Across Dimensions (ONC 2020)

By NgoziGardenia

711 143 791

Cover by @CelticWarriorQueen17 Grayson is an orphaned teen, doing his best to survive in a world where each t... More

Chapter One: Condemned
Chapter Two: The Strange Maximus Hamilton
Chapter Three: From Escape To Gun Point
Chapter Four: Happy Hauntings
Chapter Six: Prison Party Without Popcorn
Chapter Seven:The Truth Behind It All
Chapter Eight: Never Forgotten
Chapter Nine: In The Name Of Science
Chapter Ten: Beginning Of The End
Chapter Eleven: No Going Back
Chapter Twelve: Snapping Point
Chapter Thirteen: What We Are
Chapter Fourteen: No Rest For The Thinker
Chapter Fifteen: Pulled Apart
Chapter Sixteen: The Danger Isn't In The Dark
Chapter Seventeen: Life Debts
Chapter Eighteen: The One Who Mattered Most
Chapter Nineteen: When All Is Lost
Chapter Twenty: Across Dimensions

Chapter Five: Do Not Panic

21 7 28
By NgoziGardenia

The pain that once made it difficult to move, is now a dull throb, as my senses slowly return to me. Passing out twice? Three times? Is ridiculous and dangerous. It's a wonder I haven't been slaughtered yet in such a vulnerable state.

Ghosts, this mansion has ghosts, and they hate me.

I jolt upright, regretting the movement immediately. The ache of my ribs returns, evermore intense.

It's obvious Maximus has yet to return, or I'd be dead. But... Where's Kai? Did the ghosts get her! Swirling galaxies, this is bad. She spared my life, I owe it to her to save hers. I just hope it's not too late.

My legs quake when I stand up, likely from weariness or low blood sugar. The last time I ate could be days ago, weeks, maybe a month? It's difficult to pinpoint such a thing when a years worth of memory is stolen.

There's a door to my left that stands open. It's likely Kai went into where ever that leads. As I approach the entry way, I feel an insane drop in temperature.

That means the ghosts are in there right now. How do you fight a ghost? I've never been taught how to ward off spirits. They want me dead... will they just slaughter me on sight?

My hands tremble uncontrollably, though it isn't from the cold. True fear begs me to run, far away from the beings that spoke doom upon me. The strangest thing is I feel like I know why, even though my memories neglect to answer.

A tiny squeal confirms my suspicions, she's in danger. I have to save her, but how?

I freeze at the threshold. This is my last chance to back out, to turn around and actually have a chance at living long enough to find out what happened to me. My instincts beg me to run, far from the blood-thirsty ghosts and Maximus.

But, I can't. I wish I could follow my need for self-preservation, at least on occasion. Except, she didn't, and for that reason I owe her, whether or not I feel compelled to, a life for a life. It's a moral standing ingrained far into my being. The one thing my parents held to, even if it became their doom.

I subconsciously reach for my patchy satchel on my right hip, even though I know it isn't there. A twinge of anger replaces the hole in my heart where my grief for them should've been.

They abandoned me, their own child, for some dumbass principals. Maybe it's better that their last gift to me is gone. Without it I can abandon my memories of them.

Inhaling, I force my focus on the here and now. Regardless of whatever they taught me, I need to save Kai. For some reason, I have a feeling she's connected to whatever happened to me. I have to know why.

I clear my throat, though it comes out as more of a squeaky gurgle. "Mr.Ghost, leave Kai be. She has no control over whatever you are mad at me for, so... screw off!"

Those words would've sounded threatening, if not for the trembling in my voice, and weak quaking body hosting them.

A flash of movement is accompanied by a weight slamming in my chest. I cry out from the impact on my injuries, but manage to stay on my feet. Kai looks up at me, unshed tears glisten in her eyes. Behind them I see the same fear I feel reflecting back at me.

Without a word I grab her hand, and awkwardly run from the room, stumbling, and gasping from the pain of each additional breath. She grips tighter as the cold follows after us through the halls like an approaching blizzard.

"Ghosts are real! They're going to kill us, I don't want to die, I'm too young to die! No matter what, Maximus said don't look into their eyes." Kai states, glancing behind, to let out a low whimper.

"Why after all this time did they chose to attack me? I've been here a year as of yesterday with no angry creepy spirit activity, besides the pudding they took the other morning... Holy crap, why didn't I notice this sooner, they've been watching me since my arrival. The random breezes, odd color changes," She pauses, though is amazingly not out of breath.

How in stars name is she not out of breath? We're running for our lives and she still has the ability to rant? That's impressive.

Hot pain spreads across my abdomen, accompanied by a wave of nausea. I trip over the bottom step of a narrow staircase, pulling Kai down with me. In a quick attempt to get up, I grab the arm of a statue. It moves forward, pulling me with it through a pitch black doorway beneath. The door quickly slams shut above us, leaving complete darkness behind.

I don't have time to shout before a dim light starts on my right, gradually getting brighter to reveal a white rock and steel walled room, with a large wooden chest in the center.

"Welcome to the panic room, please, do not panic."

Kai yips, throwing her arms around me in a strangulation hold.

The phrase repeats, calm and robotic.

I attempt to gently pry Kai's arms open, but find it way harder than I expected. Geeze she's strong. "Can't, breathe."

"Oh, sorry," She whispers, before releasing me.

"Welcome to the panic room. Please do not...."

"I'm not panicking dammit!" Kai shouts to the computer.

The white stone substance glows green, "Voice recognized as, Kairavi Barivian. State your reason for entering the panic room."

"Um... ghosts?" Kai says hesitantly.

"You stated your reason for entering the panic room as 'um...ghosts' is this your final answer?" The machine asks curtly.

I guess if you know your mansion is haunted, it's always a good idea to make something like this. But why is the mansion haunted? I know these spirits didn't follow me from my world, or Kai wouldn't have had interactions with them previous to my arrival.

"Did Maximus say why the mansion is haunted?" I ask quietly.

A high pitch whining fills the room, the green glow turns red.

"Voice not recognized. Lock down till Maximus returns. Do not release the intruder."

Across the large room bars descend over a door neither of us noticed until now.

Kai glares daggers at me, "You just had to open your mouth didn't you genius!"

"Did you expect me to sit here silently and ponder the meaning of life?" I ask, irritated at myself for not acknowledging the fact that this room was tied to voice recognition, and definitely didn't appreciate my presence.

"Would it have killed you to?" She asks, watching as the bars hit the floor, blocking our only way out.

No, but this prison certainly will.

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