Wild Girl. (Hiccup X Reader)...

By Red-Ramen

300K 7.4K 4.2K

Hiccup, a boy living in the village Berk. Being a weakling yet the son of the chief. Y/n, a girl flying on he... More

Chapter 1. Berk.
Chapter 2. Night Furies.
Chapter 3. Unholy offsprings.
Chapter 4. Lessons.
Chapter 5. Eels.
Chapter 6. Tail fin and dragon training.
Chapter 7. New outfits.
Chapter 8. Never an option.
Chapter 9. "Leaving!"
Chapter 10. Going for a spin.
Chapter 11. Betrayal.
Chapter 12. Dragonborn.
Chapter 13. The Nest.
Chapter 14. Time to disappear.
Chapter 15. Fire burns.
Chapter 16. Done with.
Special Chapter~ "Happy Snoggletog, Y/n."
D-RoB Chapter 1. Academy.
D-RoB Chapter 2. Flaming squirrel.
D-RoB Chapter 3. Night Problems.
D-RoB Chapter 4. The Dragon Conqueror.
D-RoB Chapter 5. Picking his dragon.
D-RoB Chapter 6. Sickness.
D-RoB Chapter 7. Trust or Nah, part 1.
D-RoB Chapter 8. Trust or Nah, Part 2.
D-RoB Chapter 9. Scars of the Past.
D-RoB Chapter 10. Twin Chaos.
D-RoB Chapter 11. Nasty Landing.
D-RoB Chapter 12. Fears.
D-RoB Chapter 13. Eggs On Berk.
D-RoB Chapter 15. Are We Family? Part 2.
Book two released!!!

D-RoB Chapter 14. Are We Family? Part 1.

3.5K 76 49
By Red-Ramen

Y/n - Speak.
Hiccup - Speak.

~No one's P.O.V~

Vikings have a strong sense of community.

Snotlout watched Hiccup with boredom from one of the rock in the cove.

Apparently, it's important to be a part of a family. A human family.

Hiccup let out a sound Y/n would recall as a Night Fury roar. The sound echoed, but nothing else happened.

"That's why you brought us out here?" Snotlout snapped, making Hiccup turn to him, "To honk at the wind?"

And to celebrate that connection is just as important.

"Just wait, Snotlout." Fishlegs sighed, knowing he hadn't followed the training.

"Dragon calls." He scoffed, "Whatever." The mischievous boy pulled out a necklace from his back pocket.

Hiccup's eyes went to the Twins, their eyes intently stare at the light it casted on a rock.

"Uh, guys?" Hiccup asked, trying to snap them out of it.

"Idiots." Snotlout chuckled.

"Snotlout." Hiccup said, trying to step into charge.

"So stupid." Snotlout muttered to himself, laughing at the Twins' stupidity.

Hiccup looked at Y/n, who stood at the sidelines, waiting for the Noght Furies to arrive.

Seeing Hoccup's eyes on her, almost pleadingly, she took a look at the rest of the group, "Seriously?" Y/n asked in a stern tone, crossing her arms.

She had come to learn that if she did so, Snotlout would stop whatever he was doing.

"What? It's fun." Snotlout said, but not seeing Y/n's expression change, he sighed, "Fine." And put the necklace back into his pocket.

"Ugh, gone again." Tuffnut sighed when the light dot disappeared from the rock.

Y/n sighed, cupping her mouth to make a dragon call, making Shadow and Toothless hurry a little.

"Aaaand nothing. Can we go now?" Snotlout asked, already ready to leave. The sound of Night Fury roars stopped him in his tracks.

"You were saying?" Astrid crossed her arms. Toothless and Shadow jumped down into the cove, roaring while doing so.

"Fine." Snotlout gave up, "I hate to admit it, but that was pretty cool." He grumbled, looking the other way.

"Not as cool as that disappearing shiny thing. You can never catch it." Tuffnut said, leaning against a trunk with his sister.

"Fishlegs, why don't you show us your dragon call?" Y/n asked the blonde boy.

