you can watch it on another site if you want.

Main Actors: Xiao Zhan (actor for Wei Wuxian) & Wang Yibo (actor for Lan Wangji)

Description: It's classic. The question that seems so repeated sometimes, yet really speaks truth.

What is right? What is wrong? The difference really is just how people see it. Perspective.

Wei Wuxian seemed like a man who had it all. He was happy, playful, talented, skillful, etc. But life isn't that nice. His life quickly drowns into a complete tragedy, making him go against the sects who he had worked with. 

Lan Wangji was a strict man who followed rules like his life depended on them. When Wei Wuxian, a person who breaks rules like sticks, comes into his life, an interesting "friendship" sprouts.

Together, they learn truths- and lies, solve mysteries, and have countless other adventures.

My Rating: infinite stars 

Favorite Song: Unrestrained (无羁). Singers: Xiao Zhan & Wang Yibo.

Recommendation stuff: Just watch it. I don't care what your style is JUST WATCH IT. Bear the boring episodes- skip them if you want- but don't give it up. I mean, if you really hate dramas with no female and male romance then I guess don't? Yeah if you're gonna ship Wei Ying with Wen Qing or something, then nononono.

Btw, try to avoid spoilers. The spoilers ruin the show. Idc what you do- don't read the comments, don't look at future episodes, don't look at thumbnails, don't look at images- just don't. I saw way too many spoilers and the surprise element was almost ruined.

If you read the novel/watched the donghua/manhua/etc, then.... I have no idea... but some say they were disappointed so...? I only read 28 chapters of the novel and 5 episodes of the donghua and I still prefer CQL...

If this you've never watched chinese dramas before, I warn you. You won't find a better one.

Me Ranting WITHOUT spoilers: 

I finished this like... two months ago.

I've rewatched once, and this definitely is a drama that you need to rewatch. 

Yes, this drama has flaws. But the flaws are not that bad. For me anyway, heh...

Y'know people say they love how Wang Yibo acts with his little eye expressions and stuff. I think I'm blind but I seriously didn't see them in the first few episodes. In fact I don't think I ever openly noticed them. Like I just saw a random scene with LWJ and I'm like "oh he looks sad, poor dude- oh wait the acting is actually- OHHHHHHH ok ok ok".  Seriously tho, I got so much Bai Zihua vibes from him at the beginning lol.

Ngl though, I find Xiao Zhan INSANELY good. At everything basically (that's vague but u know what i mean shh). His acting is convincing enough for me. I don't need to talk about looks right? I don't know why- I'm pretty sure this is just a dumb thought- but I find Xiao Zhan and Huo Jianhua similar in looks. Like when Xiao Zhan is in serious mode I think... probably just me, idk...  (crap I'm still obsessed with HQG...)

Anyway, even though i feel like everyone reading this probably already finished the story, here are some tips while watching:

try to remember the names. But if you can't, here are the ones you should try to remember:

Song Lan, Xiao Xingchen, Xueyang - they have a whole arc together so if you forget who they were... 

Jin Guangyao = Mengyao = lianfangzun - I remembered this dude as "dimple guy"...

Jin Guangshan - not too important, just know he's jin guangyao's dad. 

Mo Xuanyu - remember he's also Jin Guangshan's kid. 

Nie Mingjue = chifengzun - just remember him so that after he di- AHEM i mean, just remember that he existed for future purposes.

Su She - try to remember this dude is a betrayer of Lan sect. and he hates Lan Wangji so we must hate on him

Lan Xichen - Lan wangji's brother, ultimate Wangxian fan, yeah

Jin Ling - jiang yanli/shijie's kid, remembering that makes his existence sadder ok?

Lan Sizhui - he's a special kid...

Nie Huaisang - the really "dumb" dude with a fan

I don't think you need me to remind you to remember the main characters right..? lwj, wwx, jc, ye?

