Wild Girl. (Hiccup X Reader)...

By Red-Ramen

301K 7.5K 4.3K

Hiccup, a boy living in the village Berk. Being a weakling yet the son of the chief. Y/n, a girl flying on he... More

Chapter 1. Berk.
Chapter 2. Night Furies.
Chapter 3. Unholy offsprings.
Chapter 4. Lessons.
Chapter 5. Eels.
Chapter 6. Tail fin and dragon training.
Chapter 7. New outfits.
Chapter 8. Never an option.
Chapter 9. "Leaving!"
Chapter 10. Going for a spin.
Chapter 11. Betrayal.
Chapter 12. Dragonborn.
Chapter 13. The Nest.
Chapter 14. Time to disappear.
Chapter 15. Fire burns.
Chapter 16. Done with.
Special Chapter~ "Happy Snoggletog, Y/n."
D-RoB Chapter 1. Academy.
D-RoB Chapter 2. Flaming squirrel.
D-RoB Chapter 3. Night Problems.
D-RoB Chapter 4. The Dragon Conqueror.
D-RoB Chapter 5. Picking his dragon.
D-RoB Chapter 6. Sickness.
D-RoB Chapter 7. Trust or Nah, part 1.
D-RoB Chapter 8. Trust or Nah, Part 2.
D-RoB Chapter 9. Scars of the Past.
D-RoB Chapter 10. Twin Chaos.
D-RoB Chapter 11. Nasty Landing.
D-RoB Chapter 12. Fears.
D-RoB Chapter 13. Eggs On Berk.
D-RoB Chapter 14. Are We Family? Part 1.
Book two released!!!

D-RoB Chapter 15. Are We Family? Part 2.

4.2K 89 39
By Red-Ramen

Y/n - Speak.
Hiccup - Speak.

~No one's P.O.V~

"Where are they, Alvin?" Hiccup asked the man as Savage pushed him into the dungeon filled with other dragons, held against their will in cages, "Where's Y/n. And Toothless and Shadow?"

"You'll see him soon enough." The Outcast answered in his normal rough voice, "Don't you worry."

"You know, I have to admit, luring us to  the Isle of Night, building a fake Night Fury. Not bad." Hiccup spoke, making Alvin chuckle.

"Not bad? Says the one-legged boy in chains."

"But turning Mildew into an Outcast? Using him against us? Come on, Alvin. That's low-hanging fruit... Even for you." Hiccup spoke, confident in his word choice.

His words made Savage let out laugher, that is, before Alvin hit him in the head, almost knocking him out, "No one thinks you're funny, boy. Now, keep movin'!" Savage growled, pushing him forward to avoid another punch.

They stopped by at a cage with A Whispering Death inside. It was chained to the group while two guards held their spears at it.

It roared before it burrowed itself under the ground. It came beach up further away from the guards.

"You know it's gonna keep doing that, right? It it a Whispering Death." Hiccup commented as he watched the dragon before he walked by the next cage.

He looked in to see a Scauldron drinking water out of a trough. Feeling eyes on it, it turned to look at Hiccup, its mouth filled with water.

They stared at each other, Hiccup slowly grew wider as he waited for the right timing as Y/n had told him to do if he ever encountered a Scauldron.

He dodged the blast of boiling water just as it shot it, the water hit one of Alvin's guards, blasting him back.

"A Scauldron... Impressive. You might wanna cut back its water." He advised. Not wanting anyone to die.

"Oi, write that down." Alvin told Savage, he pulled out a small book from his belt and began to write.

Hiccup stopped in his tracks to not being trampled down by the Outcast guards, who ran to a seemingly empty cage.

"It escaped again!" One of the guards shouted, looking into the cage.

"Actually, no. It's right behind you. Changewing." The Changewing revealed itself on the wall of the cage, firing acid at the guards. They, along with Hiccup, Alvin, and Savage, dodged.

"Whoo! Wow! You guys really don't have a handle on these dragons, do you?" Hiccup asked as he stood up straight again.

"Well, that's why you're here." Alvin stated as he grabbed Hiccup by the shoulders, guiding him to another cage, "Welcome to your new job, Hiccup."

"A job? Me? As inviting as that sounds, I'm gonna have to pass." Hiccup shook his head as Alvin guided him to the last cage.

"Hiccup, Hiccup, Hiccup... Why do you have to make things so difficult?"

"Really not the first time I've been asked that question." Upon arriving to the cage, Hiccup's eyes went wide, "Guys!"

Toothless, Shadow, and Y/n were all chained up in the large cage, none of their feet even touching the ground.

Shadow and Toothless both had muzzles on while Y/n was blindfolded, her wrists chained so her arms spread opened while chains also held around each of her ankles, spreading them too.

Her dear sword placed outside of the cage. One of the guards inside the cage had bandage around his hand, covering the bite-mark made by the DragonBorn.

