Opposites Attract

By fallenxroses

194K 6.3K 2.6K

In Khloe King's lame attempt to get over Hayden Ross, her neighbor, she agrees to move away with her mother t... More

opposites attract
01. secret crushes & surprises
02. dinners & discussions
03. apologies & disappointment
04. ex boyfriends & school projects
05. phone numbers & basketball teams
06. jealousy & shame
07. deep convos & decisions
08. parties & surprises
09. sisters & ice cream
10. skipped classes & long lasting smiles
11. hospitals & memories from the past
12. family & the truth
13. cheaters & photos
14. fast paced heart beats & fake smiles
15. drug tests & liars
16. trust issues & boy fights
17. secrets & confessions
18. police stations & complete chaos
19. love & despair
20. criminals & resentment
21. judgemental stares & denial
22. stomach butterflies & temptations
23. sweet nothings & large burgers
24. heartbreak & family arrangements
25. grandmothers & affection
26. hugs & kisses
27. hot boys & jail cells
28. first dates & spaghetti
29. court rooms & girl fights
31. blackmail & broken marriages
32. passion & revenge
33. old secrets & new secrets
34. family dinners & stressful situations
35. engagement rings & realization
36. new beginnings & heartfelt moments
37. missing friends & unforeseen plans 

30. business deals & basketball games

2.3K 95 32
By fallenxroses

"What the actual hell is going on here?" Kiera huffed, as she put her hands onto her hips. "Ashlynn, you need to stop before you embarrass yourself further."

Noah looked completely dumbfounded as he looked between me and Ashlynn.

I glanced over at Hayden and I could practically see the anger pouring out of his eyes.

Ashlynn looked over at Kiera. "I just wanted to be honest." She laughed, then looked over at me. "I mean, if I were Hayden I would want to know if someone else had feelings for my girlfriend." She cocked her head to the side. "Love is a big word, Khloe. I'm pretty sure Hayden hasn't even told you that he—"

"So what if Aiden still has feelings for me?" I almost yelled out of anger. "I have no idea what you're trying to prove here." I shook my head. "I didn't tell anyone because I wanted to protect Aiden. After everything that he told me about you and your father, I felt very horrible."

"Khloe, are you insane? Aiden did cheat on you with her!" Kiera pointed directly at Ashlynn. "What are you talking about?"

"You guys don't understand." I shook my head.

"I don't have time for this." Hayden suddenly spoke, and I looked over at him. "We have to go to practice before the game starts." He said quickly, practically grabbing onto Noah's arm. "You know, Aiden's the team captain, and I didn't want to start anything so I kept my mouth shut about your relationship. But now I might go have a word with him. I hate the guy, I never had respect for him because of how he treated you, Khloe."

My eyes widened in fear. "Hayden... you don't mean that." I took a step closer towards him. "Look, I appreciate how you haven't confronted Aiden the whole time that you've been on the basketball team. I told you to keep your distance and you did, but you can't go do anything stupid now!"

"Just let him go, Khloe," Kiera added, and even though she was my best friend I wanted her to shut up. "I don't even know how Hayden keeps his composure, because if I had to play basketball with him every day, I already would have punched him in the face."

Noah grabbed Kiera's shoulders. "Please babe, you're not making this any better."

"Please, everyone just stop!" I yelled, and everyone froze. "None of you know what you're talking about!"

Ashlynn suddenly stepped in front of me. "You better keep your mouth shut, Khloe." Her gaze was cold and harsh. "No one can ever know about this." Ashlynn's voice surprisingly got lower. "Just shut up."

I choked out a laugh. "It's too late for all that. If you wanted to keep your business private, then you wouldn't have come here and opened your mouth."

Ashlynn rolled her eyes. "I did it because I was angry. I just told you that Aiden broke up with me—"

"Is everything okay here?"

Everyone almost immediately stopped talking.

I hesitantly turned around to see the principle of the school looking at Ashlynn, Hayden, Kiera, Noah, and me with wide eyes. "You guys can not be yelling in the school hallways." She said sternly but in a calm manner. "The bell has rung a while ago. If there is a problem you can come to my office, if not you all need to leave until the game starts tonight."