If you start to really hate the series or something and want to quit it... watch ep 32 :P

Me Ranting WITH spoilers:

Lol can I just say the songs... they are over-repeated XD. But I don't care cuz they are SO GOOD ahaha. 

The one that plays when Shijie/Jiang Yanli dies fits the scene so well and makes it so sad! 

Btw btw, that Wuji song! The first time we heard it was probably either hearing it from the ending song or when Wei Wuxian plays it on the leaf or something (lol I was like wtf at that) right? At that time, I was just half like, "Yeah a leaf is much more squeaky sounding than that but this is drama land whatev" and also like "wow this is a beautiful tune" and also like "so this is apparently their love song? dang it comment spoilers". Yeah I saw someone comment it and I was just like ;-;.

Which is why when I got to the part where Lan Zhan was humming it I felt no "holy AH wOw big FEEls ahHAfah" etc. My volume was pretty low at that time anyway lol, could barely hear it.

It also took me an embarrassing amount of time to realize the song WWX played was the end song...

Going back to Jiang Yanli/Shijie's death though. It really was kind of dumb. I know you care for your brothers and stuff, but why would you just risk your life and run into a battlefield? When you have a baby to care for too? I don't mind it too much though, cause she had to die for dramatic sadness causes (lol, we know every drama just gotta have that one scene- though this one has too much).

Seriously though, this drama is really different from others. Yeah, it's my first BL drama but eh, I still feel like it's different. The end DOES end with the main character. It DOES end with the big spooky boss being defeated. But most dramas don't do what they did.

Most dramas make it a personal problem with the main character or make it seem like ONLY the main character can fix it or make it seem like a ton of the problem is the main character, etc etc. What I mean is most dramas make the last problem have A LOT to do with the main character. This story?

It was more like a side story, accompanying the sad Xue Yang one. I didn't really find it appropriate to be the last problem. Honestly the whole Wei Ying snaps and becomes kinda evil that isn't evil scene felt more WOW than this one. Yeah, this one was sad, but I kept thinking "what does the main character have to do with this?"

I know Mengyao/Jin Guangyao was supposed to be the ultimate schemer of pretty much all of Wei Ying's problems, but I just didn't get that FINAL feeling. But it was still a good scene. Probably was just going with the book or something. 

Lol all the ships in this drama though... lemme think of some:

Wangxian duhh (Wei WuXIAN and Lan WANGji)

This triangle: Xueyang & Xiao Xingchen & Song Zichen (i may have gotten a name wrong im not sure)

Meng Yao/Jin Guangyao & Lan Xichen



Seriously that soup should be called nostalgia soup. All those memories and flashbacks. gAh.

This drama has to be the drama with the most- and longest- flashbacks that I've ever seen. An about 31 episode flashback with flashbacks in that flashback and more flashbacks after that flashback while there were still more flashbacks before that long flashback and I've never used the word flashback this many times in one sentence.

This drama's bts scenes though lol. So many. Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo seem like best friends XD. Just casually punching each other like it's just another day... (kind of how you'd imagine jiangcheng and wei wuxian's old relationship tbh)

Oh the names though. So many names. I forgot 50% of all of the ones shown tbh.

I completely forgot Wen Ning's name was also Wen Qionglin. So when Wei Wuxian called it out I was like "wHAt?"

me thinking now... what was wen qing's name? did she have another one...? o gee...

I also forgot who Jin Guangshan was... I think it was that stupid ruler who was like "ima kill wei wuxian and burn him and scatter his ashes".

Lol it's quite touching how Lan Wangji named A'Yuan Sizhui. It means something feeling chasing. Um, that was a really bad way to put it, but it basically means he misses Wei Ying and is sorta yearning for him (that didn't sound very smooth either...)

I found the beginning super interesting. It was a pretty cool hook how they showed a kind of ending as the beginning. Way to start the drama lol, people getting brutally killed for a sketchy stone thing and the main lead jumping off a cliff. 