Upon hearing the voice, Y/n began to thrash against the chains, Toothless and Shadow followed, snarling as they opened their eyes, seeing the brunette.

"H-Hang in there." Hiccup stuttered, feeling weak when they stopped struggling, "I'll get you out."

"They're not going anywhere. Neither are you. You will help me train these dragons." Alvin ordered, gesturing around in the dungeon filled with caged dragons.

"And if I don't?" Y/n heard Hiccup asked.

"Well, then they're no good to me." Alvin answered, walking over to the wall where Y/n's black sword was. He pulled it out of the sheath, "None of them! Especially them." He pointed the sharpened sword at the cage.

Y/n looked from Alvin and back into the cage. A troubled look took take place on his features as Y/n struggled against the chains.

Savage pushed him away from the cage.

After being guided over to the human cells, Hiccup kept his head down in thought, "Can I get you anything?" Savage asked, "Food, a cozy blanket, some warm yak milk?" He shoved Hiccup into the cell before he slammed the door shut.

Laughing as he left, "Ha ha ha! Yak milk!"

~No one's P.O.V~

Stoick, Gobber, and the other Dragon Riders were on their dragons, making their way to the Isle of Night with the sun down, and the stars high in the sky.

"The Isle of Night! Finally, a chance to see Night Furies in their natural habitat! I'm bursting at the seams!" Fishlegs spoke excitedly, Hiccup's notebook in his hands.

"Don't wet yourself. I'm right behind you." Snotlout told the boy, not wanting to get... wet.

"Gobber and I will check the North side. You kids head South. If we find anything, you'll hear it from Thornado." Stoick told the Riders before parting ways.

"All right, this place is gonna be crawling with Night Furies, so let's fly low till we get a sense of where any of them might be and how many Night Furies there are." Astrid announced to he group before they took action.

~No one's P.O.V~

Hiccup was using a piece of metal from his leg to try and open his cell.

He needed to get out. And fast.

If not, he might end up losing who he hold dear.

Just when the lock was about to give out, Hiccup heard Mildew's voice, "Alvin, I gave you what you wanted. We had a deal!" The man protested, Hiccup found his voice irritating.

"I didn't like that deal. So I changed it." Alvin responded to the man as they came into view, Hiccup quickly, placed the metal piece back where it belonged.

"Oh, I believe you two know each other." Savage noted pointing at Hiccup before he pointed at Mildew, shoving him into the cell in front of him, "Don't get chummy. Mildew's hours are numbered. Much like Y/n, you, and your Night Furies."

Alvin walked over to Mildew, snatching his dear sheep out of his arms, "No! What are you doing with my Fungus?!" He protested, reaching out to him.

"Preparing your final meal." Alvin put on a evil grin as he looked over his shoulder, "It's lamb."

Mildew let out a gasp, attempting to get to his sheep, but the cell door closed before he could, "Fungus! No!" He shouted, reaching out to him as the sheep responded with sounds of alarm.

"Berkians. Still as dumb as the day I left." Alvin said as he left with Savage, his voice fading.

Hiccup looked at the saddened Mildew as he fell to his knees, whispering under his breath, "What have I done?"

~No one's P.O.V~

Y/n exhaled, sweat running down her face.

She was cold, but burning hot at the same time. Her head was pounding and she couldn't relax.

She pulled her arms again, wincing a little at the metal as it scratched against her sore wrists.

If she could see, she would be sure that they had reared her skin up.

It had been a little more than a day. She was sure of it. She had yet to get any food.

She had heard both Shadow and Toothless being feed, but after that, nothing.

She growled as her headache got stronger, her eyes glowing brighter under the blindfold.

She pulled the chains, struggling and withering against them.

She heard the cell open briefly before it was slammed closed again. A bucket was placed down beside her.

Even though she couldn't see a damn thing, she looked up as the hair on her arms and neck alarmed her.

Three had entered the cage, one guard stood by the bucket filled with water while holding three towels.

The two other guards in front of her smirked at the girl, cracking their fists.

~No one's P.O.V~

The teens flew over the Isle of Night, skimming through the trees, "Night Fury!" Astrid shouted when she spotted one between the trees, "Let's check it out!"

Three of the four Dragon Riders landed in front of the dragon, "Guys, this isn't a-"

"NIGHT FURY!" Before anyone knew it, the false Night Fury exploded into pieces.

A piece, the tail to be specific, hit Fishlegs in the face, he picked it up, examining it, "But it's very realistic." He said, holding the tail in his grasp.

"Yeah. Good we came along when we did." Tuffnut said as he and his sister landed on their dragon.

"What were you thinking? If that was Shadow or Toothless, you could have killed them!" Astrid scolded as Barf and Belch walked over.

"Yeah, well, if my chicken had horns, he'd be a yak." Tuffnut told the blonde.

"And if I were weak and girly, I'd be my brother." Ruffnut told her with a shrug.

"Yeah! Wait. What?"

