hold my hand [w.s]

By italiancowboy

57.6K 1.1K 2.1K

[DISCONTINUED] A collection of schlttbr one shots. Writing in the first two chapters are of a different style... More

stupid drunk gay [001]
sun dust [003]
heaven [004]
oh, moon [005]
help me forget [006]
pink daffodils [007]
[001] - rewritten, unfinshed.
hey.. [new book]

hercules + requited love [002]

8K 167 398
By italiancowboy

3rd Person

"How about we watch Hercules?" Wilbur turned to Schlatt thoughtfully, seeing him already looking back at him. Wilbur smiled hopefully.

"Yeah, sounds good." Schlatt said softly, looking down at his phone as he leant against the back of the couch. He had come over to Wilbur's house to play games together, but as it started to get late Wilbur had made sure he didn't catch a bus or an Uber back to his own apartment. Schlatt wasn't sure if it was necessary to keep him back, but he appreciated Wilbur's protectiveness.

Wilbur selected the movie and turned to raise an eyebrow at his friend, "Aren't you going to come and sit down?"

Schlatt looked up from his phone to Wilbur, then to the clock.

"I have a feeling I might pass out if I get comfortable on the couch," He let out a short chuckle before looking back at Wilbur, "Do you maybe have some comfy clothes I can borrow? Or just something that isn't a button up and jeans?"

They both laughed a little, Wilbur nodding and pausing the movie before it properly started, "I have some nice jumpers and sweatpants in my room. And, uh-"

He looked over at Schlatt briefly, standing up from the couch and taking a few steps forward. The remote control for the TV was still in his hand, and he took a moment to look down at it.

"If you'd like, or if you're uh, comfortable with the idea.." He glanced up at Schlatt, "We can just watch the movies in my room on my TV? We can sit on the bed, that way if you do pass out you won't wake up with a sore back from the couch."

His shorter friend had a confused smile on his face, his head tilted slightly.

"Why would that be a problem?" His smile turned into a grin, facing now to Wilbur's door as he started towards it, "Well, c'mon then Wil, we got Disney movies to binge."

He smiled at the brunet, turning to switch off the TV and following Schlatt into his bedroom, turning the light off for the living room on the way there. He casually went over to his wardrobe and snickered slightly to himself.

Schlatt, who was standing behind him, looked over at the taller boy suspiciously, tilting his head to attempt at seeing around him at what he was laughing about. His curiousity was soon quenched when Wilbur turned around with black sweatpants and a yellow sweater - a very iconic yellow sweater.

The American smiled to himself and shook his head, raising an eyebrow at Wilbur as he took the clothes from him.

"Do you only own yellow?" He mused, walking over to the bathroom door.

Wilbur giggled at his words, gesturing to his own shirt, "I'm not even wearing yellow! This is an attack."

The American let out a short burst of laughter as he closed the door to the bathroom so he could change. Wilbur rolled his eyes humorously and quickly got changed into his own pyjamas - a white tee and grey sweatpants.

He pulled out an extra big, cozy blanket and tossed it onto his queen bed. He had begun to search for his bedroom TV's remote when he heard the bathroom door open.

The Brit's eyes widened slightly seeing Schlatt wearing his clothes - especially his yellow sweater. He had given it as half of a joke, but now he was glad he did.

Wow, Wilbur thought to himself as he blinked in surprise, he actually looks.. really cute.

He blushed at his own thoughts but smirked when he saw Schlatt's face go red when he noticed Wilbur's grey sweatpants. He averted his gaze quickly and went to sit on the bed while his taller friend continued to look for the remote with a gleam in his eye.

The shorter boy's eyes had screamed "Gay Panic" but Wil forced himself to save the teasing for later.

He finally found the remote sitting in plain sight and he sat on the edge of his bed while he pulled up the movie again.

Schlatt fiddled with his fingers as he avoided looking at Wilbur. His heart was racing, as was his mind. He thought about how his friend was wearing sweatpants - grey sweatpants, the baseline thought of all thirsty people on Twitter  - but tried to change the topic his brain had settled on to escape the flurry of flustered images that made their way into his head.

Without realising, he began to think about Wilbur in a way he hadn't really done before. He remembered how his laugh gave him butterflies and pictured his smiling lips.. His face softened at the thought of running his hands through his hair, or cuddling into him in bed, or kissing his lips softly or-


Oh, no. No.

Oh god.

His eyes widened once more as he stopped all movements.


He trailed his gaze up to Wilbur and caught eye contact with him. The Brit smiled and shuffled back to lean against a pillow slightly behind Schlatt, waiting for him too to lean back against the pillow next to him.

He tried to calm his thoughts and ignore them, forcing himself to lean back stiffly and pretend he wasn't sitting in bed next to Wilbur - whom he only just realised he was seriously and unknowingly attracted to. They boy he knew was also attracted to dudes. The boy who he flirted with smugly every 5 minutes. The boy who flirted back.

He let out a shaky breath as he pulled the blanket over his knees, realising his attempt at dispersing the thoughts only succeeded in inviting more into his head.

