Diamond Hearts, Frozen Souls

By ValKayRee

690 65 949

《Book 1 of Snow Blade, Icy Shield (SBIS) Series》 *** AKA -Diamond Hearts, Frosted Souls -DHFS *** One lives i... More

⋘1⋙ Into the Dead Land
⋘2⋙ Isolated Temple
⋘4⋙ The Winter God
⋘5⋙ Pressure
⋘6⋙ When Hatred Spills

⋘3⋙ His True Nature

93 13 239
By ValKayRee

[Year of Méiguī Lóng, Century of Luòrì]

"We are gathered here today to pay tribute to our fallen friends, students and family. It is with a heavy heart that I present these memorial tablets without being able to prepare bodies. What should have been a brief expedition has come to this." Master Bai started to unfurl hanging scrolls, removing ribbons to let paper fall to the hall's floor. Carefully written on each canvas was a name, date of birth, date of death, titles and a personal message from the school's grandmaster. On the last day of vigil, these scrolls shall be burned.

Thousands of incense sticks had been burned for more than a day while hundreds of immortals gathered in North Academy's funeral hall. Grieving parents lamented the early deaths of their children, crying for they have outlived their children and will live for years to come. Former lovers both male and female cclutched promise items close to their hearts, standing with the parents to comfort each other.

Eyes were focused on the raised platform that would usually hold coffins if the hall was ever used. For the last two days, however, a table displaying fourteen pieces of wood faced the crowd. Intimidating like an emperor on his throne, listening to the wails and grievances of his people yet gloating for he had control over them. The whole room fell silent. Even energetic children stood with fragrant sticks in their hands.

Windows have been shut tight and thicker curtains block sun rays from glittering through glass panes. Gloom stuck to bodies, following each one like a relentless shadow. North Academy was always a relatively safe place and unlike larger teaching institutions the school has not observed a mass funeral in centuries yet everything changed after Xue Hua was sent to the mysterious land of death. Only she and Fifteenth survived the 'expedition'. And so, the leader was blamed upon her arrival.

Even now, a few days later, harsh glares cut through the air to pierce the woman standing at Master Bai's right hand. She gripped itchy robes forced upon her by traditions and spiteful immortals. It was an outdated tradition but North Academy put it into use for this particular event. As the group's leader, Xue Hua should have ensured their safe return but under her watch, fourteen lives were lost. Despite being exhausted from that day's events, many rushed over to demand the donning of Mortality Cloth.

Chips of wood and strands of hay have been puncturing the High Snow Goddess' body with every movement she made. When it was her turn to offer incense sticks, a disgruntled sigh rose from the front row. Families of her peers curled their lips while forcing themselves to watch the goddess pay tribute. Ever since that day, she had fallen out with relatives of her former friends. She still considered them her friends and behind closed doors, she raged due to the fact that she could not retrieve their bodies.

Fifteenth was seated in a corner and when Xue Hua sunk fourteen sticks into a large urn filled with golden sand, his expression changed slightly. Before he could do anything a screech tore through the hall and moments later, his friend was walking off the stage with blood dripping down the sides of her face, over her eyes like two bloody falls. Despite being temporarily paralyzed, the man clenched his fists and took note of who threw a porcelain vase at the goddess.

Smaller shards of the vase managed to slip through the cloth that could be used to carry potatoes. Pieces of wood dug deeper into her back and sides yet Xue Hua kept her composure, walking at a steady pace to stand outside the room while mothers and fathers touched the tablets dedicated to their children. After today, their relationship would be broken and even years of company would not return the goddess to their circle.

And what happened to the one who started it all? Master Bai stood by the table on the stage, patting backs of disbelieving mothers while receiving words of encouragement from fathers. After all, it was he who had lost his top students although he sent them in the care of a mere student. He received little criticism when word spread but it all disintegrated as Xue Hua was revealed as the group's leader.

It was Fifteenth's turn to release the sticks in his hand but once he saw what was done to his best friend, the sticks fell to the ground. He could not move his lower body so to leave the room as he wished, the only way was teleportation. Giving the crowd a long glare, the student prepared to leave. Within the blink of an eye, he was sitting before Xue Hua who was leaning against a wall whilst listening to the commotion.

