Diamond Hearts, Frozen Souls

By ValKayRee

690 65 949

《Book 1 of Snow Blade, Icy Shield (SBIS) Series》 *** AKA -Diamond Hearts, Frosted Souls -DHFS *** One lives i... More

⋘1⋙ Into the Dead Land
⋘2⋙ Isolated Temple
⋘3⋙ His True Nature
⋘5⋙ Pressure
⋘6⋙ When Hatred Spills

⋘4⋙ The Winter God

59 9 85
By ValKayRee

[Year of Méiguī Lóng, Century of Luòrì]

"May I know your name? I would have remembered someone like you if I ever attended a social event with you around but I have been feeling that you are not from Tiantang. You look like you are a citizen of Heise but your dark energy does not align with the aura of Demons. How is that so?" As far as she knew through experiences and her recent trip to the realm of Demons, there was only one type of dark magic just like there was one type of light magic. Instead of feeling an irrational fear, she felt a comforting intimidation. Xue Hua kicked a marble pebble as they trekked over a stretch of pure marble that might have been polished. "Your energy makes me feel safe but I am also wary of you."

With his arms around her back, the man guided her to the safest spots for footing. When she fell for the first time he had offered to carry her in his arms yet as expected, she declined using the excuse that a man should not touch a woman, even more so if she was somehow betrothed to another. The shadowy immortal cracked a grin thinking about Winter God. It would be a huge hock to him if the god did not allow him to touch the goddess of snow.

"I understand but are you sure it is not because of my beauty? Ah, you would have remembered someone as handsome as me but no, we have never been in the same room together yet." The man paused to dip his head low, a form of greeting someone if one's arms are occupied. "My name is Qi Pian and I was the messenger sent by Winter God. I forgot my duties for about one thousand years but I came eventually. I do not know whether you are lucky or cursed to have been carefree for an extra one thousand years. You know, Winter God has been waiting for you longer than you think."

The Winter God she didn't know existed before she was deceived into showing herself to him? The same Winter God who came into her life and uprooted it without having to show his face? He also killed her friends and for that among many other reasons, she would not accept him easily. Other women may marry their betrotheds a fortnight after discovering the deal but Xue Hua would never submit to someone as despicable and mysterious as this god. He also sent someone else to collect her as if she was a box of food from a restaurant.

The comparison made her skin crawl like a centipede. Her glossy eyes focused on the dipping sun and for a while, she could see the Crystal Mountains although they were just small triangles in the horizon. She was not cold but her instincts told her to wrap the red cape around her shoulders as close to her body as possible. There was barely any time to admire its intricate designs before she was rushed by Qi Pian while she was donning the fresh clothes using a simple spell.

Qi Pian, she knew his name now and this piece of information sent more chills down her spine. In the corner of her eyes she saw his sharp jawline, wondering if it was natural or if it was a deformation. The more she looked, she had to admit when he proudly pointed out his looks, he was not lying. Despite having no experience with ogling at men like her peers, Xue Hua appreciated his dark aesthetic and overall handsomeness.

This was normal in the Celestial Realms though. It would be difficult to find someone who is not beautiful in their own way and magic helped others mask some uglier features. However, everyone knows that personalities cannot be masked as easily. Even facades crack and crumble - just like Master Bai today. Heartbroken after accepting her father has tossed her to the god she was to meet, she could only distract herself by feeling Qi Pian's hair. It was a strange thing to feel.

At first, the immortal had refused to be touched but after they left the dark forest, he relented and led her hand to his head. He also warned her to not do the same with anyone else to which she replied with a rain of questions. After lifting her off the marble plains, he set her on her feet. Qi Pian caught the ghost of a smile and pointed at her face. Finally, he too broke into a true smile - not the smirk or grin he always wore. His hands clapped together. "You smiled, didn't you? You know, women look prettier when they smile more."

A snowy eyebrow rose and Xue Hua leaned to the left, taking a moment to inspect the grinning immortal. They were now standing near a fully frozen waterfall. It was not long before the sun would fall completely below the horizon but Qi Pian was not rushing her. "You do not seem like a man who knows about women or smiles but I have to say, you look better with a smile. One should not frown or smirk too often. It will drive others away."

