By arios2004

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In which King Edward IV finds himself captivated by a woman he cannot have and no matter how many years pass... More



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By arios2004

— 34. Manipulation

     It didn't take long after Edward left for Nora to decide to send her children to Bedford Castle with fifty men, leaving none for herself as she remained at Westminster. She had a plan. A plan that would ensure her and her children's survival if the Lancasters were to take London. She knew it would work, too.

Nora was sitting in her chambers, writing a letter to her son Arthur. She suddenly stopped, however, when a soldier loyal to House York burst through the door.

"Is something wrong?" Nora asked in concern as she rose from her seat, but she had the feeling she already knew the answer.

"Your Grace, Warwick did not land in the North as the king once thought. We were barely outside London before he took us by surprise," He explained to her quickly, a fearful look on her face, "The king escaped to Flanders with his brother Richard and Anthony Woodville."

"What of George?" Nora questioned in genuine concern, "Did he join Edward's side?"

"We weren't ready to fight. We had to flee so quickly that there was no battle. We still don't know where George's loyalties lie," he continued on and Nora began to anxiously pace the room, running her fingers through her hair.

"Is Edward still king?" She asked as she stopped walking and turned to face him.

"No, Your Grace," He admitted softly as he shook his head, "Warwick is on his way to London to make Henry of Lancaster king once more."

Nora remained silent, slowly nodding her head in understanding. "You may go now," She insisted, earning a puzzled look from the man.

"Your Grace, I've been sent here to escort you to safety—" He began to complain, only to have Nora cut him off.

"I thank you for that, but I can take care of myself. I must," Nora demanded and before the man could react, Nora ran out of the room.

Nora ran out of the castle and through the streets of London, rushing to the Tower of London.

Before going to Elizabeth, Nora made her way to her uncle, King Henry. She opened the door to his rooms before entering, trying to maintain composure.

"Uncle?" She called out, but Henry still didn't answer as he sat on his bed, "Uncle Henry?"

With that, Henry turned to her, smiling since he didn't know what else to do. Nora walked toward him until she was kneeling in front of him.

She grabbed his hands, staring up at him with a large smile on her face. "Do you remember me, Uncle Henry?" She asked him and he stared at her blankly, "I am your niece. Nora. Daughter of your brother Thomas. You remember me, don't you?"

It was clear he didn't, but Nora knew she had to work through that. She grabbed his hands and placed them on her face. "My father used to let me sit on his lap as he took part in your privy council meeting. He used to be your best friend. Your favorite brother. Your right hand."

"Yes. Yes, he was," Henry submissively nodded, clearly taking in everything she was and mimicking it like a parrot. But that was what she wanted to happen, what she needed to happen."

"I was your favorite niece, your only niece. Before your son, you wanted to name me your heir, didn't you, Uncle Henry?" She questioned, despite it being a lie, "Don't you remember?"

Henry nodded, causing Nora to smile in satisfaction.

"There are bad people coming to take your throne. Your wife has turned into a bad woman as well. Lord Warwick, the man who is to be your top advisor, he is evil as well. He killed your brother, your favorite brother. He will tell you to do things, but you will not listen. He is a bad man and you cannot surround yourself with bad men. You must surround yourself with family. People like me. I am your family. The only family you have left."

"You are the only family I have left," Henry repeated without hesitation.

"What is my name?" Nora asked and Henry seemed to not know, "My name is Nora. Nora of Lancaster. I am your niece. I am the Rightful Princess of Wales and your heir. What is my name?"

"Your name is Nora of Lancaster, my niece. You are the rightful princess of Wales and my heir," He stated and Nora smiled in satisfaction.

"When the time comes for you to sit on the throne, you will be crowned. When the crown is placed on your head and they say 'Long Live King Henry', you will stand up. You will say, 'I hereby name Nora of Lancaster my successor and rightful Princess of Wales," She continued on to explain, "What will you say after they shout your name, Uncle Henry?"

"I hereby name Nora of Lancaster my successor and rightful Princess of Wales," He mimicked her and Nora grabbed him by the hands once more, guiding him in standing up.