"Fifteenth, why are you here? You should be inside." Xue Hua knelt on the dusty floor to speak to him more comfortably. He should not be with her during this time yet there he was, looking up at her with dark eyes. She sighed knowing he had always followed her wherever conditions allowed it. Even when peers called him Snowy's Dog, the man would beam proudly and continue being her tail. "Things will be complicated if you offend someone. It is custom for me to stand outside so I do not protest."

Her friend curled his lips like a snarling dog, ready to lash out but a strange presence was made known throughout the vast school. Fifteenth pushed all his energy into listening to the people still gathered inside North Academy's funeral hall. They felt there was an uninvited person slithering through the corridors. Whoever it may be, their power was undeniable and it was dark enough to bring weaker immortals to their knees. It was so dark the funeral was no longer a subject of focus.

Xue Hua looked past Fifteenth's sagged shoulders to see an unfamiliar immortal taking large and swift strides across eroding pavement. Obsidian black boots sprinkled with flakes of drying mud clicked against stone, then wood, and even grass crunched beneath his feet. Pitch black clothing embroidered complete darkness wrapped around his body like the void embraced him daily. Trailing behind him was a shimmering black cape that billowed in the wind. Laced through his hair were ribbons that also fluttered like hands stretching far and wide to grasp Life Forces only to shatter them.

As he ascended a flight of three steps, the whole school gathered to watch behind carved columns and some students peeked through paper windows. Long and straight hair reached the floor - they were longer than any goddess' hair! Besides being exceptionally long, his hair seemed to absorb shadows, becoming darker and darker. A ghostly pale hand was pressed against the celestial's right breast, displaying a glaring ring. It could have been a ring of identification yet even Night or Oblivion Deities do not possess such dark jewellery or clothes.

Inky eyes studied painted wall frescoes, dim paper lanterns, doors cracked open and yet, nothing caught his attention. Until he found what he was looking for - those glass-coloured eyes glazed like ice daring to meet his own. Purple lips twitched until a menacing smirk grabbed hold of the visible half of the man's face. From his cheeks and up, a mask made from silver veiled his features. A group of shorter hair strands fell over his right cheek. He feigned obliviousness to hundreds of eyes watching his every move.

"Who are you and what business do you have with us? Did you not see the white drapes hung around this school's territory? Unless you have been invited or if you knew the deceased, please leave and come back later." Master Bai slammed the butt of his staff against the hardwood floor. His wavering eyes betrayed the firm tone of his voice. A grey eyebrow rose. "Who are you? Those eyes are bad news."

"You need not know my identity or purpose. What you do need to know is who I am coming to collect." The air thickened around him until a ring of deep purple energy appeared as a halo behind his head. It was no longer as windy as before so long black hair crawled across mahogany floors. The man removed the mask on his face, hooking it onto his belt and the closer he got to the school's ace, the more his facial features came into focus. The smirk on his face never dropped but his eyes shifted from onyx to the darkest violets.

Pale hands grabbed Fifteenth's shoulders and when the two men locked eyes, the atmosphere cracked. Negative energy pulsed from the school's intruder and it was so gripping that not even Xue Hua would make a move. The celestial man knew his power, scowling as he tossed Fifteenth into the courtyard he crossed just moments ago. Dark energy zipped through the school, ringing bells and sounding drums used to call students for training.

Such sounds were eerie as no one should be on the training grounds yet loud thuds boomed through the large school. Master Bai continued to drive the butt of his staff into the floor, slowly creeping up to stand near Xue Hua, facing the foreign man. The old teacher closed the hall's doors to shut out at least seven hundred pairs of eyes and the rest, he let them watch. For a long stretch of time, all he did was rub his goatee between two fingers. Someone barged into his land during mourning times to take away someone else?

"Precisely but I assume you have not told her yet as she is not reacting to my arrival. Old Man Bai, what have you been doing for the last four days besides acting pretentious with this funeral?" Looming over Xue Hua, he reached out to touch her chin. Clearly, he was entertained when she yanked her face away from his touch and the familiar smirk returned to his face. It was like a villain had stepped out of a book and into their world. "She's very talented and beautiful. I think it is time for her to meet him again. For three days he collected every single crumb, lamenting her abandonment and the wasted sweets. Master Bai, you know full well who I speak of, right?"