I liked how there was such a sad mood at times but then Wei Wuxian would just act so ridiculous that it kinda lightened it up. He had this "i have a sad past and im op" aura (which was kinda true) which I liked. I felt super attracted to his mask appearance ngl for some reason. It kinda reminded me of something but idk what...Then when he bumped into Lan Zhan I was like "oooh GeeEE". His face though, looked so guilty XD.

Then the long flashback started... I was bored out of my mind. When it started with the whole "16 years earlier" I was like, ok ok, so like when are we getting back to that scene? Then someone commented they would go back at ep 33 and i was like "ARE YOU KIDDING MEEE"

honestly thooo. I agree with the young Lan Zhan XD. One word to explain WWX? Shameless! The beginning eps of the flashback, omg if I had the guts to do things like him...

Then when he got to the dark side I was like "finally getting interesting". He had this super cool aura when he got all dark. I didn't find his change of personality sad at all lol. Just felt like it was very cool cool. 

also also. I was just being normal one day, going through my routine of looking up CQL stuff. Then I just randomly had the idea of looking at ep 1 and ep 33. Yeah I wanted to see the scene were WWX went "weee" down the cliff. 

bro they were the same scene but episode 1's was like... more red.... idk!!! Episode 1 looks like someone splattered some red watercolor thing on the scenes. lol maybe it just means WWX's memories are more... not red.... :o is he slightly colorblind?? LOL ok im taking this too far.

Random Parts that I didn't really like: yeah ik ya gotta stay with the book, im jus judging the whole mdzs story here...

That zoom into his eye...

First episode, we see the scene where WWX is about to fall off the cliff. They just had to zoom into his eyes then zoom out like... whY? It looks kind of weird, but hey creativity goes into all sorts of directions ig...

That book...

WWX bein naughty and showing LWJ an interesting book. Felt so uncomfortable from that scene lol, but ok ok ok. 

Showing Wen Ning how to shoot stuff

lol ik i shouldn't really blame anyone that much but it was wwROnggg. I read this book series called Ranger's Apprentice and also watched a few videos on archery (because I got obsessed with the series lol...) They all say that you just DON'T use your index and thumb to pull the string. When WWX said he was gonna help and correct Wen Ning I was like, "wait are you for real gonna fix the way he's holding the string... is that too much to hope for...?" gah it was.. I think he even said something like "relax your shoulders and use ur arm" (might've remembered wrong) when my book said "stretch your shoulders back and use the strength of BOTH arms". oh the triggerringgg. 

When they were fighting those sea monster thingys idek...

Just felt like it was so unnecessary. Yeah i get WWX is smart and they all op and stuff but what was the point of that...

Anyways there really isn't much that I can think of atm so here are the favorite parts:
(didn't even need to look back to the episodes, this drama is amazing and easy to remember for some reason)

Naming his donkey Little Apple...

This is so irrelevant but every time he called his donkey Little Apple I kept remembering that song... 你是我的小小小苹果...

LWJ being drunk

him being drunk is just gold. srsly, asking WWX if chickens are fat? wow man... just make LWJ drink some wine and you get a totally different person.

Wen Chao's death

It was kinda satisfying but pretty creepy as well. Kinda disappointed that Wen Zhuliu died cuz I kinda wanted to know about his past. Then WWX returned and boi he had that cool vibe. like the... "i'm op and u dont wanna mess with me" vibe. 

The whole darn Yi City arc

i didn't expect it. I had no idea that something big was gonna happen. I just thought it would be a little case, some more WWX and LWJ kicking butts, and done, they get out. oh boi boi boi. I have a bunch of mixed feelings for Xue Yang. Like towards the end where WWX saw what happened I hated him to death. Seriously, making someone kill someone they care about by taking advantage of their blindness is sooo messed up. And what he did to A' Qing was kinda freaky too... But then when he was dying, I was so prepared to feel that HAHA U DESERVED IT feeling, but then his whole candy thing... it's almost like a mental serial killer falling in love with his next target. It was so sad! And they just had to remind me that Song Lan had no tongue now and the things he wrote with his sword.... so darn SAD. RIP Xiao Xingchen. But hey I love those sad scenes so..

