Loathed Treasure

By FreshRawRot

430K 16.5K 12.6K

Why does Jennette get all the love while Athanasia is overshadowed by her? Claude ignores his own daughter on... More

Chapter 1: Face to Face
Chapter 2: Meeting
Chapter 3: Cold-Blooded
Chapter 4: Adventure
Chapter 5: Thoughts
Chapter 6: Destiny
Chapter 8: Worries
Chapter 9: Undead
Chapter 10: Surging
Chapter 11: Whole
Chapter 12: Pampered
Chapter 13: Gift
Chapter 14: Emerging
Chapter 15: Rise
Chapter 16: Stalemated
Chapter 17: Deceived
Chapter 18: Issues
Chapter 19: Encounter
Chapter 20: Debut
Side Story: The Maid and The Knight
Chapter 21: New Start
Chapter 22: Gone
Chapter 23: Lies
Chapter 24: Redemption
Chapter 25: Trickster
Chapter 26: Fame
Chapter 27: Charmed
Chapter 28: Grand
Chapter 29: Obsession
Special Extra: Bidding
Chapter 30: Conflict
Chapter 31: Frick
Chapter 32: Bloom
Chapter 33: Peace
Chapter 34: Farewell
Chapter 35: Familiar
Chapter 36: Relations
Chapter 37: Entrance
Chapter 38: Recognition
Chapter 39: Misery
Chapter 40: Despair
Chapter 41: Change
Chapter 42: Retribution
Chapter 43: Journey
Chapter 44: Cleave
Chapter 45: Fin
Author's Note
New Fanfic

Chapter 7: Lady Angel

12.6K 518 159
By FreshRawRot

~ Athanasia POV ~

"An angel?" He said then took another glance. Why is he so good looking for a child? "Not an angel"

Out of everyone, why Ijekiel? Then I realized my situation and snapped. 

WAHHHH! What did I do to myself?!

"Ijekiel!" I heard someone call for him behind my back.

I quickly got up and ran behind the tree to hide. His father came up to him and asked why he was in the garden alone. I sweat nervously as he hesitates to answer his father. Will he rat me out?

"I was looking for Jennette" I sighed out of relief.

I can't believe I teleported into the white dog's lair. Hold up, did he notice my eyes and hair?? I looked at my wrist and saw my disguised bracelet wasn't on me. Shoot! I used my magic to make the bracelet appear on my hand and likewise, my hair and eyes changed into a different color.

I hope he's colorblind! Although that sounds very messed up, it's for my sake!

"Are you still there?" A soft child voice asked me. "I'm sorry I'm lacking and couldn't catch you properly." Why is he so cute?? "Are you hurt at all?"

Gah! I need to come up with something!! "N-No, I'm not! I don't get hurt at all!"

"... Are you sure my lady?" I heard him take a step closer.

"Yes! So stay there and keep your distance!" I commanded him and he obeyed.

"... I'll stay over here since you seem to prefer that I don't come too close" He said and sat on the other side of the tree. "So how did you get here, lady... Erm.."

"Angel! Just call me Angel!" Even though I don't look like one.

"Ok..." He said.

After that, we talked about me and I lied my way out of all. Although he's 10, he seems to be very skeptical of my answers. But one of his questions was so cute that I felt like teasing him but I couldn't. I advised him to go to Jennette so that I could leave but he refused to.

"Sigh. Go find her... My time is almost up here" I lied, I really just wanted to leave.

"W-Wait! When will I see you again?" He asked.

"Erm. Around the same time! In the same place!" I told him. "This is goodbye!"


I teleported out of the place quickly.

"Phew!" I hope he won't come back again! However, that is very mean of me to do that to him...

I checked the clock and thought about Jennette.

Since I have time, I might as well take a look at Jennette.


I teleported back to the evil lair and made myself invisible. Luckily, daddy taught me how to do that! I walked around and noticed two small figures in the greenhouse. It meant they were there.


I transported myself to the greenhouse and heard some voices. I managed to distance myself or else it would've been chaotic. I peeked through the crack of the plants and saw Jennette.

And holyyy!! She is so adorable for a child!! She really is the he...ro..ine? 

