Attack on Titan x oc book 1

By Itsahabit17

6.9K 88 11

Latina sanders is a special girl, with a a tragic past, wishes to train and join the scouts and free humanity... More

Latina sanders
I'm gonna be strong
Old friends here too!?!?
Battle for trost
Battle for trost 2
Battle for trost 3
Secrets revealed
Battle to seal the breach
Scouts HQ
Joining the scouts
Expedition 2
Expedition 3
Capture annie
Capture annie 2
Capture annie 3

Battle for trost 4

228 4 1
By Itsahabit17

"There, got it." Armin said as he removed his gas tanks and put them on Mikasa's gear instead of her own. "The ODM gear is functional and I restocked your blades, just ... leave me this one, okay? It's just, I would rather this be my end then being eaten alive..."

"No!" Latina yelled loudly.

She grabbed the blade, not caring as blood ran down her hand as threw it off the roof. "Wh-why'd you?!" He stuttered.she grabbed his hand."Armin, we're not leaving you behind." She statuses, and pulled him up

"But," Armin protested,"There are Titans everywhere. You can't jump and carry me at-"

"Come on! Let's move!" Latina interrupted, grabbing Armin by the wrist. "If I can survive after being collided with mikasa and falling of a roof, we'll make it." She then turned  and ran along with Mikasa, drake Connie, dragging Armin behind her 'please. Don't do this. It's not going to work. Enough people have died on my account' he begged, just then he heard the sound of the titan that killed the other ones roar, They were about to jump into another roof when Armin pulled his arm back from Latina's grip . "No!" He shouted.they all stopped and turned to him. "Hold on! I have an idea." He said

"Then Shoot" Drake crosses his arms."Only you four are capable of pulling this off, so it's really your choice. This may sound crazy, but, I think he might be useful." He started, the others were shocked when he referred to the titan." What, you mean The Titan?!" Connie asked in shock

"He only attacks his own kind." Armin protested. "He seems to have no interest in us. What if we could somehow steer him to HQ and let him loose on the other Titans. Look, we know he has taken out one Titan already. We can use him as a weapon!"armin explained "You've got to be kidding?! How the hell do you think we're to steer that thing?!"Connie said

."well Something tells me that he's fighting on instinct,  I'm almost sure if you take down the pair he's tangling with now, he'll go look for others. That'd lead him straight to HQ. We're not steering him so much as luring him. I think it'll work, I really do."

"You think! You're asking us to risk our lives on a stupid gut feeling!!" Connie exclaimed

"If I'm right about this, we can stop the siege on headquarters with one fell swoop!" Armin cut him off"It's worth a shot," Drake shrugs."huh? Seriously!?" Connie exclaimed

"Better to take a gamble on I am in the gut feeling than wait around to be slaughtered" mikasa states "If there is a decent shot, why not take it?" She finished

"So basically you're gonna recruit a Titan!!??" Connie Asks " yes. Exactly" mikasa said "Yeah, pretty much." Drake smiles awkwardly, Connie thought for a moment then smirked "We'll look like morons if we screw this up," he said "yeah? Try living with Grayson all your life" Drake smirks, Connie snickered

"Yeah, but if we don't, look how many lives we stand to save" Armin said eagerly"where there's a will there's a way," Mikasa said before running of the building to the Titan, armin, Latina and drake run after her."It's still nuts but what the hell!!" Connie rushes after them "That's what makes us human! We're all nuts!" Drake called back laughing .

The group with jean

'Why couldn't I stop them? Why didn't I stop them? If I had kept us all together...I wasn't meant to lead. I'm the last person that should have been given the reigns' jean thought as the titans bellow ate his fellow members of the recruits, his eyes were about to shut, but they suddenly opening wide again ' no! No. This is our chance thatwe can get the drop on them rather preoccupied it's perfect!' He thought as he looked at the titans that had their backs to him and the group, The other continued to watch in shock

" hey! Let's go" they all turned to jean "Make a break for HQ while their distracted!" He jumped down from the roof he was on unto the one below and started running, no one moved, but then Marco and Sasha ran after him, then Reiner, bertoldt and Annie ' we can do this! Hey, we run out of gas we're dead anyway' " give it everything you've got!" Jean shouted

Mikasa and Latina fly in and kills two Titans that we're walking ahead of them as fast as possible, drake following and killing any that appeared suddenly, while Connie follows holding armin.