I was the first one to speak up. "No, we're all very sorry. There's no problem."

The principal looked skeptical. "Okay," She nodded her head. "I hope to see you all soon." And with that, she turned around and walked away.

Before Ashlynn could even say anything and create more drama, I practically begged my friends to follow me outside. "Guys, come on."

I heard Ashlynn let out a loud huff of air before she stormed away.

Once everyone was out, I took a deep breath and put my face into my hands. "What was she thinking?"

"Wait... hold up," Kiera spoke quickly. "What were you talking about back there, Khloe?" She questioned, looking extremely confused. "What business deal is between Ashlynn and Aiden? How did she force him into an arranged marriage?" Kiera suddenly paused. "Marriage? We're all still so young to be getting married!"

"Yes, everything that I said was true." I then slowly glanced over at Hayden. "Look, before we were... dating Aiden kept asking me to meet with him so one day I finally agreed. I was going into it thinking that he cheated on me, but he seemed so desperate to talk to me so I finally just decided to hear him out."

"Why didn't you tell me, Khloe?" Hayden questioned. "I wouldn't have gotten mad."

My lips turned down into a frown. "I'm sorry." I slowly grabbed Hayden's hand. "But you shouldn't listen to anything that comes out of Ashlynn's mouth. She spends her whole life trying to find any reason to embarrass me."

"Then what truly happened?" Noah questioned. "I need to know if Hayden and I have to punch the guy."

Despite everything, I let out a soft laugh. "Aiden told me that he doesn't love Ashlynn. Apparently, she isn't as bad as she seems, and the only reason that she acts so harsh towards me is because she knows that Aiden still has feelings for me."

Hayden's eyes hardened. "Now that I know he has feelings for you, this makes things a thousand times worst. I already can't stand the guy."

I shook my head quickly. "You don't have to worry about anything." I paused for a second, trying to find the right words to say. "All you guys need to know is that Aiden isn't a bad person. The way he broke things off with me was horrible, but it turns out that he didn't cheat on me."

"What?" Kiera practically screamed. "He didn't?" She questioned. "There's no way..."

I shrugged my shoulders. "It's true. Aiden and Ashlynn's relationship was a business deal between their parents." Everyone looked beyond confused, so I continued. "Aiden's dad is a racist, selfish, and narcissistic man. I didn't say anything because I wanted to protect Aiden. His father is using him for money."

"What are you protecting Aiden from exactly?" Kiera questioned.

Even though Ashlynn was a horrible person towards me, I knew that it was because she was insecure and hurting. Past the mean girl act, I could see that she was crying for help. Everything that she told me about her family, I knew that she didn't want other people knowing, so I wouldn't get into the details, especially about her changing her name and stuff like that.

"You guys don't know his father as I do. He didn't accept my relationship with Aiden, because I didn't come for money and the fact that... I'm mixed. You all know that my mother is black."

Kiera gasped. "What really?" She suddenly looked very sad. "You never said anything about that to me."

I glanced over at Hayden but I couldn't read his expression.

"It's okay," I gave Kiera a small smile. "Our relationship wouldn't have worked out anyway. Aiden and Ashlynn's parents were business partners before Aiden and I even broke up. So when Jeremy Pierce found out that his business partner had a beautiful daughter, they decided to make a deal. To get more money from Ashlynn's family, Jeremy decided to set them up, and he even started talking about marriage. I feel really bad because Aiden's father is using him for money. I know that Aiden isn't what he wanted as a son." I sighed taking a deep breath. "Aiden wants to play basketball but his father wants him to take over the family business."

"So, how do you know that Aiden didn't cheat on you?" Noah questioned, tilting his head to the side.