A roar caught their attention and it didn't take long before Thornado landed behind them, and Stoick and Gobber hop off, "We saw the Zippleback fire from the sky. Did you find something?" Stoick asked as he walked over to the group along with Gobber.

"We did. A fake Night Fury." Astrid told them men.

"Where is it?" Stoick asked, looking around.

"Uh... Gone? Blown to pieces, actually." Fishlegs stated, Stoick glared at the Twins.

"Eh. Well, what do we have here?" Gobber took the tail from Fishlegs, sniffing it, he held it up to Fishlegs, "Smell this." He stated.

Fishlegs sniffed to the tail, immediately beginning to gag at the smell, "Nasty, isn't it?" Gobber asked the boy.

"Oh, I wanna smell! Put it near my face." Tuffnut begged, but it went for deaf ears.

"This false head was made out of dragon skin then covered in ash from a charred Loki tree." Gobber explained to the group.

"Loki tree?" Snotlout asked, going through his brain, "Never heard of it."

"That's because it only grows in one place." Stoick told the confused boy.

"Outcast Island." Gobber said, knowing exactly what was going on there before they arrived.

"Oh, no. Hiccup and Y/n is on Outcast Island." Fishlegs spoke out loud, realizing it himself.

The thought of the danger they were in scared him.

~No one's P.O.V~

Y/n let out a shaky breath, her muscles tense. Shadow and Toothless held their pretend even though they disparately wanted to end the guards' lives.

Y/n felt the cold water from the bucket getting thrown at her, cooling her down before the Guard on the side dried her face a little with one of the now red towels.

Y/n's tense muscles gave up, they gave out. Unable to take more beating from the two Guard in front of her.

Her mouth was open, blood dripping freely out on the stone floor. Her head hanging, feeling empty for all power.

She didn't even react when the next punch got delivered, the only thing the Guard in return, was blood on his shoes.

And so, one of the guards left for a fifth bucket of water.

~No one's P.O.V~

Hiccup smashed the rock in his cell against the floor, getting a small piece of the floor off, he threw the little stone to the side before he continued, barely getting anywhere.

"Really, this is so hard to watch." Mildew stated from his cell, leaning on the bars.

"What now?" Hiccup grunted at the man, giving him a glare.

"Well, I just thought Stoick raised a smarter boy than this." Mildew shrugged, "You'll never save your dragon or your girlfriend by sitting in this cell, digging in the dirt."

"Sh... She's not my girlfriend." Hiccup stated, looking back down in the ground.

Mildew grabbed the bars, "And now, she might never be. You need to go get them. And soon!" He warned the boy.

"And how do you suggest I do that?" Hiccup asked, looking at Mildew with a frown.

"By giving Alvin what he wants."

~No one's P.O.V~

Savage and Alvin walked around in the dungeon, examining the cages, Alvin looked into one of them, a Whispering Death inside of it.

It tried to burrow itself under the ground, but with no success, it only got smashed against the metal ground.

"We reinforced the floor with cast iron." Savage informed Alvin as he walked up to the next cage, "And this one only gets enough water to keep it alive." He said, gesturing to the Scauldron.

The dragon looked at them, attempting to shoot its boiling water at them, but nothing came out. With a growl, it went back to drink its water.

"Boy's proven useful already." Alvin smirked.

"You'd be quite a sight riding into Berk on one of the Night Furies." Savage told his boss, trying to please him.

"I would, wouldn't I?" Alvin responded as he began to walk down to the cage with his precious prisoners, "I'll have to change my name. What's worse than 'the Treacherous', eh?"

The two arrived at the cage, soon discovering all three to be unmoving inside, "What's wrong with them?"

The only thing that moved was Y/n's clothing from time to time along with the drop of blood running from her mouth down to her chin before it dropped down into the puddle below her.

Three of the guards exited the cell, done with the beating, "They won't eat or drink. None of them has moved in hours!" One of the six guards inside of the cell to Alvin.

"Well, keep them all alive! If they die, we lose our leverage with the boy." Alvin said, almost in a threatening tone.

~No one's P.O.V~

Hiccup fiddled with his false leg behind his back, hiding his missing foot behind his other leg, "G-Guard, guard! I can't take it! Please!" Hiccup pleaded with the guard as he walked his way.

"I'll tell Alvin whatever he wants to know. Just let me out of here." Hiccup pleaded, using the cell door to lean on to keep his balance.

The guard started unlocking his cell. When he opens it, Hiccup whacks him across the head with his metal leg. The guard stumbled back against Mildew's cell, but it didn't knock him out.

"That worked a little better in my mind." Hiccup said, glancing down at his metal leg.

The guard shook his head before he glared at the one-legged teen, beginning to approach him, but Mildew grabs him with his staff and smashed his head against his cell.

The man fell over and his keys slid over to Hiccup, who quickly picks them up, "Woah. Thanks." He thanked the old man before starting to walk down the corridor.

"Wait!" The old man shouted, "Take me with you." He pleaded with the boy.

