A spider in riverdale

By Spiderfan92

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My name is Peter Parker, some of you might know my story, and some of you doesn't, this isn't the story about... More

Before Riverdale pt.1
Before Riverdale pt.2
Before riverdale pt.3
Before Riverdale pt.4 (end prequel)
Moving to Riverdale
New school, new start
new home, secrets and dancing
Dances, partying and betrayal
Spiderman, friends, comfort and a dead body
Brand new day, same drama
Peprally and new friendships
Newspaper and dating
A sticky situation, You were right
Anger and breakup
I hate you Peter Parker and superheroes
Breaking the law......again
Movie night
Reveal yourself Peter Parker
Dinner party, secrets revealed
Who was my father?
Trailerpark, old romances and kissing
Parker luck
Protection squad
So yeah, that happend
Manhunt or you could say girlhunt
School night?, lets go clubbing
Police?, what now
girlfriend? And planning a babyshower
Work it out
The whyte wyrm and a babyshower
Untitled part
The best worst guide ever and I'm so sorry
The sad truth
New day, old faces
The punishment and a new party
Cleaning and hangout
Serpents with a new threat
Serpents one of us
Football, dinning and truth
I'm Peter Parker
Plans and fighting
Peters birthday, secrets revealed
Peters birthday unexpected surprise
Another dance, another plan is set in motion
The oblivious world of Peter Parker
New drama, same Old parker luck
The reunion
War of the exes
Another day, more trouble
Can we trust the police?
Protect him
What do you think cheryl?
Saving Polly

Jugheads birthday, the one with all the drama

1.1K 23 14
By Spiderfan92

riverdale high student lounge (Peters pov):

Can we just have one drama free day in this town, like come on.

We were sitting in the chairs drinking a coffee when Archie and Betty joined Veronica and I, "hey guys", we greeted them and they smiled and sat down, before they both donned frowns on their faces, "whats with the look guys?", I asked.

"Theres something we need to talk to you about, its kinda serious Ronnie, but dont freak out to much, maybe you should freak out", Betty said, and looked at me, oh for Thors sake their gonna mention the Clifford framing Hiram thing, just great.

"Bring it, with the morning i've had, i'm ready for just about anything", Veronica said as she took a sip of her coffee.

"Okay, so while Archie was with the Blossoms while their board was in town for the tree sapping thing, he, Well he, you know Archie, why dont you tell her? you were there after all", Betty said and locked eyes with Archie.

Veronica looked at the two, they looked to me, so Ronnie turned to me and narrowed her eyes, yeah Well i'm utterly done for this time, "why does this suddenly feel like and intervention?", Veronica asked.

"I overheard mr. Blossom saying he's responsible, for your dad being arrested, and put in jail", Archie said, she looked at the three of us, I just shook my head at them, just for once keep your mouths shut until you know every detail.

"Are you kidding me?", Veronica started as Archie shook his head no, and she continued "why the hell would Clifford Blossom have anything to do with why he's in prison?, oh and thanks for telling me Peter", she finished, the three of them stood up to leave, but I stopped Ronnie from completly leaving, "Listen I need to talk to you", I said, she gave me a nod, "everything might not be what it seems, I heard some chatter in New York, about kingpin", I said.

"What about it, he's just an Urban legend", Veronica said.

"No Ronnie, he is so much more, he is far more dangerous than you have heard, he is the reason your dads in prison, and if Clifford had anything to do with it, it means he is a part of something much more dangerous than "syrup", please dont go there without me, please", I said, and pleaded with her.

"Fine, and thanks for telling me", she said, gave me a smile and a kiss on the cheek.

Riverdale high hallway:

"You parker, quite the show you put on the other day in the cafeteria, we still need new players on the football team", Reggie said.

"Again no thanks", I said, and caught up to Archie and Betty.

"What was Reggie talking about?", Archie asked.

"Oh, yeah Well Cheryl was bullying the new girl Ava, so I stood up for her, Cheryl threw a whole bottle of water over my head, soaked my shirt so I took it off, Betty her saw some of it", I said and gestured towards the blond.

"Oh so that was why you were shirtless I didn't know what was going on, but damn that Cheryl always with the drama", Betty said as we walked through the hallway.

"Yeah, so anyway, Betty you ,at or May not know this but its jugheads birthday", Archie said.

