A Bottle of Hairdye

By allwehearisradio

6.3K 244 96

A bottle of hair dye was all it took for Christina Hollington to erase her life and start over. She started... More

A Bottle of Hairdye
Chapter One - Fate, Luck, A Fluke
Chapter Three - A Curve Ball to Trump Them All
Chapter Four - All Else Fails, I'll Find an Aztec Statue
Chapter Five - Home, Sweet Home
Chapter Six - A War Declaration
Chapter Seven - Radio Interview

Chapter Two - Off Day on a Day Off

597 31 13
By allwehearisradio

Not my best, I'm sorry. But, I wanted to thank everyone for the support and comments I've been getting, and the amount of reads! I was jumping for joy when I got 100 reads this morning, then I logged back in this afternoon to see it was at 200 reads! WOW. Thank you!!

Not edited just yet by the way.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Some say friends are forever, or chicks before dicks, and all those stupid sayings. Growing up, I stood by those completely, like the fool I was. Looking back, I may have well been a rug based on how much I had let people walk all over me. Needed a ride home? I’d take the half hour out of my homework to take you. Didn’t have a lunch or money? I’d give you mine.

It was my own fault, I didn’t know how to confront people, or say no for a change. I just couldn’t handle disappointing anyone.

Maybe that’s why Sarah did what she did. Maybe that’s why it wasn’t that big a deal for her to jam that knife into my back, and twist it while it was in.

I need to stop over thinking the whole thing. In these two years I had probably analyzed the heck out of it. Distracted by my own swirling thoughts, I jumped up, hissing in pain as I spilt some of my searing hot coffee onto my legs. To make matters worse, I was in my pajama shorts, so there was no fabric to filter out some of the hot beverage. That’s a great way to start of my Saturday.

Today was a rarity. It was my day off. I feel like when most people have days off, they go somewhere fun, or actually accomplish something, and here I am. Playing the role of couch potato, sipping on coffee, and watching old re runs of Drake and Josh. Thrilling, huh? Not to mention it’s 3:00 PM.

Placing the traitorous tigger mug down on the side table, I walked to the bathroom, quickly sticking my leg in the shower to run cold water over my burning flesh. Ok, maybe I was exaggerating a little, but it hurt! Sue me for letting the pain get to my head.

As I twisted the facet, water shot out of the shower head, which to my luck was clearly defective, as it drenched not only my leg, but the rest of me.

“Of course…” I muttered. Slumping my shoulders, and grabbing a towel. A sudden knock sounded out on my door, and I trudged back in. I didn’t even have to open the door, seeing as the second I reached for the knob, Sophie swung open the door, clearly abusing the second key card to my room.

“Wont you come in” I said sarcastically, shutting the door behind her.

“Why are you soaked?” She replied, in a clipped tone. No hello, no how are you, just staright to the point.

“I decided I wanted to see what the life of a goldfish is like”

“Your sarcasm is not needed” ,She just rolled her eyes, “Now get changed, we have a flight to catch”

She tossed me a management approved outfit, and started packing away my things.

Day off? No such thing.


“You still haven’t told me where we’re going” I pointed out to my manager, zipping up my black suitcase. I was used to these last minute flights, and getting packed quickly. Sophie wasn’t always exactly accommodating to normal human needs, seeing as she was surely a robot herself. I followed her out of the room, stepping in the classy elevator.

A shiver went down my arms, the cold air of the lobby hitting my arms through the cutouts in my white blouse. I wondered if management realized how stupid I looked, dressed in a pair of studded shorts and blouse in early October. Surely magazines were writing all about my lack of common sense.

“The studio thought it would be great publicity to have a hometown concert” She shrugged, pushing through the spinning door to leave, “Conner Halen did one last month and people are still talking about it”

“Hometown, as in my hometown?!” I cried, snatching up my case to catch up to her.

She raised a tweezed eyebrow at me in sceptisism, “Who elses hometown would I be talking about?”

Just like that, I froze midstep, trying to control my contracting chest. I didn’t have to look down to to know my hands were shaking. This day was only getting worse by the minute.

Sophie looked back at me, gesturing for me to follow. That would have been easier if my legs weren’t locked in place. She let out an agrivated sigh and reached back for my arm, essentially dragging me to the car outside.

Calm down Christina, I told myself as I shakily got into the car, Ottawa’s a big city.

I repeated that mantra over and over in my head, the entire way to the airport, and even until we bored the plane. Sophie had to guide me along in my zombie like state, sitting me in my first class seat beside her.

“I don’t know what gotten into you, but you better snap out of it” She said curtly. Ah Sophie, always the charmer.