Hiccup turned to him, lifting an eyebrow, "You're kidding me, right?"

"No! I know how to get around this island." Mildew protested, "I can help you. Please! Let me make it up to you."

Hiccup looked down at the key in his hand in thought, letting out a sigh in defeat he approached the cell, "Don't make me regret this, Mildew." The boy told the man in a warning tone as he opened the cell door.

~No one's P.O.V~

Three guards stood by every prisoner in the same cell. Three in front of each of the Night Furies and three in front of Y/n.

"Try a salmon." One of them men in front of Shadow said, making the other man lift up the fish to her snout, Shadow didn't react, she kept her eyes closed.

The men had placed a bucket of fish in front of Toothless, seeing if the scent would wake him up from his slumber.

The three men by Y/n shoved her a bit, seeing if they could get a reaction from her beaten up figure, they didn't.

One of the three guards lifted their hand to up under her nose, feeling no air entering or exiting it, "She isn't breathing." He stated, causing everyone's eyes to widen.

"He's neither." One of the guards in front of Toothless stated.

"The fish?" A man asked, receiving a hit with said fish, "The dragon!"

"Never mind. Come on, let's get them down." The men began to untie the scarf around Y/n's head, revealing her (e/c) eyes to be closed, "We have to get them to breath, if they die, we die."  He said as the others took Toothless' muzzle off while they lowered Shadow to the ground.

Y/n weakly lifted her head, her eyes still closed, she gained everybody's attention.

The silence was deafening as they watched the weak figure. Her eyes snapped, revealing a dark purple glow from her dragon like eyes, her muscles tensed as she pulled against the chains, her eye flowed brighter.

She let out a growl that sounded exactly like a dragon's, making both of the Night Furies open their eyes, Toothless let out a deep growl before he blasted the ground in front of the trio, making the men stay away as he feared the holds off of him, his feet landing on the ground soon enough.

They heard the sound of metal breaking and crumbling, they looked to see Y/n with one arm down, the metal chain that tied it to the ceiling snapped over, she pulled on her other arm hard enough to pull at the rocks the other end of the chain was attached to before it snapped over easily and her feet landed on the ground, her hands beside her on the ground as she landed in a squat.

Y/n slowly lifted her head again, sending the men a dangerous glare as she stood up.

Toothless spread his wings warningly before he turned to his sisters, he shot the chains around the girl's ankles.

Quietly, she went over to Shadow, taking her muzzle off, she ripped the bond around her upper body off herself before sending a glare at the humans before her.

Y/n was the first to walk towards them, they parted away, letting her leave with out a fight.

Shadow and Toothless slapped every single one of them to the ground with their tails, making them groan in pain as they hit the ground or knocking them unconscious.

~No one's P.O.V~

"Okay, what's the quickest way to get to them?" Hiccup asked the old man as they exited the dungeon without problems.

Mildew lifted his staff, pointing forward with it, "Through that lava field." He answered, narrowing his eyes at the dragons.

"Let's go!" Hiccup responded, about to run out there, but Mildew held his arm out, stopping him quickly, "No, wait! You do realize those are wild dragons down there?"

"Yep." Hiccup nodded his head before lifting the man's arm out of his way, running towards them.

Mildew muttered under his breath as he followed the boy with a fast pace.

They soon came to a stop, watching as the many dragons snarled at each other.

Hiccup let out a low sigh, if he could find Shadow, Toothless... And Y/n. Just on the other side of the lava field, Hiccup wouldn't dare to hesitate, "Well, come on, then, let's go!" He jumped over the rock.

"Uh, let's not." The man protested.

"I know what I'm doing, Mildew. Just stay behind me." Hiccup reassured him.

Mildew sighed before he started following the boy, "Oh, perfect. A 90-pound boy's my human shield. I'm not go-" He tripped, "Perfect!"

~No one's P.O.V~

The trio were running around, Toothless sniffed the ground, trying to gain Hiccup's familiar scent while Shadow and Y/n held their eyes open for enemies.

The hairs on her neck stood up, she turned around just in time to grab the arrow heading for her chest.

Her eyes flowed as bright as ever as she let out a animalistic growl. She took aim before throwing the arrow back at them, hitting right into the crossbow of one of the men with enough power to break it.

Shadow looked the other direction, seeing men coming running from that direction too. She growled, gaining Toothless' attention, they looked at each other before each of them shot a plasma blast in each their directions, clearing their path.

Y/n clenched her fists as her mind began to turn blurry as her pupils turned thinner.

~No one's P.O.V~

Mildew and Hiccup walked through the pack of dragons, one hating the idea much more than the other one.

A Deadly Nadder made its way in front of them, quickly blocking their path to inspect them.

Mildew lifted his staff in a fast motion, ready to strike it, Hiccup grabbed onto it before he could strike the dragon, "No, Mildew!" He shook his head, pulling the staff out of his hand before throwing it beside him, "The last thing you wanna do is threaten him."