Qi Pian shrugged, grabbing her wrist to lead her over a bamboo bridge built above what looked like a dangerous river but its large bumps indicating a strong current were frozen in time. The immortal saw his companion was skeptical and he was ordered to be patient with her so the man released her wrist to cross first. Biting his tongue, he attempted to refrain from teasing her about being afraid of bamboo bridges.

Xue Hua's scarlet lips curled and she jutted her chin in his direction, stomping across the makeshift bridge. Seeing a look of pure puzzlement on his face, the goddess slapped his shoulder. "Remember, we are immortals. I just used the Feather Feet method. I just felt it was strange because although the bridge is simple, quite a lot of care was taken to create it. Was it Winter God's doing?"

A grin broke across her travelling companion's face and black eyes glimmered. He shrugged, tapping his chin while taking exaggerated steps across mounds of snow. For a long while, his nose ran parallel with the darkening skies. A flash of fear crossed Qi Pian's face but as quickly as it came, the look slipped away instantly and he slid closer to the oblivious goddess. He muttered incoherent words, pushing himself and the woman to walk faster until the shadowy man broke into a light jog, slowly building speed. Tendrils of black fabric fluttered behind him, leading Xue Hua through a dark forest.

The man's clothes truly did absorb darkness for when Xue Hua looked up, the moon was dancing with millions of twinkling eyes watching. Tiantang always had veiled nights a hundred times darker than an eclipse mortals would see. This forest felt familiar, filled with an equally familiar magic that was both negative and light. Like the man whose steps do not tell, this place was a contradiction - or a clash between light and dark? Whichever case it was, he was the beacon of light leading the visitor through the forest.

Twisting and turning down slippery paths, the man seemed unaffected by the cold just as she was. Xue Hua had so much on her mind that her foot was snagged by a large boulder and as she fell, her head became light. The goddess shrieked, feeling as if she was plunging towards nothing but her vision clouded over. After what seemed to be ages, a blinding flash of white burst in her eyes, possibly damaging them in the process. However, everything was a haze of colours that suits Light Deities.

Wherever she was, it was not Winter God's temple. After standing as still as one of the iced trees, the hazy image shattered to become crystal clear except for a certain feature. It did not take the goddess long to see what she was standing in a white palace, under a golden lantern that sprinkled amber flakes that landed on a marble floor only to rest for a moment before dissolving. Looking down at her feet, Xue Hua studied veins of liquid gold flowing through the alabaster stone and it puzzled her how the substance did not have an effect on her shoes.

The air was awfully still for a palace hall but before the snow goddess could explore the place, a shrill wail tore through the whole palace and Xue Hua heard footsteps approach the hall in which she stood. As she was trespassing, her head whipped from side to side until she found a hiding spot. Treading lightly towards the largest pillar she could find, the goddess hid herself as best as she could, pressing herself against cool marble and looking ahead at delicate curtains that flapped against her legs whenever a breeze blew.

Titanic doors made from what looked like Tiantang's famous Enduring Bronze opened with a boom. The loud and high-pitched cry Xue Hua had heard seemed to have been snuffed like a candle being pinched. It sounded like it could have dragged for the rest of eternity but came to an abrupt stop. Footsteps replaced the shriek and what could have been at least two dozen immortals made their entrance.

Xue Hua gulped, recognizing their Identification Rings, accessory type and clothing style. Each woman wore a dress that trailed so far behind her that others had to watch their steps. Meanwhile, men wore circular halos behind their head. It was a flurry of sunshine, wheat-coloured fabrics, jingling of gold jewellery and radiance. Xue Hua gasped, knowing the woman who seemed to be leading this group of Light Deities.

In her right hand was a golden apple which was held at her sides. Heels clicked against the hard floor, leaving a trail of blazing tongues that other deities could walk through. Nested atop her head was a gold headpiece that looked like auric fans arranged to look like fish fins embedded in dark brown hair. The woman wore a cape that glittered, flashing whenever she walked under the light. Head held high, nose slightly upturned, puffed chest, heavy rouge on her cheeks, vermillion eyeshadow and thick winged eyeliner fit for Tiantang's empress - this woman was the sun personified.