When WWX's flexing those archery skills

lol he asked LWJ for his headband thing to cover his eyes. Bro if u really used that then you would either kill your eyes or be able to see very finely... anyways, when he shot like five arrows blind folded... sorry man that is just too unrealistic XD. But cool nonetheless. 

Ay long time no see, ima just faint right here 

I think it was when WWX just came back from the Xuanwu cave thing. He was just meeting with Jiang Fengmian and everything was all happy. Jiang Fengmian was just like "You're back." Then WWX just fainted XD. What a great way to come back.

Yu Ziyuan being badass

"I will tell you what is superior and what is inferior! I am superior, you are inferior!" she is such a savage lady lol. The satisfaction when she stepped on that annoying lady's face- I legit don't remember her name- oooofff. I'm pretty satisfied with her death too, she got to die with her husband and it was sad but still ok. Lol how did Jiang Fengmian drop so quickly tho...

After WWX's core thingy got taken out

Poor dude got ambushed in an inn lol. He saw all the soldiers and was like "oh shit, ima just get out- oop looks like I can't, ok..."then he got pretty brutally beaten up. Honestly if that didn't happen I really wonder what would've happened later. i guess that's something to thank or hate Wen Chao for. Without him, WWX might've not been an op fluting lord lol. But then again it was because of Wen Chao that WWX became a "bad guy". Or maybe WWX just would've became a "bad guy" that isn't op. Hmm... ALSO, LAN ZHAN WHAT TF WERE U DOING WHILE THIS WAS HAPPENING!!? this is why u gotta watch wwx 24/7, you never know when he might go and nearly die.

WWX continuously being asked, "Where's your sword?"

idk how he didn't blow up lol. So many times he was asked. Those dudes are such idiots though. He was so talented with the sword, do they think he really willingly went to the "evil ways" just cuz he wanted to? I mean sure, he could've chosen to just be a regular dude but... a dude called Wen Chao shoved him down Burial Mounds so.... hard to say, hard to say.

Jin Zixun, stop, seriously

this dude keeps making WWX nearly snap. At the hunt, his mouth literally just kept spitting insults all over the place and saying these really stupid things. Lol that was also the scene where shijie got all protective and was pretty nice. Seriously though, he kept saying all the sensitive stuff, like saying WWX is a son of a servant (i think?) and things about him not using a sword/using those "evil ways".

Then after that, he decided to mess with cinnamon roll Wen Ning- which is something you just don't do unless you have a deathwish- and WWX got all mad again. Boy WWX handled the situation so cool tho. The way he counted "one, two" oooF shiversss. 

Honestly if this dude did not exist then maybe all those problems would've not existed. Seriously though, it has been 1 year, and you get this weird curse thing, and you still think WWX was the one who did it? What an idiot. WWX has the best talking skills ever though lol, his comebacks are great. He just be spitting facts. 

Jin Zixun is just one of those characters that are born dumb, mean, and brainless. 

Lan Xichen, the ultimate Wangxian shipper

LWJ calls WWX "Wei Ying", LXC smiles. If that isn't shipping I don't know what is. Honestly LXC is just a nice dude that sees everything- besides Jin Guangyao.

Those good times while being the Yilinglaozu

I mean when he was the Yilinglaozu who was really just struggling to plant lotuses. Those good days when he'd call Wen Ning to go sell stuff, and when Lan Zhan visited him and met Wen Yuan who was still a little kid, and when WWX was looking at those fake people pretending to be his disciples, and when he would try to invent things and he exploded something in his cave, and when he found out his shijie was getting married to the peacock, and when he got to name the child (that moment when we realized jinling=jin rulan), and when he heard the news that the child was born "Wen Ning! Did you hear? The child was born! I have a nephew now!", and when he bought the gift for the child while taking out the other one he made that took a month to make, and when he was walking so happily with Wen Ning, about to visit baby JL, when an arrow came...

