A wolf's vampire imprint

By HarliLawson1996

524K 12.4K 978

Abigail Black is the Twin sister of Jacob Black. She ends up phasing a little bit before Jacob and imprints o... More

00: AJ
01: Bella Swan's moving where?
02: Bonfire at Sam's
03: Isabella
04: Cliff Diving?
05: Visiting Bella
06: Chilling with Quill
07: Dance
09: Healing
10: Free
11: Movies with Bella and Jessica
12: Jacob phases
13: Bye-Bye, Laurent.
14: Wolf Out of the Bag
15: The Death of an Elder
16: Opperation Clearwater Werewolf
17: Jasper
18: Attacks in Seattle
19: Victoria?
20: First Time
21: The Chase / Pack Meeting
22: Bella in La Push
23: Rosalie's Story
24: Abigail's Past
25: Apologies and Forgiveness?
26: Bonfire
27: Little Wolf
28: Major Whitlock
29: Disaster in the making
30: A crush's kiss and a broken hand
31: Mastermind
32: Investigating in Seattle
33: Graduation Party
34: Pack Meeting
35: Some training
36: Proposal
37: "When did Leah join the pack?"
38: Pain
39: Forks bound
40: A Cullen / Swan wedding
41: 100% Pack
42: Chilling with Paul
43: Ness
44: Bittersweet Nineteen
45: Catching Snowflakes
46: Meeting more family
47: When the snow sticks
48: The Red Coats Are Coming
49: Beginning of an end
50: Epilogue

08: Birthday Party and Phasing

14.3K 371 44
By HarliLawson1996

( media = AJ's Wolf)

        AJ walks downstairs and Sam hands her a piece of paper riff away. It's an invite to Isabella Swan's birthday party at the Cullens. Several months have passed since the dance and it's now September.

"Are you going?" Sam asks the sixteen year old as a now wolf Quill walks in.

"I want to," AJ admits. "Bella actually invited me."

"You can go ahead," Sam says and Emily hands the girl her keys. "You got your license, but take her easy."

AJ nods and she goes upstairs. She puts on a red dress that falls to her knees, a denim jacket, some feather earrings, and some brown boots that reach her knees. She heads out and drives the Jeep to Forks. The address to the Cullen's house was on the invite.

AJ parks behind a massive Jeep and she gawks at the house. Abigail pushes her worries aside and she walks up, ringing the doorbell. A woman with golden-like eyes and s soft face opens the door.

"Hello, you must be Abigail," the woman coos. "I'm Esme."

"Please, call me AJ," AJ insists.

"The others aren't here yet, but come in," Esme coos. "You look lovely."

"Thank you," AJ says and she looks around the first floor. "You have a beautiful home, Mrs. Cullen."

"Call me Esme, dear," the vampire coos. "I take it your family told you the stories?"

AJ nods. "Yes, they did. But it's ok. I'm not scared."

Esme smiles and she leads AJ to a living room on the second story when a pixie like vampire skips in.

"Alice?" Esme rises an eyebrow. "Why are you home early?"

"I want to decorate for Bella's party!" Alice chirps. "Edward is going to jump her into his room."

"Uh-huh," Esme hums. "This is AJ, she's Billy Black's daughter."

Alice gasps and she smiles. "Hi, AJ! I'm Alice... want to help me?"

It's officially party time. AJ has met Emmett and Travis, but she gets along better with Emmett, he's like a giant puppy and a baby mixed. Travis is to... Serious. Jasper is as attractive as AJ remembers. Carlisle adores AJ. Rosalie is hesitant, which everyone in the coven expected.

"Happy birthday, Bella," Carlisle says as the brunette - whom has grown kind of closer to AJ over the past few months - comes downstairs. "We tried to reign Alice in."

"Like that's possible," Esme coos and she hugs Bella. "Happy birthday, Bella."

"Thanks," Bella says awkwardly.

"It's present time!" Alice chirps and hands Bella a box. "It's from Emmett."

Bella shakes it but not a sound is heard. She rises an eyebrow at the huge vampire.

"Already installed it," Emmett muses. "It's only a decent sound system for that piece of ju..."

"Hey," Bella cuts hin off, "don't hate the truck."

Rosalie steps forward and hands Alice a small box. "It's a necklace. Alice picked it out."

"Thanks," Bella mumbles, AJ hands her one.

