First Angel: The Source {Godd...

By Katherin3Coitier

39.6K 1K 9

The world has gotten used to seeing and interacting with Creations. No one yet knows how they came about or w... More

FA:TS- Prologue
FA:TS- Chapter 1
FA:TS- Chapter 2
FA:TS- Chapter 3
FA:TS- Chapter 4
FA:TS- Chapter 5
FA:TS- Chapter 6
FA:TS- Chapter 7
FA:TS- Chapter 8
FA:TS- Chapter 9
FA:TS- Chapter 10
FA:TS- Chapter 11
FA: TS- Chapter 12
FA: TS- Chapter 13
FA: TS- Chapter 14
FA: TS- Chapter 15
FA: TS- Chapter 16
FA: TS- Chapter 17
FA: TS- Chapter 18
FA: TS- Chapter 19
FA: TS- Chapter 20
FA:TS- Chapter 21
FA:TS- Chapter 22
FA:TS- Chapter 24
FA:TS- Chapter 25
FA:TS- Chapter 26
FA:TS- Chapter 27
FA:TS- Chapter 28
FA:TS- Chapter 29
FA:TS- Chapter 30
FA:TS- Chapter 31
FA:TS- Chapter 32
FA:TS- Chapter 33
FA:TS- Chapter 34
FA:TS- Chapter 35
FA:TS- Chapter 36
FA:TS- Chapter 37
FA:TS- Chapter 38
FA:TS- Chapter 39
FA:TS- Epilogue

FA:TS- Chapter 23

814 23 0
By Katherin3Coitier

Chapter Twenty-three

Dawn held onto Mark's arm tightly as they entered the restaurant Roman Oasis. She was very nervous seeing her brother again. Some of her nerves dimmed with Keith's expression at the salon after she changed into her dress. He flopped down on his styling chair and flamboyantly fanned himself. She was giggling even with Mark not there. Keith was happy to get her to giggle when she was without Mark.

Roman Oasis was a beautiful, expensive Italian restaurant. There were palm trees and real grape vines inside the restaurant. The grapes were even nearly ripe for the picking as they lined the completely windowed wall along one side of the restaurant.

As the pristinely dresses host escorted them to their table, Dawn saw Stephan nervously fiddling with a small package. His attire was more refined then what he was wearing the other day in the park. His heavily light grey hair was lightly gelled back from his face.

Dawn wanted to sigh when she noticed Stephan was all alone. He wanted to met her by himself and not overwhelm her. He was looking out for her as he knew she was already frightened as it was. He was just making it easier for her.

"Here you are. Your server will be right with you."

Stephan snapped his head up from the package and rose from his seat. He smiled nervously as he looked at his sister. She looked so beautiful. He didn't notice how her hair and skin shimmers at the park. He just saw her and recognized her. He only felt the longing to see and touch his sister again.

"You look splendid Dawnie." He started to walk around the table to her, but stop. Dawn had taken a step back which made Mark tighten his hold. Stephan resided to the fact that she wasn't ready for such a greeting. Instead of going to hug her, he went to a chair and pulled it out for her.

Dawn relaxed at seeing Stephan's gentlemanly gesture. She walked over and thanked him as she sat down in the seat he held out for her. Stephan smiled at this. It was at least a small step for her to take.

Both Mark and Stephan took their seats and told their female server their drinks when she showed. Stephan took a breathe and presented the gift to Dawn. "I know it's not much, but I wanted to give you something as a thank you for coming to dinner with me."

She timidly took it and opened the small present. Inside rested a silver necklace that looked strong and delicate. She didn't know how she felt about the gift. She hasn't been given any gifts in so long.

She looked up and breathed passed the tears that were trying to well up under the surface. Mark took her hand in his giving it a squeeze. "Would you like for me to put it on you." She nodded to Mark because she couldn't speak when her throat had closed up like it had from all the emotions she was feeling.

Mark smiled as he rose and knelt down behind her after he picked up the necklace. He delicately slid the necklace around her neck after he moved her hair to the side. He couldn't help loving the feeling of her hair.

Stephan grinned at watching the two. He could tell they liked each other greatly. "How long have you two been together?"

Dawn blushed and Mark chuckled a little that she was blushing as he took his seat again. "Not long. Officially only a few days, but she's had me the moment I saw her." Dawn shyly bowed her head smiling.

She looked at Stephan. "Thank you for the necklace." She petted it as it rested along her collarbone. "You didn't have to give it to me."

"Yes I did. I wanted to make up for all the birthdays I missed. And there's a lot." He chuckled.

Dawn looked down and then rose from her seat. "I'm going to the restroom." Mark worried she was about to run by the look on her face. He reached out for her and caught her arm. Dawn looked to him. "Don't worry. I won't." Mark sighed as he let her go.