Jiang Cheng, you have a sense of humor?

Holding the little cup, "To Yilinglaozu" and WWX choking on his food, telling him to shut up... 

 When things went downhill...

I like angst and this drama gave me A LOT. Jin Zixun decides to be a nuisance again, Wen Ning's eyes turn into avocadoes, and the next thing you know, Jin Zixuan died! Xiao Zhan's shocked face though, I loved it.

Um, Wen Qing...

I don't really hate this bit, because it was sad. But seriously, sending "all" the Wen people to their deaths didn't exactly help WWX very much. I don't want to put it this way, but it was kind of useless, I think? In the end, those people still wanted him dead so...

But hey, that "there's not much time left. There are some words that everyone has to say eventually. Sorry, and, thank you." It's like CQL's version of the Harry Potter, "Always". 

Real Yilinglaozu time

Yeah let's just not talk about how they heard him while he was on the roof that far away...

But dang man! He looked so badass! 

Xiaozhan's acting though, combined with his good lo- I mean, the scene was so accurately portrayed! The crying while laughing eeeeheeheheh. I wANt to SQueAL.

Ahem. Anyways, WWX was just spitting facts at them lmao. I read this in the book as well, cause I just wanted to see all versions of it. And honestly, I still liked the CQl version more :)

Dang tho, when he got shot by the arrow! Idk what he was doing but I just loved it when he looked down at it in some kind of disbelief look or something. I honestly don't know how to explain his expression. Then when he just took it out and threw it back. Unrealistic but we all know we loved it. This was the Yilinglaozu that those people were so afraid of, yet they got it simply because they caused it!

Also, while rewatching CQL, I noticed that Yao sect leader dude at the ep where the jiang parents die. Wow, the hate for him grew even stronger lol! He pretty much just bit the hand that fed him food! They saved him, and he goes and calls WWX "the worst kind of person he has ever saw". I even thought he was a good person when I first saw him!

Oof then when LWJ came in and called WWX to stop. eHEHHEHEhehehe. 

Then shijie decided to be an idiot but still. I just thought "oh it's all gonna go downhill from here- nah it started when jzx died"

Her last words though! "My Xianxian. You ran so fast, shijie didn't have time to look at you again. Shijie wants to tell you..." r.i.p.

I read a comment that said that she wanted to say, "I never blamed you" and CRAP that made it sadder ;(((.

and then wwx decided to yeet himself off the cliff.

Episode 1 suddenly makes sense

When they just repeated the scene where people's hands were getting stabbed, we all knew what was gonna happen next. Jiangcheng hate started goin up and then boom. they decide to tell us that JC did not stab wwx but was gonna chop off lwj's arm??? BRO NO. 

"Jiang Wanyin, stop!" lol i feel like lwj secretly doesn't like jc. Like there might've been some hope to save wwx (ik this isn't with the mdzs story but let's just speak cql here) but jc came. Then the whole thing with the core thing happened and lwj realizes that wwx has suffered bc of jc. idk that may or may not be super obvious, im dumb bleh.

Anyways, I liked this part a lot just because i like sad things. This is something I actually kind of wish was in the original story. 

Alsoooo. From one point of view, lwj looked like he had no chance of grabbing wwx before he fell off, then from another, it looked like he totally got it. Idk lol. Lwj defeating gravity haha. 

So selfless of wwx to throw himself off before lwj's hand could be cut off. Lwj thooo!!

"WEI YING!" I think everyone who watched CQL can clearly hear that. and then the sad smaller "Wei Ying..." after.... EEEEE

then 16 years later where wwx gets chased by a dog in the same episode.

But back then, did you really trust me?

wwx why u gotta make lwj sad lmao he already regrets it. the drama even have him 3 extra years to be sad.