"Yang Guang but she looks so much younger than three fortnights ago." Xue Hua shook her head, rubbing her eyes to clear dust from her eyes but when she peeked again from her hiding spot, she saw the same image. In the former High Sun Goddess' left arm, she cradled a small bundle swathed in green cloth. Green was a rare colour in Fushe Palace, the home of most Sun Deities. Besides looking like she visited the Fountain of Youth, Yang Guang hated children.

During the last social gathering, the goddess had banned a child from stepping near her until he reached sixteen thousand years old. What was the issue she saw with the young immortal? Yang Guang knew he was a particular Night Deity's son and in the heat of the moment, raised her hand but opted for casting a distance spell. With shining eyes, the woman had watched the boy sob on the floor. So, why would a woman like her be holding a newborn? Something she may deem more pesky than young children.

Xue Hua chuckled when she saw Yang Guang lift one corner of her lips, sneering while she held the baby. Now, it was clear who had stopped the child from crying and of course, the goddess did not have a child of her own. Lips moved but Xue Hua was too far away to catch every word. Placing a hand beneath her chin, the intrigued spy strained her ears to pick up "winter", "craze", "temple" and "blood".

A man wearing white clothes nodded and bowed to take his leave, brandishing a silver sword as he faded before the group of bright deities. After the immortal had left, Yang Guang leapt into the air to fly towards a raised platform where a large round table waited to be used. Beckoning to her top followers, the woman designated each deity to his or her seat. Unanimously, they drop themselves onto crimson cushions. Silence fell upon the entourage.

Xue Hua winced when the baby yelled with all their might and it was strange to see Fushe's lanterns flicker and a candle placed at the table's center died immediately after the child screamed and Yang Guang pinched the newborn's delicate cheeks until the shrieks became whimpers, then nothing. Not knowing what to do, the concealed onlooker attempted to teleport but she found that it was not possible. This was not Fushe Palace or she would have been able to leave as she wished.

"Why are you pinching the child's cheeks to the point her or his lips shut? Yang Guang, I am not interested in much but that child's parents, where are they?" Standing behind the High Sun Goddess was a dashing immortal whose silver hair tumbled down his shoulders and back like a rushing waterfall in moonlight. A topknot was tied at the top of his head by an aquamarine ribbon and cold eyes pierced through any sun deity who dared to meet his eyes. "I want to kill you all for summoning me all at once. One person was enough!"

"Winter God, you are no longer in your land so if you harm any of us in any way, there will be great consequences." Yang Guang lifted her head, gulping and wincing when she realized what she had said. Her words did not come out as a warning but a threat and it was obvious who had the upper hand between them. "Take a seat anywhere, they are on their way but since he is infected by the Craze Bug, he hobbles around all day. She does not look to be in good shape either, especially after birthing this damnation."

Winter God bent to speak loudly but closer to the goddess' ring-decorated ears and said something to make her eyes narrow. Then, the dignified god dusted his sleeve that touched Yang Guang's arm and returned to a standing position, insisting he would rather stay on his feet than sit with Tiantang's haughty abominations. Drawn by something though, he glanced up and instantly found Xue Hua, a smirk slithered to stay on his face.

After gazing into pools of crystal-like colours, the eavesdropper realized that she was caught and tossed herself behind the pillar, clutching her chest while her heart pounded against the cage keeping it inside her. Those eyes had rendered her speechless and when she reached to touch the white column behind her, a spark shot from her fingertips to end at the elbow. She was numbed and it was a new sensation to someone who could not be affected by extreme cold. This Winter God was powerful if this was reality.

"I do not trust you," Winter God's strong voice carried all the way to Xue Hua but his words were a puzzle that could not be deciphered. A throaty chuckle followed the sounds of rattled immortals. This god had such an aura that Xue Hua could feel it from where she stood and it was like arms wrapping around her. "I do not trust you with holding the baby girl. You are the woman who would-"

He closed his vermillion lips before anyone knew the doors would open for the second time today. Narrowed eyes watched two deities hobble hand in hand, supporting each other as a debilitated pair. It was the perfect image of suffering and it made Winter God's eyes light up. Within seconds, the baby was in his arms and although it looked like he was approaching the couple who had just arrived, he vanished.