"What?, and he didn't say anything?", Betty asked.

"Its tomorrow, he doesn't like making a big deal out of it, every year, he goes to a double feature at the Bijou, its like his tradition, the last few years i've been his movie buddy", Archie said.

"So now that he has a girlfriend in Betty here, you think she should be the one going and making the tradition more special?", I askeD, "Excatly", Archie said

"Well ofcourse I'll take him, you should still come with us", Betty said.

"I dont wanna be a third wheel", Archie said.

"Come on, it'll be like old times", Betty said.

"The three musketeers", Archie said.

"Well there were Four musketeers", Betty said, maybe she suggested a double date for him, Valerie, herself and Jughead.

"See you guys around", Archie said.

"Hey Peter?", Betty asked.

"Yeah?", I asked, and looked at her.

"What do you think of a surprise party?", Betty asked, and had a shine to her eye.

"Honestly?, it can be just the break we all need, to just relax and enjoy a nice party", I said.

"Lets talk later about it then", Betty said, and walked away.

"Yeah, later", I said and walked away from her.


Okay, Archie is staring at Valerie, what happend between them?, he doesn't really share, but I have a feeling its because of a certain redheaded devil.

"Okay enough about all of our drama, Betty you were saying something about jugheads birthday?", Veronica said.

"Yeah, its just mr. Jones told me that jugheads never had a real birthday party, lets have a surprise party for him, you're with me, right Peter?", Betty asked.

"Huh, oh yeah totally", I said, and checked my phone again, Felicia is really ignoring me, what have I done?

"What up with you?, girlfriend trouble?", Kevin asked.

"Something like that, but anyway, birthday party, lets do it", I said.

"No", Archie got out before Ronnie had a big smile on her face "thats a Fantastic idea"

"Jugheads doesn't like his birthday", Archie said.

"Everybody says that, but nobody means it", Kevin said.

"Okay, ignore the negative vibe coming from him, Betty you know me any good reason to wear a cute party dress, so i'm thinking a quaint gathering, inner circle only", Veronica said as she smiled at us.

"Whats up Kevin?", I asked as he looked over to the other table, I followed his eyes and saw, Chuck, what the hell is he doing here, "Chuck", I said.

"Whats he doing here?", Archie asked.

"He only got suspended, not expelled", Veronica said.

"Sup Parker, missed me", Chuck said as he walked past us.

"Can't say I did, Chuck the clutch", I said, Chuck teased at the nickname but refrained form doing anything, he walked over to the table where Ethel were sitting as he sat down, Betty speedwalked over there, Betty was there in .8 second,

"Get away from her Chuck", Betty said.

"Easy there, I only came over here to apologize, you dont have to go dark Betty on me", Chuck said, oh I would love for her to go crazy on you again.

Betty slammed her hands down on the table, "i'm not going!, i'm not going dark anything", Betty said as she controlled her cool again, Betty has a dark side, i'm not sure if I should fear or really fear, Betty turned towards Ethel "is he bothering you?", she asked her.

"You can relax Betty, its fine", Ethel said.

"Yeah Betty, we're fine, now run along", Chuck said.

"I hate that guy", I thought out loud.

"Wow Peter Parker using the word hate, call the Bugle", Veronica said, and laughed.

"Anyway, what was he doing, accosting her?", Veronica asked, as Betty sat back down.

"No, he was apologizing", Betty said, alittle shock in her voice.

"Hah, yeah right, guys like him dont have a good bone in his body, hemismprobably,forced to do it", I said.

"Yeah, Chuck Clayton doesn't have a contrite bone in his muscle-Bound body", Veronica said as she was eating her salad.

"You know, can we talk about something else?, like jugheads surprise party, there is alot I can't control, but I can make sure that my boyfriends has the best birthday party of his life", Betty said.

"You know what?, screw it, i'm with Betty, my dads away, we can do it at my house, we could all use a good time", Archie said.

"Now you're talking my language", veronica said.

"Its gonna be epic", Kevin said.


Felicia: we need to talk ASAP.

P.parker: sure when?

Felicia: after school tomorrow, I can't today

P.parker: okay have I done anything?

Felicia: *read*

I have totally done something.

"So tomorrow is the party, see you around I said and walked out of the cafeteria.

Sunnyside trailerpark the next day:

 "Hey Felicia", I said.