"Ashlynn made up that stupid rumor, just so that I would hear it and feel horrible about myself. They aren't even really together." I shook my head. "The worst part about this is the fact that Ashlynn won't stand up for herself. She knows that Aiden's father is using her, and she's just letting it happen." I took a deep breath. "Their relationship isn't real, and I'm sorry that I didn't say anything before, I just didn't want to ruin things for Aiden. If people found out that their relationship was a business deal it wouldn't look good on Jeremy, so I'm surprised that he broke it off with her. I wonder what happened..."

"Khloe, you don't owe Aiden anything. Sure, maybe he didn't cheat on you but he still lied to you which is horrible." Kiera opened her arms for a hug. "I always knew Ashlynn wasn't as perfect as she seemed." Kiera grinned, and I shook my head. "Noah and I will let you and Hayden talk."

Noah nodded his head. "I'll see you in the gym, man. I'll tell coach that you're coming."

"Thanks, bro." Hayden nodded his head. "I'll be right there."

Once Kiera and Noah were gone Hayden grabbed my hand and my eyes widened. "You know that I'm not like Aiden right?" Hayden questioned and I nodded my head.

He was so close to me that I could feel his breath against my skin. "I don't care about any of that stuff. I accept you for who you are, and I'm so sorry that in your last relationship you weren't accepted, but you should know that I would never do that to you."

I practically jumped into Hayden's arms. "So you're not mad at me?" I questioned and Hayden shook his head. "I know what Ashlynn said looks bad, but if Aiden still has feelings for me after all this time just remember that it has nothing to do with me. He already had a chance, and although he did try to make things right, it was too late. I already had you, and I don't plan to let you go." I kissed Hayden's lips gently. "I don't know what Aiden and I are, but he is someone that I'll always care about. I know that he made a very bad mistake, but people mess up."

"I can't say that I like that guy, but what his father is doing to him is pretty messed up," Hayden stated, running his fingers through my hair.

I nodded my head. "Exactly," I then glanced down at my phone to check the time. "You should probably go to practice now." I paused, "And please, don't say any of this to Aiden. I don't know if he knows that Ashlynn opened her mouth yet. Plus I want to get a chance to talk to him first. Knowing Ashlynn, she'll probably find a way to make it seem like I said something first."

"Of course, I won't." Hayden rubbed my hand gently. "Bye, Khlo."

"Bye, Hayds." I grinned.

Once Hayden was gone, I got into my car and pulled out my phone.

"Where are you?" I questioned. "Do you know where Yasmin is? I need to talk to her immediately."

"Oh, that's right she missed all the tea." Kiera laughed over the phone. "But I'm going home and I'm sure she is too," Kiera explained. "Have you spoken to her?

"No," I shook my head even though I knew that Kiera couldn't see me. "I'm about to drive to her house right now. I'm already in my car so I hope that she's home."

"Why don't you just call her, Khlo?" Kiera questioned.

"Nah, just meet me there." I said quickly, "Bye!" I hung up the phone and started in my car.

After minutes of driving in my car, and blasting music, I pulled up onto Yasmin's driveway. I quickly got out of my car and walked up to her front door and rang the doorbell.

A few seconds later, the door opened widely.

"Hey, Yasmin!" I smiled brightly.

Yasmin looked slightly confused but that didn't stop her from smiling back at me. "Khloe? Hey, what are you doing here, girl? I thought we were all going to meet back at the game?"

I nodded my head. "Is Reece here?"

Yasmin rolled her eyes and pulled me inside. "No, he is not." She then grinned. "I was going to meet him later."

"Okay," I smiled. "Kiera should also be here any second now."

Yasmin tilted her head. "What is going on with you two? I mean, I'm always happy to see you but is there something that I should know?"

I nodded my head. "A lot happened after school."

Yasmin immediately looked interested. "Okay, I'm all ears, girl."

✼ ✼ ✼

"You know my best friends Kiera and Khloe." Yasmin smiled as she glanced over at Reece. "And girls, of course, you know Reece."

I nodded my head. "Hey, Reece." I smiled politely and then glanced over at Kiera. She looked like she was inspecting him while coming up with a million questions to probably interrogate the poor guy with.

"Hey," Kiera finally said. "You seem nice enough for Yasmin." She smiled. "I hope that she doesn't scare you away!"

