It Was Always You

By bridgettec_

66.4K 2.4K 229

"I'm sorry that I put you in this situation." "I'm not following." I really wasn't. "This. Us! What we did... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One

Chapter Nine

2.7K 103 31
By bridgettec_

Picture of Patricia --------->>>>>>>>>>

When I woke the next morning, it was there again. An envelope on my night table. I already knew what was in it so I went straight for my bathroom. I got in the shower and sighed at the instant contact of the hot water. I was washing my hair when it finally dawned on me.

It was Sunday.

Prom was literally in a week.

Oh, and the fact that I was home alone.

On a Sunday.

I made my way downstairs after my shower and got started on breakfast. Maybe my mom would stumble in at any moment or Kevin would magically appear out of his room and eat at the table with me.

I was wrong again. I sat alone at the table with my bacon, eggs and coffee. Where the fuck was everyone?

My phone buzzed beside me and I read the text.

Business conference, forgot to tell you. Be home tomorrow!

How nice of my mother to finally contact me. I locked my phone and threw it on the table.

I don't know what's going on. I know she's dating but how serious could it really be? What was up with Kevin?

I needed answers, answers I knew I wouldn't get.

Sighing, I ran upstairs and threw on a pair of sweats, a tank top and went straight out the door with my iPod in hand and earphones in my ear. I put it on shuffle and walked down my block.

I jogged a little until I worked my way into a light sprint. The wind hit my face and I felt myself going faster as the thoughts consumed me.

How could so much change in such a little time? My dad had gotten ill so suddenly that it didn't even register until he was deteriorating right in front of us. My brother and I had taken his death so hard that it caused us to move just to get a change of scenery.

He went peacefully; in his sleep on a calm Sunday morning. It haunts me every night that we couldn't help him. It made me especially feel so useless. Even though Kev and I are twins, I knew I was daddy's girl; his little princess. To have him leave so suddenly still has me dazed. He was always the one to play peace maker when it came to Kev and I. Without him now, I felt so lost when it came to Kevin.

Sadly, a part of me hoped that it wasn't real, wished on everything I could that I would wake from this unfortunate dream but as I came to realize; you never get what you want, only what life throws at you.

That thought made me so fucking angry. Why did he have to go? My father has never done one bad thing in his life! Why!

I felt my feet move on their own accord and I was sprinting down the neighbourhood looking like a theif. I was entering what was called the runner's high. God, it felt amazing. I felt free.

My freedom came to a halt as I almost ran into a car at the intersection.

"Hey, watch it!" The guy yelled at me.

"Sorry, I didn't notice." My breath came out fast and heavy.

"You okay? Are you running from something?" The man peered behind me. I noticed that he was a very good looking guy, somewhere in his mid twenties or less.

"I'm fine." I said then turned around.

"Hey, wait!" He came out of his car. "I didn't get your name."

"Kate. You?"

"Cole." We shook hands. "Can I take you out? I mean it's not everyday I see a pretty girl like you run into my car."

He was trying to be funny it seems. "Uh, you look much older. Sorry."

I studied his face. He had a scar on his left brow and his nose looked as if it had been broken a few times.

"How old are you?"


"I'm just 21." He smirked.

What was he insinuating here?

"I have a boyfriend, sorry."

"Okay, I understand." He held his hands up in surrender.

I nodded and began jogging in the direction I came from. I heard him mumble something like 'see you around' but I wasn't too sure.

When I got home, I was soaking wet from my own sweat. I definitely ran out my frustration because I was beat.

After my shower I took a long nap. When I woke it was night time and I heard noises downstairs. I swear to God if this was my mom I would go bat shit crazy on her.

I saw Kevin sitting at the foot of the steps like last night, head in hands.

Slowly I made my way down the stairs and sat beside him. I just sat there, no talking, nothing.

Eventually he sighed and laid his head in my lap. I stroked his hair and watched as tears rolled down his face.

"You'll always be there for me, right?" He whispered.

"Always." I promised him.

His silent tears turned into sobs and I enveloped him in a hug. We remained like that for a long while until he left my embrace.

"Never speak of this." He said firmly and went to his room.

I smiled. Somewhere, somehow, my dad had smiled upon us.


Monday morning was in full swing and the prom committee was promoting the dance overtime. There were posters everywhere, literally. Even in the stalls of the girls bathroom.

I made my way through the hall towards my locker when I saw the star athlete leaning against it.