"Who am I?"

"You are Nora of Lancaster. You are my niece. You are the rightful heir to the throne and Princess of Wales," He explained and Nora continued to smile happily.

"Who is Lord Warwick?"

"He is my top advisor. He is a bad man. He killed my brother. My favorite brother. I cannot trust him."

"Who can you trust?"

"My niece. Nora of Lancaster. She is the rightful heir to the throne and Princess of Wales. She is my family. Family is the only people I can trust."

"Where is Nora of Lancaster?"

"You are Nora of Lancaster."

"Yes, I am. I am Nora of Lancaster, rightful heir to the throne and Princess of Wales. Who am I to you?"

"My niece. My favorite brother's daughter."

"Where is your brother?"

"He was killed by the bad man Lord Warwick."

"Who is Margaret of Anjou?"

"She is my wife, but she is bad now. I can't trust her. I can only trust you, Nora of Lancaster, rightful heir to the throne and Princess of Wales."

"What will you do when you are officially crowned King, Uncle Henry?" Nora asked, looking up at the man with a smile on her face.

"I will stand up from my throne and say I hereby name Nora of Lancaster my successor and Princess of Wales."

"Good," Nora nodded, smirking in satisfaction, "Bad men want to kill me, Uncle Henry, but you will not let them, will you?"

"I will not let the bad men kill you."

"Who is the bad man?"

"Lord Warwick, my top advisor. He killed my brother and wants to kill you. I will not let him."

"Who can you trust, Uncle Henry?"

"My family. You are my family. You are my niece and rightful heir."

"Yes, and you will name my children legitimate as well," Nora continued on, realizing she had forgotten apart of her plan, "When you name me your heir, you will tell the court that my children, your nephews and nieces, are hereby named legitimate. What will you do after you name me my successor, Uncle Henry?"

"I will name your children legitimate."

"Who are they to you?"

"My nieces and nephews."

"What will you do for them?"

"I will name them legitimate when I am crowned."

Believing her work to be done, Nora smiled happily, picking up an ink, quill, and piece of paper.

"Now, I'd like for you to write something down for me, Uncle Henry. Can you do that?" She asked and Henry nodded, causing her to smile happily, "Good. Take a seat. It will be a long one."


In another part of the Tower of London, Elizabeth was rushing to pack her belongings, quick to escape before she and her children were killed.

     Just then, the door busted open and Elizabeth jumped in fright, only to see that it was Nora. "Come. Now!" She demanded in a stern tone, "There isn't much time. I've bribed the guards to let you escape, but we must be quick about it."

Elizabeth was shocked for a moment, surprised that Nora, of all people, would help her escape when she would in truth benefit by her and her children's deaths.

While Elizabeth was quick to grab ahold of her youngest daughter, Cecily, her sons grabbed Mary while Nora picked up Elizabeth.

With that, Nora led the way out of the towers, knowing a way to avoid being seen by Warwick and his men. Nora looked out the window and downward to see Warwick and George standing alongside each other, wearing armor.

George slowly looked up and while he didn't say a word about it to Warwick, Warwick soon locked up at her on his one and glared.

She quickly backed away from the window, an alarmed look on her face. "Go, go! We must go now!" She insisted, the two of them exiting the tower together with the children, "This way, quickly."

Leading them toward the gates to leave the tower of London, Nora's expression remained unreadable while Elizabeth looked at her with a relieved look. "I will not forget this," She confessed as Nora gestured for the men to open the gate, which they did since she was the one to order it.

Before leaving Elizabeth turned to Nora, who handed little Lizzie over to her. "I don't know why you're being so kind to me, but I thank you," She told her softly and Nora simply nodded.

"I don't believe your daughters or your son should die for something they have no control over," She told Elizabeth, refusing to mention Elizabeth herself in her reasoning, "Now, go! There isn't much time."

"You will not come as well?" Elizabeth questioned, a concerned look on her face.

Nora shook her head, a mischievous smirk forming on her lips. "Trust me, after what I've done, I will be able to remain at court and no one would dare touch me," She confessed and while she felt confused, Elizabeth simply nodded before leaving with her children.

