By arios2004

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In which King Edward IV finds himself captivated by a woman he cannot have and no matter how many years pass... More



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By arios2004

— 13. Mistakes

Just an hour later, Nora stood in the privy council chamber, waiting for Edward's arrival. He had gone to question the servant girl on who had paid her to do such a thing, leaving Nora alone in the company of Warwick, the man who despised her more than anyone. Though, the feeling was mutual.

"Is there any word from Edward?" Nora suddenly asked Lord Warwick, knowing it would piss him off.

Warwick scoffed, looking up at Nora with an amused look. "He is using you, you foolish girl. And you're naive enough to believe Edward when he says he loves you—"

"He does love me, you spiteful little bast—" Nora argued in a stern tone, glaring at Warwick as she moved closer to him.

"You are a whore, nothing more. But what else can I expect from the daughter of Thomas Fitzroy and Katherine Neville?" Warwick retorted, standing up from his seat to meet Nora at eye view, "Though I pity whoever has to marry a treacherous whore who was willing to spread her legs the moment the King of England batted eyes at her."

"You are the treacherous whore, for murdering my father and manipulating Edward the way you have been his entire—" Nora began to shout at Lord Warwick as she moved toward her.

As she went to get in his face, Warwick had roughly grabbed her by the chin, forcing her to look him in the eye as he glared at her angrily. "You know nothing, little girl," He growled at her, just before roughly shoving her back.

As Warwick released his grip on her, Nora clutched the side of her face. "You are nothing more than the king's whore. Arthur will make sure you're constantly reminded of that."

"What?" Nora suddenly asked, turning to Lord Warwick with wide eyes.

"Oh, you didn't know?" He asked, beginning to grin widely, "Edward has officially decided to marry you off to Arthur Neville. By the end of this week, you will be living at Bedford Castle, fulfilling the role as the wife of the new Duke of Bedford."

"That is my title—" Nora began to growl at Warwick.

"Not anymore. It belongs to your future husband. It was signed just before the assassination attempt on your life this afternoon. Edward signed the documents, would you like to see them?" Warwick asked calmly, beginning to look through the pile of papers on his desk for the document.

Nora remained silent, glaring hatefully at Lord Warwick. She couldn't believe it. Once more, Edward had betrayed her, just as she was beginning to think all was well with him again.

He was marrying her off.

Would he think the same if he knew she was carrying his child?


Hours later, Nora stood in Edward's chambers, waiting for him to return. Soon enough, he did and smiled when he found the woman he loved standing before him.

She, however, had a threatening look on his face, a look that he felt as though could kill him all on its own.

"What is the meaning of this?" She suddenly asked, causing Edward to frown in confusion as she threw the documents containing the transfer of ownership of Bedford Castle to Arthur Neville, along with a contract of Nora's dowry, something Edward provided with his own money, "You mean to marry me off, Edward!"

Edward's eyes widened in alarm, clearly thinking he'd have a bit of time before he had to reveal the news to her. "You weren't supposed to find out like this."

"Like this?" Nora asked in disbelief, shooting him an angry look, "What, Edward? Did you mean to tell me of this the night before my marriage or the morning of? After all, this wedding is set to occur in three days' time."

"I had no choice," Edward confessed softly, causing Nora to walk toward him with a furious look on her face.

"No choice?" She asked in disbelief, "You had every choice! You are the King of England, Edward!"

Nora stopped when she was standing in front of Edward. A furious look on her face, she roughly shoved him on the chest.

Edward stumbled back slightly, but an unreadable expression remained on his face. He didn't even bother to remind her that striking a king was an act of treason and treason was punishable by death.

She, after all, had every right to be angry and to strike him.

He betrayed her. In the worst way possible. He had lied to her twice that day when he said he'd never marry her off.

"You weak, spineless, pitiful excuse for a king. I can see it now. You're nothing more than a boy," Nora growled at Edward angrily, "This was Warwick's decision, wasn't it?"

Edward remained silent, an ashamed look on his face as he avoided eye contact with Nora. "You lied to my face today. Twice! Once again, you've let him come between us. First, he orders a servant to rape me as I lay in bed asleep. Now, he wishes to marry me off and you agree. I bet he was even behind that servant trying to kill me today," She paused, letting out a loud scoff as she began to repeatedly shove him on the chest once more.

"I had no choice. It was to protect you—" He began to say, only to end up being cut off by Nora slapping him across the face.

He did nothing to retaliate, though. He just stood there, knowing he deserved it.

"You had every choice, you insolent fool!" She shouted at him angrily, tears streaming down her cheek, "Where's your honor, Edward? Where's your strength? Where's your love for me because right now, I cannot see it! Tell me, Edward! Tell me!"

At the end of her sentence, Nora began to loudly cry and Edward grabbed her by the wrists to stop from her striking him again. He then grabbed the sides of her face, silencing her with a kiss. She continued to cry briefly before she finally kissed him.

After a long moment, Edward pulled away from the kiss, tears welled in his own eyes. "I cannot bear the thought of Arthur, let alone any man, lying with you, but it is necessary to marry him. Warwick wants it to happen to be rid of you, but I believe it must happen for another reason," He paused, wiping the streaming tears from Nora's eyes, "If what your mother said before she was executed is true, Margaret of Anjou wishes to take you any way she can, maid or not. The only way to stop her from having you is if you are already married. I cannot marry you, but he can. And I swear to you, if he harms you in any way, I shall kill him myself."

