Golden Girl (The Outsiders X...

By ThatOne1PhanGirl

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[The timeline's a little botched] !!VIOLENCE!! {!COMPLETED!} Things quickly change for the highschoolers of T... More

Chapter One: New Girl
Chapter Two: Mystery-Part One
Chapter Three: Mystery-Part Two
Chapter Four: Jumped
Chapter Five: Scandal
Chapter Six: Outsider
Chapter Nine: Steve's Got It
Chapter Nine: Ready To Run
Chapter Ten: Hide-Out
Chapter Eleven: Back Home
Chapter Eleven 1/2: Different Perspective
Chapter Twelve- Aftermath
Chapter Thirteen- Dinner With The Greasers
Chapter Fourteen- The Hearing
Chapter Fifteen- First Date
Chapter Sixteen- Escape Plan
Chapter Seventeen- Not Totally Heartless
Chapter Eighteen- Freedom
Chapter Nineteen- Fourth Shepard
Chapter Twenty- Party In The Woods
Chapter Twenty One- Memories
Chapter Twenty Two- Tradition
Steve Randle
Johnny Cade
Darrel Curtis
Keith "Two-Bit" Mathews
Ponyboy Curtis
Sodapop Curtis
Dallas Winston

Chapter Eight: Jumped 𝓐𝓰𝓪𝓲𝓷

4.7K 97 53
By ThatOne1PhanGirl

It's been two months since meeting the greasers.
Two months of pure bliss.
We spent a whole lot of time together.
For the first time in my life, I felt at home.
I finally had friends who care about me.
Of course, my parents wondered where I always was, so they had to meet the gang.

When they first met, Julia didn't like Two-Bit that much. She didn't like how he couldn't take anything seriously. But she knows he makes me happy whenever I feel down. She definitely warmed up to him.
Ted didn't need to warm up to him, though. They liked each other from the get-go. Whenever they're together, they're always cracking jokes. Which also helped Julia like him.

Julia and Ted knew both Steve and Soda from the DX. She didn't like his tattoos at all. She said his teeth were too crooked. Her exact words were, "He would be handsome if he closed his mouth and stopped squinting so much." When Steve heard that, he put rubber bands on his teeth for two weeks, which actually worked a little. Julia apologized and offered to make dinner for him.
Ted liked Steve because he was a car freak. Actually, Ted once went with Steve to a drag race when Soda was sick. I liked seeing the young side in Ted. Steve helped with that.

Julia and Ted liked how respectful he was. They were especially happy when they learned that he was the one who protected me from socs. Johnny was pretty talkative for once. Julia thought he was sweet.
Ted was just happy someone was quiet enough for him to rant about things too. Johnny soon began ranting back, though. And they became kinda close. Which was nice to see for Johnny.

Oh dear. Julia didn't like him from the beginning and she doesn't like him now. She says he's the definition of hood. Julia and Ted had heard all of the Dallas Winston rumors.
Ted also didn't like him. He barely likes him now. Ted was all for the greasers, but he liked Dally second-least of all. But since he knew Dally was intimidating, he was happy I was protected.

Julia really liked Darry. She loved how he was responsible and mature. She invited him over a lot. Once, Darry fixed our roof. He took a shower in the guest bathroom and Julia apparently walked in on him with only a towel on.
Ted loved how he worked multiple jobs at such a young age. Ted and Darry were the closest between all the gang. He just didn't like how Julia drooled over him sometimes. Not that she would cheat. And not that Darry would even do that. It was just kinda weird.

Of course, Julia loved Soda from the moment they met. He charmed her. She constantly asked if we were dating. Julia said she would be so lucky to have such a handsome and sweet son in law.
Ted surprisingly hated him. Soda was his least favorite of all the gang. Ted said that, "boys like that are the ones you should look out for" whatever that means. This really upset Soda, and I had to comfort him for quite some time.

Basically, Julia just loves the Curtis brothers. She kept talking about how smart and athletic he was. She really wanted me to marry him because he would "bring in the money" as she put it. Plus, Ponyboy's really handsome.
Ted liked Ponyboy just as much as Julia. He sees him as a kid and not a friend like the other greasers, though. Which made Ponyboy kinda sad. Ted did buy him a new blade when his broke, though.

