Chérie, parchments and quills

By Oleonetta

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A birthday gift voucher for Le'Amortentia - the dating service, sends Harry into a whirlwind of words after... More

Chérie, parchments and quills
Chapter One - Le'Amortentia
Chapter Two - False names
Chapter Three - Inordinate amounts of chocolate
Chapter Five - Faults of alliance
Chapter Six - Precarious nature of trust
Chapter Seven - Playing with fire
Chapter Eight - Halloween slips
Chapter Nine - Shattering illusions
Chapter Ten - Curative company
Chapter Eleven - Irrefutable evidence
Chapter Twelve - Three's a crowd
Chapter Thirteen - The winds of remaining corruption
Chapter Fourteen - Concealed truths
Chapter fifteen - Christmas gifts
Chapter Sixteen - Christmas games
Chapter Seventeen - Sonixies
Chapter eighteen - Draco's dilemma and delusions
Chapter Nineteen- Miss Payne
Chapter twenty - Young Darkened Heart
Chapter Twenty-One - Fettered by Fear
Chapter Twenty-Two: Dueling of Desperation

Chapter Four - Apologies

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By Oleonetta

Harry was just preparing the defence against the dark's arts class room - to accommodate the larger number of first years that would be arriving in two weeks, when an Owl started tapping rapidly at one of the windows. Harry smiled as he went to open it; after nineteen years in the Wizarding world, it still amazed him how owls could find him nearly anywhere he went. As long as there was a window - or a way to enter the building, they would find him.

Once the owl had left - after its gratitude for the treats and some affection, Harry noticed the letter had the Le'Amortentia wax seal. He quickly broke the seal and read the letter:

Dear Mr Potter,

We don't usually agree to the sending of gifts, but if I can't do a favour for the man who saved the wizard world twice, then what sort of witch would I be? A disgrace of one that's what!

Well, anyways Mr Potter, I wrote to your secret Chérie and asked him if that would be okay. I can only bend the rules so far you see, and asking his permission first was necessary if I wished to keep my job. He said that was perfectly fine, so I have just sent your gifts to him.

You said it was chocolate, but I've never heard of anything called 'Maltesers' before, nor that long one called 'Galaxy caramel'. Perhaps you could enlighten me one day?

Nonetheless Mr Potter, I just wrote to let you know that your gifts are on their way.

Yours truly,

From Le'Amortentia,

Miss Malaise Vixen.

Harry's smile widened, wondering what Tau's reaction to his choice of 'making it up to him' would be.

He folded his letter, making a note to thank Miss Vixen, and then slide it into his jeans pocket before continuing to play around with the tables. He had no idea how many students he would have in each of his classes yet, but if he halved the number of first years starting ... he guessed thirty-two wouldn't be a far-off estimation for the number of students his classroom needed to hold at full capacity. Now he just needed to figure out how to get thirty-two students into his class with room for spell casting and practical work.

He flicked his wand, levitating and manipulating the tables and chairs once again as he tried to form a semicircle this time.


Back in his private room, he wiped the soup bowl clean with his bread and popped the last of it into his mouth. The spoon clinked as it landed into the bowl and he pushed it aside. A few moments later, the bowl vanished and a fresh cup of coffee appeared. He thanked Kreacher - not knowing if he'd heard him or not.

Having already finished planning the schedule to meet the curriculum for the first years', he was now working on the same plans for the second years. He had to fit in a multitude of topics, from Dark creatures such as Banshees, Cornish pixies and trolls - including the correct way to handle such creatures, to Defence against the dark arts spells, such as the disarming charm or the full body bind curse, and he only had thirty-nine weeks in which to achieve this for all his students - including all the revision for the things that they had learnt from the previous years. The students were not going to be pleased with the amount of homework he had to set them.

It was tiring work, and he soon decided to take a break. He sat on his bed - his head against the headboard, his coffee to his left on the bedside table, and he pulled out the magical parchment and quill from the draw. Smiling when he saw the new message, he eagerly read the words.

Message from Tau:


Are you trying to poison me - what the hell is a 'Galaxy caramel' or 'Maltesers'?

Obviously, I can read, and I have deduced that they are some aberrant form of chocolate, but I have never seen these ones before. As the chocolate expert here, I demand and explanation to these foreign monstrosities!

I would also like to know how this absolves you from your criminal charges against my last chocolate?

I must admit, I think I was wrong. You are not peculiar, you are absurd!

