Benjey~ him and I forever

By _xDanielx_x

11.6K 285 412

When Benji and the kid he bullied have to share a dorm Started: 3-20-20 Ended: 6-7-20 More

New book


1.6K 31 63
By _xDanielx_x

It's weird leaving home. I have never left the country without my parents but now I'm leaving to go to college in America. I'm excited to finally be on my own. I'm not ready for college. I wasn't the best student in high school. I bullied this one kid a lot,
his name was Jorge. I don't know why I did but he just always got on my nerves.
Enough about him.

I walked through the airport and went outside to get a cab. I had got a cab and got in. The driver smiled at me and asked how my day was. I replied as to not be rude but I didn't talk to much during the ride. I was never a social person. I looked through my backpack I had and noticed my anxiety medication wasn't in there. I looked through my entire bag but it was no where. I tried to calm myself down and I told myself that I just packed it in my suitcase. Yeah it was in my suitcase.

We pulled up to the dorms of the college and I got my bags out of the trunk and thanked the driver. I took my bags and went inside. I was nervous to meet my roommate. What if they were mean or weird or hate me. So many thoughts ran through my mind. I got to my room and double checked to make sure it was right.


Yep. I opened the door and walked in. I put my stuff down and looked around. The dorm was small but hey it's a dorm what do you expect. I don't think my roommate is here so I just started to unpack. I put stuff on my bed like blankets and pillows. I looked through my suitcase for my medication but it wasn't in there. I cursed under my breath and grabbed my phone to text my mom to send me my medication. I kept unpacked and I heard the door open.

"Hey you must me my new roommate" I heard a voice say from behind me. I knew that Voice anywhere.

No it can't be.

I turned around and saw none other than Jorge. He looked just as shocked as I did when he saw me.

"Oh not you" I said rolling his eyes. I can't room with him. It won't work. Besides I hate his guts I will not room with him.

"Jorge. I'm telling you now I'm not going to talk to you got it. I don't want to be friends with you and I know you don't want to be friends either" I stated seriously. Some of it wasn't true. I kinda wanted to be his friend.

"Ouch Benji that hurt. Why don't you won't to be friends" he said smirking.

I rolled my eyes and continued to unpack. living with him is going to be torture. It is going to be a long year.

After I was done unpack I laid down. I checked the clock and it was 11:45 at night. I pulled the blanket over me and closed my eyes.

Around 3 in the morning there is a loud bang on my dorm door. I shoot out of bed and so does Jorge. We slowly inch toward the door until there was another bang. We hurried back to our beds and decided to wait it out. The banging continued for another hour and half until it was finally done.

Jorge and I looked at each other and gave the 'what the fuck' look. We were both confused but brushed it off as I closed my eyes and fell back asleep.

The rest of the night went smoothly. No more loud bangs. The next time I was up was 7:05. I looked at the clock and panicked. My class started in 20 minutes.

I rushed out of bed threw on a shirt and some pants and ran a comb through my hair. Just because I was going to be late doesn't mean I can't do my hair.

I grab my keys and run out the door as fast as I can. I ran down the hall and to the stairs and to my car. Then I decided it would just be easier to walk. The building wasn't that far.

It was the winter so it being dark at 7 in the morning wasn't weird. I checked the time on my phone and the time read 5:25. That son of a bitch. He set my alarm clock 2 hours ahead. Oh I'm gonna get him back for this.

I walked back to my dorm and saw Jorge peacefully sleeping. Perfect.

I looked for his tooth paste and I found it. I grabbed the tube and went to his bed. I put the tooth paste all over his face. Not my best idea but it's something I could do quickly. Once his whole face is cover I put the tooth paste back where I found it. I know that will piss him off.

Once I'm done it's about 6:15 so I still have another hour. I looked for coffee places near me and saw this one place Starbucks. I've never been there but I heard it's good so I'll try it.

It was quite there which I liked. I ordered my drink and I sat down. I had my laptop so I opened it and continued working on my book. Oh yeah I'm writing a book. It's about two guys who fall in love with each other even though they hate each other. It's kind of like me and Jorge except we aren't going to fall in love with each other. After writing for a little bit I decide I wanted something to eat. So I went back to the counter and ordered a cake pop. The guy working there was kinda cute. I looked at the name tag he had on his apron.

Grayson. I like it. When I went to pay he stopped me. I looked at him confused.

"Don't worry about it I'll pay for it" he said. I thanked him and he handed me a piece of paper.

"Call me sometime cutie" he said then he winked at me. I smiled and I could tell I was blushing a lot. I walked back to my laptop and put it back in my backpack. As I was walking out Grayson said

"Bye cutie" I waved bye to him and walked out the door. I was smiling and blushing a lot. I was smiling all the way to class.

I got the the building and walked inside. I took a seat in the back of the class. I didn't really want to interact with people right now. I was still upset at Jorge for changing my alarm clock.

The class started and the teacher introduced himself. He was very peppy and happy. The class was only an hour long so after that hour I got up and I went back to my dorm.

I walked in and saw Jorge there. He looked up at me when I walked in and he began talking.

"Look I know we have been enemies for a while but I say we call a truce. We are going to be living together so we might as well get along" he said

"A truce" why would he want to have a truce.

Word count: 1259.             Date: 3-20-20
Have an amazing day guys💕

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