"Hey", she said, as she looked to the ground.

"Everything alright?", I asked.

"No, I can't do this anymore, I can't be with you anymore, i'm done", Felicia said, as she looked me in the eyes.

"What do you mean done?, isn't there anything I or we can do", I asked.

"No Peter, I dont wanna be with you anymore, I only used you this whole time, I only used you to get what I wanted, you into my bed", she said.

"No, Felicia please, I lo..", I started.

"No you dont, you dont love me, i'm going away far away from this hell Hole of a town, far away from everything, you MEAN NOTHING TO ME, we're done, finished, now get the fuck out of here", Felicia yelled, I just looked at her.

"Wow, I can't believe what everybody told me about you is true, I thought I meant more to you", I said and walked away.

Felicias pov:

I'm so sorry Peter, but this is the only way I can get my mother back, by Breaking the one I loves heart, and now I have lost you for good, a tear slipped from my eye, but I need to get to New York, to get my mother back.

Peters pov:

How stupid of me to fall for her, to think I again allowed a person into my heart that only wanted to break me, when will I learn?, oh yeah jugheads birthday party yaaaay...


Ronnie: hey Peter, looking forward for the party tonight?

Petey: yeah, see you then Ronnie

Ronnie: yeah see you

I'm gonna go home and take a nap before the party tonight, i'm not really in the mood for anything right now.

Pops (Cheryl pov):

"Okay so you're the worst, but it so happens our three archnemesi, Betty Cooper, Veronica Lodge and Peter Parker, will be at a little shindig at that chowderhead Archies house, wanna team up for a little destruction Chuck?", I asked.

"Hell yeah, i'm ready for round two with Parker", he said and gave me a smirk.

Parker neighbourhood (Peters pov):

Holy something what time is it, I need a quick shower, I soon was ready and crossed the street towards the one Archie Andrews house, I walked into the house and was greeted by Kevin, Ethel, Archie and Joaquin.

"Hey guys, hope i'm not to late", I said.

"No. You're right on time", Ethel said.

"You look sad Peter everything okay?", Kevin asked.

"Everything is just peachy", I said, and grabbed a beer from the fridge, popped it open and drank it in one go.

"Yeah I can tell", Kevin said.

We all gathered in the living room, "so guys if this is a double feature, do I have time to go to the bathroom", Ethel asked.

"I'd hold it Ethel", Kevin said.

The door opened and we all looked at it "surprise", we yelled but it was only veronica who entered, holy smokes she lookes good, what I can look now.

"Do I look like Jughead to you?", Veronica said, whats with the attitude?

*ding*, "Betty just texted they're almost here, you've met Joaquin right?", Kevin asked.

"I haven't had the pleasure, also I thought it was only inner circle only tonight?", Veronica said as they went into the dinning room.

"Joaquin is my boyfriend, that makes him inner circle", Kevin said.

"Uh-huh, I litterally just came from the most insane meeting with mydads lawyer, between his hearing, and his potential involveret in Jasons murder, not to mention my moms i'm in a foul mood, wheres Peter?" Veronica asked.

"Sorry to hear, last time I saw him he was drinking beer in the kitchen", Kevin said.

"Okay, thanks", veronica said.

"Hey", Veronica said.

"Hey", I smiled and gave her the beer bottle she reached for.

"Thanks, why are you drinking?",she asked.

"Just tired and need my mind of things", I said.

"Yeah me too" Veronica said as we went back into the living room joining the others.

"Guys they're really coming this time, everybody hide", Ethel said, we turned the lights of and hid.

Veronica went for the drinking cabinet, she must be really needing to take her mind of things.

Betty and Jughead walked in through the front door, Ethel turned the light on and we all jumped out "surprise!", we all yelled and from the looks on jugheads face this wasn't excatly what he was  expecting.

"Hehe, so this is why we left the double feature", Jughead said.

Archie brought Jughead into a hug "happy birthday bro", Archie said, Jughead returned the hug "hey, you really shouldnt have, you reel, are you drunk", Jughead asked, Archie just shook his head no.

"Happy birthday", I said, he glanced at me and almost like he could see through me "thanks Peter, are you alright?", he asked, I gave him a nod of i'm fine.

"Happy birthday torombolo", Veronica said, and went back to her drink.