After searching the entire tower together, George and Warwick turned to each other. "Where is she?" George asked, referring to Nora, "Where are they?"

"They've gone to seek sanctuary together, I assume," Warwick assumed in a calm tone, "Westminster Abbey's her only hope. Elizabeth has no friends, no one to protect her."

"But Nora does," George pointed out, causing Warwick to stop walking to turn to face him, "She could have more than half of England turn against you and Margaret of Anjou if she wished to take a seat on that throne. No one would even stop her. She is well-loved, especially in London. She doesn't tend to the sick and those below her for the hell of it. It is so she is prepared for anything. She could be anywhere in London and no one would dare tell us if they knew."

"Or maybe she's right in front of you," A voice spoke up, causing Warwick to extend his torch out to see Nora standing from afar.

She had a smirk on her face as she leaned against the stone wall, her arms crossed over her chest.

"Get her," Warwick ordered his men, but Nora was quick to speak up.

"My uncle Henry is now king. I don't think he'd like it if his niece, his rightful heir, was harmed by guards who are supposed to protect him and the royal family, which includes me," Nora explained and as Warwick was about to command his men again, she lifted up a piece of paper that had Henry's actual signature at the bottom of it.

"What is that?" George asked, a concerned look on his face.

"Oh, nothing, George," Nora spoke in a sarcastic tone, beginning to walk toward him as she read what the letter contained, "Just a letter from King Henry himself that publicly declares me his heir and Princess of Wales."

Warwick growled at her angrily, roughly snatching the paper from her hands. He read it over and knew for a fact it was Henry's signature as well.

He slowly looked up at her with a furious look on his face. "What did you do?"

"Nothing," Nora confessed, an innocent look on her face, "My uncle did what he should have done years ago as the king. My father may not have wanted to be king, but that still made me heir no matter what. So if your precious King Henry dies, I will be Queen of England. Edward of Lancaster will not and his wife, your daughter, will not be Queen."

Furious, Warwick did what he should not. As he looked Nora straight in the eyes, he ripped the piece of paper. Nora didn't seem bothered, either, it was as though she had expected it.

"That wasn't very nice, Lord Warwick," Nora spoke up in a taunting tone as she shook her head, "You realize doing such a thing is treason and treason is punishable by death. Or do you believe yourself above the laws and God himself?"

Suddenly, Warwick grabbed Nora by the throat, slamming her against the wall. She didn't seem affected by it. After all, she had spent years having Arthur Neville lay his hands on her in ways much worse than what Warwick was doing at that moment.

"It seems laying your hands on innocent pregnant women run in the Neville blood," Nora continued on in a stern tone, "You will release me, Lord Warwick. As Princess of Wales, Duchess of Bedford, and Countess of Pembroke and Richmond, my social standing is higher than that of the man who had all his lands taken from him for being a known traitor."

Feeling uneasy and not knowing what Warwick was capable of doing at that moment, George grabbed him by the shoulder and pulled him back.

"Margaret says she is to be left unharmed, Warwick," George spoke up, knowing it was the only way to convince Warwick to stand down.

Warwick realized at that moment that Margaret was right. Nora could talk herself out of anything.

Growling under his breath, Warwick took a step away from Nora, glaring at her hatefully.

"I shall return to my chambers now, my lords," Nora continued on with her taunting and without a care in the world, she walked off with a satisfied smirk on her face.

Warwick turned to his men, trying to contain his bubbling anger. "Go with her. We may not be able to lay a hand on her, but we will fix this. She will not win this," He ordered and his men nodded, wasting no time obeying him.


   Days later, at Henry's coronation, Nora stood amongst the crowd, wearing a smile upon her face as she watched him walk through the aisle of people. She wore a red dress, just as she always did.

She wanted to laugh at what she had heard occurred earlier that day. Her uncle had an outburst in his room when he was standing beside Lord Warwick, repeating over and over that he was a bad man and couldn't trust him.

