Consumed by Darkness

By Puretrash

601 26 5

Dying, young Gia Watts was dying, slowly dying. "I'm really sorry Mr. Watts but, your daughter has lung canc... More

Chapter 1: Breathe
Chapter 3: Blend

Chapter 2:Live

124 5 2
By Puretrash

Hi! Chapter two is here! Sorry for the cliffhanger but I love them so much! Anyways little spoiler alert: I cried when I wrote this chapter, full on tears,.... I'm too emotional. Enjoy chapter two and bring a tissue! P.s. sorry about caps lock I'm typing on an iPad so I can't italicize anything. 

(°3°) MWAH! -Talia 


Nurse Amanda's P.O.V. 


I walked down the long white hall of the hospital, heading to my favorite patients; Gia and Gemma. They were always so happy and full of life despite their conditions. Gia was a dreamer, always reading, playing dress up, day dreaming, and telling Gemma storie about what adventures the two of them would have when they are cured. Some times I wish she didn't put all of these ideas in Gemma's head, they fueled her escape plans. Gemma was definitely a trouble maker and a trickster. She's been locked up here almost her whole life, she was itching to get out of this bloody hospital and see the world. She has tried to break out, and has actually gotten a decent ways way from the hospital before we brought her back in. Gemma hasn't tried to escape too much since Gia started living here, I guess it's because she is content just playing games with Gia and listening to her stories. No matter how much trouble the two caused, I loved them to bits.

I opened the door labeled; 

Name: Gemma Cross 

Born: 1986 

Diagnostic: lymphoblastic lymphoma

Name: Giovanna Watts 

Born: 1986 

Diagnostic: lung cancer

I crept into the dark room. I helped decorate it, Gemma had chosen to paint everything eggplant purple. To me it looked as though someone skinned Barney and glued him down, but to her it was "perfectly purple". 

I switched on the light that hung above the door frame. As soon as the small light filled the room, my heart stopped.

The girls were gone.

On any normal day I would have calmly grabbed Mr.cross and gone searching for them, since their conditions were not fatal. Recently Gemma's condition had worsened, no matter what the doctors did her health deteriorated. Her own father gave her a month to live, and that was two weeks ago. Even though she had been given two more weeks to live, without constant supervision and her medicine she could die at any moment.

I ran at the door tripping over my own feet, as I rushed into Dr.Cross' office. 

"Dr.cross, it's an emergency!" I panted as I burst through the door.

"What is it?" He asked, not that surprised given that he worked in a hospital. He encountered emergencies everyday.

"They snuck out,"I was so worried my words were faltering.

"WHO, snuck out Amanda?" Cross said frustrated at my lack of detail.

"Gemma and Gia," I replied slowly as I tried to calm my rapidly beating heart. My red curls were sticking out in every direction from sprinting.

Without another word he got up and bolted out the door.

Gemma's P.O.V. 


I knew I was dying, you can feel when your body starts to shut down. The doctors told me last week but I already knew I was at deaths doorstep. Sure I cried at first, but I realized some thing. if I only had a little while left why should I spend it sobbing in bed? So I did what I had been wanting to do, I took Gia outside. I hadn't told her I was dying, if I did she would've insisted I stay inside where I would be "safe". I was dying either way and I sure wasn't spending it in the stupid hospital. I hopped out our window and grasped onto a branch of a tree that grazed our window, allowing me to climb down the tree and land safely on the grass.

"Come on Gia!" I said as I tried to convince her to climb down the large tree.

"I don't know about this,Gemma. You should come back in, this was a bad idea." She suggested worriedly.

"Gia stop being a baby and climb down already!" I teased.

"Okay," she said nervously as she pulled on the small green backpack that held her oxygen supply safely inside. She reached out an unstable hand and grabbed a strong branch. Gia swung herself over the trunk and shimmied down the base of the tree, landing quietly on the soft green grass. 

I eagerly grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the meadow I had my eye on for weeks. 

It was a beautiful park with velvety grass that spread for what seemed like miles. There was a pond in the middle of the valley that glistened in the moonlight with a tall willow tree that gloomily hung its long drooping branches over the water, a small family of brown ducks swam contently in the middle of the lake dancing around the moons reflection.

As soon as Gia stepped into the meadow she kicked off her shoes and laid herself down face first in the cool grass.

"Mhmf ff fm mwfmsm!" Gia mumbled, her voice muffled by the grass.

"What?" I giggled.

"This is so awesome!" She said excitedly, returning her face to the grass when she had finished.