"I'm sorry if I said something that upset her." Stephan said watching Dawn walk to the restroom.

"It's not your fault. She only starting to open up and forget everything that happened to her. That Nicholas did a number on her." Mark looked over at Stephan. "I haven't had the heart yet to tell her what happened to your parents. Please don't tell her just yet. I don't think she knows how she will react to that kind of news." Mark didn't want to open that can of worms just yet.

"And I had to go and speak of birthdays. It must have brought back her twenty-first birthday." Stephan scrubbed his face. "I don't even know what happened after Nicholas took her out of the party."

Mark's eyebrows shot up out of surprise. "You don't know?" Stephan looked up and shook his head. "Please don't bring that up either."

Stephan nodded and they both looked up then rose as Dawn returned. She was silent as Mark pulled her seat for her and they all sat down. Mark leaned over and whispered into her ear. "Are you alright?" She nodded to him as he pulled back.

The evening went better as they ate and talked. Dawn found out that Stephan has three children. Two girls and a boy. His eldest daughter had a little boy of her own. He was a grandfather. Dawn got the men laughing when she called Stephan grandpa.

After dinner was taken away and they were deciding on dessert, Stephan felt that she needed to know what happened to him that night. She needed to know he wanted to be there to protect her but couldn't.

He swirled his wine in its glass. "Dawnie. I wish I could have been there for you when you needed me the most." He sighed as he sent the glass down. "Our parents told me that morning before breakfast that I had to go to Cousin Charlotte's. They told me not to tell you and I hated that. I knew if I had looked at you, I would have told you straight away.

"When dad gave you that drink and then presented you to...Nicholas." Stephan growled the name out. "Mom was restraining me from going with you. It wasn't proper for them to let you two be alone.

"Once father joined mom next to me, they nearly dragged me out to the car that was waiting for me. I wanted to say goodbye, but they admittedly forbid it. I don't know why. I was so confused about what was going on.

"I was forced to stay there for over a month. When I got back..." Stephan looked up to see sorrow in Dawn's eyes. "You were gone. I asked what happened and where you were, but no one would tell me anything. They just said you ran away.

"After that everything was not right." His hands balled into fists. "Nicholas had taken over everything in our family. I hated what was happening, but couldn't do anything to stop it. In the end I stayed away as much as possible. Going away for high school and college. Rarely going home." He didn't even recognize their own parents.

Dawn for the first time she could remember, reach her hand out and Stephan took it while he placing his other over top of them. She had grown so close to her brother with his story. It pained her to hear that things had turned back at home.

Home? Was that what it was still? Even after all that happened? Yes. She still called that place home. Its the only place she ever called it her home.

Dessert came and the men chuckled at the soft moan that escapes Dawn's throat. She loved the taste of her great chocolate cake that had two layers of fluffy creamy custard. She hadn't had anything this sweet and delicious in a long time. Actually, ever!

Halfway through dessert Mark had to excuse himself from the table when his phone rang. He kissed Dawn's cheek before he went off putting the phone to his ear. Dawn worried until Mark looked back and winked at her.

"You two look really cute together." Dawn blushed as she turned back to her brother. "Just be careful with him. I've read what happened a year ago." Stephan was looking after Mark with a scrutinizing eye.

"He told me. Did you know that he was still really good friends with his ex?"

Stephan raised an eyebrow at that. "No I didn't. Interesting. How do you feel about that?" He took a sip of the last of his wine.

Dawn shrugged. "I'm okay with it. They seem more brother and sister like than ex's."

Stephan chuckled lightly. "Really?" Dawn nodded. Stephan's expression shifted to be more serious. "Are we alright? I've been worried you wouldn't forgive me."

Dawn smiled sweetly and reached for his hand again. She squeezed his and looked down at it. "You should know that touching someone is hard for me. I only touch those whom I trust. Whom I am comfortable with."

Stephan was shocked and touched by her words. He didn't know what she's been through, but knew that contact was an issue for her. He had noticed it at the park and when he showed up.

Stephan placed his other hand over hers. "Thank you Dawnie. Thank you for letting me in again."

"Thank Mark for not giving up when I kept running away from him." Dawn bowed her head a little. "I had been running all these years before Mark." She smiled more sweetly. "He makes me feel like I don't have to run anymore."

Stephan squeezed her hand. "Good. You never have to run again. Now lets finish dessert." Dawn perked up more with his words and let go of his hand. She took her fork and dove into her cake again.

The dinner was a very good step for Dawn. Her heart that once was shielded by the darkest night was seeing the sun warm it up. She felt lighter as burdens of her past were no longer weighing her down.

Mark came back and said that Patience was just curious how the dinner was going. Stephan said that it was nice that Dawn had people looking out for her, even when she was meeting with her brother. Dawn thought it was nice to know that too. She didn't have to guard herself to tightly as she once did.


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