New Home [tony stark x reader]

By RuRaKo

184K 5.5K 4.3K

I don't think this as one kind of avengers fan fiction, This is just Tony with his new family. Ouh and believ... More

Part 1: Distrust
Part 2: New Friend
Part 3: Apologize
Part 4: Opened up
Part 5: Group Project
Part 6: Closer
Part 7: Explanation
Part 8: Aquarium
Part 9: Lies
Part 10: Diane
Part 11: Invitation
Part 12: Party
Part 13: Conflict
Part 14: Trouble
Part 15: Hospital
Part 16: Lawyer
Part 17: Breakfast
Part 18: Pepper
Part 19: Decision
Part 20: Meeting
Part 21: News
Part 22: The Wedding Planner
Part 23: Famous
Part 24: Reason
Part 25: Separation
Part 26: The Avengers Tower
Part 27: Gone
Part 29: Taken Away
Part 30: Family

Part 28: Patience

2.7K 109 60
By RuRaKo

As soon as you said that, you can see his looks changes. He looks shocked, can't believe what he heard and you're giving him a fuel to make him more upset with you.

T: Are you being serious right now? You just want to run away after all that happened and leaving me alone at the time like this?

Y/n: Did you heard what you just said?!

You are holding your tears and glare at him.

T: You don't deserve to make that decision.

Y/n: I deserve to decide what I think is best for us.

T: Well, look where that took us! You know better than anyone, that every decision you made, leading us to this very moment.  I don't let you make any ridiculous decision again for us, Kevin and Peter. We are not taking a break.

Tony turns his back on you and wants to leave you in the kitchen when you say something to him and make him stops.

Y/n: We are taking a break, you like it or not.

You walk past Tony and storm into his bedroom, packing all your stuff and go to Kevin's room to pack Peter's stuff. Tony stops you on your way to the elevator.

T: Give me the bag, you are not going anywhere. We are not taking a damn break!

Y/n: You're clearly not hearing what I said. We are taking a break, you like it or not!

You walked past him and he grabs your wrist again, stopping you walk away from him.

T: You can't just run away every time you have problem in your relationship! First Alex, now me?!

Y/n: Maybe I just met with the wrong person twice! First, the one that cheated on me and second, who blames me for everything instead of getting it through together!

There is a silence for a while and Tony lets go of your hand. He clearly also has enough of you.

T: I always want to get it through together with you, but you... always want to solve it by yourself. Don't you realize it? and In the end, I will always the one who takes the impact. Just like now.

You look at his eyes and you can see disappointment and sadness in his eyes. Deep in your heart, he is right. In the end, Tony is the one who get every impact.

Tony shakes his head and turns his back on you. He walks into his room and close the door. You stay there for a while, processing again what Tony just said, holding back your tears and calm yourself down. This is clearly the worst ever happened to you and Tony.

You are going back to the kitchen and look at your engagement ring. You are thinking of leaving the engagement ring and be gone, but then the thought of living without Tony comes. Even for a while, it will be hard for you because Tony is someone you need more than anyone now. You look at the door of his bedroom, thinking what he is thinking and what he feels right now. He must be more devastated than you.

You take the engagement ring back and put it on your finger. You put your bag back to Kevin's room because you can't go to Tony's room yet. He needs a time alone, so do you.


It's been three days after your big fight with Tony. He still doesn't talk to you and you can't speak up either. He just come out of the room to get his drink or food. He just walk past you if he meets you. Even Kate cannot give her advice right now other than to give each other space. Tony doesn't let you leave but he also doesn't ready to resolve the big fight or talk to you. Not be able to be beside Tony, hold him, kiss him and intimate with him, it's torture, but you convince yourself that it's the best for now to have a time alone. It might also your punishment for everything that happened.

P: Mommy, it's your turn!

You're back to reality when Peter asks you to move on Snakes and Ladders game that you're playing with him and Kate on Kate's floor. Kate decided to stay for a while because you need your best friend the most right now even if it's hard for her to meet Steve and Natasha. You smile at Peter and roll the dice. You get two and you reach the finish line.

P: How can you win all the time?!

K: Wow.. do you have a hidden talent on snakes and ladders that I don't know about?

Y/n: I'm just lucky.

You pinched Peter's cheek and smile at him. You smile and try to be happy around Peter to make everything seems normal while on your mind there is only how you and Tony can go to the normal after what happened.