"Thought you'd never ask." Fishlegs said with a little smug smile before he began his speak, "The call of the Gronckle is as unique as the dragon itself; raw, guttural, intense, yet with a subtle lilt."

"Just do it already!" Snotlout shouted, cutting him off.

Fishlegs made his dragon call, his sounding more like a growl than a roar, but Meatlug heard it, and within a few seconds, she arrived by Fishlegs' side.

"Well done, Fishlegs." Hiccup praised, but the boy waved him off, "I'm not done. Watch this." He said before letting out a deeper growl-like sound.

"I don't even wanna know what part of his body that came from..." Tuffnut's eyes widened, "Or do I?"

"Ooh, I gotta take a in the air." The Gronckle-obsessed boy exhaled as several Gronckles fly over their heads, Meatlug excitedly joining them.

"Wow, nice herd." Tuffnut commented while Fishlegs shouted after his dear dragon.

"Be home for dinner! You're having granite!" He turned to Y/n, "That's her favorite."

Y/n nodded, "That's very common for Gronckles." She clapped her hands together, "Okay! Anybody think they can beat that?"

"I'll give it a shot." Astrid told the girl, walking by her, "Watch this." She cupped her mouth, letting out a howl.

Soon enough, Deadly Nadders, including Stormfly, flew over them.

"Good job, Astrid, first try." Y/n praised, causing Astrid to smile, rubbing her arm nervously.

"Uh, I have an important question." Tuffnut said, lifting his hand.

Hiccup sighed, "Is it actually important this time?" He asked.

"Uh, yeah. It always is." Tuffnut said, looking at his nails, "Like, why are we even doing this anyway? I don't get it."

"Well, first of all, you never know when you're gonna be separated from your dragon. Calling it may be the only way to find each other." Y/n explained, using the easy words.

"Sorry. Didn't get it."

"Second of all, it's Bork week, and my dad asked us to put on a dragon air parade." Hiccup told the Twins.

"Why do we care about this Bork-guy anyway? Wasn't he a dragon killer?" Ruffnut asked, Y/n frowned at her words, looking at Hiccup for an answer.

"Hey, Bork only killed dragons in self-defense." Fishlegs spoke instead.

Y/n nodded to herself, any dragon would do the same if it came down to it.

"He studied them, wrote about them, lived and breathed them." Fishlegs told excitedly.

"And without him, there would be no Book of Dragons." Hiccup said more to Y/n than the rest of the group, still trying to explain 'Bork week' to the DragonBorn.

"And without the Book of Dragons, there'd be no-"

"Reason for you to live?" Snotlout cut him off, making the Twins laugh.

"Dragon Academy, right?" Y/n asked Hiccup with her hand on her chin, he nodded, "And there would be no really cool dragon air show either."

Snotlout jumped down from the rock he sat on, "So, when we do this really cool dragon air show." He gestured to the two Night Furies who sat behind their riders, waiting patiently, "Who are they gonna fly with?"

Hiccup looked down for a second before he felt someone take his hand, "We're working on that." Y/n smiled, squeezing his hand a little. The contact didn't go unnoticed by anyone.

~No one's P.O.V~

Y/n looked at the Gronckles that flew by before turning to Hiccup, Shakdw, and Toothless.

Hiccup held his saddened expression from earlier, "Don't let it get into your brain. Once it's in, it never gets out." Y/n told the brunette as she sat beside him on the cliff, her finger playing with the grass.

"I know. It's just... I wish there were other Night Furies for them." Hiccup looked up from the ground.

"I know. I understand it. I feel the same way." Y/n nodded, remembering all the times they had gone looking for other Night Furies before they arrived at Berk.

Astrid landed Stormfly beside the due, her dragon immediately went to play while Astrid jumped off of her, "There you are."

She smiled at Y/n, "Hey, check out my Nadders! I finally got them flying in a perfect formation." She exclaimed, pointing up at the group of Deadly Nadders.

"Wow, yeah, that's... That's great." Hiccup tried to respond without a worry in the world. It didn't go very well.

