
By livyy_loo

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How could someone just disappear off the face of the planet with as much as no clues as to where they went? B... More


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By livyy_loo


Logan's young voice filled the night air, his breath could be seen due to the cold.


"Your my best friend" Logan whispered

Blair grinned, and looked over at the boy who she considered her savior. "And you mine"

Logan sighed in content. Nothing could ever come between them.

"We'll always be best friends right?" Logan looked at the multi-colored eyed girl laying next to him.

"Till death do us part" she whispered

Logan grinned at her statement. "Till death do us part" he repeated

"You know I'm starting to think that we sound like a married couple when we say say that"

Blair grimaced.

"Married to you, I could never" she dramatically pretended to faint at the idea.

"Why I'm not that bad m'lady" Sitting up, Logan mocked bowed to the now grinning girl.

"I wouldn't be so sure m'lord"

Both kids burst into a fit of laughter the sound filling the night. Tears of laughter filled the pair's eyes. Finally the two calmed down and both laid back down on the blanket to continue their stargazing, pointing out all the constellations they could name.

"Blair! Logan!" Both their heads snapped back to Logan's mom who stood in the door way of their house.

"It's time for Blair to go home." Both kids groaned not wanting to leave. 

"Oh come on you two, you'll see each other tomorrow."

Grumbling under their breaths the two begrudgingly trudged their bodies back into the warm house. It was a fairly chilly night, being it was October.

Blair grabbed her bag from the kitchen table and slipped on her old ripped up sneakers. They weren't anything spectacular, but they worked. Logan's mom had offered to buy her a new pair, but Blair would never accept.

Giving Logan one last hug, Blair carefully crossed the dark street to her house. Logan's mom and Logan watched from the front porch to make sure she got home safely. The street lamp shined brightly over her house as she made her way through the front yard to the door.

"Blair!" Blair turned her head to see Logan waving crazily at her.

"I'll see you tomorrow! I already miss you!" He screamed probably waking up the whole neighborhood.

Blair shook her head and chuckled, that's her best friend. She was never one to yell or talked loudly, so instead she simply waved back to the boy and entered  the threshold of her house for the last time.


Blair's voice was raspy from the screaming, so her last call came as a whisper.

She looked up at the sky, for the first time in her 12 years of life, she notice how beautiful the night sky was. She remembered the constellations her Nana had pointed out to her before she had passed. The same constellations she and Logan had looked at the night she last saw him. The night couldn't have lasted long enough, but she had to return home to her mother.

Her mother. Blair hoped she was worried but she knew better then that. It been 10 months, she probably forgot about her by now. Probably has a new family. Another daughter to love her.

Maybe it wouldn't be so bad leaving this cruel place. She could see her nana, and papa again. She sure did miss them. But what about Logan?

Did she really want that? Leave the world behind? As nice as it sounded, she wanted to live. She wanted to grow up, she wanted to be like any other normal kid. She wanted to find love, to marry, to live her life.

She never realized how lucky she was until it was all taken away. When your about to die, you realize that you didn't live your life like you wish you did. You realize you had everything right in front of you, and you just took it for granted.

No 12 year old girl should have to be having these thoughts. But how could she help it? Here she was, half dead in a field in god knows where. What more could she do?

She wished her mother loved her, she wished she was everything her mother wanted. But she wasn't. Her mother didn't love her and there was nothing she could do about it.

All she could do is still love her mother with everything she's got. Which as of right now, wasn't very much.

Blair has been laying in this field for at least 3 days. She didn't want to remember anything else that had happened to her in the last 10 months. She was willing to bet her mother never called the police to report her missing. So no one was looking for her. No one was even trying to find her.

Painfully she watched the nights turn into day, then day turn back into night for the past 3 days. But it was better then everything she had to go through in the other days of her capture.

There are terrible people in this world, and she now knew that. She was no longer the bubbly 12 year old girl she had been 10 months ago. Oh no, she had seen it all. She had been through it all.

She knew what the real world was like. What the evil people were like. Their souls never show mercy. In fact she was supposed to be laying in her death bed now.

They thought she was dead when they left her here. They thought the problem was all gone. But she was very alive. Everyday she had to listen to the rumble of cars passing by, meaning she was near a road.

But she didn't have the strength to move closer to the sound. She couldn't even move her fingers, let alone her legs. The thought that freedom was so close made her insane. Did they put her here just to tease her? Knowing even if she was alive that she couldn't do shit about her situation?

Giving into the tiredness, she closed her eyes, and hummed a tune she used to sing with her Nana. Only remembering the last verses

Fill my heart with song,
And let me sing forever more,
You are all I long for,
All I worship,
And adore,
In other words,
Please be true,
In other words,
I love you.
In other words,
I love, you.



Blair's eyes snap open as she hears the cracking of the leaves in the field. Then a light. A flashlight. Someone's here. Their going to save her! Using all the strength she could muster, she called out to the stranger.

"Help!" Her voice broke, even as a whisper

Then it was gone. As soon as it came. The cracking of the leaves fade in the other direction, and so did her chances of survival.

"No! Please! Come back!" Once again her voice failed her, the words lost in the wind.

That's it, they left her. She was really going to die here. She was never going home. She was never going to grow up to have her own family. She was never going to see her mom again. She was never going to see the world.

It's over.

Silent tears rolled down her thin face. She trembled from the violent sobs that leave her tiny body. Putting her in more pain then she could bear.

Gasping for air, she struggled for minutes. Trying to get precious oxygen into her lungs. She had to fight. She had to! Her vision began to fade as she struggled on the ground. Then it was black.

"Hey sweetheart, can you hear me? I need you to open your eyes!"

A loud voice echos in Blair's ears. Was she dead? Was she dreaming? Using all the strength she had left in her body she opened her eyes. She immediately closed them due to the brightness of the sun. But slowly opened them wide once more.

A police officer looked down at her with a worried expression on his face. A police officer! She was safe.

"There you go, don't worry help is on the way sweetheart. I just need you to keep those beautiful eyes of your's open for me, okay?

"Help me" She whispered.

"Don't worry, we will, everything will be okay. I promise. What's your name darling?"

"B-Blair" she croaked out

"That's a pretty name, Blair. I'm Officer Kevin."

"Are you a good guy?" She whispered

"Yeah, I'm a good guy, and the other good guys are on their way. Could you tell me how old you are Blair?"


"12! That's really cool!" Kevin gave Blair a big smile to keep her mind off of everything.

"I'm tired" she whispered as she started to close her eyes again.

"I know, I know, you just have to stay awake for a little longer. Can you do that for me?"

"I'll try" she answers

The ambulance siren was getting closer and closer to the two in the field.

"Over here!" Kevin yelled as he waved his hands all around.

"Don't worry Blair, help is here. You'll be back in ship shape in no time sweetheart"

Upon hearing those words, her eyes gently fluttered closed as the world around her once again turned to darkness.

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