Y/n: Should we play again?

P: No. I don't like this games, it's not challenging.

K: Wow... someone is growing up. What kind of game you think is challenging?

P: Like Scrabble or Chess.

K: Huh? You think you are that smart?

Kate strokes Peter's head and Peter just smile at her. You get up off the floor and asks Peter to bed since tomorrow he will have lesson with J.A.R.V.I.S to keep him keep up with what they teach at school.

Y/n: Alright, A little grown up smart boy, It's time to sleep. You have lesson with J.A.R.V.I.S tomorrow.

P: but, I still want to play!

Y/n: You can't sleep late tonight, you don't want to sleep and give J.A.R.V.I.S a hard time on the first day of your lesson, right?

Peter sighs.

P: Alright...

He stands up and take your hand.

K: Good night, Pete.

P: Good night, Aunt Kate.

Kate is tidying the game and you want to bring Peter to his room. You find a room to be his bedroom for a while now and not using Kevin's room because it just feel not quite right. You're on your way to Peter's room when suddenly the elevator open and Tony steps off. You and him are changing gaze while Peter is still holding your hand and silently watching both of you. You just look at Tony for a while and hold yourself not to throw yourself to him. You can hear Kate is standing and clears her throat. She must feels like she is in an awkward position now.

P: Mommy? Should I go to my bedroom alone?

You break your gaze at Tony when you hear Peter is asking you. You try to keep everything normal in front of Peter but Peter is a smart boy. He knows there is something wrong with you and Tony. You look at Peter and want to answer him when Kate suddenly comes to you and takes Peter's hand.

K: I'll go with you. I want to go to my bedroom too. I'm sleepy.

Kate pretend to yawn. You don't know who she tries to convince that she is sleeping because Peter and Tony will probably knew that is a fake yawn.

K: Let's go.

P: Good night, mommy. Good night, Mr. Stark.

T: Good night, buddy.

Tony gives him a little smile and you just feel a little happy to see Tony is in front of you and Tony's smile. As soon as Peter and Kate is not on your and Tony's sight, you awkwardly look at Tony. Took a while before he broke the silence.

T: Can we... talk?

Y/n: Yes... of course. Should we sit?

T: Sure.

You awkwardly walk toward the couch and Tony is following you behind. You and him sit in the couch but not face each other because both of you feel really awkward after the big fight and silent treatment to each other. You just sit beside him and look at your front, so does Tony.

Tony scratchs the back of his head and clear his throat. He shifts his sitting and look at you. He moves his hand awkwardly and several time open his mouth trying to talk to you but he still look for a word. You just can stand the silent anymore.

Y/n: I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything that happened. I'm sorry for every bad decision I made. I'm sorry that I want to solve and go through everything alone. I'm sorry that you always get the impact. I'm sorry I made Pepper took Kevin from you. I'm sorry for losing our ba-

Tears fall down and you can't continue your word as Tony suddenly hugs you. He brings you closer to him and hold you tight. You hug him back, rest your head that feel heavy these past three days and cry on his shoulder. You remember how warm and comfortable it is to be on his embrace and be beside him. You can feel his hand stroking your back to calm you down.

T: I'm sorry too. I should never say all those word to you, no matter how mad, crazy and drunk I am because I should protect you from all of that happened. I should make you happy and not the opposite. I'm failed and blaming you instead. I'm sorry.

Y/n: No, Tony. It's still my fault. Please don't leave me.

T: Leave you? Please... I'm the one that ask you to stay. No matter how big our fight or not talking for several days, I will not leave you and I won't let you go either. Because we belong and need each other.

Tony breaks the hug and his hand holding your hand while the other sweeps the tears from your face. He gives you a weak smile.

T: I miss you. I miss you so much. I am so stupid not to talk to you for three days.

Y/n: It was a pretty big fight, but I'm here now and I'm all yours.

Tony chuckles and he leans his forehead to yours. He looks at you smiling while his hand still stroking your cheeks to comfort you. His stroking on your cheeks get more gentle as he leans his face closer to kiss you. You answer his kiss and it's getting deeper on each kiss. You miss him so much. You want all of him. You wrap your hand around his neck while his hands on your waist. You then stroke his shoulder and then his chest, and positioning yourself under him. He uses his hand to hold his body not to fall on you. You roam your hand on his chest for a while and then getting lower to reach his pants.  As you reach his pants, he suddenly stops kissing you and stop your hand to remove his pants. You look at him confused.