Elsewhere the fighting Titan is having a little tug-a-war with the other Titan until he pushes it into the buildings.

It goes and punches it furiously while the four fly past it, gawking at it for a moment.  The Titan than stops and looks over the Headquarters, where his next destination is set

Jean and the others try dodging the Titans, to which they did, but one grab's Jean's leg. He quickly cuts off its finger then zooms away. He lands on the rooftop of a building, along with Marco, "Jean!" He turns to Marco who was smiling "You really came through for us there, man.we are you big-time." 

"Huh?"  Jean just stared confused

" don't shrug it off, I'm serious where are life because of you! Like I said, you make a great leader!" Marco says, zane zooms up next to them on jeans left " he's right!"

Jean grin looking forward again, " easy with that crap.I'm not out of this yet!." As they get closer to the building, Jean jumps and flies past a hand that was about to grab him. Him, zane and Marco quickly speed through the Titans as one soldier gets caught.

Jean looks back quickly before shaking his head, "Dammit!"  He lets out a holler as he launches himself through the Headquarters's window and rolls on the floor. He stands as he looks for his comrades, who then come crashing through the windows. He looks among them

. 'How many of us made it? How many bodies did I call over?...' Jean covers his left eye, panting, ' How many of our comrades died on my orders.' He stops panting and looks over to his left. There were soldiers hugging their knees

hiding away from the windows so the Titans can't see them, "hold on a guys for the supply team?" Jean asked, his voice quivered " yeah..."

He grabs a soldier and punches him across the face, causing him to hit the floor, "jean! Stop!" Marco states, as he and zane hold him back.  " quit it you moron!" Zane yelled

"You cowards! You left us out there on our own! People are dead because you didn't have the guts to do your job!" Jean ignored his friends and yells at the guy he punched

The other soldier goes to the unconscious boy and barks, "The Titans were coming at us from every angle! They're all over in the supply room, okay?!" She sobs, causing Jean to grow more in enraged, "It's your job to deal with it and back us up anyway!"  The sound of something being launched causes Reiner to scream, "hit the deck!" Two soldiers react late as the wall busts a hole open. There reveals a Titan as the two lands on the floor roughly. Jean covers his face before places them down, "Son of a-there's too many people! They can smell us!" At this, everyone starts to run away

"run!" One male soldier yelled "Get further in!" Another yelled " we can't all go at once!" More continued to yell " where's mikasa and violet?! Have you seen them?!" One soldier asks his friend " mikasa out of guess and crashed into Latina! Forget about them they're dead!!!"

Everyone urges and pushes through each other except for Jean, who stands in his spot, mouth hanged " Jean move!" Zane yelled, but he continued to stare in shock with a mixture of fear, 'This is it.this is reality.of course it deluded was i?, on some level, I knew it all along.I mean, when you stop and think for a second, it's obvious, there is no wining. Not against them.' As dust disappears, two Titan heads reveal to Jean.

The Titans stare at him, which he stares back, but gasps when he sees a huge fist collide against the Titan's faces

, "What?!" He stares as he sees the Titan roar at the others, "What— what the—my god." Just then, mikasa and Latina crashed the window into pieces , Connie carrying and Armin and drake followed in. Jean brightens up when he sees them, "Mikasa! Latina! You're-" They turn to him while Connie bangs on his gas canister, while drake was catching his breath, "Wow. Close one. I was running on fumes, we made it here, though! Crazy, but we did!" He cheered, jean walked over the the two girls " you- I- Am I dreaming this or what?..

Connie grins, patting Armin's back harder than he attended to, "You're a certified genius!"  "Ouch!"