"Thanks Veronica, thanks everyone", Jughead said.

Kevin walked forwards and brought Jughead into a hug "oh, its Kevin", he said.

"Happy birthday buddy, this is Joaquin my boyfriend", Kevin said, I have seen him before, he was at the White wyrm with Archie, Kevin and Moose, ao hes a serpent.

"Hey nice to meet you, has anyone seen Betty?", Jughead said.

Betty walked out the kitchen with a big birthday cake, "happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you dear Jughead", Betty sang as she sat the cake down on the table.

Veronica walked out to the kitchen so I followed her, she was letting quite tears flow, "Ronnie?", I said as I entered the kitchen.

"Stuff with your mom and dad?", I asked.

"Just the tip of the iceberg, I dont really wanna talk about it right now Petey", Veronica said.

"I'm here for you if you need to talk", I said

"Yeah, the same goes for you, you seem down", Veronica said.

"Like you I dont wanna talk about it right now, want a drink?", I offered her.

"Well Petey, isn't it the New York sophisticate, whos supposed to corrupt the sweet innocent boy?", Veronica said.

"But yeah what ever i'm going though is nothing compared to what you deal with", I said.

He threatend me Peter, he said he would destroy my mom if I didn't make a statement on his behalf, said she was just ss guilty as he was, maybe he's lying, maybe he isn't, maybe he killed Jason, and", Veronica got out, I brought her into a hug as I gave her a small peck on the lips.

"I'm sorry", I said.

"Its fine", she said as she brought me into the hug again.

Jughead, Archie and Betty entered the kitchen, "sorry", Jughead said.

"Just coming to get ice cream, is everything okay", Betty asked concerned.

"Yeah, no i'm just not in my usually party mood", veronica said, as she held onto my hand.

"That makes two of us", Jughead said.

"Wow, wait, you're not actually upset, that I threw you a surprise party, are you?", Betty asked, Jughead think about your next words carefully.

"It is nice Betty, I appreciate it, its just I would be happier if it was just the five of us in a booth at pops", Jughead said.

"We always do that, I wanted to do something special", Betty said.

"The Road to hell is paved with good intentions", Jughead said, you're screwing up Jones.

"Why is everything always door and gloom with you, why can't it just be normal for once", Betty asked.

"Okay if this keeps going i'm gonna need another drink", Veronica said to me.

"One step ahead of you", I said as I handed her a beer bottle.

"I'm not normal, i'm not wired to be normal", Jughead said, the doorbell rang, I looked at Veronica, who gave me a look also, who could it be?

"How many more people have you invited?", Jughead asked.

"No one, inner circle only", Betty said, as we went into the front of the house to see who was at the door, ohhh it might be pizza, soon the door was opened and in walked Cheryl Blossom, along with alot of students at riverdale high.

Cheryl stared at the five of us "did you really think you could have a party without inviting moi?", Cheryl asked, "Or me?", Chuck joined.

"Archie where do you want the kegs?", Moose asked.

"Fuck it, one in the kitchen, one in the backyard", Archie said.

"Dude", I said.

"What its a party now", Archie said, as the guests walked into the house, this is gonna be a long night.

The party was ongoing, Moose and Cheryl were dancing close, "why are they doing this?", Kevin asked.

"They're just stupid, they can't help it", I said.

"Well they're as I would call them agents of chaos, they dont need a reason, but if I should take a guess payback", Veronica said.

I walked into the backyard, i'm not gonna hurt Chuck, i'm not gonna hurt Chuck, there i'm all better, I saw Archie enter the garage, I walked into it, and saw Archie, and Jughead there.

"Oh hey Peter, so Valerie just got here, you think she wants me back?", Archie asked.

"Archie as ,y blood brother, it was your sole responsibility to ensure, that something like this never would happen on my birthday", Jughead said, he pointed to me "and you, you didn't know, but no you do", he finished.

"Well this was Peters ideas", Archie said, my eyes widend, "i'm sorry what?, you were the one thst was like, 'did you know it was Jugheads birthday soon?, should I tell Betty?' ", I said.

"It was more like Bettys idea we just went along with it", Archie said.

"This is just so not me", jughead said.

"It doesn't matter, you're her boyfriend now", Archie said.

"What does that mean?", Jughead asked.