"We need to talk." He greeted me.

"Good morning to you, too." I scowled.

"Now." He nodded his head towards the empty classroom in front of us.

I sighed and followed him. We entered the classroom and he closed the door.

"It's about your brother."

"What do you mean?"

"He's gotten himself in some deep shit, Kate. Shit that I can't help him with unless I go to the police." He searched my eyes.

I stood frozen. What?

"Kate, I'm not joking here."

"What do you mean?" I blinked rapidly, trying to not hyperventilate.

"He's gotten mixed up with the wrong crowd known for underground fight clubs. It's both illegal and dangerous. Especially where money is concerned." He scratched the back of his neck. "From what I've heard, your brother owes his weight in gold."


"He fights for them, Kate. These people bet on nasty, violent fights. I've heard he started off great, bringing in the big bucks but lately he's been slacking. I don't know how to help him without ratting him out and I'm no rat."

It all made sense to me now. The money on my night table. The scratches and bruises. Oh my God.

"Maybe if we talk him out of doing it."

"Like I said. He owes them."

I took a seat and held my head in my hands. How did we even reach here.

"How do you know this?"

"I know a guy who knows a guy."

"Of course you do." I sighed.

"If you do talk to him. Be careful, he might get defensive and that's never good." He pulled me into a hug and squeezed.

In a flash he was out the door and left me there. Was it me or did I feel a tingle when he grabbed me?

Damn hormones.


The day went by pretty quickly and I was packing up to go home when Brandon stopped by my locker.

"Let me take you home."


"It's not safe for you."

I scoffed. "First of all, you're not safe for me and second, it's in the afternoon. Nothing will happen to me."

I saw him do a little half smile. "And how am I not safe for you?" He suddenly had me trapped between him and the lockers.

"W-what are you doing?" I panicked. What if someone saw us?

"Does this not feel safe?" He pressed his body closer to mine and I almost gasped at the intensity.

"I-uh, um no it doesn't." I was stuttering like a fool.

He smirked at me. "I'll meet you by my truck."

When his warmth left me, I gasped for air. Did he just tease me?

I gently closed my locker and made my way outside. Once inside his truck, he started it up and turned on the radio.

A song came on and it had a nice beat with a soothing voice. "What song is this?"

He looked at me bewildered. "Magic by Coldplay."

I nodded.

"Do you know who Coldplay is?"

"Of course, dum dum!"

He laughed at me. He literally threw his head back and laughed like a kid. I had to admit, his features changed into something real, something genuine rather than the permanent scowl or slight chance of a smirk.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing. Just... You're cute."

"Cute?" He thought I was cute. Cute as in his little niece cute? A kid that said the darnest thing cute?

"Yeah." His smile was infectious and I wasn't upset anymore.

"I am not cute. I'm a woman. Saying I'm cute would be like me telling you that you're adorable." I looked through the window at the passing trees.

"You think I'm adorable?"

I quickly turned my head to him. "N-no. You're missing the point."

He smirked and remained silent. Smooth, Kate, very smooth.

We got home and I thanked him for the ride.

"You still didn't answer me about prom." He stated.

"I thought we made it clear that I'm with Derek. Plus he might be coming." I looked down at my fingers just to avoid his stare.

"I sense doubt."

"You're wrong."

"Just think about it."

I nodded and went inside my house. As soon as I heard his truck leave I turned around and came face to face with Kevin.

"Shit! You scared me Kev." I held my chest. Why was he home so early?

"Was that Brandon?"


"Stay away from him. He's not good for you." he crossed his arms.

"Um, the very same guy you told that he can have a go at me?"

"That was different. I'm different now."

I shook my head. "Wow, Kev. You talk shit about him but he's actually looking out for you."

He scoffed.

"When were you going to tell me about the underground fight Club?" The words flew out of my mouth before I could stop them.

He stared at me bewildered. "It's none of your fucking business."

"Yes, it is! This stuff is dangerous. We need to call someon-"

"No!" He screamed at me. "I can't do that."

"Why not?"

"I just can't, Kate." He said softer this time.

"Okay... but if things get too hard to handle, don't hesitate to call me, okay?" I reached for him and he let me hug him. "I'll never leave you."

"Thanks." He whispered.

I looked up above and sent a silent prayer both God and my dad to keep him safe, to protect him because I was baffled here and my mother was practically nonexistent now.

Thank you so much for reading!


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