"Me?! Threaten him?!" Mildew asked in a scared tone, gesturing to the Deadly Nadder right in front of him.

"W-We have to show him that he can trust us." Hiccup told the man, slowly walking up to him, it looked at the brunette warily as he got closer.

"It's okay." Hiccup reassured the dragon as he got closer, "We're not here to hurt you." The Deadly Nadder watched him closely as he got up beside him.

Once he got comfortable with the human being close, he relaxed, letting Hiccup place his hand softly on his leg, "That's it, fella."

"Very impressive." Mildew commented as he picked his staff up, the Deadly Nadder screeched before making its way over to the old man, sniffing him.

"He's just getting to know you." Hiccup told the old man, "They can sense fear, so be relaxed." He advices him.

"This is relaxed." Mildew told the boy, his back stretched and his muscles tense. The Deadly Nadder nudged his shoulder, letting out a happy sound.

"See? He wants to be friends." Hiccup smiled, "Isn't that nice?"

"Got plenty of friends." Mildew said,(lying) not liking the idea of being close to a dragon very much.

"We're gonna need a way to get past all those guards at the dragons pit." Hiccup said, walking up beside the dragon, gesturing to him, "I think we just find it."

Mildew looked at the ground in thought before his eyes shifted to the friendly dragon, "Well, uh..." The Deadly Nadder happily interrupted him, giving the man a sticky lick, "Eech!"

~No one's P.O.V~

"What's the plan?" Astrid shouted to the Chief of Berk, flying up beside him on Stormfly, the others following behind them in tow.

"Alvin know we'll be coming from the sky. We have to find another way onto Outcast Island." Stoick explained, his hold on the reins of Thornado tightening.

It's been more than two days.

Only Odin must know what happened to them.

"Stoick." Gobber spoke from behind him, pulling him out of his thoughts, he pointed down at the waters below them.

"Is that...?" Stoick asked, trailing off as his eyes scanned over the familiar ship below them.

"I think it is." Gobber said, and they dived down to the ship.

~No one's P.O.V~

Toothless sniffed the ground as he walked in front through the dungeon. Y/n looked around, her blurry eyes scanning everything twice.

Toothless let out a grumble, catching both females' attention, they went over to him, Y/n went down on one knee, letting her fingertips scoot over the footprints in the ground.

They seemed familiar, but her brain wouldn't let her pin point from where as she tried to look trough her blurry memories.

They followed the prints to find a unconscious guard lying in front of Hiccup's empty cell.

Hearing the low growl of Shadow, he woke up, his eyes widened in fear as he scrambled off the ground and over to Hiccup's cell, locking himself in it to keep the dragons away.

"Night Furies... With my own eyes." He spoke as their shadows went over him, Y/n grabbed onto two of the bars of the doors, letting out a loud animalistic roar at the man, the Night Furies blasted at the ground on each side of him, making a dust cloud around him.

When the dust cleared, the girl, nor the dragons were in sight.

They moved on, searching for the one-legged Viking.

~No one's P.O.V~

Trader Johann's ship arrived at the Outcast dock, several Outcasts ran towards it excitedly.

"Trader Johann!" They shouted after the man as they ran down the bridge.

"Ah, Outcast! My favorite of all the islands I travel to!" Trader Johann cheered as he let them run onto his boat.

"That's right. Look around." He let out a halfhearted laugh, "I have weapons of every imaginable description." He got down on his knees, "And a little something special for my friend Alvin." He opened the door to the under deck.

Stoick, Gobber, and the other Dragon Riders jumped out, beginning to attack the Outcasts.

Stoick shoved a man overboard before punching another man back.

Astrid dodged the attack of one of the men with a spear, she got down to her knees in a quick motion, kicking his legs out from under him.

Snotlout threw an anchor on them. He missed some, in which the Twins jumped to action, jumping down on them from the mast, knocking them out with their weight, "Ha! Way better than just punching him." Tuffnut said, getting a nod of agreement from Ruffnut.

Fishlegs let out a war cry as he pushed a man over the railing of the ship, panting, he chuckled, "That felt really good," He turned to Astrid who gave him a little smile, "Is that wrong?"

Stoick lifted one of the Outcasts by his throat, cutting his air supply short as his feet no longer touched the wooden floor, "Now, where's my kids and their dragons?!" Stoick asked, his words flying out before he could think about them.

~No one's P.O.V~

"Remember, dragon training begins and ends with trust." Hiccup reminded the old man, his palm placed on the Deadly Nadder - Flystorm's - snout.

He guided Mildew's hand to his snout, softly placing it on it, "Both of yours." Mildew seemed to slowly relax a little, patting the dragon.

"Now, climb on." Hiccup gestured to the dragon while looking at Mildew with a little smile, "What?" Mildew asked, turning his head slightly to see Hiccup get on Flystorm's back.

