
By dyliannesaber

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Mission is what brings these 12 men together. A new experience for every one of them. How will this mission e... More

Characters + Intro
Ain't my fault
This moment
Change of heart
I want you to know
What the hell
Grand disaster
Close to me

The way

733 32 3
By dyliannesaber

"How does a mute person ask for water?" Phoom asked and Dome raised his brow and turned to look at the others at his back.

They did sign bullshit things and they all laughed. Phoom nodded and gave them a thumbs up.

"Well... what about a blind person?" Phoom asked and the others including Dome closed their eyes and opened their palm and did the sign language again.

Phoom laughed his ass out and the others were confused. Why did Phoom laughed? Was their answer wrong?

"What's the answer?" Dome asked and Phoom smiled smugly.

"He will ask if have some water. Blind people can still talk ya know." Phoom said and they all laughed at their stupidity.

"Guys, why do you think noses run while our feet smell?" They all stopped for a while just to think about it them they all laughed.

Phoom was just so funny and they really find the jokes so hilarious.

"You're stupid." Dome said and laughed at Phoom's stupid jokes.

Yes, they are on their way to the possible battlefield and they are still fooling around.

"Yeah. I'm stupid but you still love me." Phoom said and Dome shook his head with a soft smile.

Kimmon, Joong, Benjamin, Tae, Tee, Nine and Bass were yelling loudly and also whistling as some howled at the back as they teased the couple.

Copter and Earth shook their heads while Godt sighed. They can never get used to it and it will probably take a lot of time for them to be used to those shameless flirting.

"Ai'Dome, say something. Its unfair to your husband. What's your response?" Kimmon asked and Phoom laughed.

"Mhmmm. He already knew I love him so what's the point of denying?" Dome asked looking smug

The screaming and howling teasing began again and they all laughed. Godt smiled and shook his head before looking at Copter and Earth who were looking at the autumn princes.

Don't tell me...

"Idiot..." Earth said with a soft smile on his lips as he watched Ben fooling around with the others.

Godt turned to look at the youngest fairy and he watched him carefully. He realized what he just did so he slapped himself and shook the thoughts away.

Is it possible for me and that fairy to be together?

He shook his head at the silly thought and sighed. He sighed and his close friends turned to look at him.

"What's wrong?" They asked and Godt smiled thinly and shook his head.

Dome and Tee shared looked and exchanged silent messages. Dome whispered something to Phoom who smiled and nodded. Tee only motioned that he'll walk next to Godt. Tae had no objections with that.

"Why are you walking next to me instead of your husbands?" Godt asked with a chuckle when his friends  held his arms. Dome on the right side while Tee on the left side.

"They won't mind."

"Don't mind them."

Godt laughed and shook his head. He spared the youngest fairy another glance and then he looked at his clingy bestfriends.

"Seriously what's wrong with you two?" He asked and Dome frowned.

"We should be asking you that." Dome said and Godt sighed.

"There is really nothing wrong-"

"There is something wrong. If you dont want to tell us yet then its cool. We spent too much time with them and sorry... You're still the best boy." Tee said and pressed his cheek on Godt's bicep.

"Idiot. They'll be jealous I tell you-"

"Since when did you care about that? you wiped my snot everytime back when we were still younger even if we had servants to do that for as. You don't really care about what people thinks about us. Something is off we know." Dome said and Godt sighed and shook his head.

"Really, you two." He said and chuckled.

They reached the town and a swarm of girls greeted them. They were pulled apart and Dome looked for Phoom who was smiling at those women.

Seriously, these town of witches loved handsome young guys so much.

Oh boy. He was seeing red and he felt his blood was boiling.

He ignored those women who tried so hard to get his attention. He was glaring daggers at his boyfriend's head but still it was unnoticed.

"If you won't fucking stop smiling you better get your self ready." The muttered under his breath.

Phoom was still laughing and talking to them and Dome lost it. There was an explosion and a huge patch of ice was covering the soil they were standing on.

Some slipped and yes, Dome saw Phoom catch a lady and he scoff. He bit his lip so hard that it bleed.

"Teerak come here!" Phoom turned to look at Dome with a huge grin but Dome glared at him angrily and he shook his head before marching.

"Sorry to break it off to you ladies but we're all reserved." Phoom said with a nice smile the  he ran to follow his angry lover.

"What's wrong with you?" He grabbed Dome's hand and there goes those raging pair of blue eyes which are now teary.

"Go back to those girls asshole." He spat angrily and yanked his hand back making his boyfriend slip on the thick ice he just did.

He stared at  Phoom who fell on his butt and he turned around. He heard those and they helped Phoom to stand. Those filthy hands touched Phoom and he gritted his teeth.

"What are you doing? He's reserved." Tee spat at one lady and hid the general behind him--- Tae was taller that Tee but still the younger male repelled all those girls who tried to hit on him.

