Once a Lover Vol. II Rocker...

By Jennbyars

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To walk away from your first love is hard enough, but it's impossible to get over him if he's not willing to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 21

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By Jennbyars


When Margie went over to Addison's place to take the pregnancy test, deep down she already knew what the outcome was going to be. Jones had set out to "knock her up" and that's exactly what he did. But now she was the one who had to deal with it.

As they walked through the front door, Tia had her feet kicked up on the coffee table, looking very pregnant and uncomfortable, while Win was cooking her something to eat. Addison went into the kitchen and gave him a kiss, and the way Win looked at her made Margie smile.

"So, red hot, what are you doing coming over so early?" Win asked, flipping a sandwich.

"Nothing, nothing at all. Just wanted to..."

"She's taking a pregnancy test." Addison grinned.

"Addison!" Margie gasped.

Win laughed. "Hell, angel, I think pregnancy is like some kind of disease that spreads around you women," came his remark, and even Tia laughed at that along with him.

With a roll of her eyes, Margie took the not-so-secret pregnancy test out of the bag and walked down the hall. It was when her fears were finally confirmed that Lynn came in, and just like Addison had said, Lynn guessed what was going on within three minutes of being there.

After Mindy showed up, they all had a light dinner while poor Tia was trying to get comfortable with her massive belly on her petite frame. Margie could only get down a couple of bites, but then ran to the bathroom and threw up everything she managed to get down. She cleaned herself up and Addison gave her some ginger ale. Then she lay on the sofa and told the girls everything that happened between her and Jones.

"You mean he told you that he wanted to get you pregnant?" Mindy asked.

"Oh, he said a lot more, but that's what it boiled down to."

"Well, shit, who would've thought he'd do something so fucking stupid?" Lynn sat back with an unlit smoke in her mouth as she thought. "That's usually the first thing guys normally run away from—you know, hands in the air and screaming their ass off!"

Tia sat back on the couch and flinched like something had just hurt her, and Mindy caught it. "Hey, you doing all right, T?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'm good. But even though Jones was a total dick for doing this to you, Margie, I think it's awesome that you're going to have a baby." Tia smiled, trying to find a comfortable position.

"Marge, what are your thoughts on the whole baby situation?" Addison asked.

Margie took a deep breath. "I honestly was trying not to think about it. But now that I know, do you think I should keep it?" she whispered.

"Are you thinking that you don't want to?"

Mindy came and sat on the floor in front of her. "Do you really not want it? I mean really, Margie? I know Jones has been a complete ass in the past, but you do love him, right? And this is something you don't get a second chance over. Once it's done, it's done."

Her eyes drifted to Lynn, who had crossed her arms over her chest, not looking very happy with the way the topic was heading. "You already know my feeling on that subject, red hot. It's not the baby's fault it was made. You have to take responsibility for it, even if the ass did trick you. But we all know deep down you wanted that night with him, so don't lie to yourself about it now that there's a child as the outcome."

"I know and I feel the same way, but this means that I'll always have Jones in my life. I mean, this baby gives him free access to me and my heart...forever," she mused.

Tia took a deep breath and rubbed a spot on her belly as she answered Margie's question. "But this is what he wanted, right? He told you that he wanted to have a baby with you, and for you two to get married. I mean he knows what fame and fortune is all about, he's not like Andy anymore," she whispered.

"Oh Tia, honey..." Addison sighed.

"No, I mean it. Jones knew what could happen when he did this. He knew what it meant for him, and it seems to me he wanted a family to look after now. I think if you did get rid of the baby or said no to marrying him, you could really hurt him."

Margie looked at all the girls and could see they agreed with Tia. "I do love him, and at the same time I also want to smack the hell out of him. But, I always knew I was going to keep the baby, I just needed to talk it through and remember the reasons why."

Tia suddenly tried to get up from the sofa, but Mindy went over to give her a hand. "I gotta pee!" she shouted out to everyone, and they all laughed as she waddled down the hall.