Y/n: What? Something wrong?

You ask him while trying to catch your breath. Tony catches his breath too while look away from your eyes.

T: No... Nothing it's wrong. It's just- I thought- It's better if we just- make out and... cuddling.

You give him a confused look again. It feels weird that Tony prefer to make out and cuddling rather than sex. It's been more than a week since you and Tony having sex. Tony moves from above you and take a sit on the couch. You put yourself sit beside him. Then something hit your mind and you really wish it's not what you think. You don't know what he did exactly for these past three days.

Y/n: Tony... Did you- Did you have sex with someone else?

Tony looks at you surprised and pinches his eyes.

T: What?! Of course not! What make you think like that after what I just said?

Y/n: Then why don't we have sex right now and you prefer to just make out and cuddling after more than a week?! That's not like you! You can't never reject it!

Tony chuckles and grinning at your little outburst. He gives you kiss on your forehead.

T: Trust me. I want what we just had sooooo bad and I still can't reject it but, for your own health and safety, I'll wait and make it worth the wait.

Y/n: What do you mean for my own health and safety? I feel healthy, I feel safe. I'm in the great shape!

Tony wants to answer you when suddenly your question is answer by another person.

-Because you just had miscarriage, dumbass! You should wait a quite time!

Kate suddenly shows up and throw you one of her pillow. You are surprised at her presence and there is also some lingering feeling on your heart when you heard the word 'miscarriage'. It's still hurt but Tony is here with you now to get through it together. You ask Kate why she hasn't in her room.

Y/n: Kate! why aren't you sleeping?! Do you watch me and Tony?!

You gasp because it's quite funny if it does.

T: Y/n...

Tony's face is red and you know he is embarrassed. He never feels embarrassed to show Public Displays of Affection but he must have his limit what to show and what not. He massages his forehead and look at the floor.

K: What a non-sense! I just want to grab a drink when I heard your conversation. Oh geez... if you can have sex, do you really will have a make up sex on that couch? the couch on my floor? I know the couch is yours Tony but still, on my floor? with your son sleeping in the bedroom just a few meter away?

T: Okay! That's enough!

Tony is standing up and look at you. His face is boiling red and you just laughing. It's been a long time since you laugh and it feels good.

K: Oh no... I think she is crazy because she hasn't had sex for more than a week.

Kate is continuing her way to the kitchen to grab a drink while Tony grab your hand after you finish laughing and bring you to the elevator. He presses his floor and you say good bye to Kate from inside the elevator as you saw her.

K: Great! Just get a room!

The elevator's door closes and not in time reach Tony's floor. He is still holding your hand and goes directly to his bedroom. As you enter the bedroom, you smile and goes directly to the bed and positioning yourself to cuddling.

Y/n: So... I guess cuddling is fine.

Tony is smiling and make his way to the bed.

T: That's the exact reason why I brought you here. 

Tony gives you a kiss and puts his hand around your shoulder to keep you close to him. You put your hand on his chest and you can feel his heartbeat. It's fast, but it's also comforting.

Y/n: Your heart beats fast, is it from embarrassment before?

You ask him while smiling and you can feel his chuckles while giving you answer.

T: It's because you're beside me right now.

He kisses your forehead and you put your hand around his chest. Hugging him while closing your eyes, drifting into a proper and comfortable sleep.


Y/n: Okay, which one is the best for tonight?

You hold two lingeries on your hand and showing it to Kate. You are looking forward for an intimate and romantic night with Tony as soon as the doctor said it's fine now. Tonight, you will surely make him not be able to resist you and have an wonderful night. He always resist you everytime you make a move because he is still afraid he will hurt you. Your heart beats fast as you're thinking what will happen.

K: I'm gonna be honest with you. You and Tony really look forward for tonight, I'm kind of think this is gonna be wild and 'adventurous' but none of these said that.

Kate points at the two lingerie that you hold.

Y/n: But this is what I had!

Kate rolled her eyes and stand up from your bed.

K: Let's go shopping.

Y/n: But I can't go out. You know about the press. If they found out I'm shopping for lingerie, they will make a headline that I'm Tony's slut.

K: You are his slut. And you like it.

You think for a while and Kate is right. You are his slut right now since you're really want him so bad and you might kill to have what will happen tonight.

