The Story of Charlotte Kingto...

By Artistic101

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Charlotte has returned to Hogwarts to begin her final year. A lot has changed since the Battle of Hogwarts, b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 7

62 3 0
By Artistic101


Happy Halloween!! I'm going to be Red Riding Hood.:) How about you guys? If you want, leave a comment and tell me! I was going to be Luna or someone from Harry Potter, but the only costume I found was too.. uh... let's just say "showy". Plus, it was a Gryffindor costume, and if I were to portray Luna, I would of course need Ravenclaw uniform. Anyways... let's get away from my uncontrollable babbling...

I hope you guys enjoy the chapter.. and if I get a chance, just because it's Halloween (If any trolls do not decide to attack me ;) ) I might end up putting the next chapter up.:) Enjoy, Vote, and Comment - Please!


“Ok, I can’t take this anymore.” I blurted out, frustrated. We were back in the common room after our intensely quiet and extremely awkward walk back.

          Malfoy turned to face me; he was sitting on the couch in front of the fire.

          “What in the bloody hell almost happened earlier? We were about to…” My voice trailed off. I was afraid to say the word.

          “I know, Charlotte. I have completely no clue what came over us.” He told me. He lay his face in his hands, looking troubled.

           My mouth gapped open. “Did you just call me Charlotte?” I asked him, astounded.

          “Yeah… I guess I did.” He said gently, looking up at me.

          “Well then, Draco…” I began, smirking, and walking over and sitting on the other side of the couch, “Explain to me what exactly came over you, then.”

          “I guess it was just the heat of the moment.” He told me, shrugging.

          “More like hormonal moment.” I commented under my breath. He scowled.

          “Well you’re the one who came on to me.” He said. My mouth gapped open again; I could not believe what he had just said.

          “Came on to you? Came on to you?” I said, my voice and temper rising. I was now on my feet again, my hands balled into fists.

          “I was just making sure you were okay, Malfoy. It was not my intentions, at all, to come on to you. ” I explained, my voice now seething with anger.

          “Then what are your intentions, Kington? Before you were acting nice to me, and now you’re angry?” He asked me grimly, his expression now a scowl. He stood up from the couch as well.

          “My intentions? What about your intentions, Malfoy? Ever since first year, you’ve made me feel like an outcast. Just because of my blood status. For years I’ve had to suffer through your bullying, picking, and taunting! Not just me, a lot of other innocent people as well. You can’t go one day without shoving someone in the corridor. But now, one second you’re being the git you are, and then the next, you tell me I’m beautiful, and toy with my feelings, and almost kiss me? What in Merlin’s name is that all about?” I yelled in disgust, tears welling up in my eyes.

          He stood there in front of me, in utter astonishment. I turned around, stomped up the stairs angrily, and went into my room, slamming the door behind me. I kicked my shoes off irritably as I entered my room.

          The tears that were welling up suddenly broke free as I got onto my bed. I buried my face in my trembling hands as I began to cry. After everything that I’ve been through, after everything that I’ve lost, and now this? I don’t know how much more I can take…

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