The Struggle {ON PERMANENT HI...

By SALStratton

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Life is full of tough choices. Which side do you choose? Sometimes the line between good and evil becomes blu... More

The Struggle
Chapter One, 'It's a date!'
Chapter Two 'I'm Not Allowed Cats In The Apartment.'
Chapter Three, 'Oh My God, You're Such An Ass!'
Chapter Four, "Kiss Me."
Chapter Six, "I've always had a thing for lunatics in leather."

Chapter Five, 'I wanted more'.

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By SALStratton

Chapter Five

Bruce and I were still kissing when, suddenly, the realisation of what I was doing came down on me like a ton of bricks.

I pulled away, and turned around, walking away a couple of steps, pulling my hands through my hair. 

“What’s wrong, Suzanne?” Bruce asked me, coming up behind me, and placing his hands on my hips, pressing his lips into my hair. I closed my eyes for a second, before stepping away again, and turning around to face him.

“I think there’s something wrong with me. Actually I don’t think, I know there’s something wrong with me.” I answered his question truthfully.

“What are you talking about?”

“What’s going on here, Bruce? You’re in love with Rachel, or so you say, but you just kissed me like…” I trailed off, hoping he wouldn’t actually press the point I was making and would let my cut-off sentence go.

“Like what?”

“You know like what!” I hissed at him.

“No I don’t. You tell me!”

“The way that you kissed me is the way a guy kisses his girlfriend if he actually likes her. We’re not a couple! I can’t be part of a couple! Especially not with you!” I pretty much shouted the last thing at him, and almost regretted it when I saw the hurt in his eyes.

“Why not?”

“You’re in love with someone, Bruce,” I said, my voice sounded tired but softer than before. “You can’t expect me to just overlook that! No matter how far we take whatever this is, you’re still going to be in love with Rachel, and I won’t pretend to be okay with that. I respect myself more than that, Bruce, so I think you should just take me home now.”

“Come on, Suzie, don’t be like this!”

“I’m not arguing anymore, Bruce, just take me home.”

“Why are you doing this?” Bruce asked me.

“What am I doing?” I quizzed him, incredulous. I’m not the one who keeps pushing some sort of relationship on him!

“Why are you distancing yourself from your emotions? You’re not doing this because you don’t want to be with someone who’s still hung up on another woman, you’re doing this because you’re scared!” Bruce shouted at me, and I have to admit that he was hot when he was angry. His hands were shaking because of how angry he was, and his eyes were burning. His intense stare seriously made me want to forget I had just rejected his advances, and pounce on him. Selina would of.

“Bruce, I’m not in the right place for a relationship. I’m not scared of you, or of being with you. I’m simply not ready to be in a relationship.”

“Why not?” Bruce demanded.

I turned my back on him, and started to walk away. 

“Ask Harvey Dent.” I replied, simply, not looking back over my shoulder.

Bruce didn’t follow me, and I was glad for that. I couldn’t stay in his company for too long without throwing myself at him, either to kiss him again or to choke him to death.

My head and my heart had me annoyingly confused. My head told me to back off, leave him alone and to smack the arrogance right out of him, and my heart was mirroring Alfred’s words; to give Bruce a chance, to open that door that had remained locked tight after my last relationship.  

I somehow managed to make my way back to the car, and Alfred looked at me sadly.

“Did you managed to hear any of that?” I asked, sighing.

“No, Miss.”

“Then why the sad face?” I asked, softly.

“I deduced that you had an argument, Miss Dawn, from your body language. I’m sad, because Master Wayne didn’t follow you.”

“Why would that make you sad, Alfred?” I asked, confused. I stared at the white haired man, who was obviously wise and clearly cared a great deal about Bruce. After all, he had raised Bruce from a child. He smiled sadly at me, thinking his words through before answering.

“Because one day he’ll regret watching you walk away, Miss. Now I won’t say anymore. I’ve already spoken out of turn. I’ll just text Master Wayne and ask him if it would be alright for me to drop you back. You can get in, Miss Dawn.”

I nodded, noticing the passenger side door already open, so I climbed in, and waited. 

While Alfred waited for Bruce’s reply, I thought about what he had said about Bruce regretting one day that he let me walk away. Would he regret it? I somehow doubted it.

Maybe, though, one day, I’d regret being the one to walk away.