Y/n: Huh, I guess so.

K: Or we can just shop online dumbass.

Kate hits your shoulder and you scream cause it's quite sting. She looks at her phone for a while and then you can hear a notification comes into her phone.

K: There. I ordered it for you.

Y/n: What did you order?

You walk toward her and try to reach her phone so you can see what she ordered, but Kate doesn't let you.

K: Akh, akh, It's surprised. Just thank me later.

Y/n: Kate seriously! Don't turn me into a real slut!

-What is a slut?

You and Kate looks at the door of the bedroom and find Peter is standing on the door with questionably look while Tony stands behind him. Your face is red as you're embarrassed to find out if Tony hears everything you and Kate is talking about.

T: Umm... this is awkward. Slut is-

Y/n: No, Tony-

T: -A bad word. It's Mommy's bad word. You can't never said it and mommy is the only person that can say it.

P: Is that true?

Y/n: Ye... Yes.

You can feel your face is red while Kate is just chuckling.

P: Can I have my own bad word?

Y/n, K & T: No!

Peter is flinched as he hears 'No' from all of you.

P: Why not?

Y/n: You are still six. You can have your bad word on eighteen.

Tony just looks at you confused and Kate is rolling her eyes. They probably think that is too old to know about a bad word.

T: Anyway, I need to talk to you. Got a sec?

Tony looks at you.

Y/n: Sure.

You put the lingerie on the bed and try to hide it from Tony because you are too shy to show it to him right now. And of course to hide it from Peter. You clear your throat to make the embarrassment go away.

K: Okay Pete, let's give them some time alone.

T: Thank you.

Tony enters the room while Kate and Peter walk out. After they are a few meter from the bedroom, Tony closes the door and faced you again.

T: So... about tonight.

Y/n: Yeah, yeah tonight huh- dinner right?

Your face is red while you already know what will happen it's more than dinner and you already have dirty thought about it.

T: We both know it's not just gonna be dinner.

Y/n: Hmm- of course. There will be- Uhm- watching a movie, privately maybe.

Tony is chuckling just to see and hear the embarrassment from you. He understands that it feels so awkward after not doing it for a long time but also there is a big excitement.

T: I look forward for tonight. I do, but-

As soon as you hear 'but', your heart beats faster and there is a feeling that it might not happen tonight.

Y/n: No, No 'but' Tony-

T: I got a mission. Just this morning. I'll go this evening.

Y/n: NO! I- we wait so long for tonight! Just cancel the mission!

T: You know I can't, and the Avengers needs me. We need to go on full team.

Y/n: I'm gonna kill Steve if he doesn't let you have one peaceful night with me tonight! I swear!

You're ready to storm out of the room when Tony is holding you back so you won't kill Steve and you can hear Tony is chuckling. He must find this outburst funny while you're serious about what you said.

T: Babe, I'll be back in 3 days-

Y/n: I can't wait for 3 days more! I want it tonight or even now! Just take me here then!

You attacked his lips and pin him into bed. He is just smiling while answering your kiss. You feel like this might the time until he suddenly broke the kiss. You look into his eyes and you know there are much lust in your eyes to take him.

T: (Y/n), trust me... I really want to do it and I'm upset that we need to cancel tonight, but I don't think... it's worth the wait. By the way... I do like this side of you.

Y/n: I don't care if it's worth the wait! I just want you here and now.

You try to attack his lips again and make him turn on but he stops you and get up of the bed.

T: I really think we shouldn't. Be patient, It's just three more days.

Y/n: You said that before, but now you go to the mission! I miss you, Tony!

Tony take a deep breath and sits beside you in bed. He hold you close to him, resting your head on his chest while holding you gently and it makes you calm. You hug his waist.

T: I miss you too. Much much more I think, but I really look forward for that loooong night and I won't just break it over a minute sex. I don't think you want it either. Am I right?

Y/n: I guess so.

T: I love you.

He kisses your forehead and get up the bed while you are still sitting on the bed. Your hand cover your face because you are too embarrass that you attack Tony's lip before.

Y/n: Ugh... You are supposed be the one that crazy about this, not the opposite. I guess Kate is right. I'm becoming a slut.

T: My slut, and I love all of it.

You look at Tony and both of you chuckles. He opens his arm for you to come to his embrace. You hug him and he gives you a kiss before he left the room and went on a mission.

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