"It means you get a birthday, get to kiss, get to hold, get to love her, through ups and downs", I said.

There was a knock on the door and in walked Fp.

"Dad, hey", Jughead said as he raised from the chair he was sitting in.

"Happy birthday Jughead", Fp said, as he handed a rather big gift to him.

"How are you mister Jones?", Archie asked.

"Happy to be here, celebrating with my son", Fp said, and glanced at the three of us, "I didn't realise you had so many friends" he finished as he gestured towards the house party.

"I dont, fair warning you're the only adult here", Jughead said.

"So I gather, where can I put the gift then?", Fp asked.

"Table in the den", Archie said.

"Dad, how did you know about this?l did Betty call you?", Jughead asked.

"Yeah, she visited too, she knows what she wants that one, I'll be back", Fp said.

"I'm gonna go back to the party, to save Ronnie", I said.

"What you gonna make a move on her?" Archie said with a smirk.

"Maybe", I said and walked out.

"Hey Peter wait up, what about Felicia", Jughead asked.

"She broke up with me, so nothing to worry about Jughead", I said.

"Are you alright?", he asked.

"I'm fine, see you later birthday boy", I said and walked into the house to rejoin the party.

Fp was talking to Joaquin as I walked into the house, I could see Veronica staring, she looked at me "what is that serpent doing here?", she asked.

"Its jugheads dad", I said.

"Really?, wait how do you know?", she asked, oh jeepers I forgot to tell her that.

"I know because I was with Jughead when he came to pick Jughead up at the policestation, when he was accused of murder", I said.

"Oh okay, now its time for dancing", she said as she led me through the house.

Veronica and I were talking while drinking a beer, we saw Jughead walk through the kitchen to the front door, he was stopped by Ethel "heres a piece of cake Jughead, its bad luck if you dont eat one", she said.

"Thats is where you're wrong because this whole night is bad luck", Jughead said as he headed for the front door again.

Cheryl and Chuck blocked the front door, "hey, where you going, Guest of honor?", Chuck asked.

Jughead tried to bange through but Chuck pushed him back, "get out of my way Chuck", Jughead said.

"Oh but you can't leave now, we have t even played game yet, listen up party people, everyone has their secrets, an we've all done our share of sinning, thats ine thing Jasons death has revealed, so now it time to play a little game to get those secrets out in the open", Cheryl said, this is gonna end in trouble.

Living room game time:

"What the hell is secrets and sins?", Jughead asked.

"Well, its a variation on truh or dare, in which we own our truth by telling it like it is, I'll start the game with Veronica Lodge", Cheryl said.

"Naturally", Veronica said.

"Lets begin with the day you and your mob wife of a mother came to town, for a so-called fresh start, tell us Veronica what is so fresh about defiling Archie Andrews in a closet?", Cheryl said.

"That was your doing", Veronica said.

"Moving onto daddy Lodge, isn't it true that your father illegally purchased the drive-in land?, which makes me wonder what else is he using from behind bars", Cheryl said.

"Well, I can't speak for my father, but I can think of someone with a very dirty secret here", Veronica started she looked to me and gave me a nod, oh its on "specifically, Cheryl killing her own brother", Veronica said.

"Everyone knows how much I loved my brother", Cheryl said.

"Excatly, but maybe you loved him in a way that a sister shouldnt love a brother?, So as you got older Jason started to think it was Strange, unnatural even", I started, Cheryl looked around the room, why was she so nervous herr?, Veronica continued "so he chose Polly over you, so you shot him in the eyes with one of your fathers many hunting rifles", Veronica finished, we gave eachother a little fist bump.

"Okay this game is sick, so I wanna go next", Dilton said.

"Well thats the spirit Doiley, what secrets do you have to reveal to us?", Chuck asked.

"I saw ms.grundys car by sweetwater river the day Jason went missing, I told Betty and Jughead, and then ms. Grundy quit her job, and left riverdale, like, two days later, and lets not forget the fact that Archie was also at sweetwater river that morning", Dilton finished.

"Wow Archie Andrews, is that why you became a mediocre musician over night?, because you and miss Four-eyes were getting busy?", Cheryl said.

"Wait what?, Andrews was banging a teacher?, I wish I would have known then you would have been put in the book", Chuck said.

"Dont say anything Archie, dont indulge them", I said.