"Hey, Doll," Dally grins, catching up to me and Pony after the last bell rings.
"Hi, Dal," I smile.
"Back off my sister, Winston," Tim barks.
"Calm down, you know that I don't do relationships anymore," Dally smirks, putting his arm around me.
Something about that sentence made me a little upset and walk faster than him.

"Aw, Doll, no hard feelings," Dally chuckles.
"You don't know the first thing about feelings, Dallas Winston," I scoff.
"Aw, does the sister have a crush?" Curly teases.
"I'll crush you face with my fist..." I mumble.

I stuff my fists in my jeans and walk away, Ponyboy following.
"You know I'm driving us, right?" Dally eyes me.
"I'm watching a movie with Ponyboy," I shrug.
"Oh," Dally says.
I walk with Ponyboy to the movie house. We watch some Paul Newman movie which took place in the wild west. Damn, Paul Newman is cool.

"Damnit, we should've gotten a ride home," Pony mutters.
I sigh and we begin walking. We talk about the movie, and when we're just two blocks from Ponyboy's house, a red Corvair starts trailing us. We quicken our pace, knowing it was no use.
The car stops and five socs get out, all bigger than Ponyboy. He grabs my hand and squeezes it.

"Hey grease," One says, "We're gonna do you a favor and cut off that long, greasy hair."
He keeps his mouth shut, still holding my hand. I notice his blue madra. Stupid madras.
"Need a haircut, greaser?" A blonde soc smiles, pulling out a blade.
"No," Ponyboy shakes his head, and we back up. He backs up into another one, though, and that soc has him down in a second.

I let out a whimper and one comes up from behind me and wraps his arms around my body.
"Let go of me!" I shout.
The soc puts his hand over my mouth and I hold back tears.
"Shut it, pretty girl," He grunts, "I just want a fun time, baby."
His hands go up and down my body and I do not like it one bit.

"Need a haircut below the chin?" The first one asks, cutting his chin.
I bite down as hard as I can, and spit out the blood of the soc.
I start screaming loudly as hell breaks loose.
"Shit!" The first soc yells as Pony does the same thing, "Shut them up! For Pete's sakes, shut them up!
I hear pounding feet as the soc behind me throws me to the ground.

I lay on my hands and knees, coughing out blood, and gasping for air. After awhile, Pony helps me up.
He pulls out a handkerchief and puts it on his cut.
"Ponyboy! Y/N!" Darry shouts, "Are you two okay?"
He shakes us.
"I'm okay! Quit shaking us, we're okay!" Ponyboy sighs.

"Sorry," Darry lets go.
After chasing the red car, the rest of the gang came back.
"Shoot, Y/N! You got cut up!" Sodapop gasps, pulling me to him. He pulled out a perfectly white handkerchief and pressed down lightly on my cheek, biting his lip in concentration because he didn't wanna hurt me.
"I'm fine," I back up, "I'm fine."

"You sure, Y/N, cuz-" Darry begins.
"Look, Pony's got it worse," I step back.
We all sit down and pull out cigarettes.
"What were you guys doin', walkin' by your lonesomes? Without a blade too," Steve scolds, flicking his ashes at Ponyboy.
Darry goes on a rant against Pony, saying he never thinks. Though Ponyboy is one of the smartest people I know. And Darry may only be eighteen, but he's one heck of a guardian.

"Next time y'all wanna go to the movies, just ask us," Two-Bit says, "Any one of us'll go."
"Speaking of movies," Dally yawns, like it's been boring, "I'm walkin' over time the Nightly Double tomorrow night. Anyone want to come and hunt some action?"
"I will," I say, "So will Pony and Johnny."
Pony looks at Darry, "Since it ain't a school night."

"I'm plannin' on getting boozed up tomorrow," Two-Bit shrugs, "If I don't, I'll walk on over and find y'all."
"Steve and I'll come too," Soda says, "We've been meaning to get out since we left the girls."
"It's been two months," I mumble.
"Yeah, we'll be there," Steve nods.
"Sweet, I should be getting home," I wave.
"Hey, I'll walk you," Pony offers.
"Didn't we just get jumped?" I tilt my head.

"I'll be more alert," He promises.
"I'll come do it," Two-Bit sighs.
"Coolio," I shrug.
Two begins to walk me home. We pass by a drug store and I tug on his shirt.
"Yeah?" He cocks an eyebrow.
"Can we get some cigarettes?" I ask.
"Sure, Doll," Two-Bit smiles.
We buy a couple packs and smoke before beginning to walk again.

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