Mercy and the Merciless Alpha

By hooodster

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"What the hell is wrong with you? Are you really going to put your own mate in prison?" I wrapped my hands a... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Fourteen

3.1K 106 25
By hooodster

Luke's POV

"It's been days, anything could have happened at this point—Mercy's life is in danger and you're doing nothing about it!" I exclaimed, my fist slamming against the wooden dinner table of our Alpha's home.

Mercy's father Alpha Robert has asked us all to come to his home and discuss the situation. Originally, I was excited to hear we would be making plans to try and get Mercy back but it was clear from the moment I walked into their home that there would be no swift response; which obviously infuriated me beyond all reason.

Serena placed a hand in my shoulder, "Luke you're in no condition to go and—"

She was cut off by Mercy's father Alpha Robert, "Don't you dare assume that because of your friendship with my daughter you have the right to speak to your Alpha like this."

In that moment I really didn't care that the man before me was my Alpha and superior, all I cared about was my Mercy.

We grew up together and were best friends practically the moment we left the womb. Every day when I was younger I prayed to the Moon Goddess that Mercy would be my mate, I adored everything about her and I imagined our lives together constantly. But when we both turned eighteen it was obvious that my prayers had not been answered. To anyone else, perhaps someone more sane than me, they would have given up on that dream life together but for some reason I could not.

She was the love of my life and no mate bond could tell me otherwise. Not that she knew this of course, not that anyone knew my true feelings for her. I was certain that deep down Mercy might have picked up in some of my flirting but it was clear that to her, we were simply friends and as much as it pained me, I had to be okay with that; for the time being of course.

I needed her back, my wolf needed her back. Every second that went by was another moment Mercy was in danger and I couldn't risk losing her, especially with not having admitted my true feelings for her.

Mercy's mother Veronica mimicked Serena's movements and placed a hand on Alpha Robert's shoulder which earned her a sharp glare from his mate Luna Megan. "My daughter has been taken and you two are bickering like children."

"Our daughter." Alpha Robert growled lowly and that was enough to send Luna Megan storming out of the room.

Their daughter and the girl I loved...

I was still fairly battered from our encounter with Mercy's captors, we were completely outnumbered from the beginning due to Alpha Robert's reluctance and eventual refusal to send out a proper team to retrieve his daughter. Even with Mercy's very life on the line he wouldn't put his pack and our secrets in harms way so I gathered a rag tag team of a few of our more rebellious friends and slipped away to try and bring her home; which explained my amount of injuries I'd received because there was simply no way we could have been adequately prepared or successful.

"Alpha Robert," I began much more subdued this time, "We need a formal plan to save your daughter and with all due respect, I was there that day in the foreigners pack and can confirm that our secret is already out. He knew about Mercy's gift and who knows how much else he knows, the Alpha could even know our location at this point and be planning something against us as we speak. So, there's no need for secrecy or hesitancy any longer. All that matters is rescuing Mercy at this point."

The room was quiet, everyone's eyes were on Alpha Robert, waiting to see his reaction to my embattled plea. He ran his hand across his unshaven face, he looked older than his years. I was glad this was taking a toll on him, it was his own daughter kidnapped for christ's sake.

He stood and leaned forward with his hands on the table, "We will send an ambassador with a small envoy of maybe one or two other wolves along. I want to avoid an all out war at all costs because as I am sure you all are aware, we have little to no fighting chance against any pack for the matter."

I hated how Alpha Robert was making a good point, since we lived in secrecy there was no need for a large and strong fighting force; we were ill prepared to say the least. Even still, I found myself opening my mouth to beg him for a stronger response but before I could begin he silenced me with a low growl that sent me into unwilling submission instantly.

"The group will access the situation and try to negotiate a peaceful return of my daughter. If this foreigners pack spurns our attempt for a nonviolent resolution and only then will we send a team of warriors in." Alpha Robert resolutely stated.

All eyes turned to Veronica waiting to see her reaction to Alpha's plan and much to my surprise, I found her nodding in agreement. "Mercy would want it this way."

I couldn't control the scoff that left me, "Mercy would want to be home at all costs."

Alpha Robert suddenly turned to me, eyes ablaze with rage and his finger pointed warningly at me. "Another word out of you and I'll not just take you off of this mission but I'll have you spending the night in a cell for disrespecting your Alpha's direct orders. Have I made myself clear?"

My eyes dropped angrily to the floor, as much as I wanted to argue more the power of an Alpha was too much for me or my wolf to fight any longer. Serena elbowed my side and gave me a pointed look, I sighed and looked back up to Alpha Robert, "I understand."

I was surprised he would even let me go on this trip considering how defiant I've been this entire time but I didn't want to do or say anything else that could further jeopardize my chance to see Mercy again.

It was then I realized what I had to do when we got there. In addition to negotiating Mercy's safe return, I had to finally tell her how I really felt about her. This could be my last chance.

Serena meekly held up her hand, silently asking permission to speak. After a curt nod from Alpha she cleared her throat softly, "If at all possible, I'd like to volunteer myself to go along with Luke. I am great with people and I work well under pressure and I'm a fairly calm person. I could—"
"No chance." He cut her off and instantly Serena's face dropped, "You've never gone a day of your life in warrior training and if things go south, I need wolves who can properly defend themselves."

Again, Alpha Robert was right. As much as I loved Serena, she was entirely too weak and not cut out for something like this. Our rag tag attempt at rescuing Mercy the first time made that obvious.

"I will go."

All jaws in the room collectively dropped as Veronica stood from the table, she placed an hand on Alpha's shoulder and squeezed gently. "I am her mother, I need to be the one to go with Luke and we both know that there is no way for you to go. It has to be me."

I waited for the immediate refusal like Serena got since Mercy's mother had always been a healer but it never came. He placed his hand on top of hers, "Are you certain?"

Veronica nodded confidently, "I wasn't always a healer Rob, let me do this for our daughter."

That was news to me.

"The two of you will leave at first light. Be ready, be vigilant." Alpha Robert sighed and took Veronica's hand in his, walking out of the room with her.

Serena swiftly got up from her seat, a quiet anger radiating off of her. "Don't f:ck this up, Luke."

I recoiled instantly, "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

She pinched the bridge of her nose and closed her eyes, clearly trying to collect herself. "I'm not an idiot, I've seen the way you look at her—I know you're in love with Mercy."

It was honestly not that big of a surprise she knew, I was about as subtle as a gun.

"Just remember why you're going there. Bringing Mercy home is the priority, nothing else matters; everything else can wait." It was the most stern I've ever heard her.

Serena opened her eyes and let out a loud sigh, she picked up her bag and left the room without another word and i was left alone in the room.

Tomorrow morning I will have Mercy back. Tomorrow morning she will know how I feel. Tomorrow morning everything will go back to normal.


AHHHHH a luke pov!! wanted the switch things up and show the other side of what was going on ; ) what're everyone's thoughts on his plan??

also...hi double update, how are ya?

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