The plane roared to life, and I fastened the seat eblt securely. The scene outside the window blurred before my eyes, the big city vanishing within minutes, replaced by clouds. My heart was pounding, and my palms were sweaty. I nervously tapped my combat boots on the floor of the plane, causing Sophie to snap at me.

I just need to sleep it off I thought, grabbing the pillow beside the chair, and positioning it behind my head. The flight was merely 40 minutes, so a quick power nap should do me some good.


“How could you?” I screamed, tears pouring down my face. I felt pathetic. I felt like a piece of trash tossed aside for a new shiny toy.

“Babe, we had a nice run” Derrick said softly, arms still wrapped around the one other person I had trusted with all my heart, “But we knew it wouldn’t last”

“I loved you” I said, it coming out as a mere whimper. Meanwhile, Sarah just sat there, a slight smirk on those evil lips.

“Oh boo hoo” She finally spoke up, “For once you don’t get the best, for once someone doesn’t want you”

Her eyes shot daggers at me, ripping into me with vigor.

“I don’t unders-“

I sat up quickly, a hand shaking my shoulder. Facing a concerned Sophie, I shook my head at her and smiled. She didn’t know about everything that happened, and I wasn’t about to tell her.

Before you go thinking how I’m a wimp, running away from a little heartbreak, pause for a moment. Theres more to the story than just that. There was more than Derrick pushing me off cloud 9, left to plummet to the earth with no parachute.

“I’m fine, really” I assured my manager, pulling my bag from the overhead compartment.

The airport was relatively crowded, and a crowd of fans were waiting for me as I exited the building. I faked a smile, and after years of practice, there would be no doubt it was genuine in their eyes.

“Christina we love you!” They screamed, some teary eyed as I greeted them. It was always a nice feeling meeting the fans, but I just wished they had caught me in a better mood, and when I wasn’t so distracted by the fact that I was back in Ottawa. The nipping cold air chilled me to the bone, and a shiver ran through my spine.

It was odd, looking out into the fans and seeing familiar faces, and classmates. It was even more odd to think that only three years ago they were spitting insults at me like it was their job.

They’re all sheep. Following the shepherd.


“Christina!” A cry screamed as I pulled up infront of my old house. A blur of blond hair burst through the oak door, and sprinted down the steps to meet me halfway.

“Mom!” I exclaimed, jumping into a hug the moment I could. After two years of only skyping and phone calls, its nice to actually have a physical hug. I hadn’t even realized, but I was teary eyed and so was she.

“I’ve missed you, baby girl” She sniffed, hugging me closer to her.

“Its nice to see you again, Hannah” Sophie interrupted, holding out a stiff hand. What did I tell you? Robot.

My mom looked at my manager wearily, eventually shaking her hand lightly. We all headed back into the house, and the one thing I noticed was that nothing had changed. Not a single thing.

The pictures of mom and I were decorating the tables, and the little hole in the wall that I made when I was twelve still wasn’t fixed. I had tried my hand at baseball that year, and to say the least, that career didn’t go far. The carpeted floor was pristine, except for the little patch of dried silly putty in the far corner of the hallway.

“It’s good to have you home Chrissy” Mom said again, her eyes crinkling in a smile. I wish I could genuinely tell her the same. But if I’m honest, seeing my mom is the only positive thing this place has to offer me.

“Oh heavens, I haven’t got dinner ready yet” My mom gasped, running off to the kitchen, “Chrissy, be a dear and run to the store for some butter?”

“I get home for the first time in two years and you send me off for food” I teased her, “I see how it is”

None the less, I gripped my coat tighter to my torso, and braced the cold Ottawa weather again. The wind blew around my cold hair in a frenzy, throwing it in every which way. I followed the sidewalk just as I would have before I moved.

Coming back here was almost bittersweet. The feeling of being back in the place where I was raised, where I learned to ride a bike, and where I drove my first car, was a warm and comforting feeling. But that feeling had a cold edge to it, and that edge cut like a knife.

I lost my footing as I rammed into someone.

“I’m so sorry, I wasn’t paying any attention at all” I apologized to my poor victim. First day back and I already give someone a concussion, I thought. The person didn’t reply to me, and I looked at them finally, actually getting a look at me.

My blood froze, and my fingers went numb, and neither were due to the cold. I knew those green eyes, strong cheeckbones, wide eyes, and tousled brown hair. I’ve known them for as long as I’ve know Derrick.

“Well if it isn’t the cold hearted bitch herself” He sneered. Nolan Molfer. Derricks best friend.


Hope you like it? :) But I understand its not my best, but I'm writing from a hotel right now, and I wanted to get and upload up before I head off to the nearest shopping mall ;)

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