Message end-

There was no closing, but that wasn't uncommon - Harry chuckling to Tau's reply wasn't uncommon either. No, what was unusual, was the feeling of satisfaction that had allowed an indescribable feeling to sneak up on him. It was like standing in the warm sun, but he couldn't place it enough to name the emotion. Maybe it was simply a mixture of warm emotions that he couldn't separate, but he was most certainly happy.

After a week of conversing with Tau in this similar fashion, he felt like he knew the hidden meanings behind his words. In this instance he'd translated Tau's message to:

'Hey Harry - not that he knew Harry's real name of course - I am pleasantly surprised and very appreciative of my chocolate gifts, they were most unexpected. I am curious about the chocolates you have sent me and would like to know more. They are not the standard chocolate, nor quality of chocolate that I usually enjoy, but I thank you very much for them. You're not really to blame for my upset or stress the other day, however I am playing a game to see what you might do next - your actions fascinate me. I find your unpredictability charming and intriguing.'

If Harry had to guess, with Tau being a pure-blood wizard, he would assume that he'd never had muggle chocolates before. Harry hoped Tau wasn't a pure-blood that was against all thing's muggle, seeing he still enjoyed many of the thing's muggles had to offer. Yes, Harry even had a laptop at home, and he still preferred muggle clothes shops.

The scratching of the quill filled the room as he replied to Tau.

Message to Tau:

They arrived safely then? That's good.

I won't tell you much about them, just that they taste very good and are a muggle sweet. I have had them myself.

I thought it was the least I could do to replace the chocolate you accused me of murdering. I fail to see how your lack of control over your cravings is my fault Tau. I didn't force your hands to move, or put the chocolate into your mouth, or make you swallow it now did I? Even so, I still felt rather bad. I thought you would appreciate something new and equally as good. Seeing as you abhor ignorance, and would rather learn then stay in the dark, I'm sure you will appreciate my gift to you greatly. I have provided you with the means to broaden your knowledge on the world of chocolate that you are so passionate about, and have generously replaced the chocolate you no longer have due to no fault of mine.

I will patiently await your verdict - I don't expect you to eat them today of course.

Padfoot, x

Message end-

Harry sent it off with a small, smug little smile, before resting his head back on his puffed-up pillows and leaving the parchment and quill on the right side of the bed next to him. He wondered if Tau liked puffed up pillows, or maybe he liked thinner ones. 'One, two, or maybe he like lots of them?' He thought.

His mind decided then, that it wanted to paint and wander as he rested his tired eyes. It painted long, thick buttery-blond hair this time, framing a warm smiling face, and laying on the pillows next to him on the bed. Two dark, passionate grey eyes stared up into his own emerald green ones. They were filled with a tender kindness, yet there were murky shadows of the past that sat behind the plea to be seen – his soul bared open and raw, begging not to judged or held in a forever frozen trial of convictions.

Harry drifted deeper, his mind lulling him into slumber against his conscious desire to do so, but it still painted the sweetest of images. A long body leaned over him; buttery-blond hair tickled his cheeks as the grey eyes got closer to his face. So close. He could also feel the gentle breaths against his lips, and he could feel the phantom pressure against his lap as the body lowered the last few inches to sit there. Harry licked his lips in his semi-slumber. The phantom pressure - pressing a chaste kiss against his own lips, drove him to pull at that thick buttery-blond hair ... but his hand grabbed at nothing but air, and it smacked down into his left check and nose instead.

"Damn!" Harry winced awake. He rubbed his sore cheek and noes, before sitting up and rubbing at his tired eyes. He wasn't ashamed of his fantasies, rather, he was embarrassed at himself for starting to become attracted to an imaginary figure. He didn't know Tau outside of the parchment, and his appearance had so much range of possibility within blond hair and grey eye that he could look like... well, anything. He blamed his fantasies on the work load, and the fact that Tau had also been on his mind a lot, so it was no wonder his mind was conjuring up unhelpful reminders of his total lack of romantic or sexual aspects in his life.

Planning, for Harry at least, was the most tiring part of being a teacher. It was tedious, arduous, and it took ages. He also had to give it to Headmistress Minerva McGonagall in two days for approval. He'd been working at his defence against the darks arts plans for five hours straight today already, and he'd only finished about a quarter of the work.

He needed to get on a broom!


Harry flew across the great lake on his Volant 360 racing broom. The wind rapidly killed his drowsiness, and the thrill of the ride gave him a boost of energy. The volant 360 was made for stunts: better grip, flat top for wind surfing, charmed seating for excellent comfort, and over thirty built in safety charms. Harry would have tried out a few more daring stunts, but he wasn't dressed in suitable clothing - he was in jeans and a t-shirt - and he didn't need to burn off his renewed energy when he had more planning to return to.

