Best friends-Cazzie

By ThebestTurtle

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Casey and Izzie are best friends until they both start having feelings for each other. More



1.9K 22 16
By ThebestTurtle

(Couldn't decide what song to use for this chapter so Ima just put a Cazzie video on there.If you have any song suggestions comment them on here)

Casey's POV.

The one week break ended as quick as it started and we were soon back at school.First thing in the morning I was called into Crowley's office.I was quite scared since I had no idea what it was about.

I closed my locker and walked to Crowley's office.I took a deep breath and knocked on the door."Come in!".I heard her shout.

I opened the door and walked,"I was told you wanted to see me".I said and I sat down."Yes",She dragged out the 's'.

"We have been contacted from UCLA.They were impressed with your win last weekend",She said and I froze.My mind went blank."What?".I asked,my eyes wide.

"They are not sure yet that's why I called you in,you need to start training harder,you basically need to eat,sleep and breath track if you want to get a scholarship fron UCLA",She said and my heart sunk.

"What about Izzie?".I asked,I didn't want to leave her here."What about her?".Replied Crowley.

"Well did they say anything about Izzie?".I asked."No,they didn't".She replied.My breath stopped for a mintue.

"Gardener,I don't know what is going on between you and Izzie,and I don't want to know,but think about this okay?".She said and I nodded.

I stood up and I walked out of Crowley's office."What was that about,Newton?".I heard a familiar voice ask.I turned around and saw Izzie."Oh,Hi Izzie".I said and she bit her bottom lip making me go crazy.

"Uhm.....Crowley just asked me if I'd give up my whole life to train for UCLA".I said while leaning on the wall and smiling lightly.

"Oh",Izzie said."But I don't think I'm going to".I quickly said so she wouldn't upset.

"What?Newton,that's a huge oportunity".She said and she looked into my eyes which made me want to kiss her right there and then.

"I know,I just don't know what I want yet".I sighed,pinching my nose."And even if you do get in,I could move with you to California,my grandma could look after the kids".She smiled and that made me feel instantly better.

"That's a very good idea".I said while a smile spread across my lips and we started walking to class.

The day carried on and my brain was drawn to the fact that me and Izzie haven't gone on a date.It was the end of the day and we just finished pratice and as usual,I was waiting for Izzie outside the changeing rooms.

I was leaning on the door,consumed in my thoughts of how I was gonna ask Izzie for a date,when I heared the door of the changeing rooms open.I looked at the smiley,raven haired girl that walked out and I grinned.

"Finally",I said sighing.She looked around before giving me a peck on the lips.We started walking down the hall,slowly.Izzie must of realised that something was on my mind because she looked at me and said,"What's up?".

I looked at her and swollowed hard,"Do....Do you maybe want to go on,like a date?".I asked and I could see a big smile arriving on Izzie's face.

"Of course".She said and I felt her brush her hand against mine lighlty which made me blush lightly."Where do you wanna go?".I asked.

There was a comftarble silence before she said,"Maybe the movies?".She asked.

"No way.That's too cliché",I replied,"Maybe a pinic and then we could go get cotton candy slurpees?".I asked raising my eyebrows.

"That would be great",She said biting her lip which made me all warm inside and that left my heart rate speeding up.

We walked to my car and got in.I was so excited to go on a date with Izzie I felt like I was gonna burst.

I pulled out of the car park and we drove in comftarble silence before Izzie asked,"Pick me up at 5:30?".

"Sure,but I still have to pick some stuff up".I said while I took a quick glance at her.She smiled widely and my mind went crazy.

I really wanted this date to be special since I really care about Izzie.I also wanted to tell Elsa and dad about me and Izzie but I didn't know if Izzie was ready yet.

"Izzie?",I asked,looking at her from the corner of my eye."Yeah?".She replied turning to face me.

"Do you think....we could tell my parents about....y'".I said while I pointed at me and then at her.She paused for a mintue and I looked at her,worried that I said something wrong,before I felt her hand on my thigh.I gulped and I could see her smirking from the corner of my eye,"Of course we can tell them".

I tried really hard to focus on what she was saying but my mind was drawn to the fact that her hand was resting on my fucking thigh."We could tell them after the date,I could spend the night at your house?".She asked and I smiled.

"Okay".We drove to her house in comfetarble silence and before she got out of the car she leaned over to me and gave me a quick peck on the lips."See you at 5:30".She got out of the car and walked up to her front door and waved at me.I waved back at her and bit my lip trying to contain the big grin on my face which didn't work.

At 4:50...

