Killer Love

By JusstaReader_

2.6K 126 59

17 year old Daniel, or Danny as she likes to be called, has a stalker. But not just any stalker. Her stalker... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Author's Note

Chapter Six

279 15 8
By JusstaReader_

I basically clung to the "oh shit" handle in Jason's car for my life. He had drug me out to his car by the wrist after the incident in the hallway. It actually still hurts from his strong grip but, unable to rub it because of my grasp on the handle, I bare through it.

"What the hell was that, Danny!?" He screamed, clenching the steering wheel tighter. I would answer, but I honestly don't know what that was myself. I think the first person who gets to know why the hell Carson kiss me should be me!! But maybe not. Maybe it should be this jackass cop.

"I don't know!" I say, my voice cracking because of how scared I was. I hated being in cars anyway, that's part of the reason I walk to school. I could take the bus, but I prefer not to. After all, a car crash was the cause of my father's death. Would really like to avoid crashes at all costs, so this situation is definitely not good for me.

Jason growled, narrowing his eyes on the road. Why the hell was he so upset? Was... was he jealous? At this thought, I laugh internally. No way, he would never! He probably just knows Carson doesn't have the best reputation. Although, I wouldn't mind if he were a little jealous.

No! Stop that Daniel! You cannot like someone that old! Snap out of it you whore!

I look out the window, ashamed of myself for thinking like that. I see how fast everything is going and it makes me sick to my stomach. I wonder if my dad was going that fast? My breathing begins to quicken, my vision blurring along with the passing trees. Soon, things go black.

But I don't think much of it. In fact, I just ignore it. Why didn't anybody believe me about Jeff? I'm not crazy, I don't see why they wont believe me. Especially Jason. He seems so nice. His eyes are so kind. Unlike Jeff's. His were creepy but in a way... obsessive.

Why was he always around anyway? What made her so special? Why was absolutely everyone always around her? Jason, Jeff, and now Carson? It was all too much. Why did Carson kiss her? His girlfriend just died! Maybe it was just his way of coping.

For a long time, my thoughts were clearer and I could think about everything is some silence. But soon, my thoughts jumbled and I couldn't focus on anything. Maybe I just need some sleep.


"Goodmorning, sleepy head." The familiar voice speeks. Jeff!? I spring up, looking around my room frantically. My head automatically pounds and a hand pushes me back down into a laying position. I look up into the green eyes I'd been seeing a lot lately.

"J-Jason..." I say, holding my head. What were we doing here? What time is it? I look out the window and see it was dark. I sigh, confused. "What's going on?" I ask, still feeling sleepy.

He heaved a sigh and I feel his hand rake through my hair. My eyes shoot open at the gesture, but he doesn't seem to think much of it, simply smiling down at me. His face was smiling, but his eyes were sad and concerned. "I didn't know you had a fear of cars. Specifically speeding ones." He chuckled nervously. Wait, how'd he know about that? I never told him! "Sorry. You uh.. kinda had a break down." He frowned, but quickly covered it with a grin.

I feel my cheeks get hot. His hand was now on the back of my head. He could totally lift me and kiss me whenever he wanted to. This made my stomach flip flop. I look over at my alarm clock. 8:40. I look up at him in shock. "I've been asleep this whole time!?" I practically scream, making him jump a little.

He laughs moving his hand that was behind my head slightly, but not retreating it. "Uh, more like unconscious. But yeah. Can I get you anything to eat?" He asks, his face just beaming with concern. Why did he care so much? He probably just felt bad for driving so quickly. He's a cop, he just feels considerate for people, right?

At the mention of food though, my stomach rumbles. Usually I have a snack after school and then dinner and I've had nothing. I nod. "Can... can you make grilled cheese?" I ask without thinking. I shouldn't ask so much of him, this is my house, not his. "Ah! Um.. n-nevermind. Whatever is in the fridge is fine." I mumble, looking at my blue and creme floral comforter.

