Chapter 2

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Hope you like it! I added an amazing song on the side. It goes along with the story as well. I will usually add a picture, video, or both that goes along with the story or chapter. Sorry it's so short, I'll try to make the future chapters longer.

And now, I present to you, the second chapter.:)


          I was reading my book Potions & Remedies when he stormed in. I was lounging on the maroon couch in front of the fireplace. I glanced over at him. Malfoy was scowling, as always, but a tear was trickling down his cheek. Whether it was out of anger or sadness, I couldn’t tell. I glanced back down at my book, then up at Malfoy again. I couldn’t believe what I was about to do.

          He was about to climb the staircase that lead up to his dormitory. “Are you alright, Malfoy?” I asked, concerned. I stood up from the couch, placing my book on the little wooden table in front of me. He slowly turned to face me.

          “What’s it to you, Kington?” He spat, quickly whipping away the tears that had fallen. His voice sounded hurt, as if I had hurt his feelings.

          “I just wanted to see if you were okay, just to be kind. But, I guess you don’t want me to comfort you. All you want to do is bully me…” I explained, trailing off. Moments of tense silence later, he spoke.

          “I’m sorry. I really am. It’s just… Greengrass broke up with me…” He explained calmly. Astoria Greengrass was one of the most malicious girls in Slytherin House. I’d never seen Malfoy so distraught, well, besides the time Hermione punched him in the nose in our third year.

          I suddenly noticed he was in his Slytherin Quidditch uniform, the silver S was splashed with mud and his pants had big, dark green grass stains. His usual, tidy platinum blonde hair was a ruffled mess. His eyes were deep pools of grey. “Did Malfoy actually look... attractive? I thought, questioning my thoughts about him. I shook my head, clearing the outrageous thoughts out of my head, and then glanced back at him.

          “Oh… do you want to talk about it? Otherwise I’ll just go off to be-” I began, but he interrupted.

          “Sure, why not.” He said; his voice cracking. He solemnly walked over and sat down next to me.

           “On my way back from Quidditch practice, I heard hushed voices in a nearby classroom, and that’s where I found them. Apparently, for over three months she’s been cheating on me with Zabini. So now, I’ve lost my girl and my best mate. She was the only thing that I had well in my life, and now I…” He stopped.

          He sat there, motionless, staring blankly with a depressed look in his eyes and expression on his face.

          I didn’t know what to say, nor do to help him. Oh, how badly I wanted for him to look happy again, even if he was my nemesis.

          “Malfoy, even if you loved her, you didn’t deserve her. You deserve someone better than that cheating, snake-eyed toad. No one deserves someone like that, and if Zabini wants her, he can have her.” I told him, smiling. He looked at me and smirked kindly, flashing his pearly-whites, for the first time ever.

           “Thanks.” He mumbled, almost incoherent. “No problem.” I said softly. I looked down slowly. His hand lay gently on top of mine.

           My eyes widened and I slipped my hand gently out from under his. I yawned falsely, hoping he would buy my tired act.

          “Well, I better be off to bed. Good night.” I said nervously before I rushed off to my room, Malfoy’s confused expression stinging my mind.

          “What just happened?” I thought as I slipped on my pajamas and lay down in my four-poster bed. Thoughts buzzed through my brain enthusiastically, and after a while I fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.

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