See If I Care

By 0Aratay0

127K 3.5K 794

Everyone thinks they know the prophecy. The one with the power to vanquish the dark lord approaches Born to... More

Before we start


2.5K 72 6
By 0Aratay0



-January 11th, 1992-

{Alex's POV}

"Well, I have been doing independent research. I've been doing many different projects, including potions and spell crafting. I'm not really comfortable telling you exactly what it is that I've been doing, or where I'm doing it. Not until you guys have gotten the hang of Occlumency. They're secrets that I really don't want public.

"On the subject of Occlumency, I can begin teaching you next weekend. That should give you enough time to read the book that I gave to Terry. Or at least get a summary," they said. Their group of friends all nodded, agreeing to that.

"I've nearly finished the book. It is very informative," Terry said. Alex agreed with that. The book wasn't more than 250 pages, but it was full of the important information.

"Can I read it next?" Lisa asked. Terry nodded and soon they had a schedule of who would have the book when. Terry would have it first, then give it to after he had had it for two days Lisa. Lisa would hold on to it for three days, as she was a slower reader. Michael would get it next, taking two days to read it, before passing it onto Mandy. Mandy would have it for another two days, before passing it to Anthony. Anthony would have it for two days before giving it to Padma, who would have it until the weekend lesson with Alex.

The next day, Professor McGonagall held Alex back after class.

"Mx Potter, I was hoping to talk to you about your scores in Transfiguration this year. You have achieved some of the highest scores I have ever seen, and your practical work is something to be admired. I was wondering if you would like to begin a Transfiguration Mastery and become my apprentice?" the professor said after everyone else had left the room.

"Thank you for the offer Professor, but I'm going to have to decline. Like I told Professor Snape, I don't see the point in completing something for a second time. Thank you for the complements though. Now, I must be getting to my next class," they said. They left the room, quickly making their way to History of Magic. They still had one or two minutes before the bell, and they had experience getting around the castle quickly.

They reached the History of Magic classroom just in time, slipping into their seat as the bell rang. Binns started droning on about goblin wars again and Alex's friend leaned in.

"What did Professor McGonagall want?" Padma asked.

"Same as Professor Snape. To offer me an apprenticeship," they replied. Mandy, Lisa, Anthony and Michael all looked surprised at that. They weren't in the large group of friends across multiple houses, so hadn't heard the news of Professor Snape offering them and apprenticeship.

"Professor Snape offered you an apprenticeship?" Anthony asked.

"Professor McGonagall offered you an apprenticeship?" Michael asked at the same time.

"You've been offered two apprenticeships?" Lisa asked, her face showing awe.

"What did you say?" Mandy asked.

"Yes, I was offered an apprenticeship by both Professor Snape and Professor McGonagall. And I told Professor McGonagall the same thing I told Professor Snape," they replied.

"You declined," Terry said, extremely confused by their friends actions.

"Yeah. I'll explain more after I teach you guys Occlumency. Like I said before, I don't want others finding out this information without my consent," they said. Their friends all nodded, voicing that they understood and would work hard on their Occlumency. With that said, they all pulled out various history books, self-studying like they did every history lesson.

The weekend came quickly, and Alex was soon leaving the Hogwarts Grounds with Professor Flitwick. The professor led them just beyond the wards before instructing Alex to take his arm.

"I was unable to attain a portkey, so I will apparate us to Diagon Alley," Professor Flitwick explained. Alex nodded, grasping the professors offered arm. They experienced the squeezing sensation of apparition and soon found themselves standing in Diagon Alley. They followed their professor to Gringotts. Professor Flitwick sat on one of the benches around the outside of the hall.

"I shall wait here for you," he said. Alex nodded before making their way to a free teller.

*Greetings Noble Goblin. I have an appointment with Master Ragnarok,* they said. The goblin didn't appear shocked at being addressed in their native language.

*Greetings Lairde Gryffindor-Ravenclaw-Hufflepuff-Emrys. Ragnarok is expecting you. I trust you know the way to his office?* Alex nodded.

*Thank you, Noble Goblin. May your vaults overflow,* they said with a bow.

*And may your enemies fall at your feet,* the goblin replied. Alex smiled before making their way to Ragnarok's office. They reached the office, knocking on the door before entering.

*Alex, it is good to see you again. We have a few things discuss,* Ragnarok said.

*Can we start with the vault. The letter mentioned transactions between the Heir Potter Trust Vault and another unauthorised vault,* they said.

*Yes. I believe that Lord Potter gave them permission to use the vault, but as it is your trust vault, you need to authorise the use as well. Transactions have occurred between the trust vault and the Weasley family.* Alex nodded. That all made sense. They had heard Ron and Harry discussing how low the Weasleys were getting on money. It made sense that they Potters would help them out.