He stands, finally removing his hand, along with the butterflies in my stomach. "Nonsense. I'd be honored to make you grilled cheese!" He says with a huge grin. He rubs my head like before, messing up my hair that probably already looked like crap. I feel myself blushing, so I hide under my blanket. "Don't die while I'm gone." He jokes and I head the door shut.

I sigh, coming out from underneath the hot blanket. She was kind of thankful he would be staying here now. She felt a lot more safe. Maybe with him here, Jeff wouldn't come around.

Or maybe... that would be the exact reason he did.

What if he tries to hurt Jason? My heart races again. I have to make sure Jason is okay! I don't want him out of my sight! I try sitting up and it feels like someone shot me in the head. I hold onto it tightly, swinging my legs over the edge. I cant let him get hurt.

I stand, my legs wobbly, but my head pain was easing. I head for the door and right when I grab the handle, I head a yelp from downstairs. I start to panic, my heart racing and throat dry. I run quickly down the stairs and turn the corner into the kitchen.

There stood Jason, totally fine, grabbing some cheese out of the fridge. He turned and looked at me, eyes wide. "Hey, what are you doing out of bed?" He walks over to me, laying a hand on my cheek. What the hell is he doing!? I blush deeply, looking at the ground, feeling ridiculous for coming down here.

"I-I.. I heard you scream..." I start, and he strokes my cheek with his thumb. I know it's supoised to be comforting, but it made me nervous. "I thought... I thought Jeff got you..." I say in a whisper. He then pulls his hand back and laughs. I snap my head up at his, cheeks now burning in anger. "Hey!"

He laughs, shaking his head. "Jeff isn't going to get me because he isn't real. You've been reading too many fan fiction." He chuckles. No I haven't! I've never read a Jeff the Killer fan fiction in my life! That's just weird.

"Shut up! I was trying to help!" I pout. He stops laughing but still smiles jokingly. He pushes me towards the stairs.

"Go on, the food will be ready soon." He says, even though he hadn't started it yet. I begin to walk back up to my room but then the reason I raced down came to mind.

I look back in the kitchen, a frown on my face. He raises an eyebrow at me, looking like more of an older brother than cop. "What is it now?" He asks, a small smirk tugging at his lips. His perfect lips. Shut up!!

"I uh.. if you weren't screaming because of Jeff.. why were you screaming?" I look around and didn't see anything really out of the ordinary.

He sighs, looking a little embarrassed. "I dropped the pan on my foot." He said, pointing to his sockless foot. He was right. There was a large purple bruise already beginning to form.

"Oh." I nod then turn. But Jason stops me once again, grabbing onto my arm. "What?" I ask, looking over my shoulder.

"Can I ask you a question..." he asked, looking down. I turn towards him fully. Was... was he blushing? Aww how cute! N-No! Its not! There's probably something serious going on. Duh.

"Sure." I say with a smile. Wonder what it's about. How I like my grilled cheese, Jeff, where something is? Couldn't be anything too complicated.

"Okay. Um. Did you.. did you like..." He sighed, shaking his head. "Nevermind. Forget it. Its pointless." He said frustratingly, turning away from me. I grab his shoulder trying to turn him back but he was stubborn.

"Just tell me!" I whine. He's probably going to ask if I like white or wheat since my mom buys both.

He quickly turns around, an obvious blush on his determined face. He stood tall as he looked at me. "Did you like it when that kid kissed you?" I almost choke on my spit at the question. Carson? Why did he care.

I blush, unable to speak. So I just shrug, looking down at my feet. "I knew it. Just go upstairs, I'll be done soon." He turns, walking back to the stove, completely blocking me out. I got pissed.

"Fine!" I scream, marching up the steps. I burst into my room, slamming the door. I flop on my bed, screaming into the pillow as loud as I could. Why the hell did he care about my personal life? He should just stay the hell out of it.

"Man," The silky voice speaks from right above me.

"I wish I could make you scream like that."

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