Alfred dropped me off at the Turner family mansion, and I realised that the mansion I grew up in wasn’t that far from the Wayne Mansion. They were both in the Palisades, maybe six miles apart, if that. I let myself in, waving Alfred off from the marble porch steps, ignoring the sinking feeling as I heard footsteps approach the door.

“You must be Suzanne.” A female voice said. I turned around, and my eyes narrowed in anger. Whoever she was, she was wearing one of my mother’s necklaces.

“That’s right. Who are you and why are you in my house?” I asked, quite rudely.

“I’m Chloe!” Her red smile fell slightly when I shook my head, still not knowing who she was. “Chloe Turner? I’m your father’s new wife. He didn’t tell you?”

My jaw dropped. My father had married one of his blonde bimbos and now she was wearing my dead mother’s jewellery and living in our house. I pushed past her, nearly knocking her over.

“Dad!” I shouted, and soon heard the hurried, heavy footsteps of my father. He appeared at the top of the stairs, and slowly descended once he saw me. He had a smile on his face, like he looked happy to see me.

“Suzie! Baby, you’re home!” He said, showing genuine affection towards me. Or so he would have me believe.

“What’s going on here?” I demanded.

“I have no idea as to what you’re on about!” Harry replied, actually looking confused.

“You’re married?” I questioned, gesturing to the pretty blonde behind me. “And you gave her my mother’s pearls?”

“Harry, darling, what’s she talking about?” Chloe asked him, stepping closer to the two of us, standing near enough next to me. I whirled round on her, and pointed at the string of pearl’s around your neck.

“Those are my mother’s pearls. He didn’t tell you?” I mimicked her words from before, nearly snarling them at her.

“No, I-I didn’t know. I’m s-sorry. You can have them back. They belong to you.” She said, quickly unclasping them and then handing them to me.

I was dumbfounded. Why did she just do that? Maybe I shouldn’t have judged her by my father’s other blonde ‘girlfriends’. They had all been money grabbing, skinny, bitchy, blonde models and actresses that had plagued my life until I had gone away to college. Maybe Chloe wasn’t like that. I stared down at the white gleaming pearls, and took a deep breath to calm myself down.

“I’m sorry. I’m on edge today, I just had a very bad morning.”

“I saw it on the news. I’ve been on the phone for the past hour with the D.A. asking him how that lunatic managed to get in the courthouse with a gun,” Harry said, thinking I was talking about my near death experience with the mobster and his faulty gun. But that’s not what I dwelled on. Harry showed actual concern over my safety. “I could have lost my baby girl, because some stupid security guard was obviously paid off to let the guy in there still armed!”

“You were worried about me?” I questioned, feeling internally confused.

“Of course I was! I’m your father, aren’t I? I’m always worried about you. I also called Jim Gordon, and he told me about the attack a couple of nights ago. Suzanne, the reason I have Harold drive you around places is so that you don’t go walking around at night in dangerous parts of the city.”

“What’s Harold going to do if we get carjacked?” I asked, the rebellious teenager rising up in me, ignoring the warm, fluffy feeling of realising my dad had a weird way of showing it, but he actually did care. Maybe after mom’s death he was just as lost as I was.

“Harold is ex-military. He’s equipped to deal with those sorts of situations.” 

Harold was in the army? I never knew, then again I had never seen his resume. My dad had hired him for me, which is starting to explain a lot.

“Oh,” I said, feeling slightly awkward, realising that my father’s new bride was standing beside me now, and we’d all but ignored her. “So when did you get married, and where was my invitation?”

“We got married last year, and you had sent me an email about this work placement you did at an asylum in Tibet and your trip coincided with our wedding…it wasn’t a big affair. We had about fifty guests, mainly just friends from the board and their spouses…even Mr Wayne made an appearance.”

“Bruce Wayne? Bruce Wayne showed up to your wedding?”

“The reception. It was amazing! Meeting Gotham’s Prince, in the flesh.” Chloe replied, in a gossipy, girly voice that I immediately associate with dumb models.

“I’ve met him in the flesh…its not that amazing, I assure you.” I replied, rolling my eyes. Harry gave me a knowing look, and I noticed his eyes zeroed in on my clenched fists.

“So I see the jobs been going well?” Harry asked, a smile on his face.