Bella pulls a box from the bag and it's a charm bracelet with fangs on the charm. She laughs and thanks the Black.

"Open Carlisle and Esme's next," Alice chirps as she skips over, handing the tightly wrapped box to Bella.

"Only something to brighten your day," Carlisle claims with a mellow voice, making AJ smile even more, Jasper is loving the fact that she's here.

"You've been looming a little pale lately," Esme adds.

Bella fumbles with the wrapping paper a bit and the paper cuts her finger. The feeling of blood lust all travels right through Jasper and Edward ends up throwing Bella back onto a glass table. AJ's eyes widen as Emmett and Carlisle barely stop Jasper.

"Jas..." Alice freezes when she's in front of the brother. "It's just a little... blood."

"Get Jasper our of here," Carlisle demands and AJ's body begins to steam and shake. "And get AJ out of here!"

Rosalie leads AJ to a clearing and Abigail turns into a silver wolf. Rosalie smiles. AJ is freaking out and looking around.

Rosalie rushes inside and goes to the kitchen. She dials a number, Sam's.

"Hello?" Sam's deep voice says into the phone.

"Sam, it's Rosalie Hale from Forks," Rosalie says.

"Is AJ ok?" Sam asks instantly.

"She just... AJ just phases," Rosalie says. "She's in a clearing, she's freaking out."

"Damn it!" Sam growls. "I'll be right there."

Jasper approaches the silver wolf in the clearing. "AJ?"

Abigail turns and she whimpers before her eyes lock with Jasper's. Their entire future shows up like a motion picture, making AJ whimper even more in fear. She's terrified.

"Sam is on his way, darlin'," Jasper whispers as he looks in AJ's eyes.

Sam walks up in his human form and looks at AJ, how she is lowered and staring at Jasper. He looks between his newest wolf and Jasper, and he knows what happened. Abigail Black imprinted on a vampire. 

"Abi," Sam says cautiously as he lays some shorts and a T-shirt before her. "Jus think of yourself in human form."

Abigail finally snaps her gaze away from jasper and does as told. The silver wolf thinks of her human form and turns back, but she's naked. AJ hurriedly dresses and she turns to face Jasper. But he's already gone.

AJ whimpers and she looks at Sam. "Where'd he go?"

Sam sighs. "I don't know... Let's get you to La Push." 

AJ nods and she follows Sam into the woods and through them. Jared runs out of Emily's and he hugs AJ, tightly.

"Are you ok?" Jared asks in a panicked voice. "What happened to her?" He asks Sam and looks at AJ. "Where's your dress?"

"Jared!" Sam's voice booms, and Jared instantly shuts up, paling. "AJ phased."

Jared's eyes widen even more, if it's even possible. "What?" His voice comes out as a whisper. "Really?"

"She imprinted on one of the Cullens," Sam says.

Jared sighs. "C'mere, baby girl." Jared pulls her into another hug.

Sam walks into Billy's after the man opens the door, Jacob is gone.

"What's going on, Sam?" Billy asks.

"AJ phased, Billy," Sam says.

Billy covers his face with his hand, his eyes become watery. "Is she okay?"

"She's scared," Sam admits. "She imprinted on Jasper Hale but they're leaving..."

"She'll need you now more than ever, Sam," Billy says. "That's going to hurt her."

Sam nods. "I know."

Billy runs his hand through his hair after removing his hat and he looks at the ground as Sam leans against the counter. Billy is scared for his daughter, knowing she has to be terrified.

"Jacob's next," Sam adds.

"Can you go, please?" Billy asks. "I need to be alone."

Sam nods and he leaves.

"Where's AJ?" Sam asks his beta.

"Sleeping, finally," Jared replies. "Rachel's with her." 

Sam nods and he sits down. "Billy is saddened and scared for AJ."

"I get that," Jared claims. "I am, too."

Sam lays his head back and stares at the ceiling. "We have to fill her in on patrols and the treaty."

"The Cullens are leaving," Paul says. "It's void until they return."

"If they return," Abigail mutters as she walks in, yawning. "Can I go by Abigail now?"

Sam looks at the girl with the dark eyes, with a purple shade under them. "Of course, Abigail."

Abi nods and she sits beside Jared and curls up to him. "I hurt."

Jared frowns, knowing it's because Jasper left. He wraps an arm around Abigail and holds her against him in comfort. Sam growls, he hopes the Cullens know how their affecting Abigail's health.

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