Wait, something was off about her. The appealing image of her slowly begins to deteriorate as I stare at her longer. Then it hit me, it's due to her dark magic. It all makes sense now. Her dark magic causes the people around her to like her but thanks to mine, I'm able to resist. 

This makes me upset.

Is this how she captured the emperor's heart? And if so, will she use it on papa?

Impossible! Daddy is a strong man and he created her so of course he won't be attracted to her!

I got out of there and back to my room. My body flops onto the bed as I take off my bracelet. I sighed heavily. "It's been 2 weeks since daddy left..."

I miss you, papa. Please come back...

*TIME SKIP* - The Next Day - ~ Athanasia POV ~

I check the clock. It's the same time when I fell on the male lead and somehow didn't break him. Erm, should I go check if he's there? It would be cruel of me to leave me hanging.

I thought very hard about it, twice or maybe three times. I made up my mind! I'll ONLY check if he's there! If not, then I'm good and don't need to come anymore. And if he is... Well, I gotta see if he's there or not first!

I put on my magic bracelet and even changed into the most comfortable and simple dress. It was dark so the grass can't stain it if I ever fall from the sky again. And maybe this button that I put my magic on for training. Whenever it's pushed, it gives me the instinct to travel and so I'm able to go wherever this thing is. I really don't need it but it's for luck, just in case! This is one of my first successful magic casting spells and so it's my lucky charm!

Yes, I'm ready!... Then I stared at the plate of chocolate that Lily had left for me.

Maybe some snacks on the way! I took a bag and put it in my pocket. I love pockets so much! I'm glad daddy taught me how to sew in pockets although I do want to use magic because I'm lazy.

I looked around and checked my body to make sure I had everything. 

Calm down, this is just a simple check! That's right, when I see he's not there, I don't have to come back!

Right! I put my hand into a fist with determination and confidence that there won't be any trouble.


The sound of the leaves blowing in the wind rings in my ear. I looked at my surroundings and managed to teleport myself behind the tree. Phew! Looks like I won't be falling from the sky anymore. I got up and dust myself off and pecked my head to look at the lawn. I anxiously close my eyes and sweat nervously.

'Please don't be there. Please don't be there. Please don't be there' I repeated.

I open my eyes. And he's there, looking up at the sky, waiting for an angel.

He's so adorable!! I feel like a bad person now!! This upsets me so much!!

"When is she coming?" he drops his head down in disappointment. "I guess she's not... Maybe she's busy"

NOOOO!! I don't want to hurt him anymore!

"No!" I shouted, "I'm here!" I told him and he perks up. 

WHY DID I JUST DO THAT!? I instantly regret raising my voice now. 

This is so complicated! I didn't know I would get this far! Gahh!! I should've just left or ignored him!! 

"Lady Angel?" He said and he blushes lightly. So cute! "Do you want me to stay away again?"

"Please! If you can do that!" I said and he sits on the other side of the tree. "I can't let you see me just yet. So be patient..."

"Ok..." He told me in a soft and gentle tone. The fact that I'm doing this to a child makes me feel bad...

"How's Jennette," I asked.

"Still sad about me going away," He said. "I have to go to the academy soon... Will you wait for me?"

"..." I stayed silent. "Do you want to go?" I avoid the question. 

We chatted for a few minutes and even had fun just through talking although he can't see me. From another view, it will just look like an innocent kid talking to a tree or an imaginary friend.

"I don't know if I can go through the academy alone..." He nervously said. "And Jenettee will probably cry for me but hopefully she'll get over it. It's only for a few years..." His voice became faint and sad at the end. 

God... He has to deal with all types of problems. School, reputation, daddy issues, and a little sister too! Even for a kid as the male lead, he still has a lot in his hands... 

"... Hmmm," I stood up. "Here!" I threw my magic button with jewels and shiny things surrounding it. "Whenever you need me. Push the button and I'll appear in front of you." I said and he picked it up. He inspects it in fascination.

"BUT!" He gets startled by my sudden yell. "Only use it around this time! I'm really busy and so this is the time I'm only available at... ok?"

"...ok. Thank you, Lady Angel" He holds it in his hand like it's very precious to him which it should be because it's my lucky charm but I think he needs ut more than I do. "I will use it wisely!"