"Oh lord, I can't believe that's going to be me in six months," Margie groaned.

Lynn took a sip of her beer and chuckled. "Oh yeah, that's definitely going to be you, red hot. But now the question is, when are you going to tell Jones he did his job and now he's going to be a daddy?"

"I haven't even thought about that, Lynn. Do I have to?"

Addison laughed. "There's no way around it now, sweetie. So, are you going to call him, or fly out to California, or have his ass come here so you can give him the good news?"

"I think it should be done in person," Lynn told her, going to get herself another beer.

Mindy wrapped her arms around her knees and nodded her head at what Lynn had just said. "I agree. If you call him and tell him you need him to fly out to Nashville because you need to talk with him..." she began, but Addison cut in.

"If you say that you want to talk to him in person...he will already know what it's relating to, Margie. Hell, he did what he did with the sole purpose of this end result. I think his ass would be on the next flight to come out and see you," Addison chuckled.

"Yeah, you're right. I just wish..." Margie began, but an ear-piecing scream came from down the hall.

"ADDISON!" Tia's voice screeched loudly.

Lynn was running down the hall and Addison was right behind her despite her own massive belly. They all turned the corner to see the bathroom door open and the light still on. As soon as they were at the doorway they saw Tia, with blood all over her hands and running down her legs. "Addison?" she cried.

"Oh shit!" Lynn mumbled, but went right in to help her.

"Okay, sweetheart," Addison soothed her sister. "Let's just get you to the sofa now," she told her, then started to give orders. "Margie, call 911. Mindy, get me some towels. Lynn, help me get her to the sofa," she said as her voice remained calm and gentle.

Tia was crying, Mindy was brushing hair from her face to try and keep her calm, while Addison and Lynn did whatever the heck a doctor and a nurse do in this situation. But all Margie could do at the moment was try to keep calm, not cry, and call 911.



They had just played one of the band's new songs at least ten times already. Nickels came over the mic and wanted to go for number eleven, when Jones couldn't help but pull his cell from his pocket. It had been weeks since he'd seen or heard from Margie. Every time he'd text her, call, or leave a damn message, he heard nothing back. It was taking a lot of self-control not to just walk out of the studio and head his ass to Nashville to see her.

They were getting ready to start the next set when his cell went off in the middle of the song. Dax growled as the music stopped and Nickels came through on the speaker. "Damn it, who left their cell on?!"

Then all heads turned to him. "What? I forgot to turn it off..."

"Man, we need to finish this shit up!" Dax growled.

"Yeah, I know, calm the hell down," he murmured, but when he checked the number and saw it wasn't Margie, he stuck the cell in his damn pocket, wanting to rip his hair from his head. "Where were we at anyways?" he asked, getting the guitar ready.

Jim was laughing at him and Howie just smiled, but Dax was done. "Look, let's just get this done and then your ass can do whatever the hell you gotta go do. Then you won't be driving us all fucking nuts with this obsessing over that she won't talk to you!" Dax scolded.

Nickels came on the speaker. "Okay, guys, let's try this one more time, and Jones I swear to god, if you're on that damn phone one more time, I'm taking it away from you until we're done tonight."

"Fuck off," he mumbled.

The music started again, and this time everything was sounding good. Jones mentally agreed with Dax that he just needed to get this shit done with so he could go get Margie. It was just about time for his solo when the phone started to vibrate in his back pocket. But this time he left it alone. It rang again, and then again, and on the fourth ring, he knew something was going on, not some random caller.

He stopped playing, and all the guys groaned when he pulled out his phone from the back pocket. He thought for sure he'd see Margie's name, but was confused when he saw Mindy's instead. His eyes shot over to Dax, who then looked just as confused as he was. "Hey, Mindy, what's going on?"

"I need you to come to Nashville, now," she told him, but he could hear crying in the background.

"I can't leave, we're still recording. Is that Margie crying? Oh shit...is Margie okay?" he stammered.