"Oh Parker, dont think I have forgotten about you", Chuck started, "Well okay its my turn now then, so sweet little innocent parker here isn't what he seems to be, because what I saw was strange, not alot of people wears leather jackets with a serpent on the back around town, so that means she must be a southside serpent, which means you're banging a serpent slut", Chuck started, I clenched my fist, Fp looked over wt me but saw my hand unclenched again, i'm not gonna hurt Chuck, "so Peter, why dont you tell everyone here how you got with the waitress from pops, Malia, Dahlia", Cheryl interupted "Felicia", she said, "oh thats right thank you Cheryl, Felicia, whom if memory serves correct, broke you and Josie up, caused a rift in your friendship with Veronica here, and still you're banging a serpent slut", Chuck said, he laughed, i'm not gonna hurt Chuck, "Well from the look on Veronicas face she didn't know that, no one here did, maybe you have been running around with Veronica also, I mean mother like daughter a Lodge slut", he finished, okay i'm going to hurt him now, before he could react I connected my fist with his jaw, gasps was heard as Chuck walked backwards, he threw a punch at my face but I caught it and twisted his hand to the side, I continued to punch Chuck in the face, over and over, until a pair of arms wrapped around me, I turnés around ready to fight the next person, but saw it was Veronica.

"Please stop Peter", Veronica said into my back, I started to calm down, Chuck tried to punch me, but Fp grapped him before he could, Chuck was bleeding, and was thrown out, Cheryl was still here my gaze settled on her, I gave Ronnie a nod that I was alright now, I walked towards Cheryl, "Cheryl just go home no one wants you here", I said.

"not even you?", Cheryl said, through a smirk, that fucking smirk i, gonna punch that right of you, Ronnie went by my side and took my hand.

"not even me Cheryl, i'm done, i'm done defending you, i'm done trying with you, i'm just done, you're nothing but a spoiled rich girl, I tried helping you, but each time you go back to this person, who I would rather punch in the face than talk to", I said.

"you're the one who punched Chuck when he spoke of that serpent slut and the Lodges", Cheryl finished but soon realised what she had done.

"I swear to Thor I won't hesitate to kick your fucking ass Cheryl right here right now, get the fuck out of here, before I force you to leave bitch", I yelled at Cheryl.

"dont you mean not so nice lady?", Cheryl said.

"no i'm Pretty sure I meant bitch", I said as Cheryl with tears in her eyes left.

"Remind me not to piss Peter Parker off, again", Valerie said.

"Well if he is willing to hurt Cheryl, you punched him and he walked away, he must really hate Cheryl", melody said.

"Yeah, Well if you guys haven't noticed the party is over, go home", Fp yelled inside the house, and reppeated himself when he got outside the house.

"Parker", Fp said.

"What?", I asked.

"You remind me so much of your father, this is excatly what happend when a guy tried something with your mother, and he beat him up", he said, and smiled at the memory "he fought for the one he loves, and I believe the one you love isn't Felicia, I think its the Lodge in there that have your heart", he said and walked away.

"Fp, thanks", I said.

"Dont mention it kid, as said we look out for our own", he said as he went over to Jughead.

Jughead stormed out, I grapped his arm, "what?!", he yelled.

"You wanna rethink that tone, you saw what happend to Chuck in there", I quipped.

"Oh it was amazing seeing him getting beaten up, but this isn't my scene, see you", he said, and started to walk away.

"Look, this isn't my table, but Jug dont walk away from Betty", I said.

"What?, i'm supposed to take love advice from you?", he said through a smirk.

"Oh no, just know thst Betty is amazing, and you will kick yourself for letting her go, this might not be what you had expected, but it was....interesting, lets go with that, listen go, talk to her, be there for her, open up to her", I said.

"Fine", he said and entered the house again to find Betty.


"Hey Petey", Ronnie said as she came up beside me.

"Hey", I said, "so listen", we both got out, "can we talk?", I said.

"Yeah ofcourse, I think the living room is empty by now", Veronica said as we walked into the house again, we entered the room, and sat down on the couch, "sorry I didn't mention who the girl was I dated", I said.

"Yeah it kinda hurt to find out you would date her, but I get it, maybe she was different from the one I met underneath it all....wait, dated?, not dating", Veronica asked, oh she is good at noticing the small details.