“Delightful. I can’t think of a better job, working for a billionaire play boy who always gets what he wants. Or tries to at least.” I smile back, tensely. 

“Why don’t you join us for dinner, Suzanne? Harry and I were going to go to this really expensive, really exclusive restaurant in the city, which I think Bruce Wayne owns, and we’d love for you to join us. It’ll give you and me some time to get to know each other better,” Chloe said, before her eyes widened suddenly as though she’d just thought of something wonderful. “You can bring Bruce! It could be like a double date! That way Harry won’t get bored while we gossip!”

“Um…I don’t think-”

“It’s settled. You and Bruce will join us for dinner at seven! I’m going to go call the restaurant, and change the reservation for a table for four.” Chloe gushed, before pretty much dancing away into the lounge.

I stared at my dad, an eyebrow raised, and he shrugged as if to say ‘she’s ditzy but I love her’. 

“I should go then. I actually came to collect my baby, but now it looks like I’ve got some grovelling to do.” I said, huffing in frustration. Of course, my father’s new bride would pick right now, after I’d just told Bruce I wasn’t ready to be in a relationship, to make me go on a double date with her, my dad and Bruce. 

“You’re driving the Ferrari back into the city? What did you bring here then?” Harry asked.

“Bruce Wayne’s butler/driver brought me.” I said, starting to walk down a corridor, Harry in step beside me. We reached the little elevator at the end of the corridor, hidden by wooden panelling that concealed the elevator doors. We both stepped into the small metal box, and Harry pressed the button to the basement. 

“So what’s going on with you and Wayne?” Harry asked me.

“Why so interested?” I asked, staring ahead.

“You’re my daughter.”

“But we’ve never been very close, have we?” I said, keeping my face purposefully stoic so he didn’t see any hint of emotion in my expression.

“And that’s my fault. We were young when we married, me and your mother, and I did a lot of stupid things I regret. Like sleeping around. And when she died, it hit me hard,” He said. I couldn’t believe we were finally having this conversation in an enclosed space with no hope of escape. “And you, you look so much like your mother. It hurt to look at you for a very long time, and I tried to distance myself from that pain as much as I could without being too neglectful. I hired a tutor to school you, I hired Mary, as your own personal maid and nanny, and took you to work with me and left you in the capable hands of Lucius Fox and during your teenage years, I let you go off to spend your time with Jim and Barbara.”

I gaped at him. I never knew he knew that I spent so much time with Jim and Barbara, that I saw them as the family I deserved, the one I was void of. Harry didn’t look at me as he continued to speak, but I didn’t take my eyes off him.

“He raised you better than I could have in my state. He had his life together. A respectable police sergeant with morals and ideals. He taught you to see the world the way it is. And Barbara gave you the motherly love you needed and I couldn’t give to you, because I couldn’t find anyone that even came close to being as perfect as your mother was.”

“Why are you telling me all this?” I asked, quietly.

“Because I want you to know that I’ve always loved you, Suzie. Even though I seemed cold and distant, I did love you. You’re my daughter…no matter what anyone says.” He replied, saying the last part so quietly that I almost thought I heard him wrong. What did that mean?

I didn’t get a chance to ask him, before the elevator doors opened, and he quickly found his escape and hurried into the underground garage. 

And I forgot to ask him, because my momentary confusion was pushed aside at the sight of my baby.

My Ferarri 550 Barchetta Pininfarina in red. She was a beauty. Harry had bought her for me as a going away present, but I had left her here. I didn’t want my past coming along with me to a new place. A past of pain, anguish and bitter disappointments. A past of pathetic heroism, grandeur and hope. I wanted a clean slate. That’s when I started using my mother’s last name instead of Harry’s. No one knew that name. I could work hard, and accomplish great things without having to try to fight my way out of Harry Tuner’s dark shadow. 

“So what is going on with you and Wayne?” Harry asked, walking over to the security box where he locked up all the keys for our fleet of cars.

“Who knows? Nothing or something. It’s complicated.”

“You liked complicated people. I think I heard you say to Mary once that there was something oddly alluring about a complicated person, and that you were drawn to them.”

“I did say that.”

“That’s why I let you do that psychology course. I wanted you to do something else, like engineering. You could have interned at Wayne Enterprises with Lucius in applied sciences, but you always were stubborn.”

