A wolf's vampire imprint

By HarliLawson1996

524K 12.4K 978

Abigail Black is the Twin sister of Jacob Black. She ends up phasing a little bit before Jacob and imprints o... More

00: AJ
01: Bella Swan's moving where?
02: Bonfire at Sam's
03: Isabella
04: Cliff Diving?
05: Visiting Bella
06: Chilling with Quill
07: Dance
08: Birthday Party and Phasing
09: Healing
10: Free
11: Movies with Bella and Jessica
12: Jacob phases
13: Bye-Bye, Laurent.
14: Wolf Out of the Bag
15: The Death of an Elder
16: Opperation Clearwater Werewolf
17: Jasper
18: Attacks in Seattle
19: Victoria?
20: First Time
22: Bella in La Push
23: Rosalie's Story
24: Abigail's Past
25: Apologies and Forgiveness?
26: Bonfire
27: Little Wolf
28: Major Whitlock
29: Disaster in the making
30: A crush's kiss and a broken hand
31: Mastermind
32: Investigating in Seattle
33: Graduation Party
34: Pack Meeting
35: Some training
36: Proposal
37: "When did Leah join the pack?"
38: Pain
39: Forks bound
40: A Cullen / Swan wedding
41: 100% Pack
42: Chilling with Paul
43: Ness
44: Bittersweet Nineteen
45: Catching Snowflakes
46: Meeting more family
47: When the snow sticks
48: The Red Coats Are Coming
49: Beginning of an end
50: Epilogue

21: The Chase / Pack Meeting

11.2K 240 7
By HarliLawson1996

The silver wolf is standing near Alice, she is in a vision right now, trying to spot Victoria. Carlisle, Esme, Emmett, Jasper, and Travis are surrounding the clairvoyent vampire, as well. Emmett is standing beside Abigail.

"That way!" Alice demands and the group all run in the direction Alice saw Victoria go.

They soon spot the familiar red hair and increase their speed, Abigail easily keeps up and is running beside Jasper now. The pack is running on the other side, AJ howled and mind-linked her alpha about Victoria near the treaty line, per Alice's request. She wants both the coven and pack working together on keeping the vamoire safe.

"Abigail, go sniff around Bella's," Carlisle instructs. "Charlie's alone."

The silver wolf simply nods and she speeds off away from both the pack and the coven. She steps out behind the house and trots up, sniffing around and she growls as she smells her, smells Victoria. Her smell lingers. Abigail grunts before trotting into the woods, she howls in warning.

Abigail: She was here, her smell lingers and Charlie is here.

She waits.

I'll let your vampire family know, Sam replies. Be careful coming back and you need to...

Talk to the big one, Jared cuts into the mind-link. The chase got heated, Victoria jumped to our side and the big...

Emmett, Sam cuts Jared off. Emmett jumped onto our side, to into it and Paul jumped at him. Talk to Emmett, and we need a pack meeting. That means you, too, Black.

You got it, Alpha, Abigail replies seriously and runs to the Cullens home. Jasper is waiting with a change of clothes. Abigail licks the side of the vampire's face before she heads into the bushes.

"Emmett McCarty Cullen!" Abigail growls as she storms upstairs. "Why did Sam mind-link me and say you jumped the treaty!?"

Emmett's eyes are wide. "I didn't mean to, Abigail, I'm serious! I was so caught up in the case..."

"And Paul charged you?" Abigail asks, hands on her hips, Esme is trying her best not to laugh.

Emmett bites on his nail, and nods with a sheepish oook on his face. Abigail sighs and she shakes her head.

"Sam is holding a pack meeting," Abigail says. "I have to get to the pack house. I'll be back after, Jas, we still have a weekend."

Jasper kisses her lovingly before he leaves for a hunt. Esme pulls Abigail into a hug before letting the girl leave the house. Abigail phases and she runs to Sam and Emily's instead of driving Jasper's Porsche again.

She phases and foes inside. "Paul Anthony Lahote."

"Oh, don't start," Paul grumbles. "I heard enough from Sam."

"Fine." Abigail walks over and his him upside the head. "You idiot, he was caught up in the hunt."

