See If I Care

By 0Aratay0

127K 3.5K 794

Everyone thinks they know the prophecy. The one with the power to vanquish the dark lord approaches Born to... More

Before we start


2.6K 71 12
By 0Aratay0



-January 11th, 1992-

{Alex's POV}

Alex was going through the library in their personal chamber, looking for any book about Occlumency and Legilimency. They now regretted placing an anti-summoning charm on their bookshelf. It had been there to prevent the founders from taking their books, but now it made it really hard to find what they were looking for.

They finally found the two books they were looking for. Occlumency and How to Do It and Occlumency and Legilimency: A Guide. They grabbed both books, placing them in their bag, before heading out of their chambers, bag slung over their shoulder. They made their way to the Great Hall for breakfast. Before sitting at the Ravenclaw table, they headed over to the Gryffindors. They quickly located Hermione and Neville, sitting a little away from the other first years, closer to the group of third years.

"Hermione, Neville, I have something for you," they said. Hermione and Neville both jumped, not having realised that they were behind them.

"Alex, you can't just sneak up on us like that," Hermione said.

"Actually, you'll find I can. I just did, actually."

"Alex," Neville said, chuckling softly.

"Well, I wanted to give you this book. If you read it and master everything in it, I'll be able to safely tell you my secrets," they said. They pulled Occlumency and How to Do It out of their bag, handing it over to the excited Gryffindors. Hermione took it eagerly, placing it in her bag with her other books.

Just as Alex was about to turn away and head to the Ravenclaw table, their brother decided to intervene. Harry swaggered up to them, his right-hand man not far behind.

"Have secrets, do you? How pathetic, not trusting your friends enough to even tell them any secrets." Harry sneered and Alex made sure their emotionless mask was fully up.

"It doesn't concern you, Potter." They turned away, speaking to their friends again. "See you in class. And please don't lose the book, it was a gift from my favourite mentor." They strode away, heading to the Ravenclaw table to eat in peace. They actually felt sorry for Hermione and Neville, having to share a class with Harry.

They wished that they could change their last name so that they didn't have to associate with the Potter name, but none of the other names they could legally take would be very beneficial to have public. They reached the Ravenclaw table, sliding into a seat next to Padma.

"I really don't like Potter," they sighed, tucking into their breakfast. Padma and Terry nodded in agreement, as did the rest of their classmates.

"What did he do this time?" Michael asked.

"Butted into my personal business. I was giving Neville and Hermione a book to read on Occlumency, and he came over, making a big deal about me not trusting my friends enough to share secrets," they replied.

"You sure you're related to him?" Terry asked. Alex just nodded.

"I don't even understand why he thinks he's so special. I mean, people think he's this amazing saviour, the Boy-Who-Lived, but he hasn't actually done anything to make that even believable. He has hardly any talent or magical skills," Mandy said.

"Yeah, he's apparently last in every class he's in," Lisa chimed in. Alex just shook their head. Whoever said that the Boy -Who-Lived was the next Merlin obviously hadn't met him.

"Anyway, I have a book for you guys to read. Once you understand everything, I can begin teaching you Occlumency so that I feel comfortable sharing the secrets that I don't want the headmaster finding out," Alex said. They pulled the second book out of their bag, Occlumency and Legilimency: A Guide and handed it to Terry, who was closest.

Terry opened the first page, scanning the contents of the book. "This looks interesting," he said.

"I'm glad. I know I don't have to tell you, but please look after it. It was a gift from my favourite mentor." Terry nodded and some of the others looked scandalised at the thought of not looking after a book. There was a flurry of wings overhead and they all looked up as the post arrived.

Alex watched Iris fly towards them. She landed in front of them, sticking out her leg so that they could untie the letter. They quickly removed the letter from Iris' leg, holding up a piece of bacon which Iris happily took. They saw Remus writing on the envelope but could feel multiple letters inside. Which meant that either St Mongos had contacted them, or Gringotts needed to talk about something to do with their Lairdeships.

They slipped the letter in their pocket, deciding to open it in their room later. They cast a quick tempest, noticing the emptying Great Hall.