A soft murmur rose from spectators until the man raised his hands. Tendrils of dark smoke fused from his palms, travelling through the air as fast as light to seal every gaping mouth. Raven feathers fell from his hair, dropping onto the goddess' chest. His eyes were narrowed and sharp - like those of ravens. The otherworldly voice flowing from his lips created the most insidious trap. All were mesmerized by the enchanting immortal but his eyes focused on Xue Hua.

With watering eyes, North Academy's strongest student attempted to wrench herself free from the intruder's spell. She grabbed her father's arm while staring into the vortex that was the man's dark eyes. "I do not know how you know I visited whoever 'him' is but I planned to go back soon. As you know, I have not heard anything from Master Bai. If you can wait, I shall talk to him first."

Satisfied with her offer, the bold newcomer released the woman from his grasp. Dark lips pursed together and eyeballs rolled upwards as if to focus on the ceiling without moving the neck. Thick wisps of dark energy latched onto pure white columns until the sound of cracking wood reached Master Bai's ears. The man clothed in black inspected long nails painted silver at their sharpened tips. He held up one finger to indicate they have one incense stick to talk. A burning stick materialized in his hand.

"Go on, I won't kill everyone here although it would be invigorating if I decide to. You have this much time to sort your daughter-father issues because he is waiting. You would not like to make him wait, won't you, Little Bai?" The man's final words invited a collection of disgruntled noises. The daring man knew no one was brave enough to confront him, especially when the old master himself turned beet red and obeyed. "Now, run along to find some place and tell her everything. If I find one crucial piece of information was withheld, there will be a storm in your school. She needs to know the real reason and your true nature."

Once Xue Hua and her adoptive father removed themselves from the crowd, Master Bai opened a portal and dragged the goddess in. On the other side, they stood beneath an ancient oak tree located at the edge of North Academy's border and beneath them was a stone path depicting majestic creatures of the Universe. The grey-haired immortal stroked snowy hair, forcing a smile but Xue Hua was not patient enough to take his stalling. Crystal eyes begged for an explanation and a deep sigh was elicited.

"I do not know who that man is but we should not rub his fur the wrong way. I may or may not know who sent him and it would be the same god you met at the dead land - if my guess is correct. Do you recognize this man's aura?" After inspecting her expression, his eyes widened. He placed both of his hands on the wooden stick in his hands, leaning onto it. "Ack! You did not meet him the last time? What have you been doing for the whole night with him?"

Xue Hua clenched her fists, aware of the accusing tone of his voice. Was he implying she had failed him? Pale hands shot out to grab a fistful of elegant clothes. The goddess lifted her head slightly to watch his transforming expression. Dragging him sideways, she pushed him up against the oak tree. "I have been waiting for an explanation but you dodged my questions every time. You sent so many students when it was unnecessary. You put their lives in danger and when they were killed, I took the blame? I did not ask them to come with me - I would rather die alone in that foreign land than be in this situation."

Tearing off the Mortality Robes and plucking out splinters embedded in her flesh, Xue Hua glared at the immortal she saw as a father figure. Desperate to find anything in his eyes, she searched frantically. "You do not miss them, do you? I never noticed because we have not held a mass funeral during your reign over the school but whenever anyone perished, you held a funeral and replaced them by promoting the next student. You did not want to protect them, am I right?"

"I did not know they would die if I sent them with you. I thought I had a sufficient amount of knowledge but that man is worse than the Demon King. I know that you know I never sent my puppet like I promised and this was your second concern. What could an old man do against the god you were meeting? You want to know who he is though, so I shall tell you." Master Bai gripped her wrists until she relented and stepped back. His eyes darkened when the woman avoided his hands swooping in for an affectionate pat. "Sit down for a bit."

Leaves whistled after being caressed by high-speed winds. These gusts of air were not natural and the longer Xue Hua stayed standing, the more fierce it grew. As the old man's scholar and daughter, she felt she must abide by his instructions so she gathered her skirt and kicked aside the itchy cloth to find a seat. Master Bai looked down on her head, nodding before leaning against a brown trunk.