"No, that's not Margie. Tia has some complications with her pregnancy, everything is a mess right now, and Margie is scared to death, Jones, she needs you here with her."

Jones glanced at Howie."Is Tia going to be okay?" he asked.

At the sound of Tia's name Howie shot up like a rocket, almost knocking over the drum set as he made his way to him. "What's going on with Tia?" Jones asked.

"We don't know that right now. Addie and Lynn are working with the other doctors to save the baby. But Margie needs you here. This is too much for her to go through, and with her pregnant and all..."

"She's pregnant—holy shit, really?!" Jones shouted into the phone, and his hand went into his hair.

"Yes, she just found out today. But she's scared because of what's happened to Tia and Andy..."

"What happened?"

"He left her, that no-good son of a bitch left her. He went on tour with his old band, and Margie's afraid that your ass is going to do the same thing!" she hissed.

Howie was right in front of his face. "Ask about Tia! What's happening with Tia?"

Jones was silent for a minute; Howie was about ready to lose his mind. "Tell Margie I'm on my way."

"Good, I'll tell Lynn and Addison when they get out of the delivery room."

"Oh shit, Addie's in there with her?"

"Yes, so just get your ass here, okay!" she told him, and hung up.

Jim walked forward. "Addison...?"

"She's fine, Jim, but sorry, guys, I got to go. Something bad happened to Tia, I'm not sure what it is, but it's really fucking bad!" he told him, taking off his guitar and getting ready to leave.

"Tia?" Howie asked, grabbing Jones by the arm.

"All Mindy said is that her husband left her, and that she was having some kind of trouble with the baby... I'm sorry, but that's all I got."

"I'm heading out with Jones," Howie said when Nickels opened the door.

"Holy shit, what is going on, and why did Mindy call you?" he asked.

"Because Margie's pregnant, and she's scared right now. Mindy thought that me being there might help her."

Nickels' jaw dropped. "Fucking hell, you knocked her up?"

But Howie was halfway down the hall already. "Hurry your ass up, Jones, or I'm leaving without you!" he hollered.

"Yeah, I knocked her up, Nickels, first thing I've done right in a long time. And we're using the private jet!" he yelled out and ran to catch up to Howie.

Five hours later, they were on the ground in Tennessee and making their way to the hospital. Once Howie was inside he ran to the information desk, asking where they could find labor and delivery. When they made the third floor they both hurried to the nurse's station.

"Tia Read, I'm here to see Tia Read, please," Howie said, still trying to catch his breath.

The nurse looked at him and then clicked on the computer and shook her head. "I'm sorry, sir, but we don't have a Mrs. Read on this floor."

"Yes, you do!" Howie growled.

The nurse looked like she was about to call security, when Jones stepped in, taking hold of Howie's shoulder and pushing him aside. "I'm sorry about that. I don't know what her new last name is, but Addison is a doctor here and it's her sister Tia that we—" he was explaining when a voice called him.

"Jones!" He turned to see Mindy walking up to him, and then she stopped and stared at the guy she didn't expect to see. "Howie?" she blurted out.

"Is Tia okay? Holy shit, and where the fuck is that asshole she's married to?!" Howie spat out.

Mindy looked the both of them over, then grabbed Howie by the arm before talking to the nurse. "Suzy, they're good, they're with me," she explained, and the nurse gave her a small nod.

When that was done, she pulled Howie down the hall, swearing under her breath, while Jones followed. She finally stopped in front of a door, let go of Howie's arm and placed her hands on her hips.

"Look, don't say anything stupid like, 'where the hell is your no-good husband, Tia,' she couldn't handle that right now coming from you. Tia had a rough time tonight and has lost a lot of blood, and the baby was rushed to the NIC for observation. Not to mention she's a mess, Howie, an absolute mess."

"And the baby, is it okay?" he asked.

"She had a little girl but she looks good. The doctors wanted to keep an eye on her just in case. Win has been trying to get ahold of Andy, but he can't. When he called Rex, that asshole picked up his phone and promised Win that he would tell Andy what was going on least."