He mumbled and muttered under his breath as he tried to scramble onto the dragon, after his second try, he got it, getting on Flystorm's back behind Hiccup, "That's a good boy. Nice dragon." The man praised lightly.

"Wow. Uh, Mildew on a dragon. This is gonna take some getting used to." Hiccup said as he looked over his shoulder to Mildew.

Flystorm began shaking his body along with spreading his wings again and again, letting out small sounds of irritation, "Eh, why's it doing that?! What's happening?!" Mildew asked, freaking out by the movement of the dragon.

"It's okay, it's okay!" Hiccup calmed him, "He's just never had people on him before." The brunette spat in his hand, "A dragon's hide is dry. The moisture from your hands will soothe him." Hiccup told the old man as he rubbed his hand on the dragon's back.

He smiled, thankful for the trick Y/n had taught him long ago.

Flystorm, now calm, took off, making Mildew cling to Hiccup, his arms wrapped tightly around his waist.

"Uh, you, uh..." Hiccup spoke, trying to get his arms off.

There were only one person he ever wanted to cling to him like that.

"Hey, okay. You know there's a lot of dragon here, Mildew. W-Why don't you grab some of that?"

"Huh? Oh, fine. I'm fine." Mildew told him, not letting go of the boy.

They flew boy a bunch of rocks, the trio on the ground saw them take off on the Deadly Nadder, Toothless and Shadow roared after them while her purple eyes widened.

A single word replaying through her mind as an alarm.

Human. Human. Human. Human.

Toothless lowered his head when his rider didn't hear their calls, leaving Shadow to cheer him up while Y/n stared at the humans on a dragon's back.

Hiccup's eyes scanned over the ground, "That's where they have them." He said, pointing down at the hidden door.

The Deadly Nadder dived, blasting right through the door before making it through the dirty tunnel with ease.

As he landed, Hiccup was quick to get off, making his way over to the cage his family had been held in.

"They're gone." He placed his hand on the bars, his eyes filled with fear as he saw the blood staining on the rock ground below where Y/n used to be within the cage.

"Ah!" Mildew said as he finally got off Flystorm with a struggle, "Alvin must have moved them."

Suddenly, the cages to the other dragons began to open, letting out three dragons that snarled at them.

"Let's see what you can do with some real wild dragons, Hiccup." Alvin chuckled from the balcony, watching Hiccup as he looked at the three dragons.

"Mildew, whatever happens in the next minute, do exactly what I tell you." Hiccup ordered, not taking his eyes off the dragons.

"Why?" One of the dragons, a Changewing to be exact, fired its acid at them, making them both dodge "Uh, I'm all ears."

They were both quick to get on Flystorm's back, who skillfully avoided the dragons' attacks, growling and roaring at them to back off.

Alvin laughed as the Whispering Death buried itself under the ground.

"At least that one's gone!" Mildew sighed in relief.

"Well, uh, not for long, actually." Hiccup shook his head, "Changewings shoots acid. Scauldrons fire boiling water." Hiccup counted as the ground where the Whispering Death came closer to them, "And Whispering Deaths hunt from underground!" Hiccup shouted, making Flystorm run as he avoided the attempts of attacks by the other dragons.

"HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND?!?!?" Mildew screamed as he climbed to Hiccup as they finally reached the exit, getting out just before the Whispering Death snapped out for them from underground.

~No one's P.O.V~

"You know your dragons. I'll give you that." Mildew sighed as they landed far from the dungeon.

Hiccup got off Flystorm, just as his feet hit the ground, a voice sounded behind him.

"Hiccup!" Stoick landed Thornado, getting off of him as the rest of the group landed along with him, "Oh, thank Thor you're alright."

"I am, but Shadow, Toothless, Y/n! Dad, they are in serious trouble!"

"And Mildew is on the back of your dragon." Tuffnut added, leaning in to whisper it into Hiccup's ear. He slowly turned his head to the twin, "I know." Silence followed them by a few seconds.


Mildew was pulled off of Flystorm's back by an angered Viking with one hand held up by the collar of his shirt, "I should run you through right now." Gobber growled at the man, holding his hook up to attack.

"No, no, no, Gobber!" Hiccup shouted, shaking his hands in front of him, "He helped me escape." He told the blonde Viking before he turned to his father, "Dad, I owe Mildew my life."

Shock crossed everyone's faces as they stared at the brunette.

"Getting weirder!" Tuffnut commented from the sidelines, his left eye flickering open and shut.

"I'll explain later. Right now, I have to get to the others." Hiccup told the twin, clenching one of his hands a little too tight.

"Or bring them to you." Astrid told the boy, crossing her arms. Hiccup looked back at her with a glimpse of thankfulness before he stepped up on a rock, getting a little higher than the rest.

Hiccup cupped his mouth before letting out a loud Night Fury call. It only took a few seconds before he got multiple responses from the two Night Furies on the island.

They all hurried to their dragons before they quickly took off to the sky, Flystorm at the front while every eye searched the island below them.