"I do not know why he would not show himself on the first meeting but you were sent to visit the old cold god, an ascetic who abandoned Tiantang about five hundred thousand years ago. Not much is known about him but your parents knew him - at which level, I do not know." The teacher held out a hand before his student could utter a word. "Do not interrupt me. Let's cut to the chase, shall we? That god is your betrothed and I thought he summoned you to meet in person so what did you really do?"

Xue Hua shrugged, deeming nothing to be noteworthy but her head snapped up when his words settled in her mind. Her mouth stretched to an unnatural diameter and her eyebrows furrowed past the bridge of her nose. Tempted to stick her smallest finger into her ears, she decided it was inappropriate but the shock would not leave. She would not move even when Master Bai's coat slapped her face from being blown in the wind.

"My betrothed? That is impossible, my parents will never throw me to someone before I was born. Parents do not do that to their child. There must be another reason because he stayed hidden. Betroths would visit each other to see physical features." Furrowed eyebrows etched deep lines in her forehead and although Xue Hua was still skeptical, a part of her had accepted the answer. Her left eye twitched as she pressed her palms against sharp blades of grass. "If we are truly tied together, why did you wait this long to tell me? Why did you send me to him without letting me know what I was walking into?"

Exerting all her strength into keeping her composure the goddess rose from the ground, taking a moment to swat dust off her backside. Towering over the school's headmaster and seeing his proud face was a hard slap to her face. She pushed her face forward, narrowing her eyes before releasing a loud grunt. Before the old immortal could teleport them back to the courtyard, Xue Hua blocked his energy with an absorbing formation. She was not going anywhere with him until all her questions were given an answer.

"Your parents made the contract so do not take your anger out on me - I am a mere messenger. I do understand that you are in shock but I will support you," but he was not going to offer an alternative option. The old man propped his staff against the oak tree to free his hands. Where his hand hovered, a crack in the air appeared and on the other side was a vicious blizzard. Master Bai hesitated, "Winter God must be furious so you must go to him for our sake. Marrying such a great man would boost our status."

"Wait, Master Bai! What are you doing?" Fifteenth hobbled across the stone path, wincing whenever he lost his footing until he gave up to crawl on firm pavement. His eyes flickered over to focus on a gaping vortex and he flinched immediately. White flakes pelted a glazed ground - what he saw was the subject of each nightmare to pounce on him every night since their return to Snow Valley and North Academy. The scholar shrieked, "No! Why? Bring her back!"

Master Bai's portal began to zip itself from the bottom to the top when it recognized someone had slipped in. The old teacher's chest heaved whilst leathery hands shook violently but the shock seeped away too soon. Of course, the one to push Xue Hua had been him. He should feel a weight dragging his heart yet a serene atmosphere returned to the space beneath Snow Valley's oak tree. Cracked lips formed a smirk as cold eyes filled with amusement continued to watch Fifteenth.

Fifteenth slithered closer to the tree and his master but like Xue Hua, he was never able to reach his goals. Having overheard a strange conversation he needed to pry into Master Bai's mind. What was the old geezer thinking? The scholar slammed his palms against the dusty walkway, grimacing as a sharp stone dug into flesh. Looking up, a leaf drifted past but not before slicing his cheek.

Master Bai rolled his eyes, retrieving his staff and starting to descend the hill that was an oak tree's throne. Brittle grass crunched beneath his feet. The old master paused to stand beside a writhing body. Smooth silk whipped Fifteenth's face. Then, a mocking chuckle rang through the field which eventually transformed into a wholehearted laugh. "Fifteenth, I assume you heard it all? You should have made her your woman before she learned of this damned engagement! However, I don't think it would have worked out as this is her parent's dying wishes."

"I understood that much," the young man growled before continuing to slap cold stone. As his chest stayed pressed against the path, whatever fantasy he had in the past resurfaced, flashing before his eyes. Those images fogged his mind until he had only one thought buzzing around. Fifteenth groped nothing. "I don't know what you were thinking, forcing her to go with a head injury but Master, you clearly made a mistake. She loved and adored you. She considered you as her father!"