"Hiccup?" Y/n raised an eyebrow, slightly worried.

"I've just been thinking, Stormfly has other Nadders. Hookfang has a whole herd of Monstrous Nightmares. And Shadow and Toothless... They only have each other." Hiccup said, gesturing to the black dragons.

"They have each other, but they also have you two. And they look pretty happy, if you ask me." Astrid almost laughed when he saw the two roll around in the grass, Stormfly joining them in their fun.

"You know what I mean." Hiccup said, looking at Y/n, she placed her hands on his shoulders, "Hiccup, I feel the same way, but for now, they're gonna be fine." She said, looking at him reassuringly.

"Oh, yeah, I almost forgot." Astrid said, about to leave, "Your father and Gobber are looking for you and Y/n. They wanna see you in the Great Hall. They looked serious." She said before taking off on Stormfly.

"Yeah, great." Hiccup rolled his eyes, looking at Y/n, "Happy Bork week to us, huh?"

~No one's P.O.V~

Arriving at the Great Hall, Hiccup opened on of the large Woden doors, holding it open for Y/n to get in.

"Thank you." She thanked, waiting for the boy as he closed the door again before they walked further into the middle of the Great Hall.

A group of men, including Stoick, Gobber, and Spitelout, stood around the large table.

When they heard the footsteps of the teens coming closer, they turned around, angry expressions on their faces.

"Okay... This is weird." Hiccup admitted, looking at the group of angered men.

"Hiccup, Y/n, come forward." Stoick, Chief of Berk ordered the two, Y/n looked at Hiccup, almost as if asking what was going on before she stepped forward, Hiccup following.

"Hold out your hands." Stoick once again ordered, Hiccup held his hands out, but hesitated once he did, he took a hold of Y/n's outstretched hands, making her pull them back to herself.

Hiccup hid his hands behind his back as he spoke, "Uh, dad, Gobber, other scary looking Vikings, I'd just like to say, in our defense, that we cannot control Shotlout and the Twins 24 hours a day." Hiccup explained in their defense.

"This isn't about those jokers, Hiccup." Gobber told the boy before he cupped one side of his mouth, "It's something really good." He whispered to the duo, earning a groan from Stoick.

"Now then, you two, as you know, Bork week has begun." Stoick stated, "The first one since we made peace with the dragons." Stoick gestured to Y/n as he spoke about her reptile friends.

"So, it has been decided that from this moment forward, all things dragon-related, including Bork's life's work," The Chief of Berk smiled as he looked at the leaders of the Academy, "Shall be trusted to you and the Academy."

Gobber placed a chest on the table, gesturing for the teens to come over, "This is where the Book of Dragons started." He said as he opened the chest and pushed it over to Y/n and Hiccup.

"Everything he ever wrote on the subject is in these notes..." He said as he pulled out two books with three smaller on top of them along with a few papers in between them and two pieces of paper carefully rolled up, all tied together with a bit of leather rope.

"Personal thoughts, feelings, fears, even some delicious recipes." Gobber said as the two began looking at some of it.

Y/n tilted her head a little, pretty sure she wasn't going to need anything within the books or on the paper.

"Whoa. I... I don't know what to say. Thank you, Dad. This is..." Hiccup trailed off, speechless. Finding fit hard to speak.

"Listen, this is a big part of our history." Stoick said, gesturing to the notes, "You and the dragons are a big part of our future."

He placed a hand on each of their shoulders, "It's now up to you to take care of both." He said softly while Gobber placed the notes back into the chest and closed it.

Gobber held out the chest and Hiccup tried to take it, but Gobber doesn't let go.

"Gobber... Gobber!" Stoick yelled, making the one-handed Viking let go.

"Right. They're yours now." Gobber said, holding his hands, or hand up.

Y/n smiled, about to leave with Hiccup when his father calls out to her, they both turned around, "It's okay. You can leave, I'll see you after." Y/n told the boy, he looked at her for a moment before nodding, walking towards the doors with the chest in his arms.