Nora stared up at Edward, a blank expression on her face. "The contract makes it official, then. I am required to marry Arthur Neville whether I wish to or not," She explained and Edward slowly nodded his head, "I dare say you wouldn't be so willing for another man to have me if you knew I was carrying your child."

Edward froze, immediately letting go of Nora. He stared down at her, looking absolutely horrified. "Are you certain?" He asked her in a whisper.

"Yes," Nora answered, nodding her head in confirmation, "At first, I wasn't, but two months have passed and I have not bled. I've been with no one else. I swear it. Your mother knows as well. It was what we were speaking of this morning when you came up to us."

Edward slowly backed up, away from Nora. He nodded slightly, taking in the information.

Not being able to control himself, as he turned away from her, he ended up knocking a chair over before doing the same to a nearby table. He yelled out in rage, just before placing his face in his hands.

Nora studied him closely, not knowing the true reason for his fit of rage.

Was he angry that she was pregnant or angry that she was marrying another man while carrying his child?

"I'm sorry," Nora whispered softly, causing Edward to turn to her with a guilty look, "It's my fault."

"Your fault?" Edward asked, letting out a large scoff, "It was our choice to bed each other as we did, not just yours. And you shouldn't be sorry. What reason would there be for you to be sorry?"

"I thought that was what you wanted to hear," Nora confessed in a soft tone.

Edward moved closer to Nora, cupping her face in his rough hands. "I am the one who is to be sorry," He whispered to her softly, "You are carrying my child. My firstborn. And now, you're to marry him."

Nora quietly scoffed as she rolled her eyes. "If we were married, your mother says this child would have the strongest claim of them all. It would strengten not just mine, but yours as well. The rightful Lancastrian heir as his mother and the York king as his father. He would be the union of the red and white rose." She jokingly commented, clearly not taking herself seriously, "I told her she was mad for ever thinking we'd marry."

Edward stared down at her, his eyes widening in realization. "Marry me," He suddenly stated, causing Nora to look at him as if he were stupid.

"Don't joke of such things, Edward," Nora complained, about to slip herself out of his grip, "You're not funny."

Edward, however, grabbed her by the hands, convincing her to turn to face him once more. "Marry me. I'm serious. If I marry you first, your marriage to Arthur would be invalid. Your wedding to him would still have to occur to keep Warwick off our backs, but I assure you, I'd have you back here before our child is even born. You'd be Queen of England, just as you were born to be. We could rule as equals. A Lancaster and a York. We could unite the houses. Warwick claims it isn't wise, but who cares! You are the woman I love, the mother of my unborn child. Our son."

Nora stared up at Edward in disbelief. "Your entirely serious," She whispered softly and Edward smiled, nodding his head in response.

"I am," He answered in a calm tone, "I can bring a priest to the chapel here at the castle. He may marry us in secret. No one will have to know until we wish them to. Our marriage could mean the end of this war. Say you'll marry me, Nora. Say it and it shall happen by the morrow."

Nora remained silent, a part of her believing that Edward had lost his damn mind. A part of her began to remember that was all she ever wanted as a girl, to marry a man for love.

A part of her also knew that after she married Arthur, Edward had the choice of never again mentioning his marriage to Nora. He could go on with his life and allow their unborn child to be raised as Arthur's. He could be rid of her and no one would ever have to know their child was the rightful heir to the throne. He could marry Princess Bona of France and forget about her and their child.

"Say you'll marry me, Nora. Say you'll be my wife and my queen," Edward insisted in a pleading tone.

"Alright, alright," Nora answered, a smile forming on her lips, "I shall marry you."

Edward smiled happily, cupping Nora's face in her hands before kissing her passionately. After he pulled away, he continued to smile brightly. "Meet me at the chapel here in the castle at sunset. I shall be waiting for you, wife."

Nora nodded, on the verge of walking away when Edward kissed her once more. She sent him a small smile, just before walking away.

That night, Edward stood in the chapel together, holding hands. Edward had convinced Margaret, his elder sister, to be their witness.

A priest stood before them, ready to bless the union between the two young adults.

When it was time, Edward pulled out a ring from his pocket, smiling as he held in the palm of his open hand. "It was my grandmother's, I'm told," He admitted to her softly before handing it to the priest.

The priest placed it on the bible, wasting no time beginning to read the marriage vows to them.

Once it was over, Edward and Nora officiated the marriage with a passionate kiss and walked out of the chapel together.

When the priest followed them out, Edward turned his attention to the man, wasting no time handing him the pouch of gold.

"Your Grace," The priest greeted Edward, who sent him a smile before watching him walk off.

Edward shot Margaret a look. His sister briefly eyed him suspiciously before walking off without another word said.

Once he was gone, Edward finally gave Nora his undivided attention. He cupped her face in his hands, both of them smiling happily.

"Shall we return to our chambers, my queen?" Edward asked playfully, causing Nora to quietly laugh.

Before she could react, Edward had grabbed her by the waist, wasting no time throwing her over his shoulder.

"Edward, what is the meaning of this!" She asked, beginning to laugh as he carried her over his shoulder all the way to his chambers.


Lemme just say, there's a reason Edward's sister MARGARET was the witness.

Perhaps not because of what will occur with this secret marriage during the events of the white queen, but of what happens in its sequel, the white princess. 👀👀 (I might have a sequel to this book that takes place in that show)

Also, this secret marriage between nora and Edward is based on the one in history Edward had with Eleanor Talbot, the one that caused Edward's one with Elizabeth Woodville to be deemed invalid by Richard.

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