Fairy is best dog

WHERE DID THEY FIND SUCH A CUTE DOG LMAOO. Xiaozhan's scared face though! Priceless! Dont even need to go back to the episodes to remember the words cuz we all rewatched this scene amirite.

"Lan Zhan, save me!"

lwj comes in doing a majestic flip, then stands in front of his husband protectively. Fairy runs away. 

The screams though hahahaa. The last scream was such a weird high pitch XD. This voice actor is hitting a new level of sound lol! (im kidding, it wasn't that high but it sounded so funny)

Then he just gets his mask off and pretends nothing happened.

Shameless WWX has officially returned!

I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I really don't know, i don't know anything. 

That intro to the current Nie Huaisang haha. I love how whenever he comes into a scene, he just starts with an "I don't know, I don't know anything". Even though he's like the ultimate smart dude, his act really was hilarious. Ah, if Nie Mingjue didn't die... wait no. 

Yilinglaozu has turned into this?

Imagine dying a legend and returning to see a drawing of yourself. Then find out that the drawing looks like a monster with a beard. haha wwx's not wrong though, he really is a "beautiful man". (*Xiaozhan fangirling noises*)


Thanks to some random comments, I actually know what LWJ meant now. Yeesh imagine WWX turning into XY or JGY. He already turned into Yilinglaozu with a not bad childhood, so if he had a bad one...

Never knew parents could be so powerful.

You're telling me this isn't a confession?

Right after LXC told the story of his parents, literally urging WWX to notice LWJ's feelings, LWJ comes in with some wine. I feel like Emperor's Smile sounds weird compared to Tian Zi Xiao for some reason lol.

WWX seriously comes in, is about to tell LWJ "thank you" and stops because he thinks its too cringe or something. EHEHEHEHEH it's like the equivalent of "I love you" for me!

Then, while repeating wuji 9248 times, they talk about things. WWX saying he doesn't even really want to find things out anymore and LWJ just being like "as long as you're still here, I'm good". Silently ofc.

And LWJ goes back to playing Wuji, and WWX in his freaking head, says, "Thinking to back then, I really was lonely. The only few people who trusted me all died. Wen Ning, shijie."

Idk who said "luckily" but then it switched to LWJ: "In this world, there is still someone who trusts you."

WWX: "Lan Zhan, toast to you." (in his head)

WWX: "I'm satisfied for having one true friend."

LWJ: "For nothing else, but a clean conscience."

WWX: "Who cares how they slander me, I have a clean conscience."

WWX, out loud: "Lan Zhan, I'm sorry. Thank you." Dammit Wen Qing!


They're minds cOnnEct. The love is too strong ahhh i'm dyin. This was such a Wangxian scene. I bet LXC was somewhere spying on them, just being like "Dammit Wangji, that was a perfect time to confess!"

LWJ being badass

"You are not qualified to talk to me." LWJ after WWX's death oohohohho. Do not insult a grieving man haha! And this is one of the reasons why we hate su she.

Uncle and nephew

WWX's teachings are a little questionable but him teaching Jin Ling to fight ahwwwww. Then he's like "you should fight more when you're young cuz when you grow older, you start to realize that you can't fight many people anymore and you just have to endure them." haha that does sound like jgy, enduring people before making them die.

Uncle and nephew!?

JIN LING BRO. Lol that coincidence of him stabbing at the same spot as jc tho. Poor kid, he's confused. (but you dont freaking stab people when ur confused gjekfsj)

Long time no see Suibian

What a name though lol. It took me a while to find out why he got so injured from a stab. It was probably bc he was using a sword right? 

You're telling me THIS isn't a confession?

"Back then, when everyone praised me, it was only you who insulted me. Now, when everyone's against me, wanting me to die, it's only you who helps me." GRHRHHGHGHG. I'm not sure what part he said this but I remember he also said, "I thought the one who would always be on my side would be Jiang Cheng, and you would always be against me, but now..." gHAHFah

So we just finished a long flashback and you're gonna have some more flashbacks OK

This is a bit back to when the 16 years later thing passes and WWX's just walking through Cloud Recesses, remembering those happy days... ugh made me miss shijie on another level.