One of the Night Furies let out another call, guiding them towards where they were. Toothless pulled off one of his adorable smiles when he saw the familiar dragons land in front of them.

Hiccup was the first to get off his dragon to run towards Shadow, Toothless, and Y/n.

Hiccup opened his arms, "Toothle-" He got cut off by the green eyed dragon, who decided to tackle him.

He let out a happy laugh as Toothless nuzzled against him, "Are you okay, bud?" He asked once he got back on his feet.

Y/n's purple eyes were filled by confusion, the dragon she saw as Toothless nuzzled against a blurry figure that she only could place to be a human.

She let a growl out under her breath, making the brunette look at her, his eyes filled with happiness and excitement.

"Y/n! Shadow! You're okay!" He smiled approaching the females. Shadow's eyes shifted from her rider to the green eyed boy.

The others got off their dragons, walking closer to watch the reunion, but what they didn't see coming was the fact that when Hiccup took his third step, Y/n let out a warning growl.

Hiccup frowned a little, "Y-Y/n?" He halted, his arms - that was open for a hug - fell to his sides, "What's wrong?"

As he took a step closer, Y/n got down in her knees into a fighting position. Shadow stepped in front of the girl before she could move, keeping both her and the boy safe.

"Hiccup!" His father shouted, running up beside him along with Gobber, making Y/n bare her teeth and fangs as she let out a louder growl, "Stop." He placed his hands on Hiccup's shoulders, shoving him back.

The dragons around Y/n studied her, looking at their riders before making their way over to the DragonBorn, ignoring their protests.

"Y/n... I know you can hear me." Stoick spoke slowly and softer than you would think was possible.

Y/n snarled at him in response, the sounds leaving her mouth being far from the sounds of a human being.

"Y/n, listen to me. Pull through the fog." Gobber spoke softly, stepping closer to the girl as well.

Y/n let out a huff, making Stormfly's spines stand on her tail, ready to fire. However, her vision got slightly clearer as her brain told her to see through the blurry mess.

"That's it." Stoick spoke, seemingly making the girl relax more as her pupils started to dilate.

The teens watched with their mouths open, not fully aware of exactly what was going on, but even the Twins could tell it would be stupid to get close.

Y/n's eyes tried to focus on the man in front of her with a large red beard, her vision got clearer by the second to the point where she believed she recognized the figures before her.

Unfortunately, her attention was pulled away from the men and onto Shadow when she let out a growl, Y/n's pupils turned so thin, you almost couldn't see them as she turned to look at what she growled at.

"Hey there!" It was Alvin, he stood there with an axe in his hand and something on his back, "You weren't gonna leave before we finished our business, were you?" His question was directed down to Hiccup and Y/n.

The scowled at him, "Come on, you pest! Don't you want this!" He pulled something from his back, something the girl quickly recognized as her black sword.

"Oh, boy." Gobber commented, seeing the hard frown on Y/n's face as she gritted her fangs together.

"Y/n!" Hiccup shouted, trying to regain her focus.

Alvin let out a triumphant laugh as he held the eye contact with Y/n, she growled as she got on Shadow's back, quickly placing her feet on the pedals.

"Y/n, no! We got what we came for!" Stoick shouted at the girl, trying to stop her as she headed straight for Alvin the Treacherous.

She moved her arm forward, ready to take a hold of the sword he held tightly in his hand, "Do it, pest!" Alvin shouted as Y/n's eyes turned more and more (e/c) as she got closer to the sword, "I'm right here!"

The man chuckled before lifting his axe, "Now!" He signaled his men, they came out from behind rocks and dead trees as they fired arrows and bolas at the females.

Y/n, not thinking clearly, jumped off of Shadow just in time to grab onto the sword in Alvin's grasp, instead of letting go of the sword, Alvin dropped his axe, taking a hold of Y/n's throat at the same time as Shadow crashed to the ground, caught in a bolas.

Alvin let out a laugh as Y/n used her other hand to claw at his hand, refusing to let go of the sword while her eyes began to turn purple again.

"They're down!" Gobber shouted in alarm.

"Dragons, everybody!" Astrid shouted, pointing to where they were seconds ago, now gone.

"Uh, would love to, but as you can see..." Tuffnut trailed off, gesturing to the empty space, even Toothless was gone.

"Trusting dragons." Mildew spoke l, shaking his head, "This is what you get."

"Wait!" Hiccup pointed up at the dragons in the air, "Look!"

The dragons flew over Alvin's men, sending powerful power blasts at them to get them to move back.

Stormfly and Hookfang quickly flew over them, shooting blasts to get them away from Shadow before Barf and Belch made a line between them, making them leap away from the explosion.

"Yeah, we taught them that!" Tuffnut cheered, "We didn't teach them that, did we?" He asked his sister, who shook her head in response, "Didn't think so."