He wondered if he liked him back, flashing a curious glance to Wilbur before turning his attention to the movie for the first time. He focused on the movie, forcing himself not to dwell in his thoughts anymore.

The movie went on with a sad lack of anything from the two boys, apart from little comments and short chuckles that made Schlatt's heart race more then he cared to admit.

Wilbur noticed the occasional glance from Schlatt but decided not to verbally address it. Instead, about midway through the movie, he casually slipped his arm around the American and pulled him closer to his own body. He smiled smugly at the sharp intake of breath, but let his face soften when he relaxed against the taller boy.

The climax of the movie had just started to become tense when Wil heard a small yawn come from Schlatt, making him rip his eyes away from the TV to look down slightly at him. They had relaxed more into each other and the bed, now only half sitting up.

The shorter boy's head was rested against Wil's chest as he mindlessly stared at the TV screen with half lidded eyes.

Wilbur smiled softly to himself, melting slightly at the view he was blessed with. He reached over to the remote and turned down the movie a bit, facing back towards Schlatt when he felt him move against his chest. He looked down and saw him with a confused look mixing with a sleepy look, looking up at Wil curiously.

"You tired?" He whispered quietly, feeling a warmth run through his body when he heard the younger boy sigh and turn to cuddle more into Wilbur.


"You wanna sleep now?"

Schlatt made a little noise, muffled against the Brit's soft shirt. A noise that didn't really confirm nor deny the question directed at him.

Wilbur turned the volume of the movie down to a soft hum, laying down more onto the bed and pulling his friend with him.

His friend..

It was weird to think about for both of them. They both had unspoken crushes on each other; one that had been discovered earlier that night and another that had sat peacefully in the back of ones mind for a while now. And now, here they were, cuddled warmly against one another in a lovely atmosphere.

"Wil..?" A quiet voice spoke out hesitantly.


"D'ya ever think about.. I think I might be.. I-" He sat up and faced Wilbur. The British boy raised an eyebrow and sat up as well, looking at Schlatt in concern.

"What's wrong m'dude? Is everything ok?"

Nodding quickly, Schlatt looked down at his fidgeting hands for a moment. He wasn't sure if he should really say what he realized earlier that night, but he wanted to trust Wilbur. He wanted to trust that he wouldn't judge him or kick him out.

"This may sound weird but.. I- uhm. I kinda, uh, realized a little earlier that uhm," He stumbled over his words and shut his eyes tightly, saying 'fuck it' in his mind and deciding to just say it, "I like you. Like, I like-like you."

It was quiet for a moment, save for the Disney movie playing cheerfully in the background. Schlatt didn't dare look at his friend, wallowing pitifully in the near silence after his confession.

He wasn't sure whether he regretted his words or relished in not having to live with the realization of a crush for an extended period of time. He knew he probably liked Wil longer then he knew he did, but thoughts of it being too soon anyway flooded his mind.

"Y'know, I kinda figured that," The awkward pause was cut by the British boy, the other turning to look at him in surprise. A smile lit up both of their faces, one more hesitant then the other.

The stare was broken as Schlatt looked down at his hands sheepishly, "Can I-... Is it too soon, maybe? To ask?"

They both understood what the question meant, and Wilbur's smile softened at the hesitation. Instead of replying verbally, he leant in slightly and held the side of the other boys face in his hand, turning it gently. They once again made eye contact.

Warmth spread through Schlatt's cheeks and body as he realized in a great wave that this was the first time he's ever had this kind of crush before. He always thought of himself as a straight, maybe bisexual person, but he never really liked a specific guy. Maybe he saw some males as attractive or cute, but never truly liked them for their looks, personality, humor.. all of it really.

The eye contact was broken for a moment as the brunet's eyes flicked down to his friend's lips, trying to hold himself back from closing the distance quickly and ruining the moment.

"Are you okay with this..?" Wilbur murmured softly, Schlatt melting at his loving gaze.

He breathed out a confirmation and Wil smiled softly, slowly leaning in and closing the gap.

The American felt a small shiver go down his back as their lips touched gently, he slowly reached up and barely held the wrist of the hand holding his face. Their eyes fluttered closed instantly, Wilbur tilting his head and pushing against his lips slightly.

Before he realized, the kiss was over.

Wilbur pulled back, looking at Schlatt with a small smile. He beamed and bit his lip in response, glancing down at the bedsheets and leaning against his hand in silence.

"Was that your first kiss with another dude?" Wilbur giggles slightly to himself, resting his forehead against the other's, who remained silent, "For the record, I like-like you too."

Schlatt quickly looked up, eyes gleaming, and stole a kiss from his friend; pulling him into a hug straight after.

His friend...


- - -
I haven't been vibing the best recently, so I wanted to actually post something in case I went walkabouts for longer then I would've hoped to.

Anyways, I hope you all are doing ok with this whole virus thing. I know personally it's really affecting some families so stay safe! Love you all.
- - -

(Just for fun:
Final word count: 2 003)


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