He's scared of dogs and he yelled "shijie!" omg that's adorable!!! xianxian is still a 3 yr old I swear XD. Ik he yelled "lanzhan" in the book or something but hey shijie is still good too. Just... doing it while JC is there isn't so good...

Shijie talks

Just... just read -



"I'm hungry."

- laugh- "Why are you still acting like a child?"

"Xianxian is three years old!"

"There's lotus root soup"

"Shijie, I have a question that I wanted to ask for a long time."

"Why would someone... like another person?"

"You like someone?"

"Ah? No, no, no! I just... I'm just curious, that's all."

"I think one year old is more accurate! Do you think one year old Xianxian can reach the counter to get soup?"

"Shijie can carry me!"


"You've always been like this, smiling all the time, no matter who yells at you. This is how you cope with A'cheng, isn't it?"

"It's always Shijie who saves me in the end."

"Don't just look at A'Cheng's words, he actually really cares about you."


JC and WWX

"Hey, how old are you? Still eavesdropping on other people's conversations?"

"I own this whole place! I can listen to whoever I want!"

"Shijie said she made lotus root soup. Where's the soup?"

"I ate it all!"

"You better throw it up!"

"Then I will!"


"You, me, and A'Cheng will always be the closest." 

Very close indeed. One ran away to Lan Zhan, another doesn't know how to apologize, and the last one is dead.

Kissing bunnies

Smh wwx you interrupted their kiss! 

Saving the younger generation...

"It looks like with intimidation, I still don't compare to Wen Ning?" then that dramatic sigh lmao.

"I heard that Senior Wei really was poor once." Omg sizhui that's ur dad don't be so rude. 

For a chair! 

"Do you know who I am?"

WWX, so straight forward, "no".

"My leg does!"

WWX: -.-

"You killed my parents!"

WWX, thinking: "I kind of caused the deaths of my own adoptive parents, what's new amirite, haha..."

Then Yao sect leader dude (that ungrateful b-)

WWX's questions tho lol: "Did I break your legs? Did I kill your parents?" THe question sounded so weird cuz the guy actually looked old lol.

"No matter how many times you revive, we will all gather to kill you again and again! For justice!"

Okay this is a chinese thing but bear with me. Justice = 义 (yi) and they said "For the one word, justice!" and that just = 为了一个义字!(wei le yi ge yi zi). Just shorten it to 义字 (yi zi) for now.

Chair, in chinese, is 椅子, which is also pronounced yi zi, with slight different tone (i think..)

So for me, everytime I watch the scene, I can't help but think he said, "We kill you for a chair!" and they even chanted it. "Justice, justice, justice!" "Chair, chair, chair!"

Yeah i think weird...

Lan Feiji

remember one of lwj's first appearances where he just flew straight up and saved those kiddos? It looked so ridiculous lol. I saw a meme with a pic of him doing that and caption: Lan Feiji.

Lan Wangji, Lan Feiji. Feiji (飞机)means airplane. Looks similar.

Guanyin Temple Arc...

Ngl, I didn't find this arc very wOW. Yi City arc was sad, WWX's flashback thing was very sad as well, but this one didn't really do it for me. Maybe the weight was less in the drama cuz in the book this is where they confessed? Idk. I just don't find JGY's reasons to be a villain very convincing. Yeah you had a bad father. But it jus felt like grasping onto random reasons desperately to excuse himself as a decent person. Compared to XY, I just wasn't very into his character. Idk, maybe he just too smart for me. 

lol that scene where jgy pushes lxc away tho. What a Xiyao scene haha. 

I really didn't expect Nie Huaisang to be the ultimate mastermind though. It's pretty cool. I like how he didn't die, thank goodness.