Y/n turned back to the group of men, her hands in her pockets, "Soo, what's up?" She asked the group.

They looked at each other, discussing something under their breaths. Stoick cleared his throat before turning to the girl.

"Y/n, can I ask you to show us your birthmark?" Stoick asked calmly.

Y/n's eyes shifted around on the men in the Great Hall, seeing if this would be some kind of ambush, she hummed, untying the red and white cloth she had grown to like.

She took it off, revealing the mark on her shoulder for them to see.

Mutters erupted between the men, Stoick looked at Gobber, nodding.

"Y/n, Bork wrote this at last before he died." Gobber held up a small book, "With you being, you. I think you should have it." She looked around confused as Fobber handed her the book.

"What is this about?"

"That is everything Bork wrote about the DragonBorn before he died." Stoick told the girl, placing a hand on her shoulder as she looked at the book cover, "I think you should read it."


~No one's P.O.V~






"Aaand, boring."

Y/n sighed, leaning he head back against Shadow's black scales, "Rhis Book have nothing but disgusting pictures and stuff I already know." She grumbled as she threw the book on her bed.

Closing her eyes.

Once in a while, she enjoyed not doing anything.


Of course it doesn't always last as long as you want it to.

"Hiccup, come-" The boy let himself into Y/n's room, Toothless following behind him as he held a few papers in his hands, sitting beside Y/n on the ground, he leaned against Shadow too.

While he did so, Toothless snuggled with his sister.

"See what I found, Y/n." Y/n looked at the paper briefly, seeing semi-drawn drawings of Night Furies, "This is all on the Night Fury. It's all about them." He said excitedly.

"Bork didn't put any of this in the Book of Dragons." He told the girl excitedly, "'My studies lead me to conclude that an entire island exists teaming with mysterious Night Furies. I call this land the Isle of Night.'" Hiccup read from the papers.

Hiccup looked at the girl, expecting an happy or excited expression, but no.

She licked her lips as her unsure eyes studied the papers, frowning a little, "I'm not sure you should believe that, Hiccup." She told the boy, shaking her head.

"But Y/n, an island... Filled with Night Furies."

"But it doesn't make sense, Night Furies can live basically anywhere, why would they all be at one island?"

"I don't know, but maybe Bork did." Hiccup shrugged, "Y/n, we have to find that island. If we do, we find their family."

"What if Bork was wrong?" Y/n asked, standing up with crossed arms.

"He may have been, but what if he wasn't?" Hiccup asked, Y/n side glanced at him, unsure about the situation.

~No one's P.O.V~

"So let me get this straight. To find this island, we have to find Bork's cave?" Snotlout asked, flying up beside Y/n.

"Yeah, apparently." Y/n answered, still not sure of why Bork was so important.

"His last known place of residence."

"Who would live in a cave?" Astrid asked.

"I have." Y/n told the girl, lifting a brow.

"Of course you have. Who wouldn't?" Ruffnut asked, grinning from ear to ear.

"There must be something in there about the Isle of Night and where we can find it." Hiccup said, focusing at the task at hand.

"Bork's Note said his cave was cut into the mountains right above Odin's shield."

"Then that must be it." Y/n pointed at their destination, being the first to land, the others soon followed.

"Um, so wait, so how do we know what we're looking for?" Tuffnut asked as the Twins landed their dragon.

"It's a cave. Look for a big hole in the side of a mountain." Astrid lazily explained to the two.

"Hole, check."

"Mountain, on it." The Twins agreed.

"You know, we don't have to bring them every time." Astrid told Y/n, she shrugged in response.

Snotlout imitated a dragon roar, causing everyone to wince.

"What in the world was that?" Fishlegs asked the teen.

"That is a Changewing call, my friend. Surprised you didn't know that." Snotlout responded, leaning on one of Hookfang's hooks.

"I would've if it sounded like one. This is a Changewing." Fishlegs made a sound that probably would be able to break any nearby glass.

Snotlout scoffed, "Bet you can't do a Thunderdrum."

"Please. At least challenge me." Fishlegs cleared his throat.