"That stupid fucker..."

Mindy's finger came up, pointing at him, and his hands came up in apology. "Sorry, that won't happen again. All I want to do is see Tia."

"Can you go in there and be supportive, even if it's not your baby? Because if you're an ass, I'll have security throw you out!" she warned.

"I promise I will never be an ass to her again, and I won't say anything to upset her," Howie assured her.

She looked him over one last time and nodded. "All right, just hold on before you go rushing in there..." She sighed and slowly pushed the door open. "Hey, someone came to see you, Tia, are you up for it?" she asked softly, but Howie wasn't going to give Tia a chance to say no. He pushed open the door and all the girls gasped.

Addie got up from the bed as Howie rushed to Tia's side. "Shit, baby, are you okay?" he asked, taking her hand and kissing it. When she didn't answer he caressed her cheek and shook his head. "You look really pale..." he murmured before looking back at Addie. "She's all right now, isn't she?"

But before Addie could answer, Tia took his hand and stared up at him in confusion. "Howie, what are you doing here? I mean, why are you here?" she asked in a cracked voice.

"Jones said something bad happened to you and the baby, and I had to make sure you were okay. I mean you know that, right, I always have to know that you're all right?" he said, feeling her cheek with his fingers.

Tia's lip quivered before she burst into tears, grabbing hold of him. He leaned into her and her small hands grabbed onto the material of his shirt. He hugged her back, whispering in her ear things that were only meant for her.

Jones' eyes met Margie's red-rimmed ones, and he could tell that she was in fact a mess at the moment. "Pumpkin," he said softly, and walked over, took her by the waist and pulled her from the room. She didn't fight him; in fact she went willingly with his guidance.

Addison walked out only a second later with Mindy next to her, and she shut the door to give Tia and Howie some privacy. Lynn turned the corner and stopped cold when she saw Jones in the hall with Margie in his arms.

"What the hell—when the hell did Jones get here?" Lynn asked.

"I called him, but Howie came too. I just wanted to help, I hope you all aren't mad about it? Mindy whispered.

"No, I think that was a good call, Mindy, thank you." Addie smiled.

Lynn walked up to Jones, slapping him on the back. "Good to see you, Jones."She smiled, but then looked over at Addie. "Ad, Win's waiting for you. He's worried about you being on your feet too long. And I'm going to agree with him. Little Erin is doing fine, and I'll bring her in to Tia in just a bit."

Addie was going to argue but Lynn stopped her. "I'll help her with the baby, Ad, and I'm sure Howie isn't going anywhere soon..." She turned and glared at Jones. "I'm right about that, aren't I?" she asked, but there was much more to it than that.

"I don't think he'll ever be able to leave her again, if you get my meaning," he agreed.

"Good! So there you go, Mrs. Preggo. Go get your ass home with Win, and I'll keep you updated," Lynn smiled.

"I don't know..." Addie began.

"Yup, we're off. See you later, Jones." Lynn laughed and pulled Addie and Mindy along with her, leaving Jones and Margie alone.

He quickly took her to a side hall so they could have a minute alone together. At first, she didn't look up at him; his finger went under her chin so he could gaze into those beautiful green eyes. "Baby, it's going to be okay."

Her lip trembled before she hugged herself to him and started to cry. "Hey, hey, now. I told you it's going to be okay, didn't I. I'm here now," he soothed her, but she shook her head into his chest. "What's going on with you?"

She turned her head and squeezed him, taking a deep breath, and he wrapped his arms around her. "I'm pregnant, Jones," she whispered.

"I know, Mindy told me when she called," he confessed, and then she started to pull away. "Hey, listen to me. I'm so damn happy about the baby I can't see straight, if that's what you were worried about. But now I want to know: what are you thinking?" he asked, praying for the best answer, but expecting the worst.