When those girls were out of sight, Tee turned around with a smile on his face. Tae smiled back and expected a hug or even a kiss but no. He was jabbed on his rib angrily by his jealous baby.

"Stop being so fucking attractive. " He hissed and Tae was frozen on his spot but he recovered quickly and wrapped his arms around Tee and placed a kiss on Tee's cheek.

"I'm all yours so no need to be jealous." He reassured Tee who sighed and leaned back on his hug.

Kimmon and Copter were holding hand. Same goes to Joong and Nine.

Earth and Ben were walking closely next to each other. Godt and Bass were being surrounded by girls. It was only the two of them left because the other guys dropped hints about being taken.

"Get your hands off what's mine." Dome said coldly and the ladies looked up to meet Dome's cold glare.

"You literally left him-"

"Shut your trap before I freeze your running mouth." Dome hissed and grabbed Phoom's hand.

The ladies instantly got the message. Dome was not the person to be messed with so they left the couple alone.

Seriously. Dome and his temper.

"Lets go. They must be waiting for all of us." Dome said and the ice slowly melted.

"Teerak... No need to be jealous-"

"Who told you I was jealous?" Dome hissed and Phoom shut his mouth up quickly. He smiled and shook his head before kissing Dome's gloved hand.

"If you say so..."

"I swear. I was not jealous." Dome said with rosy cheeks.


"Why are you not believing me?" Dome said with a scowl.

"Just admit it." Kimmon said and sighed.

"What? I told you I was not jealous!" Dome denied but his lover was already smiling like an idiot.

"Then why did you accidentally released some of your power that almost killed us back there?" Benjamin asked and Dome's eyes slightly widened.

"You saw red when he talked to those girls didn't you?" Joong asked with a smirk on his lips.

"Your blood boiled when they touched him." Tae said and Dome scoffed.

"I just don't want them to touch what's mine." Dome said and his friends started teasing him.

"Stop it before he'll explode again." Godt said and Dome sighed. Phoom wrapped his arms around his angry lover and Dome glared at him

"I am not jealous." He growled and pushed Phoom's face away from him

"Seriously." The rest muttered under their breaths.

They continued the journey and reached their destination. It was a very huge house but certainly not a palace.

There were guards outside the gates and when Dome walked towards them, the guards were panicking and they made way for Dome. They easily let Dome pass without questions.

The others were about to go inside but they blocked their way. Dome raised his brow and Dome scowled.

"Let them inside, they are with me." He said and the guards shook their head.

"Should I freeze you to death? I said they are with me." Dome said and they gave way for the others.

Plan woke up alone in the hige bed and his body was hurting all over. He felt like he can't move his body. Mean really did a great job in fucking him.

He forced his body to get out of bed and he made his way to the bathroom. He took a nice warm bath that soothed his sore and tensed muscles. After he took his bath, he dried himself with the towel and he grabbed his robe and made his way towards the balcony.

There he saw twelve guys outside the gates. His eyes widened when he saw his favorite nephew and a smile was formed on his lips.

He ran down stairs and ignored the pain on his lower back. He saw Mean reading some book on the couch. He wrapped his arms around Mean and kissed his cheek.

"Morning love." He greeted.

Kao was preparing food with Ohm next to him they only gave the lovebirds a side eye because seriously, Plan was being sweet which meant he wanted something and Mean being the fool for Plan walking right into the trap.

"They're here." He said and the door opened and the cold winter breeze greeted them.

"Oh. You're still alive." Mean comments and Dome rolled his eyes.

"We are here to settle something." Kimmon said and Mean crossed his arms.

"Are you willing to listen to our side? If yes then we'll settle this." Mean said and Ben turned to look at his brother.

Seriously. He expected killing but thank goodness it was running smoothly.    

"Come in, have a seat please." Plan smiled sweetly at them and they took their seats.

Well, since there was not enough space, some were forced to sit on the lap and some sat on the arm of the couch.

Plan was sitting on the arm on Mean's seat. He was smiling nicely at his favorite nephew and Dome even smiled at him.

"You know each other?" Tee asked the prince.

"It was him who gave me the spell." Dome answered and Tee hummed. Godt was staring intensely at Plan as if he was trying where he saw him before.

"No wait... I have seen you before--- you're the nice uncle who would play with us in the forest. You haven't aged at all!" Godt said and his bestfriends turned to look at him.

"Ah shit. I forgot to erased your memories." Plan sighed and face palmed.

"What memories?" Dome asked and Plan snapped his fingers and some i
ages started to flood his head.

It was not painful as he recalled the memories and the nice guy was apparently his uncle.

"Why did you do that?" Dome asked.

"I didn't know how would you react-"

"You're cool. I'd be so elated if I found out earlier I had a nice and cool uncle. You didn't have to hide it from us. I mean--- you were just like me." Dome said and Plan sighed.