   Soon enough, he did calm down, but it was obvious he still didn't trust Lord Warwick, which calmed Nora's nerves. Nora bowed as her uncle walked past her, but an emotionless look remained on her face.

   She watched as he sat upon his throne and had the crown placed upon his head by Lord Warwick. He flinched at Warwick's touch and Nora smirked, knowing it was her doing.

After a long moment, Warwick turned to address Henry, a large smile on his face since he believed he had succeeded. "God Save the King!"

"God Save King Henry!" The court shouted loudly, as did Nora.

Henry glanced around the room until his eyes locked on Nora. She smiled at her uncle, nodding her head in encouragement.

It took Henry a moment to think back to what Nora had told him to say, but once he remembered, he rose from his throne.

Warwick's smiled faded, not understanding what was going on.

Henry walked forward, a confident look on his face. "I..." He trailed off and looked toward Nora for guidance, which she immediately did, "I, King Henry of House Lancaster, hereby name my niece Nora of Lancaster, rightful heir to the throne, Princess of Wales, and future Queen of England. I hereby declare her children legitimate in the eyes of God and man. God save Princess Nora!"

"God save Princess Nora!" The crowd repeated after Warwick without hesitation, most of them happier to have Nora as the future ruler of England than Prince Edward.

Warwick slowly turned his head, noticing Nora smirking at him. She bowed her head to him just to taunt him and Warwick growled under his breath.

As the celebrations continued, George soon walked up to the throne, kneeling before King Henry. "You must be pleased, Warwick."

"I am," Warwick nodded as he walked over to his cousin, "Everything is going according to plan as I said it would."

"Apart from the fact that Margaret hasn't sailed and that Edward is still out there," He paused, gradually beginning to smirk, "And worst of all, you did nothing as old King Henry named your greatest enemy besides Edward himself his successor and all of Edward's kids with her legitimate. She is now Princess of Wales and your daughter is not. Does that not trouble you, Warwick? Margaret warned you and still, you sat back and nothing as it occurred."

"Oh, come now, George, don't talk as though I'm not here," Nora complained, causing both men to see Nora standing before them.

Nora smiled as she looked up at her uncle, bowing before him.

"You're a treacherous whore, you know that?" Warwick growled at Nora angrily, "How did you even manage to get him to say it?"

"He is my uncle, Lord Warwick. He may have the mind of a vegetable, but he is still my uncle. He trusts me above anyone," She paused, looking up at Henry with a smile on her face, "Don't you, Uncle Henry?"

Henry smiled down at her and smiled, causing Nora to smirk in satisfaction.

"Come join me, niece," Henry spoke up and Nora continued to smirk as she walked up the steps. She stopped when she was standing beside her uncle.

When people came to bow to Henry, they bowed to Nora as well, their new Princess of Wales.

From a distance, Nora spotted Jasper, Margaret, and little Henry, causing her to tense up.

"Your Grace," The group of three greeted Henry, who bowed his head in return.

Jasper was the first to turn his head, noticing Nora standing beside her uncle.

"Switched sides already, Nora?" Margaret spoke up with an attitude and Nora smiled down at her.

"It's Your Grace to you, Margaret. I am Princess of Wales now," She revealed, causing Margaret and Jasper to stare at her, "I am officially the rightful heir to the throne."

Jasper turned to Nora in confusion, the two of them exchanging a look before Nora was the first to look away.

"Uncle," Nora spoke up again after a moment, placing a hand on King Henry's shoulder, "I want you to meet your nephew, Henry Tudor."

Henry smiled, gesturing for Henry to walk up. A bowl of water was held out for Henry and he wasted no time pouring water on little Henry's hand, seeing as though it was the custom.

Once it was finished, Henry turned to face Nora, who smiled at him. She wasted no time stepping forward, hugging him tightly.

She turned to look at Jasper, who stared at closely, as if he was hoping for a chance to speak to her in private.

She immediately looked away, feeling uneasy about being with him alone. She couldn't let anything happen between them. Not again. She was loyal to her family and no one else. Edward was included in that family, not Jasper.


Nora really did that with King Henry 😭😭

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