"... Yes. I trust you" I tell him in a sweet tone. Should I warn him about Jennette? Or let him be consumed by her magic if possible. "Go tend to Jennette, she's sad. And stay in touch with her. That's my only advice to you for today" 

Eh. It's not doing that much harm to anyone so it'll be fine for now. 

"Ok!" He stands up. "I'll talk to you tomorrow right?"

I peek my head out of the bush slightly only letting my eyes out to see him. He flinches in surprise at the sight of me. "When you push the button, yes," I said to him.

"Black hair... And pink eyes..." He mumbled to himself, although he said it in a very low and quiet voice. I could still hear him due to my magic which enhances my senses.

I sighed in exhaustion. "Goodbye, Ijekiel..."

"Ah! G-Goodby-"


I got out of his territory quickly and jumped into bed again. I took off my bracelet as the feeling of being relaxed flows through my body. This thing sure takes up a lot of energy...

I looked up at the ceiling with a blank mind as nostalgia hit me front in the face. What have I done... Things are only going to get worse now that he's gonna continue to see me. My goal is to avoid everything that leads to my doom. If I get too close with the male lead, it will guarantee my death. 

Hold up. 

I rethink my situation and sighed in relief while smiling. 

That doesn't matter anyway! As long as I don't run into the emperor and just disappear without a trace, I'm fine! Sigh. But I still don't want to meet him again. Whatever.

I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep where I get to see mommy every time. She really is breathtaking.

*TIME SKIP* - The Very Next Day -

Suddenly I get goosebumps as my hair on the back of my neck stands up. I stop drawing and stand up with all my senses enhanced. H-He's actually using it??

I put on my bracelet and simple clothes. Then I grabbed a cloak that I specially requested. It was simply black with fur lining and is very soft! That I just want to sleep with it.


I teleported to where the button was but from a distance. I was on the rooftop of an academy and tried to track where my magic device was. Then I managed to find Ijekiel in the academy's garden by the tree. He really is a gentleman! He knows that I don't want to reveal myself and is by the tree for me to hide in! That's too cute!


"GAH!" I accidentally teleported on top of the tree! I fall through the branches from the top and crash into many sticks. 

Ouch! Oww! Motherfuc-

I cursed to myself in pain as I fell down the tree and onto the ground. "Owwie..." I rub my butt in pain.

The leaves were stuck in my hair and the bottom layer of my dress was slightly torn apart.

"Are you ok?!" Ijekiel asked me.

"I-I'm fine! Just a little scratch up" I looked at my elbow that had scrapes on it. There were bits of blood streaming down my arm.

This is not good. If I had known healing magic like daddy, then this wouldn't be a problem. Luckily it's not that serious, but how can I explain this to Lily?

"I-I'm sorry for calling you out here!" He flusters. "I didn't think you would get hurt, it's my fault!" His cheeks turn slightly pink.

Why must you make me feel like this? Why are you so adorable? I'm tired of using the words "adorable" and "cute" to describe you but I can't help it! He's a child! A very smart and mature one too!

Then I heard voices from a distance, gossiping about Ijekiel. They're questioning his behavior and why he's talking to a tree. "Such a weird kid"

That comment made my blood boil with fury. "Ijekiel! Go to your room and I'll talk to you there!"

"O-Ok!" He nodded and ran back without even asking why. He's so obedient.

The kids near me were still snickering about him and talking behind his back. I shall teach them a lesson!

I got up on my feet and made myself invisible. As those kids were walking back to the building, I cast bumps on the ground in front of each of their feet which made them fall down and drop their books. "Wahh!" They face planted to the ground.

Then as quickly as I can while their faces are still down on the ground, I touch each of their books and reduce them to atoms so nothing is left behind. And for the fun of it, I took their papers and cast a wind spell, making them fly everywhere and up to the air.


"What's going on?!"

"The documents!" They all jump to catch it.

They might get severely punished for this, but they're lucky that I'm only sparing them from pain. They're still kids so they'll learn: Not to talk behind others' back.

Then my sixth sense acts up. He's calling for me.


I teleported where my button was. With me holding down the cloak to cover my face, I slowly looked up and faced Ijekiel with a pale face.