A light shift of the broom and Harry looped, twisted, and suddenly he was flying back to Hogwarts. He'd had a peaceful, relaxing flight - the summer heat made blissful by the cool breeze that his speed created - and he now felt ready to tackle more of his tedious planning.

It was quiet solitude over the lake as he returned in a slower pace. He'd never seen anyone flying out here before, so it was surprising when that was exactly what he could see now - another rider. He instantly noticed that familiar platinum white-blond hair, almost glowing under the sunlight and reflecting the rays - Malfoy!

Harry was happy to just fly past - get on with his day, but Malfoy decided to fly over to him on his Firebolt Supreme. Harry hovered a few feet away from Malfoy, and apart from being polite, he really didn't know why he'd stopped.

"Malfoy!" Harry beat him to salutations. He didn't want any trouble, so he instantly chastised himself for his immediate defensive tone.

"Listen Potter. I just wanted to say I'm sorry. As you so kindly put it, I did indeed act like a 'prat' yesterday. We have to work together. It would be nice if we could at least be civil."

Malfoy's words threw Harry for a loop. Did he just apologies ... to him? Not that he wasn't grateful for it, but the Draco Malfoy that Harry once knew would never have admitted fault. Twelve years had passed, they were older now and with ages came maturity ... but he'd never have expected this from Malfoy of all people. Was Malfoy scheming and up to something? He had wondered why Malfoy would accept the potions professor job and move back to England, when the last Harry had heard, he owned a book store in France and was living with his mother there.

"Potter?" Malfoy frowned at him, clearly waiting for a response.

"What are you up to?" Harry blurted out before he could arrange his thoughts. He didn't mean to sound accusing, but Malfoy had befuddled his brain. Before he could rephrase his question - or take it back and just accept his apology like he should have done in the first place - Malfoy had opened his mouth.

"Oh, of course Potter!" Malfoy snapped. "I apologise and therefore I must be up to something." Malfoy spat angrily, drawling out the last three words. "It's people like you that..."

Harry thought that he really did sound like Professor Severus Snape. Malfoy's voice was cold, and the words drawled out angrily. Harry blinked, thinking about the man that once loved his mother – unrequitedly, and Malfoy's angry words died on the wind unheard. Severus Snape was a link in a chain that resulted in his parent's death, but was also a link in Voldemort's down full, the cause of his own still beating heart today, and a brave man that lost his life after giving so much so much of it to aid in the war.

"Potter!" Malfoy all but screamed.

Harry's head snapped up with a gasp - 'oh fuck' on the tip of his tongue. "Sorry." Harry tried going for shameful instead, but Malfoy just looked like he wanted to strangle him.

"You're an ignorant, judgmental tosser!" Malfoy's last words spat at Harry before he flew away in a rage - leaving Harry behind blinking in the sun.

'Great.' Harry thought sarcastically, still hovering on his broom. 'That was the best time to lose my mind.'


Harry walked out of the bathroom and into his bedroom, a dark green towel wrapped around his waist. He'd decided to wash away the stress of the day, to let the cool water relax his muscles and give him time to think about what had happened with Malfoy. He still wasn't sure what to make of him, but he'd decided that it was his turn to apologise. That in itself was just weird, but his last two encounters with Malfoy had been a disaster.

Knowing he'd take his dinner in his chambers later, he slipped into his short-sleeved pyjamas and black slippers. He threw the towel into the wash bin, then sat down at the table with a fresh cup of coffee. Sighing to himself, he opened the box to start pulling out his lesson plans.


Harry managed to make good headway into the plans, but his mind kept drifting to Malfoy - guilt, confusion, questions and curiosity eating away at him. He couldn't let it sit and go stale, so he grabbed a fresh piece of parchment and decided to send the man a letter of apology and explain himself. He was a thirty-year-old man for Godric's sake, he could be civil. They weren't children anymore; they were work colleagues. Unless Malfoy actually did something to warrant suspicion - something other than apologise - he would try to be amicable and polite, and give him the benefit of the doubt.

The hardest part about writing the letter, was admitting something to his ex-rival that was rather embarrassing. If he didn't admit it, he wouldn't be able to explain his 'ignorance' as Malfoy had put it. It also wasn't exactly a secret either; the rest of the staff knew.

To Mr D Malfoy;

I wanted to write you an apology and explain my reaction earlier. I did not mean to respond the way I did.

I sincerely appreciate the fact that you'd approached me to apologise for your own reaction yesterday in the hall. My epic failure to watch where I was going yesterday was rather embarrassing, and I again, apologise for colliding into you after the staff meeting.

