Psycho 2 - 백현

By fileur

46.3K 2K 810

Don't open this book it's not reading-worthy "Why are you doing this?" You asked. "Because I have to protect... More

Autors note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 34

734 39 11
By fileur

"Yobeseyo? Hello?" Lay said and putted his phone on speaker. "Yixing?" His voice sounded deep and scary. When you heard it, some flashbacks came into your head and it made you shiver, but this is not the time to get emotional about it, so you pushed the thoughts away. "Yes." Lay answered and looked at you two. Baekhyun was glaring at the phone and you were just listening as if it was normal to hear someone who hates you and almost murdered you in the past.

"Where are you now?" He asked suspicious and you felt nervousness in the air, but Lay's voice sounded so calmly while answering: "At the dorm." It was a lie, but he would never know. It's so easy to lie during a phone call. "Ah." Was the only thing heard after that. Then suddenly the call ended. Not really as expected, but a plan never goes exactly like predicted.

"Was that it? Did he really just ended it like that?" Baekhyun looked at the phone and couldn't believe it. "He didn't even ask anything else. Just where you were and that's it? What is he-" Your boyfriend said, but cut himself off because if he knew that no one could answer him. "It's a strange guy." Lay said as if that answered all the questions, but honestly... it really answered most of them. It went quiet for a few seconds until Lay looked at you, who was staring at nothing and asked: "What are you thinking about Areum?" By hearing your name, you looked up and blinked before you realised you were asked a question. "I was just curious about something..." You began and just decided to ask: "You're Chinese and you're his cousin, but he's Korean?"

Baekhyun sighted. "Are you serious?" He asked and sighted once again before continuing: "You can think of so many things and you ask that?" You awkwardly smiled at him. "It's not strange she thought about that Baekhyun~ah." Lay smiled a little. "No, but still. She could've bothered herself with something else." He said and looked at you with those soft-but-drugs-eyes of him. "You should bother yourself with questions like why aren't we already married or something like that."

Lay sighted and you rolled your eyes. "I was just curious okay?" You smiled at him while squeezing his hand a little, before looking at Lay again, who decided to answer: "My moms sister moved to Korea to marry a Korean business man." He answered and smirked a little. "Now that you know the answer and won't be overthinking it, you can finally question yourself why you aren't already married with this child here." Our China sheep looked at his younger member and mentally chuckled because your boyfriend was acting so ... Baekhyun. He was just acting like Baekhyun, because of course ... he is Baekhyun, but y'all know what I mean right?

"I'll be going then." Lay suddenly said and you watched him grabbing the jacket he took off 15 minutes ago. "Already?" You asked and Yixing nodded. "Yeah I'll leave you and this child alone for some quality time, because he looks like he's going to kill me if I stay any longer." Hearing those words you took a glance of Baekhyun who looked at the two of you with an innocent gaze. "What? He? He's just a little innocent baby. He won't kill you." You said, but Lay didn't believe you. "That's not a baby, no. I won't survive if I stay. Look at his eyes. They're-" Lay started, but stopped the sentence. You looked at your boyfriend, who didn't say anything, just watching and listening to your conversation, but his eyes, they were dreamy, cute, soft. Unfortunately, the word Lay searched wasn't there. "Dangerous."

Well hell yeah Lay was right. They were dangerous. "You see that little twinkle in it? That's gonna be your ending tonight." Lay smirked and got out. He leaved you alone with Baekhyun. You looked at your boyfriend and smiled shy. He squeezed your hand and smirked. His eyes were glued on yours and you were sure he was planning on something.

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