" from now on, Far as I'm concerned, your word is law!" Connie then turned his attention to the others " check it out! We found an abnormal that's got a bone to pick with its own kind.and the best part? He doesn't care less about us!" He points at the titan that punched the other two , "That's right, you heard me.this big beautiful S.O.B'S our ticket out of here!"

The remaining soldiers who stayed question in worry, "You mean like fighting fire with fire?" One asked unsurely, Jean looks taken back, " listen to yourself! a titan is not gonna help us! You're out of your mind if you think this can work-!"  "It is working!." He turns to latina who stared at him seriously

"What ever reason he's ramping against them. stand back and let him do'll see." The Titan roars again as it killed its victim.

Latina, glancing at the Titan, " either way.what choice do we have? Right now the thing is our best chance at survival."  Mikasa said, The Titan turns around and grabs the other Titan by the arm. It throws it onto two small meter Titans, who get crushed under it.

Time skip

As it continued its fighting, Connie reassures, " look At him go! This guy makes the others look like total weaklings, They're not going to take this building, not with him on a rampage out there."  Everyone was now in the elevator room. Reiner gazes at Connie, " that's all well and good.but what to keep him from turning on us once he's done??" Connie cocks his head in confusion, " guess will worry about that when we are safe" Reiner sends him a small smile, "Yeah, you're least he's buying us a little time."  "good news!" Jean called out as he and three guys walk in carrying supplies, "Courtesy of the military police and covered with a layer of dust..." They open up the boxes to reveal guns inside of them.

Jean takes his and bucks it, "Are you absolutely sure buck shot is the way to go, seems like we might as well throw a spit wads" He said, looking at Armin, who had a map laid out. He shrugs, "I mean, come on guys start our guns even effective?."  He asked then starts discussing the plan, " I dunno, but they're bound to be better than nothing.we're looking at eight Titans in the supply room of the 4 m tall variety, if we time this perfectly, this much ammo oughta be enough to do the trick. step one, we lower a group into the area via lift to get the Titans Attention

step two, when the Titans come within range, the group fires in all four directions simultaneously blinding them. then the hard part. the moment of truth, as it were.before the titans have time to recover, eight of us swoop down from the ceiling

and strike the vital regions

that's it.that's the plan. it puts all all lives on the line- We screw up, we're dead. that's a hell of a risk for one attack, but it's our only chance. Eight people have to slay eight Titans in one blow, at the same time. we're going to need the best of you.the eight soldiers most physically gifted and adept With the pairing'll be the difference between life and death for the rest of us.I'm sorry.that's how it is" armin finished

  "Seems like a sound plan." Reiner says as Annie speaks, "When You get right down to it, the risk is the same for everyone. doesn't really matter who goes." Armin smiles sadly and looks down, " Look, I- I'm willing to be talked out of this. one half baked strategy can't be our only option, right? "

Marco kneels down to Armin " hey, don't be so hard on yourself.come on with what we are looking at? cause for our only option, it's pretty well thought out, if we give it our all we might just pull this off!."

Mikasa kneeled down in front of him, " it'll be just have to be confident you're a better strategist than you give yourself credit for." He stares at her with wide eyes " i'm serious that mind saved eren any more than once." He furrows his brows, " when did I ever say you? That's not-" Suddenly, the lift's door slams against the ground as one shouts, "Alright, the lifts are ready to go.guns all loaded to the Stocks, come on let's go kill some Titans!"  They stand up while Armin looks at mikasa, " you didn't realize it at the time, we can talk about it later." Armin nodded

With that, Mikasa and Latina walked off, grabbing their blades. They meet with the others as they descend down the steps, "Okay. I'm going to ask the obvious question. Can we do this without odm gear?" Connie asks, Reiner replies. "No problem.these guys are only 4 m tall.there are weak spots are not too far above eye level."  Jean adds" He's right.size would be an issue.the spot is still only 1 m high and 10 cm across

"Back 'o the head to the nape 'o the neck..." Sasha blurts out, " worse comes to worse, you can always shove one of these up their ass!" Reiner snickers to himself, "That's the other weak spot." 