SHOOT! I accidentally revealed my face to him! But luckily, I changed my hair and eyes so he won't recognize if he ever comes to the palace.

"Y-Your arm!" He looks at me in shock with sweat rolling down his face. "It's bleeding!" He pointed.

I looked at where he was pointing at and saw my arm was stained with old and new blood. I looked around and found a white clean cloth on the table next to me! I grabbed it and wrapped my arm with it. "I-It's ok! I'll get it treated later!"

"L-Let me do it!" Ijekiel took over. "This needs to be disinfected first... But I need water."

Ah! I know how to summon water but how can I do that without him noticing. Then I found an empty glass on the table. How convenient...


"You can use that!" I pointed at the glass that was once empty but now filled with water.

"Ah yes!" He said, "Here you can sit on this chair!" He pulls out the chair and I sit on it.

He grabs an empty bowl and begins treating my wound. I twitch as he touches my wound. This kid really is perfect. I looked around and saw a book on the table across from me.

"What were you reading?"

"Oh, I was reading...." He said. (AN: I don't remember the smartbook he was reading, sorry)

Huh? What is that? I don't remember reading that at all! Is that even an elementary level? What's up with him? "How far have you gotten in sociology? Do you know Bill Roitz?..."

I gave him all sorts of questions a regular 10-year-old wouldn't know. Yet he knew what I was talking about and even surpassed me!!

"How do you know god's tongue at a young age?"

Huh?! He's able to pronounce the most complicated language perfectly! "You even memorized the line of the (Insert intelligent book)."

What the! I don't even remember where it is!

H-He really is the perfect male lead!

I looked up and noticed the clock. "Ah! My time is up!" I lifted up my arm and backed away from him.

"B-But your arm!" He said and I looked. He only cleaned it but not wrapped it.

"It's fine! I'll treat it myself!" I reassure him. "Bye!"


I teleported out of there and back in my room. "My dress is ruined" I mumbled to myself as I touch the torn part that has yet to be fixed. "Including my cloak!" I panicked as I saw a hole in it. It's new too!

Arg! Should I ask Lily to stitch it back or learn how to repair it through a spell? Maybe there is one in the spellbook daddy gave me!

I took off my bracelet and hid my torn clothes in the closet. Then I changed myself back into the original dress and made sure my hair was leafless. Ok!

Now time to find a way to heal my wound but I don't know-how. Sigh. I guess I should add it to my list of important things to learn. But what should I do? Tell Lily? What kind of excuse can I come up with? 

I walked back and forth in the room as I think carefully of my scenario then suddenly I misstepped and stumbled forward. "Wah!" 

I fell forward and my instinct kicks me. 


I landed on the side on my arm... The one that was injured! "O-Owwieee" I cried out and lift myself up. I took a look at my arm and the fall made the wound worse and deeper. The blood begins to bleed out to the surface and drip down onto the floor. 

Lily quickly came in and saw the horrifying bloody "accident". 

"Princess!" She screamed and tended to me. "Your arm!" Her face went pale and her eyes were getting red.

Oh no. This isn't what I want! "It's fine, Lily!" I got up on my feet and showed her I was ok. "It's only a scrape!" I showed her my wound and the blood was smeared all over my arm. 

Gah! I shouldn't have shown her that! Her mouth opened in shock and tears were forming in her eyes. 

"But you got hurt!" She lightly brushed my cheeks and held my face close to her, moving it side to side to check for any other wounds. "Are you hurt anywhere else??"

"No. I'm fine!" I smiled and ignored the pain. Crap! Crap! Although this is such a nice coincidence for my situation, I didn't want it to be like this!! "Athy is fine! It's not that serious!~" 

I puff my chest and cheeks to show that I'm strong not to whine over a minor incident. 

She sighed out of relief and looked at me with sad eyes. "You really are unique..."

She carried me to get me clean up along with my wound. "You worry me sometimes but that's what makes you special," She said to me.

I flustered over her words. "Thank you... Lily"

End of Chapter 7 

|Word Count: 3265| 

AN: I don't know what to say anymore... Reminder!! About the romance... Yeah uhm y'all have to be patient because for now, I'm focusing on the father-daughter relationship. 

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