*Allow the transactions to keep occurring. I don't use that trust vault and I don't really need it. And considering that I have claimed Lairdeships, I didn't think that I was eligible for the trust vault.*

*Very well. And until you turn 17, the trust vault will be yours, even if you have claimed your Lairdeships.* Ragnarok explained. Alex nodded.

*The next thing we need to discuss concerns your Lairdeships. As you are the Lairde of Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff, as well as Heir of Slytherin, the castle will respond to you over the Headmaster. Additionally, you have three seats on the Board of Governors that you can claim at any time, which will allow you to have a say in many things that occur at Hogwarts. These parts of the Lairdeships have only come up now that you attend Hogwarts,* Ragnarok explained.

*That makes sense. Is there anything else that you needed to speak with me about?* they asked.

*No there isn't, but you seem to have something on your mind.* Alex nodded slowly.

*I was wondering if there was anything that the Goblin Nation would want or need in terms of agreements or anything. I am the Guardian of Magic and have already begun planning how I'm going to make the necessary changed within the wizarding world. One of those changes will include new treaties with many different nations, including the goblins, centaurs, werewolves and house elves. I wanted to know if there is anything you can think of that the Goblin Nation would want, so that I can have a better idea of how much change is going to be needed,* they explained. Ragnarok thought for a short while before replying.

*If anything, we would want more freedom. We have our own magic but are restricted on how we use it. We are bound to the ministry, but we would much prefer for Gringotts to be a separate faction. And we want the wizarding community to understand that we aren't just their slaves. We are a noble nation that would like to be shown respect,* Ragnarok said.

*That seems easy enough. Thank you for your time Master Ragnarok,* Alex said, standing and bowing to the Head Goblin.

*It is no trouble. You have the respect of the Goblin Nation, Alex, as well as our backing in what you aim to achieve. Should you ever need our assistance, we will aid you as best we can.* Alex was slightly stunned by this reply but tried not to let it show.

*May your gold overflow,* they said, bowing again.

*And may enemies fall at your feet,* Ragnarok replied, bowing in return. Alex turned and left the room, pleased with what had happened today.

They returned to the hall and found Professor Flitwick waiting for them, still sitting on the bench. They followed the Professor out of the building, taking his arm when it was offered. They were soon back at Hogwarts, standing just outside the wards. They made their way back up to the castle. They reached the entrance hall and Professor Flitwick left them.

They made their way down to the dungeons, needing to find their Slytherin friends. They had already told their friends in Gryffindor and Ravenclaw about learning Occlumency but hadn't had a chance to talk to their friends in Slytherin. They quickly reached the Slytherin common room entrance, stopping opposite the blank stretch of wall that they knew opened to the Slytherin dorms.

They reached out, knocking on the stone three times. A carved snake appeared on the stone.

$I need to speak with two who are inside,$ they hissed quietly. They knew they could just make the request in English, but it felt more natural speaking to a snake in Parseltongue.

$I can fetch them. Who do you need?$ the snake replied.

$Blaise Zabini and Draco Malfoy.$ The snake nodded, disappearing back into the stone. They knew that the snake also appeared in the painting of Salazar Slytherin that was in the common room. The snake would tell Sal who was needed, and Sal would move to the needed portrait to find the person.

It wasn't long before Blaise and Draco appeared, walking through what appeared to be a solid wall. They found Alex leaning against the opposite wall, calmly waiting for them.

"The portrait of Salazar Slytherin said that someone wanted us. How did you do that?" Blaise asked.

"Simple. You knock three times and a snake appears. You tell the snake who you need, and the snake disappears, appearing in the portrait of Salazar Slytherin. The snake tells Salazar who is needed, and Salazar gets them. There is a similar system for it for each house," Alex explained.

"What did you need?" Draco asked.

"Well, you know how I mentioned not being able to tell you much unless your mind was guarded?" they asked. Both Draco and Blaise nodded. "Well, I gave books to my friends in Gryffindor and Ravenclaw on Occlumency, so that they can start learning it. I figured that as heirs to Noble families, you would at least know what Occlumency is and have some basic training, so wouldn't need the books."

"I have heard of it. I was taught, a long time ago, but I remember the basics," Blaise said.

"I like to think that I have at least a competent Occlumency shield. Professor Snape is my godfather and has taught me some," Draco said.

"We are meeting in the library next Saturday and I'm going to teach the others Occlumency. Would you care to come along?" Draco and Blaise nodded.

"Great, well I have to get going. Homework and all that," they said. Their Slytherin friends agreed, saying goodbye. Alex left, knowing they wouldn't say the password with a non-Slytherin there. If only they knew that they could get in without the password. But, they could understand their caution.

They made their way back to Ravenclaw Tower, simply wanting to unwind and read one of their many books.

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