"I know that now," Paul grumbles as he rubs his head. "You hit like a man, AJ."

"Emmett ok?" Sam asks as he exits the kitchen, he tosses Abigail a blueberry muffin.

"Yeah, I got on his case," Abigail replies. "Did you guys catch Victoria?"

"No, she jumped into the waters at First Beach," Sam replies. "She finally stayed in our side."

"Stupid vampire," Abigail growls as she sits beside Paul on the couch. "Those human eaters always seem to underestimate us wolves."

"Damn straight," Paul agrees as he lays back, draping an arm on the couch behind Abigail's head. "The Cullens don't, I can give your boyfriend's family credit for that. They know how cruel we can be."

"They can be cruel, too," Abigail says.

"I know," Paul replies with a shrug. "Especially if it were to come to you. You know we can't hurt Jasper."

"I know, because he's my imprint," Abigail shrugs as she walks into the kitchen to throw her muffin wrapper away. "The muffins are amazing as always, Em," AJ says to the scarred imprint.

"Thanks, AJ," Emily coos. "Want another?"

Abigail is quick to agree and she helps herself. She unwraps it, throws the paper away, and rejoinsthe living room. She sits between Paul and Jared as Sam goes on with the pack meeting about Victoria.

"Abi said she smelled Victoria's scent at Bella's," Jared tells Jacob as he walks in, Jacob was pouting because Edward and Bella away instead of being with the pack.

"Hers and Charlie's," Abigail says. "Rosalie checked it out, too."

"Blondie?" Paul asks and Abigail nods. "What'd she find?"

"Victoria was indeed alone with Charlie," Abigail replies as she leans agaisnt Jared, who secures an arm around her. "That was before the chase began. She was in the living room above Charlie's sleeping form."

"When did blondie check on Bella's dad?" Jacob asks from the kitchen doorway, eating on a muffin himself.

"Right after the hunt, when I went to yell at Emmett," Abigail replies before popping the rest of her muffin into her mouth, chews and swallows. "Charlie was unharmed. Rose and I think Victoria was looking for Bella."

"And Bella's gone," Sam says.

"Which is lucky," Abigail says, mainly toward Jacob, "Edward convinced her it was a good time to visit Renee in Jacksonville."

"Does Bella know Victoria's around?" Jacob asks his twin sister.

"I'm not sure, I don't think Edward said anything,"n Abigail replies. "I don't know why; Bella deserves to know that Victoria is in town."

"Yeah," Jacob replies.

"He probably wanted to get her out of town and in order to do so, Edward had to leave out some valuable information," Sam offers. "We all know if Bella knew about Victoria being around Forks and La Push, she wouldn't leave her dad or lee... vampire boyfriend alone."

"That is a possibility," Abigail murmurs. "What if she comes back around?"

"Then she is in for one hell of a chase," Embry muses before running some fingers through his hair.

"Abigail, since you're the only one allowed in Forks, I need you to patrol Bella's house," Sam informs her. "Let me or the Cullens know if a new scent comes up. And boys, Leah, pick up extra patrol shifts just in case Victoria does return for a hunt. And Leah, bring Seth with you."

"Will do," Leah replies, her heart still dull from the heartbreak Sam gave her but she knows to obey her alpha.

"You got it, Sam," Abigail claims. "I'm gonna get back to Jasper. I am spending the weekend."

"Alright," Sam says he walks to the door with Abigail. "Be careful and don't forget..."

"Patrol around Bella's house," Abigail cuts her alpha off, "got it, Sam. I know."

Sam gives her a hug and Abigail goes into the trees. She strips and phases. She runs to the Cullens, phases and dresses, then walks inside.

"What are tour orders?" Esme asks in a gentle and warm tone, one Abigail's mother used to use before the accident.

"I have to patrol Bella's house daily," Abigail replies. "Even when she's back... In case of new vampire scents or Victoria."

Esme squeezes Abigail's shoulders before she goes to Carlisle's office. Jasper is in his room when Abigail walks in. Abigail lays down and snuggles into Jasper's loving embrace, not even bothering to change into some pajamas.

"Get some sleep, darlin'," Jasper mumbles. "You can patrol tomorrow."

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