Firstly, I wish to share with you something that the rest of the staff already know. It is embarrassing, but even my students know it happens to some degree.

There are times when my mind wanders. It may sound rather silly, but I get washed away on a train of thought and lose focus in the moment. A call of my name, a loud sound, or a simple touch will snap me out of it. That may sound dangerous for a professor of defence against the dark arts, but It never happens when I'm casting spells, and in classes I find it rarely happens at all. The students usually refer to me as the teacher that day dreams.

I have been teaching here for nearly ten years, and my unusual habit has never been an issue but it is a real lasting effect of my past, and it is quite embarrassing when it does happen.

I am sharing this with you because that is what happened both today in the air, and when I collided so elegantly with you in the hall after the staff meeting. When you came to apologise, my mind wandered and I zooned out thinking about something else. I am sorry that I reacted badly. If my mind hadn't wandered, I would have accepted your apology there and then. I hope you can accept it now.

I am also sorry for the way I reacted; I never meant to imply that you were up to anything, but come on Malfoy, you apologised to ME. For all our history together, it simply shocked me that you would approach me to apologise and admit fault. I guess even after twelve years I still expected you to be the same, and that isn't something I am proud of.

I am long overdue in welcoming you back to Hogwarts. Perhaps we can share a coffee on Wednesday, 1pm, my room or yours is fine if you agree. I wish to avoid any animosity in the future. It will be better for everyone if we could start over, and I think coffee would be a good start - unless you prefer tea?

I would like to wipe the slate clean, start a new, and take each other as we are now.


Mr Harry Potter.

Harry got his great grey owl - Lilsiv, to deliver his letter to Malfoy. She was a smart owl, and she had managed to deliver letters to staff members in the dungeon before. Lilsiv was also feisty and stubborn, and he briefly wondered what Malfoy would make of her.

With that now off his mind, he decided to return to his planning.


With his addled brain - due to over work and tiredness - it started to become obvious that he wouldn't get anymore planning done tonight. It was quite late, and the words, numbers, and lesson plans were starting to merge together in ridiculous ways. He was also pretty confident that his third-year students should not be trying to defeat a boggart by using the patronus charm on it, but then, he couldn't think why it sounded like the right thing to do.

Climbing into bed a few minutes later, he almost knocked his magical parchment and quill onto the floor when he lifted the covers. He went to put it away safely, but he noticed the words were no longer his own - Tau had replied.

Message from Tau:

I am afraid I devoured the 'Maltesers' tonight, Padfoot. I will admit, it has been a rather stressful day. I didn't reply earlier because I had a lot of work to do, and for that I apologise.

For once it was not your fault, but I still blame you for the murder of my last chocolate. You dangled the prey in front of the chimaera and expected it not to bite. So yes, you should feel bad - shame on you!

The Maltesers were nice; they melted on my tongue and surprisingly, I found them rather soothing - distracting even. The chocolate itself wasn't the best, it lacked the luxurious smooth and velvety taste that one would associate with good quality chocolate, and the taste didn't linger as long as I would have liked. Your verdict would have to be adequate; I wouldn't expect great quality from muggles, but that is only because wizard made chocolate is created with magic. I feel sorry for them really, imagine never trying quality chocolate.

If you get the time, I wanted to recommend a book to you. I am more than curious to what you will make of it. It is called 'Faults of alliance' by Treliatio Mcfaduq.

Tau. x

Message end-

Harry could relate to having a lot of work to do, but his day wasn't too stressful in hindsight. His run in ... well, fly in? With Malfoy was just annoying and distracting. He hadn't received a reply from Malfoy yet, and Lilsiv had most likely flown to the owlery so she could catch her own food tonight with the other owls.

Tau sounded tired in his letter. Maybe because it didn't have the same level of cheeky arrogance to it, or maybe it was something else that was off, but he just couldn't put his finger on it.

Deciding he was far too tired to reply tonight, he slipped the parchment and quill into the draw. Maybe Tau's message would feel different in the morning. He would reply as soon as he woke up, it wouldn't do to try tonight; he might write something strange or embarrassing in his tiredness - or say something he shouldn't.

He was very tempted to tell Tau about Malfoy. He wouldn't use names of course, and he'd avoid mentioning anything to give away his own or Malfoy's identity, but in the end ... he decided there was no point in bringing that up. He would only sound like an idiot if he did, and he and Malfoy had far too much history to explain everything in a way that Tau would understand.

No, he would reply in the morning and not mention Malfoy at all.

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