"I'm sorry..."

"Its cool. I mean you were there all the time but you manipulated my memories--- you were still there. You cared. Its okay I have nothing against you." Dome said with a smile.

Ohm and Kao served them drinks and snacks. The others eyes it suspiciously while Earth, Nine and Bass just sniffed it and had a taste.

"You're thinking too much." Kao and Ohm said before placing the papers on the table.

"What are these?" Kimmon asked as he read the papers.

"The terms and conditions for the seasons to get back to normal." Mean answer and as the Princes of each Kingdom read the papers, they can't help but feel sorry for the witches.

They were all simple requests but it all ended up like that.

"Why... did you have to do these? I mean these were all simple requests and it can be arranged easily." Kimmon asked and Kao sighed.

"You all think we haven't tried being nice and tried to talk to your parents? They would always push us away because we are 'monsters'."  Ohm said with a scowl.

"Huh? Who told you that? The witches at the town were very nice and accommodating tho." Nine said.

"But your parents sees us as a threat." Kao said and Dome sighed and nodded.

"Alright. I'll do our kingdom's part. I know my parents won't listen and agree to this but it would be pretty unfair to people like you. You are also people and you are not a threat." Dome said and stood up.

"My parents wont have any problem with these. I can explain it nicely to them." Pavel said and smiled.

"So all we have to do is errr... Control our garbage and not throw it to rivers anymore?" Kimmon asked and Mean crossed his arms.

"You guys from the Autumn is the biggest producer of trash and your trashes would always be dumped in the river which ends up in our place!" Mean said angrily.

"Oh. I'm sorry I didn't know. I'll fix this urgent matter." Kimmon said.

"You better do it. My men are getting sick because of your garbages!"

"My bad."

Nine didnt say anything and only smiled at them. They all shook hands and sealed the deal. Really. It was just a little concern but it all ended up like that.

"Also... how did you ended up being able to control the season when you're not like us." Ben asked curiously.

"You're not a witch." Earth said as he looked at Mean.

"That's right. I am also a winter creature but I grew up here. Kao and Ohm are also Winter creatures but the thing is they grew up in your place." Mean said and looked at Dome.

"Huh? How did y'all ended up here?"

"The witches opened their gates for unfortunate people like us. There are also people coming from your kingdom who are now living here because they didn't like the poor treatment." Mean said.

"The moment you powerful kids were born, the elders were thrown away because they are no longer needed in your community. Tell your parents to apologize to those elders or I'll personally come to you and hirt your parents right in front of you." Plan said and the Princes nodded.

"Your message will be delivered to them..."

"Anyways, now that we are all good, how about you guys stay for the night so you can head back to your place early tomorrow morning?" Mean said and they all agreed.

Mean, Plan, Ohm and Kao even showed them to the elders and the Princes went on their knees to ask forgiveness on behalf of their parents who treated them badly.

Seriously. Why didn't they know their parents did such bad things? Why didn't they had any idea about the bad things their parents did?

They had dinner togethet and seriously, those witches are not bad people. They are even too nice. They made friends in town and had a drink at the pub. It was already midnight when they headed back to Mean's place. They slept on the spare rooms and thank goodness it was enough for them.

Mean, Plan, Ohm and Kao nicely prepared breakfast for them before they'll head back to their homes.

Now that their mission was came to an end, realization dawned upon them.

What's gonna happen to them?

On the intersection where they'll take different roads to reach their homes. They all shared looks and Dome released a heavy sigh.

"Thank you and I'm sorry for hurting you." He said to his companions as he gage them all hugs. He kissed his lover on the lips making their friends howl and clap their hands.

"Visit us at the kingdom alright?" Kimmon said and Ben crossed his arms.

They all shared hugs and exhanged 'thank yous' and 'see you again'.

"Hey, if you think whatever I told you back there was a joke, then you're wrong. I am dead serious. You are reserved. Don't let girls or boys hit on you and don't hit on someone." Ben told Earth who laughed and nodded.

"I'll visit you." Joong told Nine who smiled and nodded.

Dome and Phoom were hugging. Same goes to Tee and Tae. Kimmon and Copter were talking same goes to Nine and Joong. Earth and Ben were settling things leaving Godt and Bass.

Bass approached Godt first. The older male stared at Bass and watched him take a deep breath.

"Phi Krub..."


"I have a confession to make. I actually like you but that doesn't matter." Bass said and made his way back to his friends who were already waiting for him

"Alright lets go back to our homes." Dome said and Godt made his way to his friends.

"We are still friends okay?" Phoom said and they smiled and gave him a thumbs up.

"See you guys around!"

Then they all walked to their paths. They all headed back to their homes with their hearts feeling sad and heavy.

They grew attached to their friends over that short period of time and a lot of memories were shared.

It was indeed very sad that the mission has come to its end.

or not.

Is it really over?

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