“I learnt from the best.” I commented.

“Well, wherever you learnt it from, I bet Wayne’s got his hands full. It’d be nice if you could bring him. It’d be nice to see you happy.”

I opened my mouth to tell him that I wasn’t even with Bruce, that we couldn’t even be considered friends with all the arguments we’ve had over the short time we’ve known each other, but I couldn’t bring myself to disappoint Harry. Despite him disappointing me my whole life, I still sought his approval sort of.

“He’ll be there, or he’ll be unhappy.” I smiled at him.

“I’m sure if you call he’d come running. You always had that power over people. They never could resist.” He smiled. 

I felt that for the first time since I was born, we had actually had made some progress in our relationship.

He handed me the key to the Ferrari, and planted a kiss on my forehead, before heading to the elevator, and stepping in again.

“We’ll see you tonight, Suzie.” He smiled at me, before the doors closed, cutting him out of view. 

I unlocked the silent machine, and climbed in. The cream leather seats which were hand stitched, welcomed me in, and my hands gripped the steering wheel, pressing the ‘Engine Start’ button, listening to the beast awaken. 

A smirk formed on my face, as I waited slightly impatiently for the garage doors to open, before I peeled out of the basement like a bat out of hell.

I drove through the Palisades, obliterating the usual silence with the sound of the Ferrari’s engine growling as I put my foot down on the gas pedal. This was the third most thrilling thing in my life. Stealing with Selina, and as much as I hate to admit it, kissing Bruce, and then driving fast on quiet roads. The Palisades were beautiful, all green and luscious. It made me wonder why I didn’t live with Harry in the mansion, instead of in the apartment, where instead of green fields and blue sky, I was surrounded by glass buildings and grey. Out in the Palisades, the homes looked different, in the city, they were near enough all the same. I internally shrugged. A little conformity never hurt anyone. Especially someone with an alter ego.

I neared the city soon enough, and let my foot off the gas a little, slowing down as I neared the centre of the city, and my apartment. I guided the beautiful machine into the garage in the basement, and parked it next to the town car that Harold drove me around in.

I grabbed my bag with the notes I had taken during the trial, and locked my beautiful car, now silent, before hurrying to the elevator, as I could never stand the uncomfortable feeling I got when I stayed too long in the dark, underground room.

As soon as the elevator reaches my apartment, I move to the wireless phone in the kitchen and hesitate a moment. 

Then I realised how annoying Harry’s new wife would be if I didn’t call Bruce and tell him we had a date tonight, so I quickly dialled the number I somehow remembered, and waited, secretly hoping he wouldn’t pick up.

Suzanne.” He greeted me.


Was there something you wanted?

“I know this is probably really confusing, considering how we just left things, but I need a favour, and then I won’t bother you again.”

“Despite the fact you are the most stubborn woman I’ve ever met, I don’t mind you bothering me,” Bruce replied, making me roll my eyes. “What do you need?”

“Harry and his wife, Chloe, want us to go with them to one of your restaurants for a double date. Oh and thanks for telling me about my dear old dad getting married again! That was a lovely surprise.” I said, sarcastically.

“You didn’t know?”

“Oh yeah, I knew, that’s why I just thanked you for not telling me.”

You’re very snappy for someone who wants a favour.” Bruce replied, making me snap my mouth shut. I was being pretty snippy and sarcastic, which really he didn’t deserve. He hadn’t actually done anything wrong to me.

Except being in love with someone else, but why would that bother you, right? 

I glared inwardly at the stupid voice in my head, and opened my mouth to speak again.

“I’m sorry. Could you please, please join us for dinner.”

Only if you agree to go out with me.”

“What?! I already told you I can’t!” I hissed down the phone, moving around my kitchen, grabbing a glass, and filling it with hard liquor, all with my free hand.

Those are my terms, take it or leave it. I’ve met Harry’s wife, and I’m sure you’ll enjoy telling her why I’ll be absent.” I could practically hear him smirking. He knew the ball was in his court, that he had the power. And I didn’t like that. 

“What does being Bruce Wayne’s girlfriend entail?” I asked, sighing, giving in.

