My Brother's Best Friend

By unkn0wnniahh

4.7K 61 30

While y/n was on her shift, she met a boy and they started a relationship, but come to find out it was her br... More

Introduction ๐Ÿ’•
Chapter 1~ Who is that?
Chapter 2~ Jabez catches feelings
Chapter 4~ The Past
Chapter 5~ Falling For Him
Chapter 6~ I like you
Chapter 7~ Truth or Dare
Chapter 8~ THAT'S MY SISTER!!!
A/n ๐Ÿ’ž
Chapter 9~ The Agrumemt
Chapter 10~ Making It Official
Chapter 11~ Date Night
Chapter 12~ Visiting Mom
Chapter 13~ Visiting Mom pt 2
Chapter 14~ Netflix and Chill
Chapter 15~ Jazmine's Birthday
Chapter 16~ The Funeral
Chapter 17~ Time to move!
Chapter 18~ Moving Day
Chapter 19~ A Day Out
Chapter 20~ Forever Remembered๏ฟผ

Chapter 3~ He makes a move

320 4 0
By unkn0wnniahh

Jabez's POV
After the movies I drove y/n home. When we arrived I talked to her for a bit before she got out.

Jabez: I had a good time y/n.

Y/n: Me too. We should do this again sometime.

Jabez: Yea for sure.

After she got out, she started walking to her apartment I noticed she had a fat ass. I bit my lip and just smirked. She turned around and called out to me, " OFF LIMITS JABEZ!" I just smirked again.

After her and her friend got in the house I drove off.

Y/n's POV
Me and Jazmine took off our makeup and sat on the couch. We just talked about how our night went.

Jaz: He is soo nice I really like him.

Y/n: Well remind him that if he breaks your heart I'm breaking his whole body, not just his face but the WHOLE BODY. PERIODT!

Jaz: Same for Jabez.

Y/n: Me and jabez are just friends. How many times do I have to tell you that.

Jaz: It didn't look like that at the movies when you were all up on him.

Y/n: I was scared.

Jaz: Yea ok.

Y/n: Whatever Jazmine. I'm going to bed.

Jaz: Mmhmm going to dream about a little someone. 😏

Y/n: Bye Jazmine. 🙄

Jaz: You know I love you girl.

Y/n: I hate you.


I walked off to my room and got in the shower and put on my pjs. I got in bed and hopped on my phone. I saw a text from Jabez. It said this.

I went to Jazmine's room and she was on the phone with the person she met at the mall. She never told me his name so I asked.

Y/n: Hey Jaz.

Jaz: Yea.

Y/n: Is it ok if Jabez comes over tomorrow at 6:00.

Jaz: Yea I'm gonna be out anyway.

Y/n: Oh ok where are you going and what's the guy's name that you keep seeing.

Jaz: His name is Alex and I'm going out with him. He's taking me on our first date.

Y/n: Aww I see y'all and have fun.

Jaz: Thanks I will.

Y/n: Your welcome and goodnight love you.

Jaz: Night love you too.

Before I left she yelled, "HAVE FUN WITH JABEZ!" and then winked. I knew what she meant so I just rolled my eyes. She laughed and I shut her door. I got to my room and turned on the TV and watched Disney+. I shortly fell asleep.

The Next Morning
I woke up and the numbers on my alarm were glowing 11:30. I hopped in the shower and just put on something simple.

I did my makeup afterwards.

I went to go get some cereal and saw that Jazmine was already downstairs eating and on her phone.

Y/n: Morning Jaz.

Jaz: Morning. How'd you sleep?

Y/n: Good. Hbu? (How bout you)

Jaz: Good.

I sat down and ate my food then got on my phone.

Jabez's POV
I woke up and hopped in the shower and put this on.

I don't know why but I was so happy to see y/n. I've never been this happy to see someone before. She makes me feel like my life is complete, like she's the missing piece of a puzzle I couldn't figure out without the last piece. Not to mention she's so beautiful. She's perfect. She's like my guardian angel who was sent down to watch over me.

After thinking about her I went to go eat some breakfast and decided to just go get some Dunkin' Donuts. I ordered a croissant breakfast sandwich and I grabbed some food for the guys.

Afterwards I went back to the house and we ate and then played on the game.

(Alex, Jiggy, and jabez all live together.)

I told Jiggy how I met this girl and she was super pretty and how I didn't know if I could be just friends with her.

Jiggy: Well maybe don't be just friends.

Jabez: She said she isn't looking for a bf right now so I don't want to rush her. I'll wait as long as it takes.

Jiggy: Well bro then you just found the answer by yourself. I'm also not really the type to give relationship advise or dating advise.

Alex: I say just wait and give her time.

Jabez: Yea I can do that.

We laughed at jiggy's comment and continued to play the game. I looked at my phone and realized it was 5:00 already. Alex has just left and was on his way to pick up Jazmine. I sat and played on my phone for a little bit until it was time to go.

Y/n's POV
Jazmine called from the other room and asked if I can help her find an outfit. I yelled back sure. I looked at her options and picked the best one.

I helped her do her makeup and then when I finished I heard a knock on the door. I opened it and it was Alex. He was wearing this.

Alex: Is Jazmine ready?

Y/n: Yea let me call her. Come in, sit down.

I shut the door after he came in then called for Jazmine. She came out and Alex's jaw dropped.

Alex: Wow uh- you look uh gorgeous.

Jaz: Thank you Alex. You look good too.

Alex: Thanks.

Y/n: Have a good time crazy kids.

Jaz: Back at you.

She winked at me and y'all know what that means. I playfully rolled my eyes.

Y/n: Bye Jazmine. Be safe.

Jaz: Bye mom I will.

Y/n: Have her back before 11.

Alex: Yes ma'am although I can't make any promises.

I rolled my eyes. They left and I shut the door and sat on the couch and watched Disney+ while waiting for Jabez.

I saw my phone light up and it was a text from Jabez.

I continued to watch TV while I waited for him.

Jabez's POV
I was on my way to Chick-Fil-A and there was a long ass line as always.

When it was finally my turn, after like 20 minutes of waiting, I ordered and they said I had to wait for a new batch of nuggets to be made and it would take another 20 minutes. I got irritated but I waited.

While I was waiting I texted y/n that I was going to be a bit late.

After I got the food, I went to y/n's house. When I arrived I knocked on the door. She opened it and I took a nice look at her and told her she looked nice. She said thx and let me in.

I sat the food on the counter and we ate and watched Disney+. Halfway through the movie I looked at her and she caught me looking at her. I went in for a kiss because I just couldn't hold it back anymore.

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