Okay, I love Wuji but...

The last episode... the last twenty or so minutes of it:

LWJ and WWX at the waterfall, probably playing Wuji. background: playing wuji

WWX, playing Wuji on Chen Qing. "Wei Ying". WWX turns around, Wuji plays. 

Ending song: IS Wuji

Are you trying to make me sick of the song??? It didn't work btw


How could I forget? Their reunion was so gahhhhhh. I loved it lol.

WWX tho, before Sizhui revealed it, he was like "is this child gonna talk nonsense or something?" 

WWX: "Silly child, why are you crying?" 

WWX: is crying

That scene where Sizhui's revealing all of WWX's "teachings" lmaooo. It was so funny and then Sizhui went to hug WWX's leg, and made the scene sad again. Then they had to show flashbacks to when he was a little child, ejeejjeje. One of the most touching scenes tbh.

Core thingy reveal

Thank you, Wen Ning.

Anyways, sad scene it was indeed. Idk why but I got really excited when WWX started having a bloody nose. The way LWJ looked so worried and caught WWX... *squealing sounds*. Wang Yibo is so good at microexpressions!

I send prayers for Xiao Zhan's waist.

Imagine JC using Suibian and Zidian as his main weapons. Weird combo, but that would be cool lol. Spirit of his mom and the old wwx, yaaaa!

Why not though, awww

"You know what are the most important words?"

"Thank you and sorry." Bro the voice actor did such a good job lol. I loved that "sorry", it just sounded so "smh this child".

WWX: "One day you'll go on your knees while crying and say them!"

Bro they were such good foreshadowing words! Why not make a scene with him actually doing it? That would be so cool lol.

Tbh I was always expecting some kind of scene where Jin Ling and WWX have a proper talk. WWX can go and explain what happened, that he's sorry, or some kind of make up between them. Jin Ling going on his knees and saying "sorry and thank you" would be cool too... (but what would he be thankful for tho lol)

Something like this would've been nice:

JL: "What was my mom like?" 

WWX: "Shijie... she was... the best."

JL: "How about my father?"

WWX: "Hah, an arrogant peacock..."

JL: "What was their wedding like?"

WWX, sad mode: "I wasn't there." 

WWX, mumbling: "I said I wanted to give her the best wedding in the world, and didn't even attend..."

JL: "Did you really... care for them?"

WWX chuckled, "After Shijie died, I jumped off a cliff, what do you think?"


JL: "My whole life, I... I thought you were some evil man. I'm sorry."

WWX: shook

WWX: "She understood me and JC the best (flashback to "xianxian is 3 years old talk). I'm sure she loved your father a lot (flashback to him seeing JYL cry as she saw him running after being caught by JZX's mom). She was respectful, kind, protective (flashback to when JYL stood up to Jin Zixun when he was bad talking WWX). The best woman ever."

JL: "Thank you. That's all I wanted to know."

Idk, I can't see JL going on his knees and sobbing :/

Sorry about that, I just couldn't help meself. That was a whole pile of cringe lmao.

But something like that would've been nice :(


6000 words omigerd. And i dont even feel done!

Anyways, HELP.

I have fallen into MXTX hell (Mo Xiang Tong Xiu, author of mdzs).

I read a little of the novel and watched a bit of the donghua as I said earlier, but got bored lol. It's probably cuz I don't like repeating things or I just liked the drama more. 

I finished SVSSS about a week ago. It was nice but I definitely still like MDZS more. The relationship in SVSSS looked a little... unhealthy. Luo Binghe is a weird case lol. I wish the original SQQ and LBH had a happy ending, that would be cool.

I'm reading HOB/TGCF right now, and wow. MXTX seems to have a style where the story begins with a bunch of people dying kind of case for the main character to solve huh?

I think I need a whole new "book" for mxtx things.

Last thing:

Wen Ning is a cinnamon roll that everyone must protect.

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