"I'm happy, and scared at the same time. This has been my dream for a long time, but every time I think I can put the past behind me, I find out something new that breaks my heart all over again. I can't deal with that anymore, and I won't let our baby grow up in that kind of environment," she said.

"Like I said, pumpkin, there are no more secrets between us. You know everything that I've done, and I would never put our baby in that kind of life. I will be faithful, I will be trustworthy, and I will always love you and the family that we're going to have together, forever. This is more than just a promise, it's my vow to you, baby." He leaned down and kissed her lips. When he was done he asked her one question. "Marry me?"

"Can you really promise me all that?" she asked, but he could hear the doubt in her sweet voice.

"Yes, baby, I can. This is what I want; it's always been you, pumpkin. I'm just sorry I put you through hell to get us where we are right now," he sighed, hugging her close.

"Then, yes. I'll marry you."

"You will?"

"Yes. So let's just wipe the slate clean from the past, and look forward to a new life together. One with a baby on the way," she whispered as she hugged him.

"I like the sound of that," he growled in her ear.

"We'll just see about that when it's your turn for a two o'clock feeding," she giggled.

"I can't wait, and I can't wait for everything that comes with it, Margie. I love you, pumpkin."

"I love you too, Jones." She smiled, and then he kissed her.

The End


Six months later

Margie screamed out once more, and then the sound of a baby crying rang throughout the room. "You did it, baby, you did it," Jones whispered in her ear, then kissed her sweaty forehead. She looked up at his face and his joy at seeing their baby, and she smiled as he helped her lie back down.

Addison held the baby for them both to see. "Congratulations, you two. You have a beautiful baby boy." She smiled, and placed the baby on Margie's stomach. "Come, Jones. Don't you want to cut the cord?" She laughed at the look on his face.

"I don't know..."

Margie giggled. "Go on, rock star. You're not afraid to cut your son's cord, are you?" she teased.

She and Addison glanced at each other with a smile on their faces as Ad held the scissors out for him to take. He came over and cut where she directed him to do so. Once he was done, his face beamed; he was very proud of himself.

"Okay, so let's get you taken care of while the nurse gets the baby cleaned up and ready for you both to spend some quality time with your new son." Addison smiled as the nurse came and took the baby from Margie's arms, started cleaning him up, and put him in some sort of lighted cradle.

An hour later Jones sat in a chair, holding his son while he slept, and Margie was eating a little something before she started to nurse the baby. "You know, I really thought we were going to have a girl. Did you think about any boy's names?" he asked.

"Well, did you want him to be a Junior?" she asked.

"No, I'd like him to have his own name."

She lay back, gazing at the beautiful man in front of her, and a time in their lives popped into her head from when they were still young. "Do you remember that time after the school dance when you took me to watch the airplanes fly over us?"

"Yeah, I think I do..."

"We talked about getting married, and what kind of house we'd have, what kind of car you wanted to drive, and then we talked about how many kids we'd have and the names we liked."

"Oh yeah, I remember that now. I think I liked Axel." He chuckled.

"Yes, I think that was one of your names," she laughed. "But there was one name we both agreed on...Christopher. What do you think, do you still like it?"

He kissed the baby's head as he started to squirm in his arms. "Christopher—yeah, I like it." He smiled as the baby started to cry. "Christopher Jones Johnson. You okay with Jones as the middle name?" he whispered, giving the baby to her.

"I love it." She smiled, arranging the baby so he could nurse.

He scooted her over a bit so he could lie next to her on the bed. "I think I like you barefoot and pregnant, Margie Johnson. When can we make another one?" He grinned at the exasperation on her face.

"Oh lord, Jones. Let's enjoy Chris for at least two years before we start adding to the family," she said.

He placed his arm around her as he watched his son nurse. "I'm thinking I want at least five of these little guys running around the house. What do you think?"

She smiled gently at him and his enthusiastic tone. "Whatever, Jones..." She laid her head on his shoulder. "Whatever..."

She sighed, completely in love with the two beautiful men in her life.

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