"We should get going. Class starts in 10 minutes." The group stood up, heading to Charms class.

That night Alex made their way to their room, closing the door behind them. They sat down on one of the beanbags around the room and Akira slithered over to join them.

$What is that Alex?$ she asked. Alex looked down at the letter they were holding.

$A letter from Remus. I didn't open it with my friends because there is a second letter, one to do with things they don't need to know about yet,$ they hissed back. At Akira's prodding, they opened the letter, watching a letter from Gringotts fall out, along with the one from Remus. They opened Remus' letter first, knowing it would probably explain about the letter from Gringotts.


The spell that you created sounds amazing. You keep astonishing me with your achievements. I would love to see a demonstration of all the spells you have made during the summer. I was also thinking that you should show that shielding spell to St Mongos. It could change battles, saving countless lives, including those of aurors or innocents caught in the cross fire.

Gringotts wrote requesting your presence at your earliest convenience. They asked to make an appointment with Ragnarok when you can get away from school. More details about why they want the meeting are in their official letter from them. It should be enough to get Dumbledore to let you leave on the weekend.


Alex turned to the second letter, opening it and pulling out a letter with the Gringotts crest on it.

Dear Lairde Gryffindor-Hufflepuff-Ravenclaw-Emrys,

We have recently become aware of transactions between the Heir Potter Trust vault and other vaults. These transactions haven't been authorised by you and are between accounts that haven't had transactions with the Heir Potter Trust vault in the past.

We also have a few more things to discuss, things that concern your Lairdeships. These issues and other things to deal with have come up now that you are attending Hogwarts. If you could please come to Gringotts at your earliest convenience, Ragnarok will become free as soon as he can. Enclosed is a less official summons that the headmaster won't be able to refuse.


$Well, I guess I will be going to Gringotts next weekend.$

$I will be staying here. The castle is full of lovely mice and places to sleep and my mother is quite good company.$ Alex nodded. Akira had stayed over the Yule holidays and they didn't mind. She was able to make her own choices.

$I need to go talk to Professor Flitwick about getting permission to leave the school grounds,$ Alex told Akira. Akira took the hint, slithering off their lap to curl up on the window seat. Alex took the slip of parchment that was a formal summoning to Gringotts out of the Gringotts envelope, holding it safely in their hand. They still had a while before curfew, so they would have plenty of time to talk to their Head of House.

They headed out of the common room, sending their friends a glance that told them they would explain later. Most students were in the library, Great Hall or their House common rooms, so the corridors were basically deserted. They reached Professor Flitwicks office and nocked on the door. The professor called them in, and they entered, closing the door behind them.

"Ah, Mx Potter, what can I do for you?" the Professor asked.

"Well Professor, the goblins have summoned me to Gringotts at my earliest convenience. I need permission to leave the school grounds next weekend." Professor Flitwick move forward.

"May I see the summons?" Alex handed over the slip of paper, watching as the professor read the note.

"That seems in order. You will need a teacher to accompany you, but otherwise, there will be no issue with that. I shall mention a portkey to the headmaster."

"Would you be the professor to accompany me?" they asked.

"I would most likely be, as your Head of House," he replied. Alex nodded, that would be fine.

"Thank you, Professor." Professor Flitwick nodded and Alex headed out of the room.

Alex made their way back to the common room, needing to speak with their friends. They should probably explain a bit more about Occlumency, and they had promised to explain some of why they always disappeared. They made it back to the common room, sitting down on the outside of the group of their friends.

"So, you said you would tell us where you keep disappearing to. You say you're doing independent study, but you're never in the library. And you just disappeared then," Padma said when she noticed Alex sitting with them.

"Well, just then I needed to talk to Professor Flitwick about getting permission to leave the school grounds this weekend. I received a summons from Gringotts," they said.

"And every other time?" Terry asked. Alex sighed quietly, still trying to work out what they were going to say. They didn't want to tell everyone about their personal quarters, because that would bring more questions about why they had personal quarters. And they couldn't really tell them what they were doing when they talked about independent research, because they really weren't ready for people to find out that they were the 'miracle healer', as the Daily Prophet had named them.


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