I laughed and pulled her out of the dirt. "I told you this was a good idea!" I exclaimed as I poked her shoulder and screamed. "You're it!" 

I frantically ran from her but after a few moments of sprinting I had to stop. I knelt on the ground grasping my aching stomach.

"What's wrong?" Gia asked as she watched a single tear fall down my red cheeks.

"Nothing," I lied as I briskly brushed away the stray drop. My stomach felt like it was being shredded, EVERYTHING itched, and I was SO tired, but I knew the second I closed my eyes I would never open them again. I held back the waterfall of tears that threatened to let themselves loose and I joined Gigi by the pond.  

I looked around at the meadow gazing at the patch of daisies that lay under the willow. I skipped over to the bundle of flowers and started picking them. I took the stem of a daisy and linked it to a second one and continued the chain till it was a crown.

"How did you do that?" Gia asked amazed as she looked at my creation.

"Like this'" I explained as I started another daisy crown.

When we finished we were dressed head to toe in daisies. We giggled and danced around pretending we were fairies. We threw daisies to the family of ducks, and swung on the willows branches.

As we were running, a horrible pain twisted up in my stomach. I fell to the ground writhing I pain on the ground. No words could describe the feeling in my heart.

This was it, I was truly dying now. I didn't hold back the tears this time, I let them pour down my face.

"Gemma! Are you okay?!?" Gia exclaimed, as she frantically tried to wipe my tears away with her sleeves.

"No," I said, my voice was weak and raspy. "Gia I'm dying."

"You can't be dying!" Gia screamed as the tears welled up in her eyes. "What about being friends forever?" The tears streamed down her face as she pulled me into a tight hug.

"Gigi, we are going to be friends even longer." I smiled as I placed my daisy crown on her head. "We were destined to ALWAYS be friends." I whispered as the world went black

Nurse Amanda's P.O.V.  


We searched every where for the girls, but they where nowhere to be found. I thought my heart was going to burst out of my chest.

"Amanda," Dr. Cross said loudly from across the hall. "Could they have gone outside?" He asked desperately.

"YES!" I shouted when I remembered the information we needed badly. "The meadow! Gemma wanted to go to the meadow!" I yelled as I disappeared through the door, making a bee line for the park. When I reached the grass my heart stopped for the hundredth time that evening.

"Oh no," I breathed as I saw Gia weeping under a willow tree, with a lifeless body in her arms that I could only assume was Gemma. 

I ran to her as fast as my long legs could take me. Resting a hand on her shoulder, as the tears flowed from my hazel eyes.

"It's all my fault," Gia said her voice was frail and hoarse from mourning. "I should have said no, then she would be in bed and safe." She buried her face in my shoulder as I picked her up off the ground and cradled her in my arms.

"It's not your fault, Gia. It was her time, don't worry she is dancing with angels now. I bet she is having a splendid time, frolicking on clouds." I reassured her as her poor tired body drifted off to sleep.

I stayed and waited by Gemma's inanimate body, with Gia fast asleep in my arms, silent tears streamed down my face. Mr. Cross ran out of the hospital and stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the tragic scene. He fell on his knees in front of his little girl with his face in his hands as the tears poured out.

I left him alone with Gemma's body, not wanting to interrupt his last moments with his beloved daughter. I carried Gia towards the hospital shock and despair flowing through my heart. I walked into the room that Gemma had put so much effort into making it her own. I saw it now, through her eyes, this room was perfectly purple. I tucked Gia into her bed, removed the daisy crown from her head  

And refilled her oxygen tank. When I had finished I sat in the lazy chair that stood by Gia's small bed, I gazed at the intricate design in the daisy crown and smiled. I taught her how to make these, every week for the first year of her stay I would bring baskets full of flowers and we would weave them together into amazing things. Once I made her a whole gown of flowers for her 5th birthday, it only lasted a week before the flowers turned brown and withered but the joy in her eyes as she danced around in it was worth every hour spent on making it. The flowers were so delicate, but they were beautiful.

I never realized how delicate life was till I met Gemma, every day I came into work she showed me how precious life was, she lived every day like it was her last, because she knew that she could die at any moment. 

I hung the crown on the back of the purple door, and returned to the chair by Gia's bed, so I could comfort her when she awoke in the morning.


I told you it was sad! I cried so much when I wrote this! 

Next chapter might take a while to update, sorry ahead of time but I'm having a bit of writers block. 

Thanks for reading 

(•3•) MWAH!! -Talia!

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