“You’ll find out, Suzie. I’ll pick you up at half six….girlfriend.” I felt like caving my own skull in with the house phone when he said the last word. I loved how he managed to make me agree to be his girlfriend. The man was so manipulative, yet I found that oddly attractive, but man was he annoying!

I found myself trudging into my bedroom, and to my closet. 

What does one wear to one’s first official date with one’s ‘boyfriend’ which also happens to be a double date with one’s father and mother-in-law? 

I sighed. God, my life couldn’t get anymore complicated, could it?


I was waiting impatiently for Bruce to arrive, and for the torture to begin. I knew he was going to take advantage of the fact I had said yes to being his girlfriend, and I found myself wondering how far he’d go to tease me about my defeat.

If he wanted children in the future, he’d better not push it.

While I waited, I looked myself over once more in the floor length mirror in my bedroom. I was wearing a black and silver Alexander McQueen dress that hugged every curve of my body, and finished at my knees. I had slipped on a simple pair of black heels too. I’d traced dark kohl across the rims of my eyelids, and painted my lips with a lipstick that was as red as my fiery locks. I’d straightened aforementioned flame coloured hair, and pulled it up into a high ponytail. Wearing black feather earrings, and putting on a black cotton trench coat, with a hood, I was pretty much ready to leave.

I heard the quiet bing as the elevator doors opened, and I sighed, before going to face my ‘boyfriend’. He was poking around my living room, looking at the knick knacks, and photo frames that I had managed to find time to place. 

“Woman aren’t the only ones who snoop then.” I stated, making my presence known.

He looked at me, and grinned, holding up a frame and gesturing at me.

“Who is the girl in this photograph?” He asked me.

I moved closer to him, and looked at it. The familiar blue eyes stared back at me, the grin I’d always see when I was younger very visible as we laughed together. An old friend, a fallen comrade…Harleen Quinzel was my partner back when I first started masquerading as the Dark Vixen. We had been almost like best friends, but we came from two different worlds. She was a poor kid from Brooklyn who'd run away when she was small, and I was, well, me. The only thing we really had in common was our need to keep our city safe, and it was something we were both passionate about. Yet, it was that passion for saving Gotham that sent her to her death.

“An old friend.” I replied, sadly.

“How did you meet?”

“We…worked together when I was younger.” I replied, wondering why he was asking so many questions.

“What happened to her?”

“She died.” I answered truthfully.

“What was her name?”

“Harleen Quinzel. You’re really nosy tonight. Why so many questions?” I asked him, taking the photo out of his hands, and placing it back in its spot, closing my eyes in silent prayer for the lost friend.

“I want to get to know my girlfriend. Is that a problem?” Bruce asked me, teasing me.

“Yes. I’m not a very good person.” I said, with a chuckle.

“I don’t think that’s true. You’re on the board for charities of many worthy causes, you fight for what you believe in, you’re passionate, and opinionated, stubborn, kind, beautiful, smart.” With every comment Bruce made, he took a confident step closer, forcing me to take a step back.

“While that is all true, it doesn’t make me a good person.” I retorted, stepping back once more as he stalked towards me. His eyes were burning with all sorts of emotions, all complex and too difficult for me to decipher with my head being clouded by his stare.

“You’re a lawyer. You best friends with the District Attorney, how could you be a bad person?” Bruce asked.

“There are a lot of messed up people who have had friends in high places, Bruce.” I muttered, feeling my back press into a wall, and nearly cursing under my breath. Bruce’s face lit up, his mouth tilting up into his trademark smirk as he put his hands on either side of my head. I was officially trapped. 

“Are you trying to say that you’re messed up?” Bruce asked, skimming his nose across my collarbone.

“I-I’m trying to say that I’m not good enough…and that we’ve got reservations to get to…unless you want to explain to my father why we might be late. And Harry Turner isn‘t the most understanding person.” 

That made Bruce straighten up. I smiled a victorious smile, as he took a step back, and I wriggled away from him, checking my reflection in the mirror, making sure he hadn’t ruined my hair. He hadn’t, of course. 

“Shall we, ‘darling’?” I said, playfully.

“Let’s go, sweetheart.” He said in a much more serious tone. 

I shook my head at him, but took the hand he offered me, letting him steer me towards the elevator. 

“You look very beautiful, Suzanne.” Bruce said, eyeing me once more, after the elevator doors had closed. Once again, I was very much trapped with no hope of escaping.