" are you serious that's news to me" "Did I miss a day of training or something?." 

Latina chuckles at connie and Sasha, as Jean looks behind him, "Come on. Knock it off Reiner.  Do you want your final words to be an ass joke." 

'honestly I prefer to hear a joke now, then go into a battle if it's my last moment before I'm dead ' Latina thought ' before I used to be cold...since I was always alone' the thought of the secret room she was stuck in under the church when she was kidnapped ' I thought I was going to die...but then I started making friends and was free again...this time...I'm going to do something and make sure no one else suffers pain like I did!' Her eyes lit up with determination

the plan was then put into action. Titans walk around as the lift gets lowered down. Once they were able to see the giants, Marco whispered, "Good.we are still at seven." The Titans turn their heads at the humans who had aimed their guns at them, "Okay now, nice and easy!" Marco tells the crowd as a Titan stops walking in front of them. It turns it's head, showing its white teeth, making one soldier whimper and shake, "Don't lose your cool fire only when they are within range!" Grayson held his gun steady, as did drake on the other side with zane, The Titan takes closer steps at them, "steady!" Marco whispers. The eight were in a stance, getting ready for the signal to be released, 'That's right.wait for it!'  Reiner thinks as the Titans slowly, but steadily, get closer' Our lives are riding on this. Jean thought.' Go to make this attack account!' Connie thought

" steady...!" The Titans take another step and stop, looking at them, "Almost!" Marco puts his finger on the trigger as it leans close to the soldiers, "Fire!" The sound of gunshots echoes the supply room as the Titan's eyes get blasted off. That was their cue to jump in and slice their napes off. Each one of them slices their napes, "I got it! How about you guys?" Mikasa asked, Everyone was able to do it...except for Connie and Sasha, their cuts weren't deep enough as the Titan's eyes regenerated back. One of the Titan's turns and looks at Sasha and Connie, who they freeze up.  Connie gets up and backs away, as well as Sasha, who stares at it with fear, "Uh- I. Uh-I'm sorry. I didn't..." "oh crap" Connie muttered " I didnt mean to sneak up on you" Sasha shook

" Sasha and Connie missed!" Bertolt informed " Lead em the hell back!" Jean yelled, Tears roll down Sasha's face as she jumps away from being held, "i-oh god!" The Titan falls along with Sasha. " I said I was sorry!" She screamed, she turns around to see Latina swooping in and cutting the nape off while Annie goes after the other Titan and saves Connie.

The Titans lay down as Violet shields her swords, "Latina!!!! You saved my life!" Sasha jumps up and hugs her after the redhead slides down to Sasha with concern, "Are you okay?" She viciously shakes her head, "Because of you I am!"  "Then get up now!"  Latina exclaimed, Connie looks over at Annie and thanks her, "I owe you one..." She looks over and looks back 

"no worries." Then, Reiner and Bertolt walk over to her, "Wow. By the skin on your teeth.Your dam lucky you didn't end up worse off." She then walks off as a Jean states, " They're all dead! Start loading up supplies!" Everyone smiles while Armin mutters, "it worked!" After everything, Marco was relieved and nearly fainted as Armin and a girl grab him from falling.  People grab their gear and start refilling their cans and restocking their blades, "We're safe now!" One announces as another says,

"Where gonna make it! We're going to live!" As Sasha puts her gas canister back, she sighs, tears at the edge of her eyes, " I caved. in front of the whole gang... I'm never going to be able to face any of em again?!" She grabs her head as Connie shouts, " Dammit! Feel sorry for yourself later! Focus on escape! "

" all of you chill" Grayson yelled, only to have his mouth covered by an irritated drake" okay no more yelling out of you" he remarked

As everyone hurried, Marco, zane and Jean were refilling their gas canisters, "Listen, guys.what do you said about me being a leader at all." Both turn to Jean as he sighs, "don't Talk to me like that again, alright?." Marco takes out the canister and places another one in, "promise me you're not going to take this the wrong way.but I don't think you're a good little because you're strong.I think you're a good leader because you know what it is to be weak I thought you're one of are scared out of your mind just like we all are.and makes you alert. Sympathetic"

He turns to Jean to see him looking back at him, "you made a damn good call out there, got us running for my life. Your why we can say this"  zane states, Jean stares at them both with little shock while Marco smiles until they were all ready to head to battle.