Old lips pursed together and the master's face did not betray his emotions. Neither did his dull eyes staring vacantly at a patch of sunflowers. A smile slowly crept on, finally showing Fifteenth who his master really was. The older man would not crouch although he felt compelled to. His back was damaged enough and as someone with power, looking down was the best position. "Yes, that foolish girl let me sculpt her to fulfill all my wishes. I am a father in her eyes but can I say the same?"

"You old fart! Fine, betray and abandon her all you like but I promised to be by her side and to protect her. If anything should happen to her, do not move your rump as I will take care of it. You do not deserve to be that girl's father after what you did today." Fifteenth grinned and sharp teeth flashed in the sunlight. The young man was not amused. "I will snatch her from that other old fart and she will be mine! When we create the knot, you will fall. I've always loathed your huge ego."

Master Bai raised an eyebrow, sniffing the air as it ran past him. Using his staff he tapped the back of Fifteenth's head. The master could not care for his student's words and shrugged before gliding away to return to North Academy, leaving Fifteenth sprawled against grey slabs. What the fifteenth student of his school thinks or does had no effect on him. With a smile on his face, the old man strutted proudly. He knew when Xue Hua returned, she would not be able to say anything. A person with authority is always untouchable.

In a different land far away from Snow Valley, drops of blood trickled onto a blinding white blanket. Blotches of red bloomed, seeping through a thick layer of snow coating slippery ice patches. Wind howled through a thick forest, one Xue Hua was not familiar with. The goddess spun on her heels, reeling from disbelief and shock from feeling an immense amount of dark energy. A shot of pain bloomed on her temples and spread throughout her head until her vision fogged. Or was the dark patch her blood slipping over her eyes?

Before she was pushed through by Master Bai, she had temporarily frozen the liquid running through her veins so that no eye could see she was injured. Standing in ragged clothes, she attempted to decipher the schoolmaster's actions and his reasoning. She could not believe her father would easily thrust her into a strange man's arms just for the sake of reputation and power. She did not want to believe it but deep down, there was an inkling of doubt. Where should she go and what was she supposed to do in this situation?

"Master Bai, that old idiot sent you to the wrong forest and he did not even bother to clean your face?" A familiar voice trilled behind the goddess and a man stepped out from the shadows, leaving a trail of black smoke in his wake. The immortal wearing dark clothes snapped pale and thin fingers, feigning surprise when a scarlet hanfu and cloak materialized at Xue Hua's feet. Lips the colour of mangosteen peels tweaked upwards. "Red is a seductive colour, don't you think so? You are too pretty to let your features waste away surrounded by those clothes. Carry those with you, I will lead you to your betrothed."

"My betrothed," Xue Hua gasped in awe, still not able to bring herself to accept whatever had been revealed to her just moments ago. Despite hearing ringing in her ears and the aggressive headache, she squatted to gather the clothes in her arms. She turned back, shocked to find the dark immortal had vanished but a warm hand hooked her underarms to pull her off the ground. Crystalline eyes met a pitch black space that seemed to hold a portion of the Universe. "I do not accept the title of the god's betrot-"

"No need to say anymore. I can assure you that he will understand but the blizzard you saw was a product of his rage. Only one person can calm him down at this point." Black ribbons snaked through long hair of the same colour until the immortal wore his hair in a tall ponytail and even with his mane up, it managed to touch the ground. A hand that looked like it would belong on a fresh corpse raised into the air. "Do not say anything else. Will you just follow me to the right area?"

"You did not let me finish!" Xue Hua roared and stomped once, smiling sheepishly when the ice beneath her feet cracked. The wind picked up speed, lashing at her face until silver hair struck her cheek painfully. Was that god - whoever he was - listening to their conversation and watching her movements? In case he was, the brave woman tilted her face to stare at icicles dangling from silver branches. "I will not accept the heavy title until I am sure who he is and that he cares for me, which I highly doubt."

I am not a fan of arranged marriage plots because they are forced or start horribly (and are usually written poorly) so I plan to play with this for just a bit to explore some disappointing mentalities I have witnessed in this day and age. This book might have some iffy moments and our god's actions may be read differently than I intended but we'll see if he is good or bad.

Questions: Any thoughts about this man exuding darkness (literally)? 

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