Xue Hua shrieked when she felt icy breath fan her neck and silver hair that was not her own grazed her collarbone. Sapphire blue cloth wrapped around her, swaddling the goddess like a newborn. All she could see was his face that was paler than a ghost's and a pair of eyes more beautiful than diamonds. He looked very much like her and perhaps that was what allowed her to be at ease around him. She heard deities rush around, shouting for the baby girl but risking a glance at his arms, she saw the child grab a piece of snowflake obsidian pinned on the god's coat. There was an urge to grasp its white tassels but a deep voice tugged her attention away from the accessory.

"I said I would come find you." Winter God dipped his head to press his lips on the baby's forehead which sent shivers down her spine. Something about watching the intimidating god being so careful with the newborn child was alluring. Or was it those long eyelashes that were frosted at their tips and somehow withstood the palace's naturally warm atmosphere? "We will meet again soon."

Xue hua gasped like a drowning person reeled out of water right when the last drop of air was about to leave their body. The shocked goddess shot upright, clutching whatever she could find, slightly put off as the closest thing to her was a navy blue blanket that felt silky. Fluttering before her was a familiar sheet of white fabric and on the other side, she thought there was another person. Whatever she had seen shook her to her core and she looked up to see the large lantern sculpted from ice and salt. She was back inside Winter God's temple but on a bed?

"Who are you?" She rasped, having lost her voice for a moment. Wrapping the blanket around her, Xue Hua stared at the parting curtains with wide eyes. Black ribbons and cloth swished as a wind rushed in behind the familiar man. As always, he carried an air of dark dignity that could rival the Demon King's. "Qi Pian, when did we reach the temple? What happened to Winter God and why did I mistake you for him when you came in just now?"

Slapping a hand onto her head and shaking it for a bit, Xue Hua grimaced from the odd throbbing sensation. Eyebrows knitted together, especially when Qi Pian took a seat at her feet. She felt her energy was being sucked from her body but she would not voice any of the swirling thoughts in her mind. Seeing Winter God's face flash in place of Qi Pian's was a terrifying moment because they looked so similar, yet the further away time drifted from that moment, Qi Pian looked nothing like Winter God and he felt nothing like the god.

"Wait, nevermind that," she pursed her lips and folded the blanket across her lap. Leaning forward slightly, Xue Hua reached out to brush a speck of ash from his hair. Frozen hands gripped her wrist, producing a bloom of pain and it took moments before the black-covered man realized her pain. Once he released her, the goddess clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth, tossing a brief glare. "What is Winter God's name? I do not think I can keep addressing him as 'Winter God' and I will not settle for anything else but his name."

Qi Pian rose from the bed, putting fingers close to his lips until an ear-ripping whistle. A crooked smile slashed across his face before it vanished in a blink. He held up a skeletal hand that fluctuated between looking like it belonged to a corpse and a young god. A spindly finger pointed at the bed's occupier. "That is for you to discover on your own. He should be here soon - after he calms himself. Please listen to all he has to offer. He knows about your parents but fears you will loathe him for agreeing to their contract. He has arrived."

Xue Hua leapt from the bed, falling to the floor and grimaced when her arm slammed against dry ice. If Tiantang saw her in this position, it would be the worst thing for her image but as far as she was concerned, Qi Pian had said Winter God had full ownership of this deadland despite being surrounded by Tiantang's territory on all sides. How he managed to keep the land was not a mystery after experiencing his defenses and traps.

Qi Pian had returned to the shadows but his aura betrayed his presence. Whether he was only watching or still in the same room, Xue Hua could not tell. Her guide had left and she was still sprawled across the floor. As she prepared to push herself off the gleaming floor, she saw a shoe on the other side of the bed and with eyes as large as a Giga pearl. Frantically, her hands gripped the edge of the blanket dangling from the side of the bed and she threw the dark cloth over her head to hide her face while she straightened herself.

"It must be difficult to breathe with that," a voice spoke roughly and the sentence was followed by a laugh that had the same nature and feeling as a large smirk. Sheets rustled as the newcomer reached the goddess by crawling across the barrier of wood. Making himself comfortable, the man planted one foot on the edge of the bed and let the other fall over the side. A hand pressed against her forehead. "Thank you for coming back. I was not ready to show my face during our last meeting but now is different."

Xue Hua shuddered, cursing the god for being the first being to whisper to her and sending a shiver down her spine. Staring into darkness the goddess resisted, holding onto the midnight blue blanket like it was her skin. Having seen his face for the first time today, she was still not ready. What she saw had been the distant past and it was certain that he aged terribly during the last seventeen thousand years. Looks should not matter but would any young goddess accept an old god as her betrothed?