Mikasa and Latina stood frozen on a roof. Armin  flew up to them. "Mikasa! Latina! We have to move"

"Look down there!" Latina whispered, armin looked and gasped, The Good Titans arms were being devoured by an overwhelming horde of Titans."Cannibalism!!?? Can he not regenerate like the others?!" armin asked."This may sound stupid but I was hoping that he might be the key for us. That he's break the cycle for man kind, turn the tide just long enough to give us a little ray of hope." Mikasa muttered."She's right" said Reiner. "He's to valuable to just let die, there is to much we can learn from him. I think it's perfectly clear that we should make our priority to keep the scavengers off him. He's no good to us ripped apart."

"Are you out of your mind!" Shouted Jean. "We have a path out of this nightmare and you want to stay!"

"Think about it," Said Annie coldly. "Having an abnormal as an alley would be an incredible advantage, right? A cannons got nothing on a Titan who likes to rip apart his own kind.""Can you hear yourself?" Jean shouted. "He's not like a new friend!!"

He stands there, flabbergasted. Armin rips his eyes away from the group and gasps, "oh no! its the one that ate thomas!" The " good" titan sees the Abnormal. It becomes furious, more than before as it charges at it, shaking off the Titans on him, loosing one of his arms as he uses his teeth to grab his nape. They all stand there in awe as the Titan uses the Abnormal like a weapon. It swings it at the 3-meter classes while a 10-meter class approaches the Titan. It turns around and chucks the Titan's body at it, causing the head to rip and stay in it's clenched teeth. Jean stutters at the sight, "Holy..." The Titan drops the head and lets out a big roar

"What was that you were saying?" He reconsiders, but the Titan goes limp and falls to its knees before falling on its face. Latina, drake,Mikasa, and Armin gasp lightly, "cause i think its a moot point now.." Jean takes a step away and calls to them, "alright, enough of this! lets leave while we can! we're lucky the ugly bastard didn't get bored. we'd have been next on the menu." But they don't move an inch and just stare at its body

Jean groans and looks over with them, "look, a titans a titan--?" He can see why they were staring. Someone one was attached to the Titan, not just anyone. Eren Jaeger

Mikasa's breath hitches. The others just stared in shock, Armin said he was eaten. Yet here he is! Emerging out of the nape of a titan! Without hesitation, mikasa zips downwards as her friends call to her "mikasa!" She lands on the ground and sprints her way over to him. She didn't want to be imagining things.

As she got closer, she pushes herself forward and jumps on the body. Instantly, she goes and hugs him tightly. She stares off then gasping a bit. She lowers her head and places her ear on his chest. There was a heartbeat. He was real. She felt tears brimming her eyes then, they fall. She violently sobs and hugs him tighter as she lets all of her emotions she bottled up, let out. She lets out whimpers and hiccups while Armin and the others come down and have a look.

At the Headquarters, mikasa refused to let go of him. She held him close, still sobbing, Armin was still processing how Eren was even here. 'It's him...but his arm. his leg. i don't understand... i watch him get eaten....i watched him die...i saw-.' Now, it was time for Armin to cry. He grabs Eren's left hand and holds it, intertwining his fingers with his, "how is this possible?" He squeezes his hand as Jean stares at Eren still shocked. The turns to the dead Titan bodies and thinks out loud. "okay. so, uh...eren did all this?"

As for Latina, she to was shocked, but for a totally different reason. ' he's just like us, but people have seen. Him...what are we gonna do??...'

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