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I woke up around 8 in the morning and Benji was still sleeping so I decided to run to Starbucks to get us coffee.  I wrote a note to Benji saying I was going to get coffee for us and I left it on his nightstand and left the dorm. When I got there Grayson was there and I rolled my eyes when he smiled at me. I ordered the coffee and left the shop.

I decided to take a short cut through and alley way so that Benji's coffee doesn't get cold and that was my first mistake. It was oddly dark for it being 9 in the morning but I didn't think to much of it. I felt like I was being followed but still I didn't think to much of it and pushed the feeling aside. That was until someone came up behind me and put a cloth over my mouth but before I could see who it was I had already blacked out.

I slowly opened my eyes and realized what happened. Someone had kidnapped me. I knew I shouldn't have went down the alley. I tried to move but my arms and legs were tied up so I tried to scream but there was a something in my mouth. The room was dark and there was a tiny bit of light that was coming from under the door. 

When that light turned off I started to panic. I heard foot steps getting closer to the door and my heart was racing. This is it Im going to be murdered and I never got to tell Benji that I love him.  The door opened slowly. The door was very loud and creaky. I couldn't see the person only the silhouette and he wasn't to big and beefy more just tall and slim. When the light turned on it was none other than Grayson himself. He had a creepy smile and I was freaking out. He is going to kill me for dating Benji.

"Well well well if it isn't Jorge. Hows Benji doing. Oh wait you cant talk" he laughed and walked closer to me.

"if you scream I will kill you" I nodded and he took whatever was in my mouth out. I wanted to scream but I also didn't want to get killed so I didn't.

"Benji is fine. Better with you out of his life" That earned me a slap to the face. That stung a little.

"You little bitch" he punched me that time. That's gonna leave a mark. He pulled out knife and I started to panic. He put it close to my face and pressed down. He cut down my cheek and I tried not to scream but it hurt bad. He started to laugh and cut my neck a little. A few tears fell down my cheeks and he slapped me again. He laughed and walked out the door. I closed my eyes hoping to subside the pain a little when someone else walked through the door. I just kept my eyes closed until I heard Benji's voice.

He walked to me and took the cloth out of my mouth. He kissed me softly and started to cry.

"Jorge im so sorry. I was supposed to protect you and I failed im sorry" He started to untie me and I heard someone walking towards the door and close to Benji.

"Benji behind you" Before he could turn around the bottle was smashed against his head.

"Benji no" I screamed and Grayson punched me and knocked me out.

I woke up and I was tied down to a bed. I panicked and my breathing got heavy and the walls started to close in. I looked around and saw Jorge tied in a chair. He was crying and I tried to pull at the rope but it was no help. Then Grayson walked in and that's when I really started to panic.

"Oh Benji. You made a big mistake breaking up with me. Now im gonna have your boyfriend watch me hurt you"


"You are insane" He slapped me in the face for that. He got on top of me and put his hand on my jaw. He roughly kissed me and I didn't kiss back. I tried to move my head but he just roughly grabbed my jaw. I saw Jorge out of the corner of my eye and he was crying. My heart broke I don't want Grayson to do this but I cant stop him. I just sat there and let him do whatever. I cant stop him. Right as he was about to push into me the doorbell rang.

"Ill be back" He put on his pants and left the room. I looked at Jorge.

"Im so sorry baby" I told him while crying.

"No Benji its not your fault and I know when he comes back he is going to do stuff to you but you will be okay I promise Benji. I love you" I started crying. I was so scared of what Grayson was going to do.

"I love you to Jorge"


We heard a lot of yelling upstairs and then someone burst through the door. It was the cops. One untied me and another one untied Jorge. As soon as I was untied I pulled my pants and underwear up and ran to Jorge. I pulled him into my arms and held him close to me. I love this boy so much.

"I hate to break this moment up but we have to bring you guys to the hospital to make sure you guys are okay" We nodded and we rode to the hospital. we have to stay overnight and I have to get surgery to remove the glass that is in my leg. I don't know how it got there but I didn't realize it was there.

After the 2 days we spent there we were aloud to go home. I wasn't supposed to walk on my leg so I have to stay in bed for a while. We got home and I went to my bed and Jorge laid next to me.

"im sorry about what he did. Im sorry I couldn't protect you"

"Benji its okay. You didn't know what he was going to kidnap me" I just held him close to me. I love this boy and I always want to protect him. I kissed him and we watched Aladdin and some other Disney movies for the rest of the night. Just having him in my arms made me feel better knowing he is safe. Oh as for Grayson he is in jail now.

Word count: 1127 Date:4-16-20
Hey guys I'm going to be better at updating so yea lol have a good day💕

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