"I still curse you for killing my friends. If I go step back into North Academy, it would never be the same again - all because of you! I am not here to fix your poor temper or to accept you. This is all for duty and the school's prestige because if I have been given accurate information, your power is immeasurable." It started to feel stuffy under the blanket the more she spoke but it was worth making a stand. Before he is led on, she should cut the string before it was attached. "Also, Qi Pian said you know many things. I hope this is our last meeting."

"Do you think that Bai would let you walk away from me? The only reason he remembered me and this silly contract was that his school fell behind the others. There was a time North Academy was in the top three of Tiantang's school rankings. In the span of his reign, the institution dropped by seven spots and fluctuated between ten, thirteen and fifteen." The god raised and dropped his hand as if measuring a child's height. "Even being engaged to me would boost your power by six places at the minimum but I did not call you to plan the wedding. I want to cancel it."

Xue Hua's eyebrows brushed against dark fabric and she fumbled to drag the blanket off her head, gasping for air and lastly, released an ear-splitting shriek. Her hand made contact with smooth skin and in seconds, Xue Hua pushed the god's face against the bed and out of the frenzy, she dropped the blue blanket over him. Holding a hand over her mouth, she waited for the go to rise again but he did not.

"Winter God?" Slightly annoyed, the goddess of snow reached for the blanket and lifted it to find a grinning god although his face was squashed against the bed. She coiled, unable to conceive what thoughts were running through his mind to make him react in such an odd and unnerving way. "Did you say you want to cancel the betrothal? Is my face or body not what you expected after seeing me the last time?"

"Listen to what you are saying!" Winter God wheezed, covering half of his face with a sleeve as he pushed himself up. With arms crossed and the ghost of a smile, he took the chance to scan her from head to toe. In his tired eyes, she was glowing and a douse of refreshment. Deep red lips parted, "It has been so long since I have been face-to-face with another immortal. Xue Hua, it is neither your face nor your body that led me to my decision - you are undeniably charming and beautiful."

Winter God looked up at the glowering goddess, smiling sheepishly. He could not understand the expression she was pulling. "I did not feel well thinking about Bai's intentions. I do not like being used for one's gains -or losses- and I am sure you share the same sentiments. It would be humiliating to us both if you have to stop your studies for centuries to be reduced to my woman. Besides, I highly doubt you would marry someone whose name you do not know, especially after I was the cause of your peers' deaths."

Every last letter of what he said had some truths attached to them. Xue Hua pursed her lips, weighing his words in her mind. She doubted Master Bai would use her in such a way but when the immortal pushed her through his portal, she heard the start of a sentence. He knew Winter God was livid yet sent her through without hesitation. Her father would always shove away young men who dared to approach her yet why was Winter God approved? It could not be her parents' influence as the dead did not have a say the moment they took their last breath.

School was her life ever since she could retain her memories and during the times she spoke to Fifteenth about romantic relationships, the conversation always ended as it faded when Xue Hua fell silent. Being occupied with anything that cannot be unfurled or read was a foreign concept to her. Feeling brotherly and sisterly love for her classmates felt natural but the thought of being romantic stuffed bile into her throat.

"You are correct but it was my parents' wishes. I have not been a good daughter to them so I can do this much and hope they rest easy in the Netherworld." Xue Hua laced her fingers together, biting her cheeks. There was a high chance what she had said would be used against her and drag her in the future but the god was surely a surprise, not making a peep. His lips flattened into a thin line, making her heart drop.

Winter God reclined on the bed, spreading his arms across white sheets and tangling his torso in the dark blue blanket. The sigh that escaped his lips was full of disappointment. "My current name is Mo Sha, I am an Ancient One who may be old enough to be your great-great-great-great-great-whatever grandfather. Marriage is not something that can be done just like that merely because of two dead parents' wishes, do you understand?"

Awwww yeah, he is here! Ugh, I am absolutely not a fan of arranged marriage plots so that would be kicked out soon but this would be the foundation of their relationship. For the next couple chapters, they will be seeing each other a bit but this book is not romance (well, a subgenre is romance though). 

Questions: First impressions of him? How would this betrothal end if it does?

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