"Guys, you shouldn't be calli-" Y/n got cut off by Fishlegs as he let out a bellowing growl, pure pain going through the group's ears.

"Fishlegs, quit it!"


"Stop it! Stop!"

"Ow, you sound terrible!"

"Okay, okay. Enough Fishlegs. That's good." Hiccup said, making the teen stop the terrible sound.

"Okay," Y/n sighed, "Let's hope no Changewing or Thunderdrum heard that." She said, crossing her arms.

Fishlegs' eyes went wide, realizing what he had done.

"Hey, I found an opening." Hiccup said, pointing at the clear opening in the side of the mountain.

"Good job." Y/n smiled at the boy before the group began making their way towards the cave.

"That Bork was a dweeb, but boy, he could climb like a mountain goat." Snotlout said from the back of Hookfang, who climbed the wall while the others walked by the path.

Y/n growled lightly when another roar sounded, "Fishlegs, I thought we agreed to ease up on the dragon calls." Hiccup frowned at the boy, seeing Y/n's irritated face.

"Actually, that wasn't me." Y/n looked back at the boy as he spoke, when she saw something behind him, her and Shadow flew up, "Mine's far more authentic."

"Wanna tell that to him?" Y/n asked. The dragon roared as it rounded the mountain, revealing t to be a Thunderdrum.

"Head for the cave!" Hiccup shouted while flying in that direction, the rest of the Riders following.

Shadow and Y/n stood still.
The hair on her arms stood up.
Her eyes went wide.

"No! Don't!"

Her calls went for deaf ears when the Thunderum roared again.

"Wait. What cave?" Ruffnut asked, no longer seeing an opening.

"We just saw it! There was a hole!" Astrid shouted, panicked.

Y/n had a conflicted expression on, not knowing what to do.

"Come on, Shadow. Let's stop this guy." The females flew up circling the dragon, Shadow sent a blast, making sure it wasn't too big.

It caught its attention, making it follow them instead of heading for the others.

"Yeah, and now the hole's gone." Tuffnut commented.

Hiccup looked back to see Y/n and Shadow distracting the Thunderdrum, avoiding its sonic blasts.

"Snotlout, Tuff, and Ruff, you guys look for the opening. We'll help Y/n lure the Thunderdrum away."

Snotlout, Tuffnut, and Ruffnut got off their dragons to look for a hole while the three others flew off on their dragons.

"Fishlegs, Thunderdrum call!" Hiccup ordered.

"Wish you'd make up your mind." Fishlegs grumbled before beginning to prepare his throat, "Fishlegs!" Hiccup hurried the boy.

He made the call, making the Thunderdrum turn its attention to the trio instead of Y/n and her dragon.

"Let's go see what we can find." Y/n exhaled to Hiccup, seeing Astrid and Fishlegs doing a great job with the Thunderdrum, "They can keep this guy busy."

"What about Snotlout?" Hiccup asked, pointing at the struggling Viking in the grasp of a Changewing.

"Ruff! Tuff!" Y/n shouted, pointing at the boy.

"On it!" They both replied, running towards him.

"You're giving me the Twins?!" Snotlout complained before the Changewing slammed him against the rock, "Aah! Unh! Okay! I'll take the Twins!"

"Let's go!" Y/n told the boy before they both went into the cave.

"Careful, bud." Hiccup warned, barely able to see anything.

Soon enough, they landed on the cold rock ground. They both got off their dragons.

"Bork's cave." Hiccup said. Duo to their inability to see, their hands touched by accident, Hiccup quickly pulled his hand away, blushing madly.

"Shadow, some light?" Y/n asked, gesturing to the dragon. Shadow looked around before sending a plasma blast into the ground, setting it on fire.

"Thank you." Y/n petted the dragon, scratching her under the chin, making her purr, "There gotta be something here." Hiccup said, looking around.

"What is that?" Y/n asked, looking up, a drawing was painted.

"A map. It's the map to the Isle of Night!" Hiccup grinned, he pulled out his handbook, "Okay, I gotta get this down."

