There is Always Two

By RoseyNate

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Janek is fed up and decides to end his life by jumping in front of a car. It's all over right? Well, one of... More

Chapter 1-Janek

Chapter 2- James

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By RoseyNate

I looked around at my new condo, a little anxious to be living by myself but at the same time excited to have a breath of fresh air for a change. I was never really allowed to leave the house except for a good reason back at home. I couldn't even really visit my mom in the hospital without an escort. Now as long as I promise to go to college when I settle in for a year and become a doctor my dad will leave me alone. But now that I am free I literally have no idea what to do with myself.  School started in three months still and all I have done since then was move and start three novels. All of which I have no intention of finishing. Maybe a walk in this unusually chilly weather would give me something to do with myself.

As I pulled my red sweater off the hook I stopped halfway to turn my attention to the kitchen. There was a loud clang in the now still kitchen just moments before. I pulled my sweatshirt all the way on and stepped into the kitchen to investigate the source of the noise. I look above and saw nothing that was knocked over, it wasn't until I look to the ground did I notice what had fallen. It was a box I kept all my pens and pencils in, which were all scattered on the ground.

"Now how did that happen?" I asked myself, remembering I had put them in the middle of the tabletop. I shrugged and swiftly put them back, then pulled my keys out of my pocket and slipped out the door. I thought I heard someone grunt on the other side of my door, but I just wrote it off as being paranoid being my first time living alone and all. I decided to take the three flights of stairs down to the street, and when I got outside I noticed it was nearly midnight already. I just started down the street, looking at the blaring lights of passing cars and hearing the sounds of the city in the distance.

I looked to a homeless man standing by a fire that was made in a trash can. His breath drifted off into the cold wind of the night and he pulled his hands closer to himself. He noticed my staring and his eyes caught mine for a brief moment. I couldn't think of how to react so I just smiled at him. All I got in return was a blank stare and a scoff before he went back to warming himself by the fire. I just kept walking down the street, walking a little faster past shadowed alleyways and dark corners. I wanted to get an apartment all by myself, and so I got one in the lower part of downtown. My father was a little worried about me living down here but since I decided to become a doctor like he wanted he decided it was best to leave me alone.

I stopped the walk before I got too lost and headed home. I saw some strange things I didn't see this time of night. Children were still out and about playing with a soccer ball that was by this time mostly duct tape. Lights were blaring from different apartments and there were some times of loud noises coming from each and every one. With each block, I quickened my pace. By the time I finally got back home it was around 12:50 and I nearly collapsed on my couch. I pull up a blanket and the tough couch pillow and closed my eyes not

even bothering to take off my sweatshirt.

I had almost fallen asleep when I heard a strange noise coming from inside my living room. My eyes fluttered open and I squinted into the dim light to see a figure standing right in front of me. I screeched and leaped to the other side of the couch, throwing my pillow at the figure. I quickly hid under my blanket and just waited to see what would happen next. When nothing did happen I peeked over the blanket to see there was nothing there. I lowered the blanket down all the way and gave myself a second to catch my breath and let my heartbeat calm down.

"Damn...I think I'm going crazy," I said to myself, letting my hand run nervously through my hair.

"Dude, believe me, I'm the one going insane," a voice said from behind. My heart jumped in my throat and I tumbled to the floor, scrambling to get away from the voice. My head snapped to the figure. It was a ghostly looking guy with shoulder-length white hair and piercing golden eyes. His hands were stuffed in his gray hoodie and his jeans had small tears running up and down. He had an annoyed expression on his face. The kinda careless annoyance only a teenager could possess

"Who the hell are you?" I yelled at him.

"Why who am I Mr.Smith?" he paused and turned to the TV, which flickered on to the news channel.

"17-year-old Janek Lis was killed by a large truck today at 3:39 pm. We are still trying to figure out the details of his death but it's said-" and then the TV shut off. I looked back at the boy and noticed he had similarities to the ones on the news. Though the one on the news had blonde hair and blue eyes, they both shared the same pained look in their eye. And the same careless looking hairstyle.

"Shit you're a ghost aren't you? I am going crazy," I got up from the couch and took a seat at the small table by the kitchen. "You know...if I was fully away I would think you're batshit. But I'm tired enough to either believe you or think this is all a dream."

"What are you doing right now?" He asked me.

"Trying to wake up. You while I'm doing that, are going to explain yourself," I answered. He walked over to the table with a strange sort of ghostly grace. He kinda just stood there for a few seconds. "Are you gonna sit down?"

"Don't know if I can, haven't tried yet," he shrugged. I pulled out a chair for him next to me and he hesitated for a moment before successfully sitting down.

"Would you look at that Smith it's a miracle," he exclaimed obnoxiously.

"How do you know my name," I asked him.

"That can be part of the explanation," is all he said.

"Well, what happened first?"

"What happened first James Johnson Smith? Well first, I died."

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