“Thank you. You don’t look too bad yourself.” I joked, chuckling. What an understatement! He was wearing a black suit with a white shirt and a silvery grey tie. Somehow he’d managed to get us to match. Probably stalks me. Or had spy cameras installed in my bedroom and wardrobe. That thought makes me angry and grin at the same time. 

“‘Too bad’? I thought I looked irresistible tonight myself.” He joked.

“Honey, if you looked irresistible, then we would have skipped dinner, but we’re not skipping dinner, ergo you’re not as irresistible as you think.” I replied, grinning up at him, my playfulness clearly shown across my face.

“We both know you find me irresistible,” He whispered, his warm breath tickling my ear, and sending shivers down my spine. I gulped, and didn’t reply. 

“Silence screams louder than words.”

“Silence is a woman’s greatest weapon.” I replied, simply, and left him to mull my statement over in silence. How ironic?


Bruce drove us to the restaurant, claiming that Alfred needed a night off, and he wouldn’t expect Harold to drive us there when it was a date. 

He pulled up and instantly a swarm of paparazzi surrounded the car.

“Oh God! I forget about the leeches! Why would she do this to me? She doesn’t know me! Why would you put me through this turmoil?” I whined, as I put off getting out of the car. 

Bruce just laughed at me, and shook his head, climbing out of the car, and walking round the front of it, perfectly at ease in front of the cameras. I closed my eyes, counted to three, then plastered a happy-looking smile on my face, as Bruce opened the door. I took his hand, and let him help me up out of the car.

I smiled and waved at the paps, who were in a frenzy at the fact Bruce Wayne and Suzanne Dawn were on their first official date.


I gave Bruce a pointed look once we finally made it inside the restaurant. 

“You know what they’re like, we’ve just got to ignore them.”

“Oh sweetie, this is not my first date with another ‘high profile’. You know Oliver Queen, billionaire play-boy that lives in Metropolis? He was my high school boyfriend. And Tony Stark, billionaire play-boy that lives in California? Dear old Dad made me date him for connections. I‘m still good friends with them both.”

Bruce gave me a look that seemed to convey surprise, but something else was hidden in his eyes. Like always.

“Why do you seem so surprised? Harvey wasn’t my first boyfriend, you know.”

“You just seem like the type that wouldn’t date someone on your level, if you understand what I mean. I pictured you’re exes being normal.”

“Fortunately for you, I do date eccentric billionaire playboys. Otherwise it would have taken you much, much longer to annoy me into dating you.” I teased him, smiling at him.

He took my hand, spotting my dad and Chloe, and lead me over to the table, an amused grin on his face the whole time.

“Mr Wayne, Suzie. Nice of you to join us this evening. Suzie, you look stunning.” My dad said, standing to greet us. Chloe smiled warmly at the pair of us, and for once, her attention wasn’t limited to Bruce and Bruce only, like most women. Her attention was mostly on my dad. I guess she really did love him.

“Thank you, dad. Chloe, those are Tiffany Swarovski diamond chandelier earrings from this years Spring collection, right? So beautiful.” I asked, as I sat down in the chair Bruce had pulled out for me. 

“Wow, you’ve got a good eye.” Chloe commented in actual awe. 

“One of many hidden talents, I assume.” Bruce murmured, and for some reason my skin heated slightly at his words. He had that effect on me. 

“So, Mr Wayne, how’s business?” My dad asked.

“It’s going well from what your daughter has told me. She’s pretty good with numbers, don’t know how I’ve survived without her.” Bruce said, giving me a quick smile, that somehow was enough to get my heart to thump quicker for a second.

“He’s joking, but Wayne Enterprises is thriving, dad. Hopefully I’m living up to the legendary Harry Turner’s name.” I give my dad a teasing smile.

“I would imagine you’re doing me proud, as well as shaking things up a little. I got a few laughs when I pictured the rest of the boards faces when they found out you would be taking up my seat!” Harry laughed.

I pretty sure my jaw hit the floor. I’ve never really heard Harry laugh. It’s weird hearing it now. Bruce nudged me, and I snapped back into reality, picking up the glass of red that someone had already poured for me. 

“So, Bruce, have you met Suzie’s friend from high school…Joel Fletcher, wasn’t it, Suzie Q?” Harry asked him, but looking at me. 