As he began to draw, the ground or rather, the cave shook.

"What was that?"

A few seconds later, the ground shook again, rocks began to fall. And the top of the cave began to part.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no! Come on, I need more time!" Hiccup freaked out, Y/n tried to keep the fire alive so they could see, but it soon went out.

Y/n dodged, and Shadow spread her wing over her, protecting her from the falling pieces of the cave.

Y/n looked over to see Toothless doing the same with Hiccup, "That's it. We have to get out of here."

"I hear you loud and clear." Y/n responded, turning to the exit just in time to see rocks falling down in front of it, "Or maybe not. We're trapped."

"That's just great. They can't use their blasts without bringing the whole ceiling down." Hiccup spoke with sarcasm.

"Maybe not, but there's something else we can try." Y/n placed her hands on the Night Furies' necks, "Guys?"

They both let out roars and they bounced off on the cave walls.

"What was that?" Hiccup asked, covering his ears.

Y/n got on Shadow's back, "Just trust them." She said before Toothless got Hiccup up on his back.

Shadow roared again before she took flight, Toothless' roar could be heard behind them, and Y/n could see the males' green eyes.

"Okay, where are we going?! And how are you seeing?!" Hiccup asked as he barely followed up on what his dragon was doing.

"Shadow!" Y/n called, the dragon sent a plasma blast at the blocking rock, blowing them away from the exit.

"Yes! We got it! Thanks guys!" Hiccup cheered once he felt the sun touch his skin.

"Somebody called for backup?" Y/n asked Astrid and Fishlegs once she got to them.

"Y/n, Hiccup! You made it!" Fishlegs cheered.

"Yeah, and don't ask me how 'cause I have no idea." Hiccup said, looking at Y/n.

"Guys, go help Snotlout. I've got this guy." Y/n told the group, landing Shadow beside the Thunderdrum on the ground.

"Hey big guy." She startedonce the others left for Snotlout. It growled at her, narrowing its eyes, "Yeah, yeah. I know. I'm sorry." Y/n apologized as she slowly made her way to the dragon, her hand out.

"I'm sorry. We shouldn't have blasted you." The Thunderdrum looked at her for a moment before leaning into her hand, closing its eyes.

"See you, okay?" The dragon lowered its head in respect before flying off.

Y/n dusted her hands off, turning around to see the group watching her.

"I still don't get how you do it."

~No one's P.O.V~

"I still can't believe you guys survived that cave-in." Astrid said with amazement in her eyes.

"Neither can I." Hiccup said, he looked at Y/n for an answer.

Y/n kept looking forward, focusing on flying, "It was all Shadow and Toothless." Y/n simply explained, not really sure about how it worked, "They can feel objects with sounds."

"Oh, so... So when they sent out that weird sound, it bounced back towards us, and somehow they used it to find their way out." 

"Exactly." Y/n nodded, keeping her eyes straight forward.

"I still don't get it. How do you use sound to guide you?" Fishlegs asked.

"I do it all the time." Snotlout responded to Fishlegs, "When I hear your voice, I go the other way." He chuckled while the blonde male sent him a glare.

"So did you find anything?" Astrid asked Y/n, flying up beside her.

"Only a map..." She trailed off, still unsure about the whole 'Isle of Night'. Thing.

"To the Isle of Night." Hiccup finished.

"Nice! When do we leave?" Astrid asked Y/n but got a response from Hiccup.

"First thing in the morning." He petted the side of Toothless' head, making him look up at his rider, "By this time tomorrow, bud, you are going to be knee-deep in Night Furies."

~No one's P.O.V~

Y/n watched as Hiccup copied the map from his book into a larger piece of paper.

While he did so, Y/n fiddled with her fingers, debating something in her own mind.

"It says there's a reason that there's only Night Furies on that island." Hiccup spoke, snapping Y/n out of her thoughts.

Both Shadow and Toothless walked up to the duo, as if asking them to continue, "Turns out you guys aren't so friendly to other dragons." Hiccup said, looking at the Night Fury twins.

