30 day OTP challenge (souharu)

By NikkiZuerri

21.1K 725 49

Basically 30 days of Souharu.... Strike that I skipped a ton More

Day 4, On a Date
Day 5 Kissing
day 6, Wearing eachother's clothes
Day 7, Cosplaying
Day 8 shopping
Day 9 hanging out with friends
Day 10, Animal ears
Day 12, making out
day 13, Eating icecream
Day 14, Genderswapped
Day 15 Different Clothing style
Day 17, spooning
Day 18, Nightmares
Day 19, In formal wear
Day 20, Dancing
Day 21, cooking/baking
Day 22 In battle side-by-side
Day 23 Arguing
Day 24 making up
Day 26 Getting Married
day 28, Doing something Ridiculous

Day 29 Doing something sweet

788 31 0
By NikkiZuerri

Haru was bedridden, he had been almost all week, luckily it was spring break for Iwatobi. Sadly, he was supposed to meet with Sousuke this weekend, since Samezuka's break was only next week. He reached for his phone on the nightstand and called Sousuke to cancel-or-this whole thing was just an excuse to cancel. For some reason, Haru had been feeling very down lately. He'd heard Nagisa whisper something about it to Rei, "depression" was what he called it.

Am I depressed?

Haru didn't think he was. Nothing bad was happening in his life, he wasn't worried about anything. But... he was starting to feel like he wasn't good enough, he didn't know what for-just in general.

But that meant he wasn't good enough for Sousuke either.

He dialed the number.

"Hey, Haru, what's up?" Sousuke answered.

"Hey, Sou." Haru replied weakly.

"Is something wrong?" Haru didn't usually call.

"Yeah, um," he sniffed, "I'm sick, so I was just cancelling this weekend's plans. Sorry Sousuke, can we do it when I'm better?"



"How long have you been sick?" The answer caught him off gaurd.

"All week, why?"

"Why didn't you tell me sooner, I could have stopped by, or helped you." Sousuke sounded somewhat hurt.

"Makoto took care of me, it's fine, you have school so I didn't want to bother you."

"Ok..." Sousuke sighed, "yeah it's totally fine, we can go out when you're better."

Haru didn't reply.

"Take care of yourself."

"Mm, take care."

They hung up. Haru hugged his pillow, he really wished he was actually sick so he could miss school for the week.

Did his friends even like him? Nagisa and Rei seamed tense when he was around, or was that his imagination?

Makoto was always taking care of his siblings so he couldn't come over, or was that an excuse? He'd offered Haru to come but Haru didn't want to be annoying and declined. Then there was Rin, always asking about the future and never pausing to think if Haru had figured it out, he probably didn't care.

Haru didn't hear the front door unlock, or hear the footsteps on the stairs. What finally caught his attention and made him look up from his pillow was his bedroom door opening.

Sousuke walked in as though he owned the place, and paused to stare at Haru.

"You're not sick." he noted.

Haru gazed at the ground, and shook his head.

"Haru, what's going on with you?" Sousuke sat down at the edge of the bed.

Haru shrugged. He didn't have the energy to answer.

"Please tell me, let me help."


"If I ever did something..."

"It's not you." Haru answered curtly.

"You're depressed." Sousuke hit home.

"I guess."

Sousuke's fingers ran through his hair, they felt nice.


Haru shrugged again.

"Haru, don't get any ideas, I love you, ok?" When he still didn't get a reply, he moved closer.

Then Haru's stomach growled.

"Have you actually eaten this week?" Sousuke asked. He got a twitch. "Have you bathed?" still no answer, "changed clothes?"


"Come on, up." Haru didn't protest. He got up weakly, all his weight on Sousuke. "Let's get you cleaned up and fed."

He filled the tub and helped Haru undress, holding his arm as he lowered into the water.

"How long has this really been going on?"

"A month."

Sousuke nodded, not prodding as much as before. "Do you need help?"

"Yes," Haru murmured. He hadn't been eating much this past month, and he didn't have the strength to lift his arms for very long.

Sousuke took the shampoo and started to lather Haru's hair, spreading it completely. It felt surprisingly nice, Haru had no idea Sousuke could be so gentle. When his hands retreated Haru almost asked him to continue, but he knew he was pushing it. Sousuke grabbed a sponge and soaped it up, helping Haru stand again so he could give him a good scrub.

When he was dried and dressed and sitting by the kotatsu with food in front of him, Sousuke finally spoke.

"What's going through your mind, Haru?"

"It's hard to tell," Haru sighed, he stared at the tabletop, wishing the questioning would stop. But the silence from Sousuke meant he had to go on. "I feel like I'm not good enough, I think everyone hates me."

Sousuke looked surprised, almost. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Haru shook his head, if he did he may end up crying.

"Alright then, eat, we'll try again tomorrow." Sousuke went on, "I'm staying the night."

Haru nodded, he could feel himself tearing up.

Sousuke's arms wrapped around him, he leaned against his strong chest. "Haru, you mean a lot to me and I really care about you. I don't want anything to happen to you, and don't ever think I-or anyone-hates you, you're an amazing person and I want you to stay by my side forever."

A/N: sounds like a wedding proposal

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