Barf and Belch flew up to higher ground, making a circle around Y/n and Alvin to get his men away before Toothless jumped through the fire, growling at the man as he warningly walked closer.

Alvin laughed as he looked back to the girl, "Oops." He let go of Y/n's throat and sword, letting her fall over the cliff with her sword in her arms, her eyes slowly turning back to their magnificent (e/c) orbs.

Meatlug let a pubble of lava fall from her mouth around the Night Fury, who struggled against the rope. As the men ran away, Hookfang and Stormfly grabbed her by their claws, lifting her out of harms ways.

"Toothless!" Y/n's voice sounded as she fell through the air, her body turning and turning.

The Night Fury roared at Alvin before diving down from the cliff to get to Y/n. He let out a roar as he got closer and Y/n did her best to turn around in the air.

She grabbed onto the reins of Toothless' saddle and got on it, placing her feet on the paddles as the dragon spread his wings, slowing down quickly.

Before they landed by the group a little harshly. Y/n got off of Toothless' back, she looked up at the group, her eyes flashing purple before she seemed to get unsteady on her feet.

Snotlout and Gobber went to Shadow, cutting her free while Y/n's hand went to her forehead as she clutched to it.

"Oh, no," Astrid began as Y/n seemed to stumbled over her own feet, "Someone grab her before she-" Y/n fell to the ground, her head hitting to stone ground head on, getting yet another bruise, "Falls." Astrid winched, looking at the unconscious girl.

Stoick was quick to get to her, lifting her head from the ground and lifted her into a sitting position.

"What happened there?" Hiccup asked with a frown in amazement at what they had just seen.

"The dragons saved them on their own." Fishlegs said, his eyes wide as they went over all the dragons along with Y/n.

"Looks like they took their training to a whole new level." Astrid agreed.

"We can catch up later." To everyone's surprise, Ruffnut spoke, on her knees beside Y/n along with her twin, "Right now, we need to get out of here." Tuffnut agreed, lifting Y/n out of Stoick's arms.

They got on their dragon, placing Y/n between them, each holding one of her hands, "Hold on, sis." Tuffnut spoke to her as they made their dragon fly.

Stoick got on Shadow instead of Thornado, making sure she had a rider. The group went the other direction while Stoick and Shadow headed straight for the men that charged at them, blasting the rock above them, it blacked their way.

Stoick nodded at their work before he patted Shadow'a head lightly and they followed the rest.

Hiccup turned his head from Y/n and the Twins to Mildew when he heard him struggle, he saw him clinging onto his tail, "Mildew!"

Gobber turned his head to the man behind him, "Ah, for the love of Thor. Mildew, get back up here!" One of Mildew's hands slipped off, "Don't you let go, old man."

Mildew grunted as he looked up at Gobber, "Tell Hiccup and Y/n I'm sorry." He requested before letting go of Flystorm's tail.

"MILDEW!!" Hiccup shouted after the man, who was falling to the ground as he wheeled Toothless around to go after him.

Mildew tumbled to the ground, and not even two seconds later, three men held onto him, "No, Hiccup." Mildew stopped the boy as the Outcasts took aim at them, "You have to leave me."

Hiccup hesitated, "He's right, son. We can't help him now." Stoick told the boy from the back of Shadow.

He nodded, turning Toothless to leave again.

~No one's P.O.V~

"I'm sorry this map wasn't the real thing, guys." Hiccup apologized to Shadow and Toothless before dropping the map to Isle of Night into the fire, "But, hey, there's nothing wrong with being special, right?" He asked as he opened the Book of Dragons, showing them the pages.

The door to the Haddock house opened, gaining Hiccup's attention, he looked up from the book to see Astrid, "Would you come on?" She asked, but Hiccup just stared, "Bork week? The parade?"

Hiccup looked up at the stairs, where Y/n was sleeping in her bed, "But what about-"

A family isn't just something you're born into. It's also the friends who stood with you.

"Hiccup, she'll need all the sleep she can get." Astrid cut her off. Hiccup nodded, going out with Toothless while Shadow went upstairs to her Rider.

The ones who fought by your side.

Unfortunately, Shadow found her on the bed, sitting up in a lazy position, leaning on her knees as she looked down, her (h/c) hair shadowing her eyes.

You know that you'll be there for them.

Shadow purred as she went up to her, nudging her hand, "I'm sorry." Y/n struggled to speak, "I-I can't control it."

She let her hand rest on Shadow's head as she nuzzled into her.

And they'll be there for you.

She turned her head slightly, revealing her (e/c) orbs filled with tears as they could both hear the cheers of the people outside, "Shadow..." She used her sleeve to wipe away the tears in her eyes as she bit her tear back.

For the battles that are yet to come.

"I-I'm terrified."

Whoa! The first book is finished! I hope you liked it!

The next book will be released 13. April. 2020.

Tell me if you want me to announce it on this book for you to know!

Tell me what you thought of the story! I love readers who does!

See ya!❤️

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