Y/n frowned upon hearing his words.

"'Herds of Night Furies can be extremely hostile to other species.'" He read up.

"Bork was wrong." Y/n crossed her arms, "That is not true, Hiccup."

"But Y/n-"

"No!" Y/n shook her head, "Hiccup, I know Night Furies, okay? I've used so many years with them, they can live with any species they want."

"But it is in the book, Y/n." Hiccup sighed, "And, if the others come with us on their dragons..."

"Hiccup. Put the book aside." Y/n took a deep breath, a little irritating that Hiccup didn't trust her, "Have Toothless or Shadow ever started a fight? One without reason?"

Hiccup didn't say anything.

"I think Bork was wrong, I don't think we're going to find any Night Furies on that island."

"And what if he was- what if he is right- what if they are out there? We could find their family." Hiccup tried to reason.

"Hiccup! Their biological family... They aren't here anymore." Y/n told the boy, her tone turning sad.

"You mean they-"

"They got killed. I saw it happen." Y/n closed her eyes, speaking lowly to not let Toothless and Shadow hear.

"We are their family."

"I agree." Hiccup started, looking down, "But don't you think it's worth giving a shot? To even find one on that island."

Y/n looked at her siblings. Hesitation in her eyes, she glanced at Hiccup, "Maybe." It was a chance, a large one they would take if they left.

Even larger if they left by themselves.

"Fine. Let's give it a shot."

But that was just what Y/n longed for.

Hiccup smiled, grabbing his bag.

~No one's P.O.V~

"Where are Y/n and Hiccup?" Fishlegs was the fist to ask after five nminuts of waiting on the duo.

"It is morning, right?" Tuffnut asked from his dragon, making sure.

"They wouldn't, would they?" Astrid asked herself, leaving the Academy on Stormfly with Fishlegs and Meatlug following.

~No one's P.O.V~

"Uh, sorry to bother you, sir." Astrid told Stoick, opening the door to the Haddock house.

"Oh, it's not a problem, Astrid. Just doing my morning woodwork. It's quite relaxing." The Chief responded as he continued to shape he duck.

"Sir. Have you seen Hiccup or Y/n?" Astrid asked, making the Chief look at her.

"Well, I woke up and they were already gone." He replied softly, "Should o tell them you're looking for them?" He asked.

"How about I just leave one of them a note in one of their rooms?"

"Ah, well, be my guest." Stoick said, letting the blonde go upstairs.

Minutes later, Astrid walked out of the house, coming face to face with Fishlegs, "Hiccup must've copied the map from his notebook..." She held the book up, "Fortunately."

~No one's P.O.V~

Y/n and Hiccup landed on Isle of Night, "Relax, bud. Trust me. If this map is right, you're gonna like what we find here." Hiccup reassured his dragon as they walked.

Coming to a ledge, Y/n and Hiccup got off of their backs, "Are you ready?" Y/n asked the dragons, getting soft grunts in response.

"Okay. Here goes." She took a deep breath before letting out a Night Fury roar.

It didn't take long before a similar sound got returned, making Y/n's eyes go wide, "I can't believe it. Did you hear that?" She asked.

Toothless let out a roar of his own, which also got returned from the distance.

A Night Fury came into sight, making Hiccup's eyes get wider, "Bork was right."

"Go get 'em!" Y/n shouted excitedly. The two dragons jumped down from the edge, they both looked back, hesitant, "It's okay. Go, go. We're right behind you." Y/n told them, pulling Hiccup with her down the rocks.

Shadow and Toothless gracefully made their way over to the Night Fury, but once they arrived, nothing was there.

Shadow let out a roar, seeing if she could get a response, and she did, but it was further away.

As Y/n helped Hiccup up the last rock, the hair on her arms, and this time, her neck, stood up.

"Something's wrong." She said once she pulled Hiccup up, she looked around, seeing no Night Fury only proved her point.

"Guys! Come back!" Hiccup shouted, feeling like something was fishy himself.

The two looked around a little more before turning around.