I was pacing around my room trying to find a suitable peice of clothing for the date but for some reason my wardrobe has nothing but oversized t-shirts and sweatshirts which is not appropriate for a date.I wasn't going to wear a dress because that's too formal and I don't want to seem like a try hard but I also couldn't wear a oversize t-shirt because it'd seem like I don't care.

Finally I picked out a short sleeve butt on up shirt and shorts.I got changed and tried to fix my mess of hair which didn't exactly go to plan.

I checked my phone to see what time it was and it was already 5:10!My eyes widened and I shot up from my bed to go find my car keys.

I found them and I grabed my phone and ran downstairs to tell my parents that I'll be back later and ran out of the house.I ran into the car and quickly put my seatbelt on and pulled out from the drive way.

15 mintues later,I was right outside Izzie's aparetment.I waited for her in the car and a couple seconds later I heard her door open.I looked at the doot that just opened and my mind went blank.Izzie was wearing a short dress and my mouth fell a gape.She jogged up to the car and said,"Hi".

It took me a while to process what was going on and a couple later I replied with,"H-h-hi".

"You alright?".She asked as she got into the car."Y-yeah,ready to go?".I asked.She nodded and we drove off.

We went to get everything we needed and drove to a lake that hardly anyone goes to so we would have some privacy.

We set up the blanket on the grass and we sat down on it.We ate most of the snacks we had and then we just sat on the blanket and admired the view.

"After this we're gonna get the cotton candy slurpees and then...we're gonna tell my parents,right?".I asked as I moved a bit closer to Izzie.

She kept her sight on the lake and nodded."We don't have to tell them yet if you don't want to".I said as I put my hand on hers.She looked at me and replied,"Casey,I want to tell them".

I nodded and sighed.I felt happy around Izzie and I'm so fucking glad I kissed her at the track that night or who knows what've might happened if I didn't.

"You alright?".She asked,distracting me from my thoughts.I nodded and she said,"Casey,I can see right through you".

I sighed and turned my body facing her."I...I'm just glad I kissed you that night at the track".I said as I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks.She giggled and bit her lip,"I'm glad you did too".She replied and leaned our foreheads together.Our lips were about to join before my phone pinged.

I groaned and took my phone out of my back pocket to see a text fron Elsa.
"Let me guess,it's your mom?".Said Izzie as she giggled.

"Yup,she's asking when I'm coming home".I said and I looked at Izzie."Tell her you'll be there in an hour,now let's get those god damn cotton candy slurpees shall we?".She said while getting up and I got up after her.

We picked our stuff up and walked back to the car.

1 hour later...
Me and Izzie were sitting my car outside my house.My heart was pounding as we were about to go in to tell my parents about us.I was shaking a bit and Izzie must of realised because she grabbed my hand and squeezed it.I looked at her and she smiled,"Everything's gonna be alright I promise".She said and I instantly felt better.

After a mintue we decided it was time to go in.We got out of my car and walked to the front door were I got my keys and opened it.

I could see my parents and Sam in the kitchen and the fear instantly came back."I can't do this.You tell them".I whipered quickly to her."Newton".She said and raised her eyebrows.I sighed and we walked to the kitchen.

"Hey,Casey,your back and I see you've bought Izzie with you".Said my mom while Izzie smiled.

"W-we have to tell you guys something...".I said under my breath but enough for everyone to hear.I sighed and said quickly,"MeandIzziearedating".

"What was that sweetie?".Asked Elsa and I repeated but a bit slower,"Me and Izzie are dating".I could feel Izzie tense up next to me and I grabbed her hand and squeezed it.

My family's reaction was nothing we expected,"We know,honey".Said my mom while she carried on making dinner."Ehm what?".I asked,furrowing my eyebrows.

Me and Izzie looked at each other then back at my family."It's quite obvious,you guys are glued to each other".Said Sam.

"S-so you guys are okay with".I asked and my parents and Sam nodded."As long as you guys are happy it's fine with us,and at least we know you guys won't get each other pregnant".Said my dad.

Mine and Izzie's eyes widened and I shouted,"Dad!".Everyonr started laughing and we all sat down to eat.

After dinner,me and Izzie went upstairs."Casey".My mum said.I peaked my head into the kitchen and raised my eyebrows"Keep your door open".She smirked.

I sighed and went upstairs after Izzie.
We got changed and practically jumped into bed.I turned of my lamp and moved closer to Izzie and put my hand around her waist.

I sighed as my eyes felt heavy and soon I dozed off.

Next chapter is gonna be intresting so get ready for it.

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