As soon as Joel’s name was mentioned, I started to choke on my wine. I spluttered while Bruce patted my back. Chloe passed me a glass of water, and I gulped it down gratefully. After a while, my body stopped cringing, and I was given three worried, expecting stares.

“So…what was that about?” Bruce asked.

“Wine went down the wrong hole…you know, no biggie.”

“Just pure coincidence that it happened upon the mention of your old friend, right?” Bruce snapped.

“Suzie, explain yourself.” Dad ordered.

I sigh in exasperation.

“Fletch isn’t my friend, dad. Can we not talk about this anymore, please?”

“What are you talking about, sweetheart? You used to spend all your time with Joel? I was convinced you and him were going to get together. Then you went off to college, and he disappeared too…just thought that he might’ve followed you there.”

“No. We were friends, then we weren’t. Nothing more, nothing less. Now can we please stop talking about the idiots from my past, thank you!” I said, quickly, hoping they’d take the lie and not carry the conversation on. I didn’t discuss what happened with Fletch with anyone, not even Selina, who I knew wouldn’t or couldn’t judge me for what I did…well more my reaction to what he did.

Thankfully, no one said anymore on it, and I felt myself become more and more relaxed as Bruce charmed my dad and Chloe, who acted as if Bruce were the best thing since sliced bread. I started to see why so many women, and I hesitantly include myself in that, are so easily taken with him. I spent most of the dinner, watching him as he talked animatedly with Harry about business and cars, or asked Chloe about the charity work she was doing. 

And then Chloe brought up the Batman.

“Did you read in the paper about the Batman’s latest bust? Nabbed the Scarecrow and a few members of that Italian gang that had been terrorising Gotham. Just a shame that it shows how little the police do in this town.” She said, shrugging her shoulders.

My back went up instantly. And here I thought that we might actually get along.

“The police do the best they can with the limited means they have. The Batman only gets results because he has no laws to abide by, no limits, and because he pops up out of absolutely no where, which efficiently scares the crap out of both victim and attacker.” I said, and out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Bruce’s lips curve up into a smile.

“You sound like you’re speaking from experience.” Chloe said, excitement sparking in her eyes.

“Yeah, he saved me from a few gang members the other night. He was pretty terrifying.”

“That’s not what Jim Gordon told me. He said that you looked like you were going to punch the Batman, when he found you on the roof.” My dad said, grinning at me with a ‘that’s-my-girl’ kinda proud smile.

“I was prepared to, but he’d just saved me so it would have been pretty rude.”

Chloe, Harry and Bruce all laughed at me, and I shook my head at them. Despite being forced into both this evening and a relationship, I was glad on both accounts. Tonight had gone very well, considering, and being Bruce Wayne’s girlfriend was a slightly more attractive prospect now that it was clear to me he was trying hard for me. 

Chloe was annoying, my dad was intimidating, yet here Bruce was, laughing, joking and being charm itself.

For the rest of the evening, I had a goofy smile on my face that wouldn’t go, and it was because of Bruce Wayne. 

Cue the shocked faces now. 

As soon as dessert was over, I faked a few yawns, a couple more than I expected I needed to, before Bruce suggested he should get me home, as it was clear I was ‘tired’. 

We talked about light topics in the car on the ride home, and then in the elevator as he insisted on seeing me up to my apartment.

I pulled off my coat, as we walked into my living room, and dropped it onto the back of a chair, before turning round to face him.

“So…how’d I do?” Bruce grinned at me.

“Better than anticipated, she admits begrudgingly. My dad and Chloe clearly fell for the Bruce Wayne charm. So I’ll give you points for that, you deserve it.” I smile slowly at him, marvelling at the fact he visibly gulped, and licked his lips.

“What do I trade in my points for?” He asked, his voice acquiring a husky tone to it. 

I grinned, and sauntered towards him, clearly showing my intentions, as I stopped in front of him, and placed my hands on his broad, muscled shoulders. Damn, he must really work out. I can feel his muscles through his shirt and jacket.

I pressed my lips against his, keeping my eyes open to see into his, except as soon as our lips touched his closed. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me flush against him and turning my sweet, simple kiss into something a lot more. 

And I realised that with this man…I wanted more.

More of what I’m still not exactly sure. But more. 

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