As they did, bolas got thrown at their feet, catching them, they fell to the ground.

"No!" Y/n ran towards them with Hiccup behind her.

Bolas trapped her feet before three men held her down. When she managed to look behind her, she saw Hiccup was down, too. Being held down by one man.

Eight men held the two Night Furies down.

Some of the men moved, revealing Alvin behind them, "Alvin!" Y/n growled, baring her teeth.

Hiccup clenched his fists. They rolled up a false Night Fury, "Amazingly realistic, wouldn't you say?" Alvin laughed.

He pointed at Y/n, whose head was being held firmly against the ground, "Let go of them!" Y/n growled.

"Blindfold her." Alvin ordered as her eyes began to glow purple, two men came up with a scarf, tying it around Y/n's head while the other man lifted it just enough for him to do so.

"What do you want?" Y/n asked, not backing down even though she couldn't see a thing.

"I want my own dragon trainer." Alvin said, walking past Y/n and down to Hiccup, "And by the looks of it, I've got him."

"I-I'm not-"

"He's not going to train your dragons, Alvin!" Y/n roared at the man, earning a kick in the stomach from Alvin.

"Y/N!" Hiccup's eyes went wide as he struggled to get out of the Outcast's hands.

"Oh, I think he will." He chuckled, seeing Hiccup's reaction, "And once you have, I'll use 'em to destroy Berk." Alvin said, now speaking more to Hiccup than Y/n.

"Take them!" Alvin ordered, and both Y/n and Hiccup got lifted to their feet harshly.

"Aah! I don't understand. How did you do this?" Hiccup asked, sending a glare at the man.

~No one's P.O.V~

Astrid was about to put Stormfly's saddle on her dragon when the Chief of Berk arrived at the Dragon Training Academy unannounced.

"Has anyone seen Hiccup or Y/n?" Stoick asked as he landed Thornado, he saw the group were about to leave, "Where are you lot off to?"

"Uh, just a training exercise." Astrid told the man, putting the saddle on Stormfly.

"Aha." Stoick nodded, getting off Thornado, he walked over to the blonde male, "Fishlegs?"

"Aah! Aah!" The blonde screamed, he quickly covered his mouth as he let out whimpers before, "We're going to the Isle of Night to look for them. It's an island full of Night Furies, could be dangerous, maybe not. Wanna come?" He spoke quickly.

Astrid hit her head against Stormfly's wing.

"There you are, Stoick." Gobber said, entering the Academy, "Strangest thing at Mildew's place." He said, walking over to the Chief with a wheel under his arm, "It's completely cleared out, no sign of him anywhere."

~No one's P.O.V~

Shadow and Toothless let out growls as they tried to get out of their locks.

Shadow felt fear rush through her in the similar locks she was in when Berk first caught her.

Y/n and Hiccup was shoved onto the ship, Hiccup stretched his arms out, trying to soften Y/n's fall, her head hit his arms, saving it from the wooden floor.

"Thanks." She told the boy, but was confused when she didn't get a response.

That is, when a familiar, disgusting scent filled her nose.

"Mildew, what are you doing here?" Hiccup asked the man with his sheep beside him as they boarded the ship.

"Ah, look at ya. The brightest kids on the island, and yet, here you are, trapped by a silly old man and his sheep."

"How could you do this?" Y/n asked the man, baring her teeth, showing of her fangs.

"Hiccup did this to you." Mildew responded, making the boy look down, "You believed our Bork notes. You followed the map we drew. You walked right into our trap, all for the love of dragons." The man said, his irritation clearly in his voice.

"Mm, maybe you'll think twice next time about where you place your loyalties." Mildew grinned.

Alvin laughed loudly as he boarded the ship, "There won't be a next time. Raise the sails!"

Hiccup looked at the Chief of the Outcasts with fear, "We're headed home... To Outcast island."


Question: Do people want me to continue with HTTYD 2?

Some people have been trash talking my story, which have made me think, do you want me to make HTTYD 2, or just stop it with the next and last chapter?

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