Yasmin rolled her eyes and Reece laughed. His laugh was very soft and gentle. "Of course I know the both of you, but it's great to be able to finally talk."

After Kiera and I showed up at Yasmin's house, we filled her in on all the details about Ashlynn's confrontation.

Then later that afternoon, we all came back to school to watch Hayden and Noah play basketball tonight. Yasmin made sure to save a spot for Reece on the bleachers.

Reece seemed like a very sweet and respectful person. Neither Kiera or I have ever really talked to him before, but I was happy that Yasmin was happy. After what happened with Xander, she deserved happiness.

"So, Reece, you're not much of a sports guy?" I questioned.

Reece shook his head. "Nah, although people think that I would be because of my cornrows or something." He laughed. "I rather just sit and watch."

I could see what Reece meant. It wasn't uncommon for people to hold stereotypes. "I know what you mean." I laughed. "Stereotypes are the worst."

Reece's brown skin looked shiny under the bright lights. "Yeah, I used to play basketball back in Jamaica."

My jaw dropped. "No way, that's so cool. I've always wanted to go there. It looks amazing."

Reece's eyes lit up. "Yeah, it is. I've lived here my whole life but sometimes I miss it back there."

"Wow," Kiera suddenly laughed.

"What?" I glanced over at Kiera.

"It seems like you two are hitting it off pretty well. Maybe cut Yasmin out of the picture?" Kiera laughed.

I knew that Kiera was just joking so I couldn't help but giggle. "You're something else, Kiera."

"Stop it, Kiera." Yasmin grinned. "You know that she's crazy about Hayden."

"Hayden and I are buddies." Reece chuckled. "As well as Noah. They're both super great guys."

"Oh really?" I questioned. "You all are friends?"

Before anyone else could say anything the game suddenly started.

This was one of the first times that I was at one of Hayden's games as his girlfriend, and I was excited about being able to support him.

As the game went on I could see that our team was winning. Hayden and Noah were both doing an amazing job with scoring goals.

"Watching sports makes me tired." Kiera leaned her head against my shoulder. "Look at them running. It looks like so much work!"

"You're being so extra, Kiera." I laughed shaking my head.

As I looked through the bleachers my eyes landed on Ashlynn and Ariana, and the rest of their entourage. It was weird how much I disliked Ashlynn, but on the other hand, I surprisingly got along well with Ariana.

Ariana suddenly turned around and my eyes widened.

Her bright emerald eyes scanned over different people until they landed on me.

My lips slowly turned upward into a smile and she smiled back at me.

Her eyes were glowing with happiness, but then her lips started moving.

I couldn't actually hear what she was saying but, I could read her lips.

She pointed at Ashlynn, "I hate her," She mouth to me and all the happiness disappeared from her face, in what seemed like an instant.

My eyes widened in confusion.

✼ ✼ ✼

As soon as the game was over, I ran off the bleachers to congratulate Hayden on his win. I didn't know too much about how this worked, but because they won this game, the team would be able to move onto finals, which was amazing.

Before I was close to Hayden, I suddenly paused.

My eyes widened as I saw Hayden walk up to Aiden. I couldn't read any of their emotions but I knew that this day would eventually come.

Hayden and Aiden were on the same basketball team, and I knew that Hayden didn't like Aiden very much because of all the rumors that were going around about me.

Now that my relationship with Hayden was becoming more serious, he probably couldn't stand Aiden. Especially today, because Hayden found out the truth about what happened.

Hayden promised me that he wouldn't say anything before I talked to Aiden.

I was about to run up to them until I saw something that I never expected to ever see.

Hayden hugged Aiden.

It didn't look like a loving hug, because it was quick and rushed, but it was still a hug needless to say.

Aiden smiled and said a few words, but I couldn't make out what he was saying.

My jaw dropped


• • •
heyyy guys. i'm pretty sure we're all bored at home but we can make it through this hard time ahah. remember to take corona seriously and stay home!! everyone stay safe❤️

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