Be Your Everything

By ZackandJackisJack

378 0 3


Be Your Everything (Chapter 1)
Be Your Everything (Chapter 2)
Be Your Everything (Chapter 3)
Be Your Everything (Chapter 4)
Be Your Everything (Chapter 5)
Be Your Everything (Chapter 6)
Be Your Everything (Chapter 7)
Be Your Everything (Chapter 9)
Be Your Everything (Chapter 10)
Be Your Everything (Chapter 11)
Be Your Everything (Chapter 12)

Be Your Everything (Chapter 8)

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By ZackandJackisJack

The next morning, Kayla and I drove to school early. I was holding a bottle of Dr. Pepper as we walked down the hall. "Don't you think it's too early for that?" Kayla asked.

"No," I disagreed. Then I smiled at her. "It's okay Kayla, I'm not gonna die from it."

Then I heard Kayla gasped. I looked to where she was facing and the smile on my face wore off. It was Ally and Zack. And they were holding hands.

I was lost for awhile. What? When? Why...?

Kayla immediately pulled me to the side. "Oh my gosh!" she exclaimed. I was still for a moment. "You saw that right?" Kayla asked.

"Y-yeah," I stuttered. I didn't know what to feel.

"And?" Kayla was waiting.

"And what, Kayla? So they're dating. Okay," I said casually.

"No, it's not okay. How did this happen? It was just yesterday!"

"Maybe he liked her back?" I said.

"But that was quick! I can't believe this," Kayla said irritatingly.

"Hey it's fine. It doesn't bother me."

"Does it?" Kayla looked at me. It looks like she could read my thoughts. Well of course it's Kayla, she could read everyone's thoughts.

"You know what, let's go to class," I pushed her toward her classroom.

My head kept wandering off the whole time. I barely even remember what my teacher was talking about. Why do I feel like I was betrayed? I should be fine with it. And I did tell Ally to tell him how she felt. But it was too soon. But what if he liked her back too? See, it's all good.

"You okay?" Kayla asked as she met me outside my class.

"Yup," I said.

"You don't sound like it."

"I'm fine, Kayla. Don't worry about me."

"No it's not fine! How could she? Was she just-"

"It's okay, Kayla. Don't freak out about it," I tried to calm her down.

"Why are you okay with this?" she asked.

"I don't know. I just...don't wanna make a big deal about it. They're together now, so I guess I'm supposed to be happy for them."

"You don't have to."

"Well I wanna be. So can we please just drop it?" I begged.

"Alright," Kayla said, but I could see worry in her eyes.

While I was walking to my locker, I put my earphones on. Gosh, I didn't wanna think about this anymore. I was on my phone texting Kayla when I bumped into someone. I looked up to see who it was. Green eyes were staring down at me. "Oh hey, Zack."

He smiled at me. "Haven't seen you the whole day. Where've you been?"

"Oh, I saw you today, with Ally?" I asked casually.

He was silent for awhile. "Umm... yeah." he looked uncomfortable. "We're kinda together now..." he half-smiled. Suddenly, it got awkward.

"Awesome!" I said a little too enthusiastic. He looked at me confused. "I mean, I'm happy for you guys." I smiled. I wasn't faking it. I was happy. With a little bit of sadness.

"Yeah but that doesn't mean we can't hang out anymore, right?" he asked.

"Of course!"

"Great! Well I gotta go see..." he trailed off. I nodded in assent. He waved then left. Ugh! Things are gonna change big time.

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