"We or she broke up with me today, saying she only used me", I got out, Ronnie brought me into a hug and kissed my cheek.

"Bye monday, this will all be a dream, trust me no one will remember anything", Veronica said.

"Yeah well, I beat Chuck up, they're gonna remember that", I said.

"Yeah, probably, why did you beat him up?, because of the serpent slut comment?", Veronica asked.

"Part of, I dont like him talking about her like that, but for the most part it was when he mentioned you I lost it", I said.

"Well they will remember that, the fact that you threatend to beat Cheryl up also, and the fact we ganged up on her and accused her of twincest", Veronica said, as we let out a small laugh.

"I'm the reason uncle Ben got killed", I said.

"Wait what?", she said as she turned her attention to me.

"It was right after I got my powers, I was pushed to far, that was when I broke that kids nose, Ben yelled at me and I ran away, later in the evening I, I went to 7/11, I got something to drink and a sandwich I was alittle short on money, so a guy knocked over a rack, he stole the money and threw the things to me, I didn't say anything, I didn't try to stop him", I said as Ronnie brought me into a hug "the things is uncle Ben was killed by the guy I let go", I finished.

"Peter, that wasn't your fault, like you say my fathers crime isn't my crimes, this wasn't your fault, thanks for sharing", she said.

"You deserved to know", I said.

"I dont want my mom to be guilty Peter, I really want that to be a lie", Veronica said.

"So know you know Ronnie, i'm messed up", I said.

"Up but Peter Parker, you couldnt be further from it, but we all are, and you're less than most", Veronica said.

 "so this is okay now right?", Ronnie asked as she kissed my cheek again moving closer to my mouth.

"Yeah", I said, this is what we both need right now, I connected our lips, she stradled my lap, and we were full on makingout on the couch, all the emotions that was unspoken between us was coming out, this is what we both needed, sometime we ended up in the Guest room, dont worry nothing happend, Ronnie fell asleep in the bed, and me on the matress on the floor.

Next morning (Veronicas pov):

I woke up and saw Peter Parker laying on the matress om the floor, he looked so cute sleeping there, I walked over and bend down to him, placed a kiss on his cheek, stood up with my shoes in hand, and walked out, down the stairs, Peter Parker, my defender, I guess I do like him more than just best friends, as I reached the bottom stair I saw Jughead sitting in a chair reading the newspaper, he looked up from the paper and had a wide eyed look "Veronica, hey good morning", Jughead said.

I just smiled at him, "morning Jughead", I said as I stood in the living room with him, we looked at eachother before I let out a laugh "so listen", I said.

"Dont, dont worry my lips are sealed, is Peter up yet?", he asked through a smirk.

"Thanks, and no", I said and laughed as I walked out through the door.

Archies house (Peters pov):

Its morning, huh, I stood up and saw the bed empty, she must have left early, why did I sleep on the floor again?, its not like we haven't shared a bed before, oh Well, I sleept good, I walked down the stairs and saw Jughead, "hello Peter, so you and Veronica?", he asked.

"Yeah, Jug", I said.

"Dont worry i'm never telling anyone anything ever, what about you and Felicia?", he asked.

"She broke up with me", I said.

"Oh, sorry to hear", he said.

"Its fine Jug, listen i'm gonna head home", I said.

"Yeah sure, again thank you for last night", he said.

"No need to thank me, what are friends for?", I said and left the house.

Parker residence:

I'm just ready to go home, I went to my front door and saw a letter taped to the door, 'Peter Parker', Felicias handwritting i'm not in the mood, I took the letter down from the door, I went to my room and threw the letter into my closet, not really wanting to deal with it right now, a knock was heard on my front door, who could it be?

I went downstairs and opened the door, "Ava?", I said.

"Hey Peter, ready to help with my science homework?", she asked, oh god that was today.

"Yeah sure", I said.

"Rough night?", she said as she sat down on a chair.

"You could say that", I said and gave her a small smile.

"So where do we start?", she asked.

"With whatever you have problems with", I said.

We had been studying for an hour before she spoke, "so are you friends with Veronica Lodge?", she asked, does she know her?

"Well yeah, one of my best ones actually", I said.

"Well then let me tell you about the real Veronica Lodge", she said, and oh jeepers, this Ava is the one that was bullied by her, why does this happend to me all the time?

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